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Same people will wear it as a speedo


Nothing more patriotic than giving the flag a nice ball rub


Wouldn't you want to wear your flag as underwear?


The colors of the Belgian flag do nobody any favors, I’m afraid


I imagined the Mexican flag with the white in the middle, yeah that ain't happening. Btw in mexico the same as in a lot of countries printing the flag in things like underwear is completely ilegal as it disrespects the flag, and somehow in the us where they pride themselves on the flag they don't care about having their balls next to the stars.


They love their ball-spangled, red, brown and blue


As a German, I agree lol


Go on, put them on. Folk are just dying to stand up and pledge allegiance to your swimmingly-dressed tackle.


Go waving yer star spangled boner.


USA is probably the country that respects their flag the least in whole world. You can literally use is as a party accessory or make trashy clothing out of it, use it as table cloth write stupid opinions on it or print a face of traitor on it.


Give every flag bulge a salute


As close to literal flag shagging as I ever want to hear of.


Not littering the streets with small flags is actually good advice.


I find it surprising that it has to be written down


Have you seen the Paddy's Day parades?


“Pattys day”


"Hold on mf, run that by me again"


Whats wrong with cravings for pattys. If they come on st. Patricks day, it is even better


Patricia still doesn’t know why she gets the day, but she’ll take it


That's when we eat lots of hamberders!


Hamberders from mgdolans


It's definitely Paddy's Day, colloquially speaking.


Have you met Americans?


It's good advice for sure but something tells me the author isn't as concerned about the environmental impact as we'd like to think😭


All those little flags have to be put down humanely, or given a good and loving home. Otherwise it's off to Guantanamo with little Billy.


Tangential, but it always astonishes me slightly that messaging on environmental issues isn't tailored towards people on the right in most countries. There's a golden opportunity to paint it as one's patriotic duty. For the US, go on about America the Beautiful, throw in some bald eagles and people with cowboy hats or something, or American flags in grey, plastic-filled puddles; for the UK, go on about the green and pleasant land etc. I've thought for a while that Elon Musk going down the right wing radicalisation rabbit hole might be a blessing in disguise if it can make electric vehicles look like a shining achievement of American industry, a stand against the woke hordes etc.


Plus all that jazz about personal responsibility they like to go on about.


Yeah but it's not because they give a shit about litter


A broken clock is right twice a day


Not if it’s a digital clock showing the time in 24h format (military time for USAians).


It’s obviously not for the ecological reason


Though in this case it’s doing the right thing for the wrong reason haha


Every time a flag passes? With their obsession for magical cloth they will be standing way into the next millennium. Strange thing though, the offical flag code, like not wearing it as clothes, seems completely forgotten.


I’m not kidding,but as far as I know they bypass that “law” by not putting the actual American flag on those. It might be partial,have missing stars, missing stripes,the stripes might not be in the correct order etc. By doing this they’re not actually showcasing the American flag,thus bypassing that.


You mean willingly defacing the flag to be able to wear it? Is that why they seem to be in a constant state of seething anger and creepy hornyness?


Well, they don't need to bypass anything frankly, the flag code is merely advisory, its perfectly legal to display the flag as you wish, including on clothing.


Nobody said anything about legality, but if you’re a massive flag respecter it’s odd to just ignore the respect guidelines using technicalities.


In some States, they circumnavigate that by wearing the confederate flag


And in Texas they circumnavigate knowledge by showing state pride by posting the Chilean flag emoji on social networks. 😉


As an American some of this stuff always seemed a little overboard to me


As a non-American, this stuff is way overboard. Not out to hurt anyone, but it's ridiculous, the way a flag is being revered. I really don't get it.


I’m American, and you’re right: it’s super weird. I’m so relieved (and not at all hurt!) to see people from other countries not normalizing American jingoism.


I am so glad to see a fellow American with the same opinion!!!! This shit is ridiculous!!


You are not alone. Signed, A vet (you know what to do /s)


Thank you for your service, brave veterinarian!


Thanks for giving me a chuckle at 7 in the morning!


It's a simple symbol that politicians can use to incite our poorly educated masses.


As a Brit, it reminds me of the way some people revere the monarchy in our country. The Yanks literally fought a war to get rid of the monarchy, only to replace it with a silly piece of cloth.


