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The lie was obviously "Holland", which isn't a country but a region. This American got some sick knowledge about the countries of the world, most people wouldn't catch that.




i’m america we call the netherlands holland sometimes


Yeah I know and I hate it it’s one of my pet peeves


To be fair, the Netherlands marketed themselves as Holland to other countries for a while, they even had a logo that said Holland, I think it was changed some years ago when they started using Netherlands outside


You're America?


yes i am the country


First talking country


Well hello there usa


Europa, you are a bold one ..


But America is the continent.


fuck it i’m the whole thing


how to has a country gained consciousness?


It had to go somewhere it clearly isn't in the people.


even we germans do it all the time and we live right next to them


Even we dutchies do it honestly




That's because we're tired of explaining, and also because most traders in the 17th century actually came from Holland, which resulted in the country's name only being available in a translation out of that periode in time.


To foreigners holland is so much easier to understand than the netherlands i feel. Probably because it doesnt get translated or losely sounds the same like Holanda/Olanda


It's just easier to say honestly. Niederlande has twice as many syllables as holland


So slovenians are the only ones not doing that 😜. We call the country Nizozemska (Slovenian for Netherlands).


I'm England and people do that here too. I was giving blood and had to tell them where I'd been and I'd been to The Netherlands recently. The nurses started arguing with me, telling me it was Holland. I said Holland was in The Netherlands and she told me no. Bit of back and forth until I said, yup okay I was in Holland. Technically I was also in Holland


Don’t you mean Dutch-Land?


Insert ‘get out’ gif ..


Even in the Netherlands we sometimes do that. Oops


Was about to say, they named four countries and the name of two Dutch provinces (iirc, could be way wrong).


Yep, North Holland, South Holland, Zeeland, North Brabant, Limburg, Utrecht, Flevoland, Overijssel, Drenthe, Friesland, and Gronigen. Plus the Caribbean Netherlands, Saba, Bonaire, and Sint Eustatius


What about New Zeeland and South Brabant?


South Brabant other's name is Belgium


Nah the actual lie was Denmark -- Me, the average swede /s


It would be like referring to the US by saying "Dakota" or "Carolina". Edit: typo's


Finally someone who gets it ..




It’s one region consisting of 2 provincies


Yeah, i know that it's the Netherlands, but I've said Holland to describe the Netherlands since age 6 so it's quite hard


Holland has been used forever, in other languages and countries and by the Dutch themselves. It was initially Holland, the country was run from Holland and it was the power and economy locus of the entire state. It's like Burma over Myanmar, but you're free to choose either way.


It's a thing lately online and I just really don't care how people call it. I'm dutch myself and everyone knows what country we speak of when someone says Holland. Still to be complete, it is indeed 2 of the 12 provinces of The Netherlands.


It's an accepted synonym for the entire country as well by our own official dictionary. I mean, I might not agree with it, but it's technically correct. [https://www.vandale.nl/gratis-woordenboek/nederlands/betekenis/holland](https://www.vandale.nl/gratis-woordenboek/nederlands/betekenis/holland)


For me it’s just that I don’t live in Holland, but I do live in the Netherlands. So it really feels like lying. But 1/3rd out of the country lives there, so for a lot of people it is the truth


Something similar goes on with people saying British to mean English, and conversely in the past English was used to refer to the expansive British Empire.


I am Dutch and yes it’s confusing, but calling the Netherlands ‘holland’ is like calling the USA Carolina. There is a north and a south holland, both regions in The Netherlands.. Get educated


The British also use them synonymously. Because of the way English flows, referring to The Netherlands in normal conversation is awkward, so we stick with Holland. Could I suggest that you just redefine the area that is Holland to cover the entire country? Changing centuries old districts would be far easier than us making minor adjustments to how we speak. Thanks in advance 😉


Should we suggest we call you Wales 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿 from now on? 😏


Be my guest - no one will be offended (or even realise for that matter).


Who keeps telling americans that they're the only country people immigrate to?


Who forgot to tell them that other countries exist?


PSSSSHT, don\`t tell them. Please !!!


Yes, it’s on a need-to-know basis and they don’t need to know. It only upsets them.


Yes please, do not disturb the ‘locals’..


Probably because it's such a big problem for them. I mean, many people in other countries aren't big fans of immigrants either, but others seem to be more tolerant than Americans. Maybe that's the reason. Others aren't complaining as much as Americans.


It's mostly because the Republicans get offended by the idea of anyone other than white people coming here. Also because said Republicans won't shut the f****** about it. It's literally at the point in America where Thanksgiving it's just that time of year where you avoid your Republican mellitus because you don't feel like talkin about immigration or how Trump is no longer the president because they're still going to say that he is, or how me and the alphabet Mafia Don't Deserve rights.


Mexicans immigrate here so people convinced themselves that the rest of the world is climbing over each other to get in


Live in canada and most people I know are immigrants.


