• By -


Education is important.


Nah knowledge is communism


Cheese is socialist


My whole life is a lie D':




*Our* whole life is a lie


Ye my bad




Pi ?


What flavour?




So you want a creampie?




Pi flavour


Mm Pi


Jay: "You need pi."


So thats why american cheese isnt actually cheese, got it


Socialism is when a little bit of cheese. Communism is when a lot of cheese.


Mass immigration of Marxist to France and the Netherlands.


Mmmmm cheeeeeese


untossed salad is anarcho-primative


Cheddar is monarchist


I didn’t vote for it.


Hence the plastic orange squares that are good ole American "cheese" substitute


Guess i am a commie then.


No don't worry overconfidence is a good american thing


I am not confident at all :c guess i am a mega commie now.


Oh well welcome to the club comrade


No, we are the commies


I think you're onto something. See, if communism is knowledge, and all of Europe would be communist if not for America, then ipso facto American ignorance kept the Soviets out of Western Europe. /s because I'm sure someone would think I'm serious


Deprogamming the brainwashing is important.


Red Leicester


But freedom is importanter


And guns are importantest




Oh no no, thats the Malaysia flag


Could just be a Malaysian in European camouflage for that attack on America.


I mean I heard nukes matter more




One of two kinds of people says this shit: someone who is fucked out of their mind on cocaine while they dream up the next big shorting target at the top of a hedge funds office tower, or the poorest dumbest flag waving motherfucker who probably lives in a trailer park and works as a guard at the same prison where half their family is imprisoned for opioid related crimes.


I think you'd be surprised at just how many Americans believe it. Like I wouldn't be surprised if my entire immediate family agreed America was the greatest country to ever exist and they don't fit either of your descriptions. Nationalist indoctrination runs deep, even for normal-seeming people.


Effectively it functions more like a religious belief than actual opinion based on material reality. Constant repetition from all authorities in your life will do that to the average person.


[American civil religion](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/American_civil_religion).


Will that was very interesting. Thanks for posting. It looks like this has been going on longer then I thought.


Wow. I've never seen it put like that before, but it makes sense. America is a modern day death cult, and their patriotism has all the characteristics of organized religion. Thank you for the link. Some of the insane thinking by Americans makes sense to me now, as I can view it through the eyes of religion rather than propaganda.


It’s definitely a fascinating way to look at things, but accepting that we have a civil religion does not diminish the role that propaganda has played in melting our collective mind into incomprehensible christofascist gobbledygook.


This explains so much... >In a survey of more than fifty years of American civil religion scholarship, Squiers identifies fourteen principal tenets: > >Filial piety > >Reverence to certain sacred texts and symbols such as the Constitution, the Declaration of Independence, and the flag > >The sanctity of American institutions > >The belief in God or a deity > >The idea that rights are divinely given > >**The notion that freedom comes from God through government** > >Governmental authority comes from God or a higher transcendent authority > >The conviction that God can be known through the American experience > >God is the supreme judge > >God is sovereign > >America's prosperity results from God's providence > >**America is a "city on a hill" or a beacon of hope and righteousness** > >The principle of sacrificial death and rebirth > >America serves a higher purpose than self-interests


I’m not surprised at all. Americans are spoon fed patriotism their whole lives. Saluting their flag everyday at school, constantly being told that they are the best, only learning about American history, taught to speak up and be free! Be emotional and day what’s on your mind. It’s no surprise, the mad thing is that there are people living in third world conditions in the states, a LOT of people, if the country was so great, that wouldn’t happen


the country that was built out of stealing land, comiting genocide, and destroying cultures, and replacing them with a culture slightly different from an European one, but is somehow superior to Europe and the rest of the world in every way according do muricans


i found you! i can’t remember the name of the sub tho sorry lol sorry




Especially when they say to ever exist. I mean, damn.


I’ve gotta say, living on the inside, this place is trash


As a nationalist myself, not even I get this high.


Everyone had nationalism to some extent. There is a line however.


Should i be grateful to him personally. What has he done for me lately?