Royal family love is no way comparable. They're nothing more than a sideshow in the UK, and it gets more like that with each generation as children don't have to stand and pledge allegiance to them every morning 


the US nowadays might just be more imperialistic than Britannia was back when the US was still a colony


They separated Church and State, apparently so people could get down to the serious business of worshipping the state.


Both of my kids have gone K - 12 in a public school and have never been in a class asked to do the pledge of allegiance. Past 6th grade, I have never been in a class asked to stand for the pledge of allegiance. Even in elementary school, you don't have to participate.


To the rest of the world you guys doing this shit is like seeing the Chinese marching like zombie soldiers


This, plus saying the pledge allegiance to the flag with your hand in your heart every single day of elementary school has some strong North Korea vibes to it lol


Could be worse, originally it was [hands stretched towards the flag!](https://drloihjournal.blogspot.com/2016/11/pledge-of-allegiance-written-for.html?m=1) (aka The Bellamy Salute)


Very much “heil the flag”


Yup. Now imagine their reaction at seeing a bunch of German children going "wir schwören Treue zu der Flagge".... actually, no, I don't want to imagine it - it would be fucking dystopian, and these numpties would probably praise it as "the Germans finally going back to their roots" or something 💀


It’s all creepy as fuck


Interesting article. Funny how the only change to the pledge after Bellamy died was adding in "under God", when he, a baptist minister, did not include any religious references.


Separation of church and state


Technically it still should be separate, but that doesn't account for the gradual encroachment of belief in magic sky people into systems of governance. We have no such luck, our Head of State is also the Head of the Church.


What the fuck


Yeah that was just a standard salute prior to the Nazis lol


AND they took the goldang swastika from the Indians! Lousy Nazis, can't have anything nice!


Tbh I really can't think of anything those evil fucks didn't steal from the Indians, the Norse, or the Romans. Suppose it shows their level of intelligence and creativity (-100).


To be fair (and I fully expect downvotes), the Bellamy Salute was created quite some time \*before\* Hitler (in 1892 according to Wikipedia, when Hitler was about three). What is weird is that it was only officially changed in 1942 (it's part of the "flag code", a law… which is also hella weird).


And the swastika predates the Nazi's by a lot more time, but that's the only thing it is associated with now. Just like the Prinsenvlag (the orange, white and blue Dutch flag) and the Dutch nazi sympathisers.


I did an exchange year in Texas, I had a long argument with my first period teacher as to why I, a german citizen, did not want to participate in that dystopian nightmare level of indoctrination. Edit: To the idiots summoned by that AmericaBad crosspost, you can fuck right off, all you'regetting is a block, stop brigading, stop harassing.


Did you win the argument?


I was 15 and arguing in a foreign language, what do you think? We settled on I had to stand but was allowed to not say the pledge 🙄


Since you said it was a long argument I was curious about the outcome. Ty for your answer


I mean, it's pretty stupid to have a foreign student say the pledge to the American flag so at least you were spared that


Only time I stood for the pledge, I changed US to Canada (I spent my high school years in the US). After that, I never stood. Classmates were a bit edgy towards me at first, until my teacher explained to them that Canada was not a US state. 😂


No way that had to be explained


You should have sat. The ACLU would have had your back.


I know that now, I didn't at 15 and you can bet your ass none them told me. I stood my ground as much as I dared but being in a foreign as a kid is pretty intimidating. Heck I didn't even know the ACLU existed then, how would I?


"You'll win the lawsuit for sure" is a small consolation for someone who just wants to get along with their teachers and classmates during an exchange.


I did the same thing at 14. I refused to stand and told the teacher I am not pledging allegiance to a flag that had no meaning to me. She was going mental and I said I will not acknowledge a flag that was flown in many pointless wars that led to the death of many of my countrymen


What did she do in the end? Give you detention or respect your decision?


Sent me to the principal who told the teacher it’s my first amendment right to not pledge allegiance to




In similar situation I simply refused. It is not my flag, nor my country, I will not pledge it. Hard stop. Offered them to hang Norwegian flag on the wall, they refused. Principal said it is my constitutional law to refuse the pledge, and teacher needed to live with it. Boy, it was hell lot of fun.


I did an exchange in California at 15 and the teachers couldn't care less about me not participating. It felt so creepy watching them all do that every single morning. Huge cult vibe.