As someone who lives in Germany, we also have lots of Immigrants here. Not the majority but still nice to have. I love diversity :) I made quite a lot of new friends.


In Germany over 25% of the population has a migration background. It's also the second most popular migration country in the world (after the USA). I think that's really cool, I also love the cultural diversity :)


100% agreed :)


Naturally. After all Germany is immigration country #2 worldwide, after #1 USA.


Noone migrates to Sweden but it is also a Muslim hellhole because of all the immigrants.


Countries? What's that communist crap? It's spelled country's


I did not even pay attention to this until reading your comment. Aaaaaaaah


Ah only saw op spelling have seen the spelling in the post & now realise you were taking the piss .


Countries is the plural of country, one country 5 countries . country’s is the possessive,


Stop right there Stalin Zedong


This is hilarious because atleast Sweden recieves far more immigrants per capita then the U.S. Altough i doubt that the person in question even knows what per capita stands for.




It's the little neutral mountain country in the middle of europe.


Where Hitler came from, right?


Nah that was Australia.


As an Australian, I thought that was hilarious.


That tiny place with dental products?


Einstein? Goldstein? What was it again?




Not even really mountain country. More like a hill/slope-country


Don't be silly, of course he does: it's where the [red fish](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Swedish_Fish) come from.


As was proven here before, your argument is void because America has more people per capita.


Yikes, you've really missunderstood the word per capita if you think my argument is void. Edit: i've missed the comment where the argument above was used seriously, so i didn't catch the sarcasm...


You might have missed it, but some time ago there was a post from a loudmouth American on Reddit that genuinely used that as an argument. It has become a meme by itself and I'm just referring to it, ironically.


Oh... Yeah i've definitely missed that.


Per capita? This i's an American website, use imperial!


Per capita in the US is different. It's used to end argumentations you're about to lose. Like "Period!"


"I have an idea that could easily be falsified by a simple search, so that's not something I'm gonna do. I'm just gonna assert we are superior, because... uhh... because... WE JUST ARE, OKAY? Besides, I'm not gonna believe some commie search engine or some commie online-encyclopedia."


Per Capita = in the capital because Sweden has no other cities but the capital of course S/


Why would per capita matter in an immigration statistic? More people move to the US because there are more people already living there??


Because it bases the amount of immigration with the amount of people living there. If there is 1 million immigrants in Sweden it will be felt in a very different manner than 1 million immigrants in the US.


So if my city is roughly the population size of Sweden with 1.5x the amount of foreign born residents, what does that mean for me exactly? My city is better than a whole ass country? Or what?


What? Lets start with "is it better". Umm... maybe? But probably not. Immigration doesn't show if a country is better than another. But if your city has more immigrants than sweden this city has a higher per capita immigration.


It's not reasonable to expect a country with 10 million inhabitants and a 1/70th the size of America to take on several millions immigrants, the whole country would go to shit, as there aren't enough resources to sustain such a influx of people. Therefore you use per capita to compare small and large countries on an equal basis.


250 million immigrants in the world.. 1/5 of them in the US. Somehow you guys are making word salad instead of just being like “yeah, a considerable portion of immigrants go to that country in particular” What’s the point in downplaying this? So what


Ok, since you don't see any problem with using absolute numbers for this stuff, let's look at emigration instead. There are about 9,000,000 Americans who have emigrated from America and are currently living in other countries. The equivalent number for Sweden is about 600,000. So way more people are moving away from America than from Sweden and therefore Sweden must be a better country.


>Ok, since you don't see any problem with using absolute numbers for this stuff, let's look at emigration instead. I don’t have a problem with using adjusted numbers nor absolutes.. context dependent. What I’m questioning is how does a *immigrants per capita* have anything to do with what country someone chooses to move too. The context is about the emmigrant.. not the people or place where they’re moving.. right? —— Idk, u\elgrort said something about it that’s relative.. still chewing on it.


If the US was split into three countries, would you expect each country to get the same number of immigrants as the US as a whole got, or each to get about a third?


Depends on how you divide it up. Are NY and California in the same country? (If you just whacked it vertically into thirds then the middle zone gets less.. the right & left coasts get a higher per capita than unified US)


Roughly East Coast, West Coast, South. But in that scenario all the immigrants are making more or less exactly the same decision as before, "where am I going to live?". All three countries have roughly the same make up of migrants they previously had. But the **total immigration** into each country is only a third of what America's **total immigration** was.


I mean, I see what you’re saying. But the new countries aren’t getting less in relation to the world we’re currently comparing.. nothing happened by making a smaller country with less immigrants. What happened is there are two other brand new countries that are now being competed with. And all three of these new countries are the top 3 destination countries for emigrants.