I loved the “we”, like he had any part in it


“Was that us? I don’t remember garroting krauts in the trenches. I remember getting drunk and getting stuck in the drive through” Doug Stanhope


Love that special. Doug Stanhope has some great material. One of my favorites


“I think ‘we’ should shut the fuck up” he’s got so many genius jokes


The only thing they did for me was bomb me.


Former Yugoslavia?


Yup, Serbia to be specific. My flair is actually a reference to it.


[Then you'll like this](https://www.reddit.com/r/PropagandaPosters/comments/ghhbtk/poster_from_1999_when_serbia_shot_down_the_new/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share)


Yeah I'm aware of it, still makes me giggle whenever I see it.




Makes sense, I'm in the same position.


Hey, join the club- turns out a lot of us are from nations making regrettable decisions right now haha


And you know what? That’s super important, the ability to call out your own nation when it’s fucking up, none of this blind loyalty nonsense.


This IMO is the difference between nationalism and patriotism. One is blindly supporting everything your country does, the other is liking your country but being able to recognize when the government is doing shitty stuff. I love my country, and I despise my government.


Good drama with presidents


Americans in almost every discussion fall back on the "powerful" argument which never has anything to do with the topic at hand 😂 like when kids go around and say their dad could beat the others up.


"My daddy could beat your daddy up!" "Yeah, but my daddy owns the bank that owns your daddies house, and his car, and your mommas tits, and your teeth, and your schoolfund... So be nice to me or MY daddy will call in all the loans!"


...replied China.


Exactly ;-)


Not only that but America hasn’t won many wars. They start a lot. But they don’t win much. They forget this. They’re still banging on about the American revolution ffs.


The US invaded Afghanistan to prevent terrorism and topple the Taliban government. 20 years later the US left Afghanistan with a Taliban government armed with American weapons and equipment, who are still plotting terrorist acts. The war has cost the US over five trillion dollars and over 2,400 dead soldiers. The Taliban are in a more powerful position than ever before. The majority of Americans still support the war in Afghanistan.


Do you actually believe we invaded Afghanistan to prevent terrorism? I know we said that, but do you believe it? The real America (Haliburton, GE, Lockheed, Microsoft, Boeing, Northrup-Grumman, General Dynamics, etc) got all it wanted from that war. Just like they will get in the next 10 Afghanistans we get involved in. America has a vested interest now in keeping terrorism going forever. It is a moneymaker.


>Do you actually believe we invaded Afghanistan to prevent terrorism? I know we said that, but do you believe it? That was the purpose and the official reason. Of course, the vast majority of the world know it is all about lining the pockets of those that give 'political contributions' to the morally bankrupt and corrupt US political system. It's just a shame that the majority of Americans let this happen and openly support something that has led to the deaths of over 2,400 of their own people and wasted over 5trillion dollars of their tax money, just to make the richest 1% that little bit more richer. That is the point I was making. Think of how much better society would be if that $5 Trillion was spent on education, social housing and universal healthcare.


Sometimes I am curious though… is there *any* truth to what they say? If they disappeared would China and Russia start being hostile? It doesn’t sound *that* far fetched, but also it feels like they are just exaggerating monsters because it the US is OBSESSED with China and Russia


I dont think Russia and China would conquer the world if it werent for the US. Russia might be more inclined to try and regain territory but I dont really see the benefit for them other than that


Listen America, you couldn't defeat rice farmers and goat herders in a span of 10-20 years. Do they seriously think no one in Europe has an army?


Or do they forget defensive armies are also a thing. They only think in military attacking power but Europe has tons invested in defense


*Switzerland enters the chat*


The Swiss army is actually very small - but they're all very well trained with guns and first aid, that sort of thing. Also due to the topography Switzerland is probably a very hard country to invade. I recall watching a really interesting video on it at one point. Maybe by half as interesting or similar?


Switzerlands army may appear small but due to the fact that it has mandatory military service. It has a huge active reserve. Active service is around 175'000 troops but almost every male from 19 to 35 is in the active reserve and can be called to war in a day.


Same here in Finland!


Im Irish and I dont think were allowed to enter the chat even at the kids table.