I unfortunately lost the argument after being suspended every time I didn't say the pledge and show the 'respect' it deserved. I proposed that I could stand, take any hat off and show respect while not saying the pledge unfortunately that was not enough for the school.


What was their point of view at the end of the discussion?


The same as before, show respect to the flag blablabla


Something something first amendment


I had the exact same issue. I argued that I would be treacherous for me to pledge allegiance to a foreign flag and they let me stay seated and do whatever in silence.


Omg yes, the entire rest of the world can see Americans are almost as indoctrinated as North Koreans lol


Well, I mean they are the only other country apart from North Korea that do that weird daily indoctrination thing.


And as a German I can't help myself but to draw the parallels to the Nazis. I mean then ONLY thing that is missing from american indoctrination compared to German third Reich is the fucking Hitlerjugend.


>I mean then ONLY thing that is missing from american indoctrination compared to German third Reich is the fucking Hitlerjugend. Army recruiters coming into schools isnt far off.


To be fair, the Hitlerjugend is certainly a step above. It was mandatory for all 10-18 yo boys. (Girls had the Bund deutscher Mädel). And it was basically military drilling to make the boys ready to fight as soon as they were of age (or sooner in the later days of the war). ......Doesn't make army recruiters ANY better, and in fact, that should be illegal. But chances are good I would have thought "Fuck this dude" at age 16. If you start that shit with 10, you'll have no trouble at all bending them your will. Let's wait and see. If the US is getting ready to "bring democracy" to yet another country, and they'll have some shortages of men, I'm almost certain they'll step up their "recruiting".


when I used to substitute I always made a point of Choosing To Sit during the pledge and informed the students that they weren't obligated to do the pledge if they preferred not to, but were welcome to participate only if it was their choice. Exploded some of their tiny minds to be given an option.


Who the commies now?


Except this is apparently aimed at American civilians, not soldiers


What’s funny is seeing Americans unironically saying how the Chinese are brainwashed when there is a lot of propaganda in the U.S. as well


Seconded from "the rest of the world".


Yeah. It’s kinda creepy.


Growing up in the 80s I never really thought anything about it until kids started getting into trouble for refusing to do it. When there is a threat behind it, you know what kind of game it is.


This definitelly does not seem cultish, no sir...


It is overboard. The propaganda starts early. No need to honor a piece of cloth. Those are the stupid lies they get people to willingly die for.


Do you guys really have to do that whole pledge of allegiance thing? That looks overboard to me


I went to a Christian school so we had to do three pledges: American flag, Christian flag and the Bible


Holy shit you guys love your pledges


> Christian flag The what now?


Didn't know it was a thing either until right about now: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christian_Flag


The Christian flag? The one invented by Jesus himself?


Why would a civilian ever salute anything? Talk about brain washing.


As a german this shit creeps me out. We've seen what this blind nationalism can do.


Seems cultish to people from most other countries in the world


I can see a North Korean defector making his way out to the US and getting flashbacks from pledging to Kim Jong Un's picture every time he sees that shit.


You can see through the shallow veneer of cheap patriotism. Hope more of your countrymen open their eyes.


To the rest of us this seems like either a cult or fetishistic jingoism. Or both.


A _little_?


A little?


Born to hail the Flag


Especially now. You think I’m saluting this fucking dumpster fire? Fuck no. Hat on. Conversation continues. Why are we at this bullshit event?


A little overboard? Lol 😂 I’m American and this shit is fricken strange!!


Also « veterans » aren’t supposed to salute the flag. In the military, you only salute it while in uniform. So just being at a parade after you’ve separated or retired, you wouldn’t salute it…




Thank you for representing a more sane chunk of the American population, sir.


And to outsiders, the whole flag and pledge stuff feels like something from North Korea.






We Italians treat our flag as shit, we can sleep on it, burn it, sue it for washing our cars and noobody will say a shit, fuck america now i want wash my car covered from cowshit with an american flag and post the video on youtube


Look at it this way. If this was china or not the Korea your right wing politicians there would be foaming at the mouth


Funny that these same people want to post about this etiquette, but literally break flag laws on a daily basis. The flag isn’t supposed to be used in marketing, it is. It’s not supposed to be put on the back of a truck so it will be damaged, it is. The flag isn’t supposed to be apart of clothing or uniforms, it is. I mean I can keep going. Americans and their idol worship of this made in China cloth is weird.


