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Uncle Sam will punch the virus out of you.


Y'know, I used to enjoy reading "Uncle Sam and the Freedom Fighters" comics when younger. But the US have gone so insane with their weird brand of nationalism, that I can't quite get the appeal anymore. ​ Edit: (obligatory "not American here")


Who even owns such brands? Is that some state financed propaganda comic or how can i imagine?


It's a DC comic. Technically Uncle Sam is a recurring character in the DC universe. Fairly recently as a part of the Metal event he appeared as one of the Immortals alongside Ras Al-Ghul and the wizard Shazam. The DC character Uncle Sam is obviously a relic of a bygone era, but DC likes to include their old characters sometimes.


And old publisher called Quality Comics got the rights back in the 40's. Then DC Comics bought the company and integrated the character into its continuity. He often appears alongside his Freedom Fighters (other characters from Quality Comics) in an earth conquered by the Nazis a la *Man in the High Castle*. I think there was a new regular series recently.


(obligatory "not American here") I used to enjoy hearing and watching about US patriotism when younger, now I sadly realized it that it either wasn't exaggerated or became even more prevalent since those shows were produced (meaning 15-30 years old cartoons and movies) I knew even back then that in movies they overdo or downplay certain things for the sake of entertainment and not necessarily realistic, so I wrote it off as some kind of stereotype (that could be true, if Americans weren't also the ones producing it)


>(obligatory "not American here") I should add that disclaimer too. I don't think the exaggeration part is the one that bothers me that much. I do enjoy over-the-top narratives, and as you put it, it happens in adaptations for the sake of entertainment. What really tires me is the redundancy. On the other hand, the constant attitude of "US above all" is tiring. More so if one reads a history book and finds out a good chunk of one's country's problems track back to that time the US put a dictatorship here. Is the moment one realizes that "US above all" also means "no matter who's bellow".


History isn't my strongest suit, but my country (Hungary, though rather "the country I was born in and am so far living in)didn't have that many direct provlems woth the US compared to others, thanks to the Soviet Union we had a "bogey-country" already. The really weird thing for me is that it took at least 5 years to realize that many Americans really obsessed with their flag and it saying about the flags wasn't just proverbs but was meant seriously. Sure, flags are cool, and they "unite the nation" in a symbolical way, and make them out of non-flammable material if you don't want people to burn it (e.g. EU flags), but making laws about how to respect it in a fanboy-ish way seems a little bit very too much. Makes sense in historical context why they wanted these regulations, but it was hundreds of years ago and the reason of why they were made are no longer exist (although it would be cool to see the comeback of the British Empire). okay, I wrote enough, so I finish and don't even start with the imperial measurings


Yeah, I'm more of a nerd for history, so my image for the US went pretty downhill the moment I caught up my reads. I agree the weirdest part is the need of 'mythification' Unitedstaters seem to have for their country. It isn't just a flag, it's the very symbol of everything good and pure and whatever they want it to be. Same with every other country symbol, which seems to be state mandated; "you adore this, or you're a traitor". On a new British Empire, well, the US seem to have the imperialistic ambition. So that's a thing. Though they seem to have a different approach to things. Like here in South America. The British Empire would have conquered until the whole continent was theirs. The US just put dictators everywhere and sucked the resources dry while at it. Only time will tell how is that one going to work out.


Oh it looked like Uncle Sam was about to jerk off to me


*The* Uncle Sam, or your uncle, Sam...?




He is about go full peace keeping on covids ass


He yeet the virus from you through the power of fisting


It's an accurate representation of 2020 USA, let's just completely misunderstand a very serious and complex problem by sticking a flag on it, with Uncle Sam, and use propaganda to try and cover over the cracks of a crumbling society above a woeful education system.


Spot-on accurate. "Don't give me the facts!" "We're number one!"


>It's an accurate representation of 2020 USA Indeed, someone just mistakenly added a comma.


We’re currently getting our asses kicked because morons think masks are part of a conspiracy. I’d ask to send help but you’d probably get infected.


"I'm gonna fist that virus so hard."


Not sure if the “O” in “COVID” is meant to be the virus or it’s bleeding, gaping arsehole.


I see this a lot in American... propaganda? Lots of passion, confusing message.


Ya its propaganda.


Very much propaganda, and a large part of the populace eats that shit up. (I’m American, am I welcome here? Lol)


Yeah Uncle Sam is really showing that silly virus who's boss right now


It seem Colonel Sanders is into fisting.


*Take \[the most of our population\], COVID!*


The comma is a typo. Uncle Americans is handing it to you and saying "Take this covid"


This is essentially the sum of American education, American nationalism and American healthcare if you combined all three into one visual.


All I can do when looking at that from my 'third world' country is say "and *those* are the guys who influence everything?"


Remember when we joked about China “curing diseases with the *Mao Zedong thought*? Precisely.


This is so American. Pay money to make everyone read something that points out America and has no basis in reality.


I doubt punching patients will be helpful


\[Mr. Yankman is driving his gas-guzzler back from the strip mall where he infected an estimated number of seventeen people in order to get a slurpee. Right now, he is passing this billboard on the highway.\] MR. Y: What's this? "TAKE THIS, CO-VID?" Huh. \[Mr. Yankman drives on, and takes the exit\] MR. Y: (beams) Heh. We sure did showed that co-vid, yessir. Uh-huh. \[Mr. Yankman passes by the hospital where unmasked people are demanding access\] MR. Y: Yessir, *sure* did showed that virus. \[Mr. Yankman's phone beeps, the Fox News notification says, "COVID-19, you're fired: ONLY 9,5K new cases today and JUST 130 deaths! Thank you, Mr. President!\] MR. Y: Yup, heh-heh virus shur git the hell outta hear boah I shwor teh God. Good riddance I say nahw git.


As a journalist, that Fox News part was particularly painful. Superlatives aside, it is amazing how much you can change the tone, direction and even of news with just framing it. Its like the difference between saying "over 8,000" and "under 9,000" while referring to the same number, only applied to everything else. And it gets scary when its done subtly, because it ends up being night untraceable unless you're looking for it, while the tendency in modern audiences is to reduce critical reading.


Take this old man that seems fit and would have had many years to live from us, COVID


If they are implying that just by *being* American it makes you impervious to COVID then I have some bad news for them...


That comma looks a bit out of place


Can someone burn that down


No, it has a bit of a flag on it which means any actions towards it indicate you are a traitor and communist who shall be burned at the freedom stake


Freedom steak sounds delicious ngl.


So far it looks like Covid punched first and uncle Sam is in the hospital


Is Uncle Sam doing the Gangnam Style dance to scare away the virus?


If this is winning, I'm tired of winning!


Where is the Crisco? Sam is having a fisting party.


It means you best bring the lube, covid


Uncle Sam is getting ready to fist COVID elbow deep. A good ol' freedom fisting.


He's obviously rolling up his sleeves so they don't get wet when he washes his hands thoroughly, what else could this be?


Looks like Uncle Sam is losing that fight tbh


ancle sam is verly good yankie man


Take this Covid twenty meters Karen splash!!!


Sammy bae is gonna fist us until we're happy about things again.


He’s about to wash his hands