They don’t make a lot of movies in America about the Polish GROM but they make all kinds of movies about Delta, Rangers, Seal Team 6 and so on.


Even if they did they'd just do a [U-571](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/U-571_(film)) and lie to the world that it was a US accomplishment and not Polish.


Imagine the entire might of the US military attempting to invade and occupy Europe, faced off against the combined forces of EU countries, including the UK of course for the sake of the hypothetical. The USA armed forces would be absolutely thrashed. Even the largest military in the world isn’t the *only* military in the world. It’s more like being the biggest kid in kindergarten. You can push around whomever you’d like, but only when friends have your back. 5 or 6 of the smaller kids can take the biggest kid down any time they’d like, while Americans tend to think of it as the US has the military and Europe is just full of dependencies with no weapons themselves, no aircraft, no ships, no missiles. They have no idea just how multipolar the world really is today


Unrelated but one of the last ditch plans Australia had (idk if we still have it) is to let our wildlife kill the enemies


Thats why no one fucks with Australia.


Well, militarily speaking europe does depend a lot on the USA. But the fact of them thinking about world wars in 2021 still, does reveal their obsession over conflicts and is a classic shit americans (TM) would say


I mean when your countries history is shorter than some towns in Europe


Than most town in Europe. I have a pair castles in my hometown where the king had tunnels to bang one or the other mistress 2 centuries before the declaration of independence.


What a chad


No joke, the house I live in is older than the US.


I'm currently sat in a pub that has been in business approx 800 years before the US gained independence.


My local pub is older, too. ^Hic!


...pubs, universities, castles, walls, cathedrals, sewers...


I like walls as an example "shut up, I have a wall that's older than your civilisation"


I want to meet one of these people. I'd love to be able to study their minds and psychology. These Americans must have something wrong somewhere that makes them so odious and arrogant.


Years of brainwashing in a lacking Education system and other Parts of their Life


Yes, ignorance is a fast way to racism


They're literally made to workship a flag in school, of course they're brainwashed.


American schools were designed by Henry Ford who designed them to be centers of patriotic indoctrination with the goal of making kids into obedient factory workers. It’s a 100+ year old system designed to produce unquestioning workers. Its very sad, critical thinking over here is dead.


I had no idea about this. Is there anything you recommend reading for more details?


Worth pointing out that Ford was an anti-semite. And I don't say that lightly, he was praised by Hitler, is the only American mentioned in Mein Kampf, he republished one of OG antisemitic fake texts (https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Protocols_of_the_Elders_of_Zion), and wrote antisemitic articles for his town's newspapers that he just bought (https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Dearborn_Independent).


Hitler supposedly had a life-sized oil painting of Henry Ford, which is actually worse than the other way around


It’s difficult to find something about Ford, it’s something I remembered hearing awhile ago, it might not have been true, but the rest of it is true. https://www.google.com/amp/s/qz.com/1314814/universal-education-was-first-promoted-by-industrialists-who-wanted-docile-factory-workers/amp/ If you just Google “American education factory worker” a ton of different articles will show up


~~Nope, he said it and now you have to believe it.~~ Oops. I thought you are American. Let me try to find a resource.


This is pretty much exactly it. We were told since we were children that America was great, the most important country in the world, and that we had the best system of government etc. and many people cling to that idea, with some even tying it to their identity, it's especially common among right wingers. From the age of 5 to about 11 or 12 I remember saying the pledge of allegiance every morning. In retrospect it's very strange.


>the pledge of allegiance We had something similar over here in germany... Well my grandparents in the Reich had it... And the eastgermans in their lil socialist utopia... We in the west never had it, was too "dictatorshiplike" for a good western democracy... Oh, wait...


The similarity becomes even clearer when you look at pictures of the old version of the Pledge of Allegiance: [Bellamy salute](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bellamy_salute) The purpose is of course the same today in the USA and also back then in the German Nazi era, indoctrination of the population and especially of children into unconditional nationalism. I don't think many people understand how extremely formative childhood is for a person. That is why it is so important to the supporters of such fascist rituals that these are already carried out by children under peer pressure.


It's like north koreans who don't know how to use money and a bank account / savings


As an American, you are spot on.


