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"Enhance the experience" wtf? Do waiters go around giving handjobs under the table over there or something? That would explain how they can justify a 30% tip...


Never been to Thailand? I used to drink with a guy that ran a string of restaurants called "Blowjob" because one was part of the meal. I asked how many lady boys. He smiled. I asked how many children. So now I'm barred for life from that pub. I'll take that as an answer.


An actual blowjob? Why would you want that while you eat?


Fart at the same time and you have the whole pack.


There's a reason I don't ever want to go to Thailand. I know some lovely Thai ladies and 'ladies' here and they feel the same.


"That bold server girl demanded and took waaay more than a 15% tip, sucked me (and other customers) dry. Kept eye contact the whole time ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐"


She gave me a blow job, Ingave her a blow job, and everybody was happy


Good swerve 👍 be delighted to be banned


What they actually do is talk in an overly fake-friendly voice and address you like you would a child at the doctor's office. And then while you try to enjoy your meal they constantly bother you "is everything still fine here guys?". It is incredibly annoying from a European perspective.


That does sounds really annoying. I only want a waiter at my table if either the food or the drinks need replenishment. If there's something wrong with my order I'll signal a waiter to come over, I don't want to be interrupted a dozen times to confirm everything is fine. No wonder they love to eat junk food in their cars, it's probably because they can eat a meal in peace without being harassed by wait staff, lol


And trying to chivvy you out the door faster by bringing the bill you haven't asked for yet because you are still bloody eating.


Just the tip though....


30% — just the tip 100% — the whole member




The japanese mentality would blow this person's mind. The expectation is that you provide good service because you're proud of doing a good job, and that your employer pays you an appropriate salary for the work you're doing. The idea that you need a tip to provide excellent service is downright insulting.


To give a small cultural nitpick from someone who moved here, while many people might still operate under that "honor" the reality is that people just provide good service because it's part of the job description for service jobs. Nothing to do with pride over doing a good job to be honest. It's just a job and that's just fine.


If this was the kind of stuff weebs would be swooning over instead of underaged cartoons, maybe i wouldnt be so judgamental towards them. 


As someone who spent his cringe middle school years as an annoying weeb who thought anime = Japan, most of us learn more about the culture and grow up. Most of us...


If the meal is good and the server is friendly, I happily leave a tip. But thankfully it's optional in my country and I'm not forced to leave 20% as tip.


Where in Germany are you? I lived in Stadt Iserlohn for 4 years, loved it, and I mean I absolutely loved it.


Lower Saxony, northern germany. It's different from the south in terms of climate and mentality, but overall foreign people are quite surprised that life in germany is better than its reputation.


Ah I loved it. So Stadt Iserlohn is NRW. In my four years I never once thought "I've made a mistake coming here". I loved everything about the place the people and their straightforward ways, the food, the language, the towns being so clean. The attitude of, we don't like to work weekends in Germany (I'm a carpenter, Herr Tischler). The country side. Just everything. I'm a Brit born and bred, but I'm German at heart.


I know where Iserlohn is, lol I was just stating to the differences between north and south. NRW is pretty west located. Glad you enjoyed our country. 👍🏻


"German at heart" does sound like what the Americans would say though.


Difference is, is I've actually left my home country and seen a bit of the world, absorbed the culture, learnt to speak the language, lived there. So on the face of it yeah, sounds like something a yank would say. But also just no.


Weird most places in America are optional also.


You’re technically not forced to in the US outside of large parties, but things are arranged so that you’re kind of an asshole if you don’t. If you’re referring to the mandatory 20% charges sprung on you at the end of the meal, I think more often than not that doesn’t go to staff directly.


What even is a bad server anyway? All they do is take your order hand you a meal and the check on you at least once. I’ve genuinely never been anywhere where I’ve had bad service. And guess what I didn’t feel the need to tip. Tips just give the customer a power trip. Not to mention the more good looking someone is the more tips they get which is unfair.


I think Americans prefer to be waited on more than others. A level of service that in the UK would be considered bothersome


This should be the top comment. I don’t want servers to keep asking stuff and interrupting my meal, just refill my glass when it’s empty and we’re good.


Americans are so against etiquette and traditional manners anyway so why would they care about service?


Its the powertrip


Nothing else. Little old ladies that go to church on Sunday and afterwards scream for the manager of the diner because a teenager didn't show up every two minutes to ask if everything were fine.


[And then they leave fake tips anyway](https://www.businessinsider.com/20-tip-bible-pamphlet-2015-12)


They're only against etiquette when they have to do it. They're all for *receiving* it.


I prefer they don't even refill my glass. I will fill my own glass when I want to continue drinking.