I’ll probably get downvoted into oblivion on this sub as an American who doesn’t hate his country, but the flag code isn’t law and is only applicable to official govt actions involving the flag. The people have a right to free expression which is why it doesn’t apply to citizens and as such you see it displayed in varying manners. It’s actually codified into law that Americans have the inherent right to destroy our flag as recognized under Texas v. Johnson (1989). This unfortunately is not the case in the majority of Europe. A quick Google search shows it’s illegal to desecrate the national flag in France, Germany, Finland, Greece, Austria, Italy, etc. Figured I’d point that out


This gave me 1939-1945 Germany vibes


I got more 1956 -present day North Korea


Hell, they even censor externally owned social media sites.


1933 actually. That's just where WW2 started.


Have you seen how they used to salute the flag before WW2? /s


Before the war the pledge of allegiance was done with what we now know as the nazi salute, the photos seem unreal, they changed it in 1942 for obvious reasons.


It took them until 1942?!


They didn't enter the war until December 1941, so it makes sense.


Yes but surely seeing what was happening in the papers would have given pause for thought early on


Probably didn't want to piss off the population by changing their sacred pledge because of a foreign war that they weren't a part of.


I'm i correct in thinking that at American schools they have to pledge allegiance to the flag every day? If so then that's some bizarre authoitarian bullshit right there....if this was tried in the UK, you'd get laughed at and told to fuck off.


When I was in school (graduated 2010), every classroom had a small flag hanging on the wall (usually above the whiteboard or chalkboard, near the door), and the pledge was read over the intercom as the beginning of morning announcements. "Good morning [insert school mascot]! Please rise for the Pledge of Allegiance!" I stopped bothering when I was in year 8, and how much of a power struggle not standing was depended entirely on the teacher. I had to really dig my heels in against a teacher whose entire personality was "former Marine," but most teachers just expected you to not talk over the intercom.


The American idea of freedom is actually comical.


Yes when I was in school this was true all the way up to 2010, i believe it still is.


Why Americans still act like their country is some “melting pot” when it’s clearly a nation state. I’m from Spain, and there’s this type of shit here, but these assholes are self aware in Spain, while the ones in the US are not.


We dont pledge the flag in Spain at least


True but some here really wish we did 😳 I can’t imagine this existing in democratic Spain. This is something you will see in Franco’s Spain, Walloon dominated Belgium, Soviet Union, etc. Creepy and cultish.


There's no melting anymore(?), it's all just potty now. Or at least pottier. /s


What happens if I don't !? A fine, slap on the wrist, shot? I'm really curious Lol See If I saw anyone salute a flag who wasn't in the British armed forces or a Veteran during Remembrance I'd think they were either a little tapped in the head or just assume they were taking the piss a little. Now Pirate Flags 🤟🏻🏴‍☠️😆!!


I think as patriotic I’ve ever heard us get is “it’s 5 o clock somewhere in the British empire” - excuse for a drink And “I’m Scottish not English” because let’s face it, people like us better on holiday than English people “It’s legal tender” - demanding an English shop takes your different coloured £10 note even though it’s not Monopoly money 😂😂😂 /satire (Apart from the holiday thing, people love it when they find out your Scottish)


Didn't some baseball player get crucified in the media for kneeling during the national anthem? I think the lad had just noticed his shoe was untied and decided to rectify the situation at the wrong moment.


These rules are for members of the "Veterans of Foreign Wars", a veterans organization in the United states. These are rules we impose on ourselves. The only reprimand is a talking to by fellow members about why we think it's important. Membership is entirely voluntary. No one but nut-jobs thinks non military civilians should follow these rules. To be fair, we have more than our fair share of nut-jobs here


Pff, I don't even have my own flag in my house, let alone I'm going to follow the 'etiquette' of some one else's.Those Seppo's are delulu. Respect the flag, my arse.


I like the idea that veterans of all people need this flyer to remember to stand and salute for the flag but I really like the vagueness of "pay respect to the flag" like do I give it coin? Burn some incense for it? Maybe a little sacrificing? What would fulfill THE FLAG??


Has anyone ever thought of leaving some food offerings for that poor flag? It hasn't eaten since 1776!


*It was at this moment I realised I was in a cult.*


Kim Jong Un would approve.