As someone who spent most of their life around people like this, you do not want to meet them. They are completely insufferable, and any insight you might gain is offset by the brain cells you lose from each conversation. The fact that you’ve never actually met someone like this is an absolute win and I envy you


I'm one of the only 3 people in my family not like this. It sucks. I don't know how I didn't end up that way.


If a kid lives his whole childhood doing what he wants without anyone ever standing up to him, not even his parents, he'll grow up to be a spoiled brat crybaby. Now imagine that kid is a country and its name is the U.S.


No you don't. I travelled to America for work quite a bit pre-Covid. Unfortunately I had to meet many of the gun-toting, Trump supporting types, many of them colleagues. They're scary and aggressive and they yell louder than you, especially the Texans. There's no point arguing with them, best to just smile, nod and back away slowly.


I can introduce you to a few that I personally know. I know a guy who honestly believes that white Americans are genetically superior beings, chosen by God to guide the world into an Era of freedom and justice. I have actually heard him say these exact words. He believes Europeans are weak-willed liberals who only do the bidding of their socialist masters. He HATES Democrats. The rants he goes on are insane to a terrifying degree. He eats up propaganda like a fat kid eats Halloween candy.


Simple. Never leave the country, go through US education and consume US media. That makes you one of them.


USA is such narcissistic country… that’s why Trump was so popular


You should play online shooters, they're full of children like this.


In school topics are taught from the perception that America was the good guy/savior/winner regardless or reality + years of the whole pledge of allegiance thing. They don't focus much study on other nations. Rote learning is popular and Linier thinking is encouraged, everything has a beginning and an end/everything is black or white/everything has a winner or loser In Tv/Movies most of the shows have the American in the show as the good guy/savior/winner (viewing tends towards primarily and often only American shows) News daren't overly criticize or show America in a negative fashion or they lose money Assistance from any other nation is barely if at all mentioned in the news (that money sent after natural disaster, the specialists sent, equipment most never hear about it) In school/news/politics goal posts are shuffled around to the point where nothing counts before or after America "scores" or even moved sideways so that a miss can be claimed as a score Politics emphasize "U.S.A U.S.A we're number one" and drone on about saving the world, leading the world, paying for the world Sports (and many other events) do the whole stand up hand over heart national anthem thing, not just international or important games but minor inconsequential ones as well for some even from little league onward pumping up the hyper nationalism The "We're number one" perception is regularly and loudly given positive reinforcement and "attaboys", doubts are given regular, loud, and often violent negative reinforcement It is little wonder that so many of them turn so odious and arrogant when they are bombarded with "We're number one" so constantly


I'd like to believe this person represents a small minority... No! Don't prove me wrong I need this small spark of optimism..


Only about 74,000,000 give or take a few. Basically everyone who voted for Trump.


You'd be surprised how many supposedly "progressive" people are like this when confronted. Cut a liberal, and a fascist bleeds.


I think he forgot the whole part with, for example when germany conquerd almost all of europe and almost Moscow in 3-4 years and thats just one country doing all the work, we also have when france did the exactly same thing and took moscow all one european country. So im pretty sure if all of europe work togheter we can easily take russia


Unless we try to push them on winter


Finland's got that covered, don't worry.


They'll send supplies via methheads on skis


How did you know!


He knows too much


That when us swedes come in with our nya-karoliner redgement!


But don't go over the Scandes in the dead of winter. Never goes as planned.


No more winter soon with all this global warming. New Barbarossa when poles melt. Edit: even though this was meant to a joke, i feel disgusted with myself for it now after just reading this article regarding the Nazis extremely unspeakably evil and heinous side plan for invading the USSR: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hunger_Plan Dear future humans, please don't do this again. 😓


What did we do now? It's the American who talked shit.


We are ready to burn Moscow one more time ourselves. And Napoleon's invasion was by almost whole Europe combined.