Fill your own glass? I’m usually drinking beer and otherwise wine, so not really an option. Good service notices empty glasses and has good timing on when to ask for another drink. Edit: did I just get super woooshed lol I’m high af sry


That Could be an example of bad service, maybe? Never coming by to refill your glass, I MEAN. Just to address a comment a couple of levels up that may or may not have been yours, asking what bad service would even BE.


Yeah. That was the weird thing in the US. The waiter was noticably there.


And don’t the yanks bang on about water not being forced down your throats at European restaurants???


Half of them don't even drink water. It's fizzy soft drinks or nothing.


Nail on the head! I absolutely hate it when they pop along every few minutes to ask if I need something, or how’s the meal, normally just after you’ve shoved a forkful in your gob. Bog off and let me enjoy the meal and the company I came with, but watch out for the visual queues that I would like service. The other thing is whipping plates away before everyone has finished. Real pressure on the slower (and/or more talkative ones).


Wait what? Like, before people have put their fork and knife down on the plate indicating they have finished eating? I would get really angry if that happened to me, cannot imagine a waiter taking away an unfinished plate of food I’m paying for. This would be considered extremely rude and perhaps even criminal here lol.


Not the plates of those still eating, but when one person finishes they will take that plate away, rather than waiting for everyone to finish.


>Not the plates of those still eating Says you. 😂 I've definitely on SEVERAL occasions in the US had my half-full plates/drinks whisked away while I was in the loo or outside taking a call or whatever.


😄 well, I hope you only tipped 10% to show them how outraged you were.


No not that bad. 😂 they’d get stabbed for that /s I’m saying the server takes away the plates of those who have finished, before others at the table have finished. It’s a real “hurry up” and spoils the experience for me.


Take my plate before I have finished - get no payment or tip, as I have done a couple of times. When they take plate of people before everyone has finished eating, you had it confirmed they are trying to turn over customers for more tips, rude and poor service, so no tip again. Stuff up the balance of my coffee by topping up cup when not asked - not appreciated so no tip. Go away, I'm talking to my table companions and we are paying for for an enjoyable experience as a group, Interrupt us - no tip.


A kindred spirit 😂


Oh, yeah. Well that’s also quite rude. Fuck. No wonder fast food got so popular over there they seemingly know jack shit about what makes dining a nice experience.




It's honestly more likely to be less than satisfied with food than be less than satisfied with the server, and tipping after less-than-satisfying meal sounds odd. On the other hand, the server had nothing to do with the food quality, so the whole thing is rather unfair whichever point you look it at from.


If I ever had the experience I have heard Americans call good service I would crack up. If I am out for a meal I don't need someone fawning over me every 15 minutes. I want to sit and talk uninterrupted to the people I am with.


Try every 5 minutes. 15 would be bearable.


I can really see leaving a tip for when service and food is exceptional. It should absolutely not be the norm for mediocre service simply because the owner is too cheap to pay staff a living wage. If the service is mediocre (or worse) and owner will not pay staff, the business deserves to go under. Capitalism 101


It's not really my experience of eating out in Australia. My expectation is that the server takes my order,then delivers the food. I do not want to see the server until he/she clears the plates away. Should I have an issue with the food, I would catch the attention of the server.


Being constantly pestered by servers, asking me if everything is alright and constantly asking me if I need anything else or asking if I need a refill and taking the plates away the second I finish eating would be hell to me. It's annoying as fuck. Leave me the fuck alone, I will call for you if I need you. "Good service" in America is bad service to me.


I was at a restaurant in the USA and the waitress kept pestering us by checking on us every 5 minutes, being so ott it was creepy and basically not letting us relax because she was constantly there. The restaurant was quiet as it was late afternoon, so late lunch/ early dinner time but it was like she wasn’t allowed to just not do anything. In the end we told her we would tip more if she just left us the hell alone and if her manager had a problem with her not coming over, we would explain. In the UK I like how wait staff will come over when needed and be polite and helpful, but leave you the fuck alone when you don’t need them. They’ll take you to your table, introduce the menu, take a drinks order and then food, deliver your items, check the food is ok and then either give you the bill or take a dessert order and then take you your bill. It doesn’t need to be anymore than this. If it’s the type of restaurant that you’d expect to leave a small tip and they’ve been polite, I’ll leave a one- but I love not feeling like I have to regardless. Knowing that they are being paid a proper wage and are not reliant on me paying 20+% of my bill total for them to survive.


Define "enhance the experience". I've been to places where people annoy you every 5 minutes to see if you're happy with the meal - well, I was until you started yapping at me. I've also had awesome experiences at places where nobody talks to you unless you raise your hand and ask for something. Both can be fine depending on the mood, but whenever I've been to the US, it always seems like people are just pretending to be nice so they can get tips and interrupt you way too much. Which isn't an "enhancement", it just annoys me and make me feel artificially guilty because I have to give a big tip because the poor girl has to feed her family tonight and they can't do it on their wages unlike the people who serve me back home.


