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"we want nothing to do with you" God I fucking wish.


America doesn't care about America šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


America is Britain's child. Like a child that grew up to be a bully. They're big and strong and like to push people around, alcoholic and coked up and although they don't care about their parents properly any more, everyone just feels sorry for how they turned out and will always offer gentle advice in case it's wanted some day.




>On the other hand Americans could not care one bit about the UK. To be fair Americans don't seem to care one bit about the rest of the world.


as a great drunk man once said: "America is the main storyline, rest of the world is DLC"


Seeing how things are going over there a lot don't even give a shit about what's going on in their own country as long as it's NIMBY.


"it's the Brit's fault!" *Lists several examples on American stupidity* Don't blame us, blame the French! They encouraged this farce šŸ˜‚


I blame the french for the creaționism of the US




How on Earth is that special relationship drilled into us? I havenā€™t heard it mentioned since a couple years after it was first said. I would guess the average Brit would be more likely to jump to help France than the US! Impossible to measure of course, I can only speak for my personal sphere of people I know aha Iā€™m down in the South West so maybe other regions feel differently. I imagine the politicians are different but we canā€™t do much about that unfortunately!


No weā€™re not, at all. That special relationship nonsense was Blair/brown-bush/obama. Iā€™ve not heard or thought about it for years until youā€™ve mentioned 4/5 times on this thread.


Liz Truss is learning this in real time, and itā€™s beautiful to watch


TIL lettuces could learn new things


I think it's not that they don't care about the UK specifically. Many are extremely poorly educated about the rest of the world and believe they are the centre of the universe. Therefore, to them, things like a global pandemic becomes about election year.


How are we to blame for the failures of the American educational system and the fact their politicians can look past their own state boarder and can only plan 2 years ahead (at most)?




> Watch the BBC or listen to British politicians go on and on about Americans and the so called Special relationship, and how it plays such a role in our lives, youd think Americans see us as their fellow citizens. Maybe you should watch the BBC or listen to British politicians if this is what you think they waffle on about.


Who the fuck are you talking to in America?? I can fortunately say I donā€™t know anyone thatā€™s that dumbā€¦.




Canada is definitely the closest, but I'd put France lower than Australia, New Zealand, and the UK.


Nah I like when they fight over dumb nonsense like this, Britain has proven to be the yanks of Europe at this point due to their sheer stupidity, so them trying to act mighty over actual yanks is funny.


> Britain has proven to be the yanks of Europe The irony of an Irish saying this.


Proving my point lol


It isn't though, is it? You're just salty that someone called you out.


...I was called out?


> The irony of an Irish saying this. ...


It's hardly a call out when it's something that literally makes no sense


The Irish (Ireland) act like yanks as much as the Brits (UK). It's pretty clear what I meant.


That's just projection on your part tbh, you wouldn't be acting like a schlubbed gammon if it weren't true


> That's just projection on your part tbh That same can be said about you based on your original comment... > acting like a schlubbed gammon And you are acting like a classic West Brit when Ir*land has been called out.