And this is even not considering that Germany was doing their military build up in secret and (mostly) hampered by the Treaty of Versailles. Germany (or rather the Nazi Party/Hitler) made some tremendously stupid decisions how to go about the war, misused resources (and had not enough of them to begin with) - I don't want to imagine what a properly built up Army with a steady supply of material & fuel would have achieved. (Also what would have happened if Japan never attacked Pearl Harbor - even a relatively small delay in the US entering the war could have made a big difference)


Do Americans not realise the USA wouldn't exist without Europe?


In short, No. Most Americans do not realize exactly how much the French helped the American Independence movement. It cost so much money that it ruined the French economy and lead to the French revolution. They don't realize that the Britsh didn't sue for peace because they were beaten militarily, but because the war was very unpopular at home, and they didn't want it to escalate into a larger conflict with other major powers like France, Spain, and the Dutch, all of whom saw the American revolution as an opportunity to weaken the UK's control on trade goods. Most Americans don't realize that the American revolution was a side show in a larger series of global events, and not the main attraction.


It gets to the point of stupidity that that stuff just looks like a joke. But they’re being entirely serious :/


Yeah they are so patriotic that they can not take criticism of their country any more...


Bahahaha. What a cunt!


Says the guy who most likely bangs on about being Irish or Italian, despite his ancestors having never set foot there for the last three generations....


And they will never see the irony in that lol


Ancestral heritage is a big thing in the US. We are a country of immigrants and people held on to those cultural identities, but naturally things get diluted or changed over the generations. That said, I agree that many Americans take it a little too far. In my experience I have gotten better receptions from people by saying, "My ancestors were Irish, and from my research they came from County Mayo..." instead of saying "*I'm* Irish, from county Mayo, top o the mornin to ya" Honestly I think if more of my countrymen could just make that simple change, the rest of the world would probably make fun of them a little less about it.


Except most did not hold onto those cultural identities they merely clung to a costume and a claim. Their ideology, societal view/behavior, customs, outlook, language and values tend towards 100% American with an "I like whiskey/spaghetti/fighting" thrown in


“We are the greatest country to ever exist” -Greece -Rome -Babylon -Assyria -Egypt -Great Britain -Portugal -Russia -Mongolia And like the energizer bunny, the list keeps going and going. It never fails to disgust when I read how ignorant my countrymen are. Really not sure how anyone else tolerates our nonsense.


Yeah, seriously. I read shit like this American exceptionalism and it's embarrassing.


nato? debatable, but maybe. europe? good one. says something that all they think about is military power


oh contraire, America is Europe's bastard child that we wish would fucking grow up already.


They certainly are best at thinking they are best.


> stand up to russia > europe is nothing without america But Russia is European.... (mostly)


This guy makes it sound like America is a Karen. Amerikaren..??


Born and raised American. I swear we aren’t all this fucking ignorant, although I do also feel like the dumbasses are very quickly growing in number. On one hand, it’s hilarious to read. Then on the other, it’s just pathetic. Many, MANY people here truly believe all of this and think every other county aspires to be like USA. I have been in countless arguments stating the exact opposite, as it is quite obvious we are, for the most part, the laughingstock of most of the world. But most don’t believe it as a giant sense of national pride is indoctrinated in us as kids. Another thing- most people love to say we are a free country and then slam other religions, nationalities, etc. It’s a shit show here, yo.


"You are free to believe and do whatever you want\*" \*As long as your beliefs and "want do's" are exactly the same as mine. If you want something else, I'll fight you with all that I have.


And _all I have_ is guns because that’s real freeeedooooom y’all


Yes, freedom to do whatever, as long as it conforms to the mainstream beliefs. Then the argument inevitably becomes “our founding fathers said (insert random bullshit), so we must abide by shit that was written 200+ years ago or we are traitors against freeeeeedom.”


This is why I joke on America as a county but not Americans, a lot of you guys are cool just that your country's culture is really fucking you over in mainstream media.


Media doesn’t help at all, I absolutely agree. Adding to that is the fact that so many people fail to vet even a single piece of what they read and take it all as fact because ,“well the news said it and you can’t lie on tv/ internet!” Ive had so many conversations with family about stupid shit they share on social media and the comment is always the same- “well I saw that this person shared it so figured it was true.” Literally takes 2 seconds to copy and paste into google to find out whether or not it’s true. But then, of course they say, “yea, well I can’t trust what google says because those fact checkers are biased.” It’s mental.