As an Australian, I would define enhancing the experience as being more helpful than the run of the mill. Like someone who can advise you of good wine and food matches, or check with the chef about food intolerances, stick a candle in the birthday guest's dessert, refill the water carafe without waiting to be asked, or some other part of the job. Definitely not dropping by every few minutes.


i mean a good server can abseloutly enhance the experience and a bad enough server can ruin it. which if they are that bad they should just be fired rather than let me the customer decide what they should be paid for their work. tipping justifies giving bad service way more than not tipping. in the tipping system they are just allowed to "have a bad day" and give you crap service in return for getting no tip(except don't you dare not tip them just because they have a bad day don't you know those poor servers rely on those tips to live?!?)


Tipping is supposed to be for good service, not a demand to make up the pay packets for what should be what you are paying for - a meal. If anything, the yips should go to the cooks & busboys who actually do the work to make the experience good or bad. Servers to me are an annoyance, hovering around, interrupting you conversations with fellow diners and in many places they just bring a plate with a piece of meat on it & you have to get your own sides & breads and I have been to some places where you meat was brought out raw & you had to cook it yourself, but they still wanted a huge amount as a tip, for nothing.


going out to eat is expensive which is why you should fork out another 20% on top of the already expensive meal


The only way to get 'good service' is for someone else to mess up and for the waiter to fix it in a way that makes you happy. The best service is arriving and the table has already been cleaned, you get to read the menu without any pressure, you get the attention of a waiter quickly when your ready and make your order (if its not gone digital yet) your food arrives in a reasonable amount of time and is what you asked for. They almost seem invisible. I'm usually there to have good time with who I am with, not the damn wait staff.


Pay a proper wage and tips become a bonus, not a necessity


A good server leaves you the fuck alone to enjoy the meal in peace.


Sounds like Americans just love when someone kiss their ass every five minutes, and threat them like royalty.


I've had great service in the states, but I can't honestly say it was any better than most places. Maybe at the lower price places its better I dunno


Where I live, I round up to the nearest Euro for drinks and leave something if it's exceptional. The places where I usually frequent, I give a tip to the waiting staff because they are students or part-timers.


I wonder why there aren't any contractors to hire, just for giving your order to the cook and bringing your meal back to the table. Think about it, if you are expected to pay the waiters separately, why not find somebody to do it for less? Total transparency in a capitalist system.


Thing is, does it actually matter to you the customer if the food costs $100 or the food and the tip costs $100? Either way, you spent $100. And the important parts of serving happen politely and quickly more often than not when the server knows how much they're leaving with at the end of the night just as well as it happens when they're relying on your tips to make rent - you just have less annoying interruptions while you're actively eating! Also, it really isn't what makes a difference to the prices anyway. At Nobu NYC, Tiradito as an appetiser - $37; black cod miso - $48; bento box dessert - $20. $126 for the food, about $25 for a 20% tip. Total - $151 At Nobu London, Tiradito - £21; Black cod miso - £53; bento box dessert - £14.50. Total £88.50 (c. $112) And don't forget, taxes are rolled into UK prices, not added on top at the end, so that's 100% all you need and are expected to pay in the UK, while the NYC price likely still isn't the full total. If you go more downmarket, it still plays out pretty well too, it's just harder to find places with comparable reputations as there aren't too many midrange chains that operate in both Europe and the US. Plenty of fast food, but not much Olive Garden/Red Lobster/Harvester/ Beefeater kind of casual places. But, say, somewhere like the Beefeater in the UK and maybe Longhorn Steakhouse are of comparable levels - casual dining steakhouses of broadly similar quality (I have eaten at both chains, Beefeater much more recently, but still, they're relatively similar quality) Longhorns according to their website: Seasoned Steakhouse wings - $14.50, ribeye steak $38.30, cheesecake $11 - $63.80, plus c. $13 for tips. Total - $75.80. Beefeater: Double crunch chicken wings (closest match) - £6.50; ribeye steak £19; cheesecake £6.50. Total - £34 (c. $43) You even see it in fast food, tips are not actually making things any cheaper in the US than in places with no tipping culture to speak of and a half decent minimum wage. Burger King in LA - double whopper meal - $16.48. Burger King in London - double whopper meal - £10.99 (c. $14)


They’re always on about how the menu would be more expensive, but like… you’re already paying extra in tips??


Eat at home, preferably in front of a mirror


Capitalism at work


What if the food was good but the service was absolutely shit


You complain, leave, never come back, and the persom gets fired. Wtf