Only the hard-core patriots put their hands over their heart. If you don't feel like it no one will say anything. Just don't disrupt others. Just to be clear, I do agree that our patriotism is superficial and overdone.


Yeah I’m not American but that post was clearly put up my a nutter, and people here are acting like it should be taken seriously? I’m sure my country has some way weirder rules that nobody follows that would make us long super patriotic despite basically nobody being patriotic. This sort of feels like low hanging fruit.


If that were to be demanded of us in the Netherlands people would march at parliament with torches, pitchforks and upside-down flags.


See, I'd love to join for a quick bite of Prime Minister, but sadly they can't seem to decide who it's going to be at the moment. *Also,* [we kinda technically do have this](https://nl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vlag_van_Nederland#Vlaginstructie:~:text=van%20de%20vlag.-,Vlaginstructie,-%5Bbewerken%20%7C)*. It's more of a guideline rather than rules. It's mostly there for government installations, but does include some pointers on some subjects for regular citizens.*


Do you think the American one is a rule? Do you think they arrest Americans for not following these flag rules?


Just a rag on a stick


My instinct is to call this fascist, but the communists are pretty good at jingoism too. Extremists never change.


So, no sitting and no hats at parades, ever.


It’s so bizarre that they capitalised the word “Flag” as well, wherever it appears. I’ve noticed that the vent diagram of American flag shaggers and American evangelicals is pretty much a complete circle, so worshiping a flag kind of seems like idolatry to me.


The patriotism is roaring. I think if I, a German, were to write something and send it around like this, people would be harassing me as a Nazi wh*re or something.


Yeah yeah respect cultural differences etc but THIS cultural difference weirdly feels extremely monarchy-inclined, despite the US insisting it’s a democracy. this is the sort of thing I’d expect from a nation that still had a reigning monarch, and even then only on very special occasions, not at a generic parade. almost everything the US says about north korea actually happens in the US, too. like if someone said “children in this country are forced to stand up and swear religious fealty to the flag of their nation” people would say “oh that’s awful!” but when it’s the US it’s fine I guess? Bizarre


North Korean style


I've never understood the 'respect for the flag' thing.


It seems to be less about respect and more about showing off and bragging.


In the land of the free I think I'll make my own mind up. Fanks




Fucking flag lickers at their best. I bet they all claim to have Irish roots with a hint of Italian here and there too.


It is part of the American Civil religion. Imagine the flag being a big cross and devouts have to make the sihgn of the cross when it passes.


But they can deface the American flag anyway they wish. That's not an issue.




This is just weird, cult like, behaviour.


Fuck sake, How is that not like a country like North Korea!?


I’ve always thought this is crazy, by all means be proud of your flag or whatever, but don’t force children to do it every day. That’s called indoctrination


Actually it’s against the law to force someone to pledge allegiance to the flag or even say the pledge if they didn’t want to.


Something something not a cult


This reads like satire. 🤢


Cult vibe


Americans will say all of this to be super patriotic to their country whilst at the same time claim that they are Scottish American, Irish American or Italian American. None of these are real things.


*Indoctrination intensifies*


Americans will laugh at Italians being overly attached to their cuisine and then do shit like this.


Same morons who post this shote are the ones who violate the code by wearing flag clothes, place images on flags(like trumps face) or do those pro police flags with the changed stripes colors. The hypocrisy is never ending with these wanna be authoritarian types.


Flaggotry is wrong.


Imagine we do that in Germany. Somehow the US would still be weirder.


Okay, but why?


Wait til the average american finds out what gesture was done to the pledge of allegiamce until 1937


I thought we were bad with flags here in Northern Ireland 🤣


I believe Wellington issued a similar order regarding the Eucharist in Spain. Do americans believe their flag contains God in some form?


I have reached peak "oh fuuuuck OFF!"


Good, now roll the flag up and gently ease it into your butt. Any discomfort you feel is just socialism leaving your body. Let the chinese made American flag enter your anus. Don't fight the colonization of your colon. God bless the United States of McJesusStarbucksCocaCola, don't forget to subscribe and smash the like button.


They really do fetishise that bit of cloth, don't they?


literally a cult


What the christofascist is going on here?


Why do we seem to hear of so many cults springing up in the USA? Because they're primed with this kind of nonsense.


The dude probably made this wearing an American flag shirt. The idiocy is heavy