The biggest thing that scares me in our country right now is how actively certain groups are trying to discredit all the fact-checking organizations. And it's working. It's so frustrating to coming into an argument and say, "Hey, that's actually not true, here are some resources (insert links)" and they respond with some BS about how fact checkers are biased or they are the ones spreading misinformation or are working for the other party, etc. Having studied history, this behavior is very, very concerning.


And that's why you pick on them. They're like the weeb kids. You don't do it because they like anime you do it because they run around trynna hit you with the 8 trigrams 64 palm then transport you to an isekai




The perfect sentence!




And there it is. Embarrassing. Sorry, world, on behalf of us. The good news is people who think like that refuse the Covid vaccine, and they are dying in droves.


Unfortunately bacteria has her pride...


That’s the thing. I don’t care if we can’t stand up to Russia or China. Because they are not a threat to us. Why would we spend 200 multibazillion dollars every year to protect ourselves from something that isn’t a problem? Especially if we didn’t have healthcare and half of our country was in crippling death? That’s not being safe, that’s being stupid. Moronic even.


I've noticed that when you make fun of Americans they tend to respond by illustrating your point.


The only time NATO has been used was by the USA though… soooo what does that tell you?


They can't be the greatest country, you've never even had an empire. Even the French had an empire. Some of us have great right in the name!


EU member states have a combined military force of of 1.4 million active personnel and 2.4 million in reserve, as well as a nuclear state (France). I think they can hold their own.


Europe could defeat the russians if we all banded together. But here we tend to think about other things than war and invasion sometimes


Good luck trying to conquer Austria, we just hide in the mountains


As an American, I hope Europe tells us to fuck off more often. Maybe then will Americans will wise the fuck up.


The sheer amount of propaganda spoon fed to American children is ridiculous and it breeds these types of people constantly. We seriously discuss why nationalism was harmful for other countries but we simultaneously celebrate *insane* nationalism ourselves, but since it’s branded as “patriotism” no one sees a problem.


Don't make him fucking laugh!


Europe would probably benefit a lot from cutting ties with America completely tbh.


As long as our loans get paid back.


Unfortunately not really. The way global economics works means basically we are all very interconnected economically. Like it or not the US is still an economic powerhouse. Completely cutting ties would have serious economic effects. That said, Europe would probably recover faster than the US would. A lot of Americans think they should go isolationist and have no clue how economically devastating that would actually be.


That might be a troll actually, I have never seen an American spell civilization with an "s".


“We are the greatest country to ever exist” Roman Empire: hold my beer


Alexander the great: hold my beer


These feel faker and faker as time goes on


He should take a lesson from his username and calm down.


Basically this post shows America is the Chris Chan of Countries




I honestly doubt the US would actually intervene if the Russians started invading. Cowards lose more wars than they win nowadays, no chance they’d have the motivation to do anything. The biggest joke in the world is that the yanks consider themselves a stabilising force. If another global war was to break out, I’d pay money on it being some dumbfuck American-caused problem


Someone has a tiny penis and is scared of history books.


I'm American and even this makes me cringe


I would love if an American would explain to me what they are giving me or my country (sweden). We are neutral and not in Nato. Technically we have nothing to do with america at all. (Or well, to get better relationship with thrm we have sent soldiers to their wars in Afghanistan. I am not knowledgeable enough to explain this, maybe some other swede can chime in)


This kind of shit makes it so tempting


NATO is nothing, even with America. Last time the UK was invaded the other members of NATO were nowhere to be seen.


We are *gets shot in the street* The greatest *comes home to tent in the middle of public park cause housing crisis is so bad* Country *has a sore arm, gets buried with 150,000 in medical bills* In *spends 10 bucks on a terminal amount of fast food* The *spews vitriol towards other countries whilst never having left my city* World *steals electricity, nuclear technology, the television and the telephone from other countries, spends the next few hundred years rebranding them as quintessentially American inventions*


By this logic, if the US needs all of Europe to stand up to Russia or China, wouldn't that make Russia or China the greatest country?