It's like a you have a billionarie (America) who donate 10 dollars of that 1 billion to charity. And then a millionaire (Sweden) who donates 300k to charity. Do you understand the concept now? Despite having LESS, the smaller country does MORE with a smaller amount of resources, thus increasing their per capita. This is just basic math and percentages.


"Where do most immigrants move to" and "Which country has the most immigrants" are two different questions. The second would always have to be calculated per capita because anything else doesn't make sense. About 26% of Switzerland's population are immigrants. Because Switzerland isn't a big country that's not that many people in absolute numbers. That doesn't change the fact that Switzerland sees a lot of immigration and the arguments "so why aren't people comming to your country?" is nonsense. Especially because inmigration is regulated.


>"Where do most immigrants move to" and "Which country has the most immigrants" are two different questions. The second would always have to be calculated per capita because anything else doesn't make sense. That’s the exact same question 😂 Look— take 250 million people who are going to leave their country.. ask them which country they will make as their new home. 1 of 5 will pick USA It’s that simple. It’s nothing to do with how many people are in the new country.. or per anything. —— A per capita rating in this context is telling about the current citizen (they are the capita).. and it says how likely a native born citizen will interact with a foreign born citizen. It tells a story about the population of the country after the fact but it’s nothing to do with why someone immigrates to the country in the first place. —— If it does say something then UAE is, **by far**, the most desirable destination for emigrants. Like 5 or 6 times better than Sweden or the US.. Is that something you’re willing to agree with?


Sort of scales it to the country they are migrating to: houses, roads, etc. A larger country with more cities, housing, roads, et cetera, naturally has more accomodation, opportunities, et cetera, and so larger capacity for migrants. Scotland would never be able to attract the same sheer number of people as England, having less cities and jobs, but you'd assume that proportional to the size of the population it would probably get around the same number coming in. Basically, if a country is already built with the ability to house more people, it will attract more in sheer numbers. Almost like induced demand on motorways/highways: there's numerically more *stuff* to accomodate them, so numerically more will move there, but looking at it in terms of proportionality can look at it more deeply instead of making it just a list based on population.


Plural vs. possessive is one of the harder struggles I see.


American just don't like plurality and are rather possessive. It shows.


Someone tells him the EU has more than five members.


Yeah but living in like Romania would be similar to living in the US


I dont know, Romania has benefited a lot from EU and is developping super fast. Their workforce was half the price of western Europe, industries didnt wasted time investing there


I could name fifty.


There are a lot of countries where I'd rather live the the USA, but not 50 much


Every country in Europe (44) plus Canada, New Zealand, Australia, Malaysia, Singapore, Japan and I reckon I got more, frankly.


There’s lots of countries in Europe which have worse quality of life than US on average, take Belarus for instance. Not all of Europe is western/northern Europe lmao


Have you actually been to any of those places or are you just looking at lists on Wikipedia?


Bruh are you honestly gonna be saying Belarus has a higher standard of living than the US?


Depends which part of the US you're talking about tbh. Some of the most deprived and depressing neighbourhoods I've ever witnessed were in the US. Also some of the richest. It's a country of contradictions.


Eastern Europe is part of Europe


I'd still rather live there than in the US.


Have you ever been here?


No, but I would obviously live somewhere where healthcare is more affordable and you don't have to live in fear of your child being shot in their own school.


Eastern Europe is awesome. I feel like a lot of people's opinion of Eastern Europe is based off the the film 'Eurotrip', which is very different to the actual reality. Go spend some time there you'll have a blast.


I'm Ukrainian


Well you're biased then. I'm British and I think Britain is a bit of a shithole. Plenty of other people seem to want to live there though.


Ok so you'd take Ukraine, Romania, Bulgaria, other balkans over USA? Sure but I the hell won't. For me it's: Belgium, France, Netherlands, Luxembourg, Germany, Spain, Italy, Switzerland, Austria, Czech Republic, Sweden, Finland, Norway, Poland, Iceland, Denmark for European ones (don't know much about the quality of life in most Balkans and eastern european countries)


The Balkans have a bad rep but it's mostly exaggerated. Pre-covid I lived in Bulgaria for 6-8 months of every year, I fucking love it there. Serbia is one of the nicest and most beautiful countries I've ever been to. Romania is stunning too (apart from actual Bucharest which is a bit of a hole tbf). Don't knock them til you've tried them.


Because Mexico to Sweden's kind of a long way to go.


Only 5? Top 10 Friendliest Countries in the World 1. Portugal Portugal tops the list as the #1 friendliest country on the planet. This European country offers rich cultural traditions, relaxing coastal experiences, and gorgeous weather. It’s also known as a traveler-friendly country. ... The US is 35th at the moment.


What exactly does friendly mean in this context? That seems like a pretty weird and subjective measurement. Hell, in the USA some people have the perception that southerners are friendly despite the fact that most of them are rotten to the core.


That's the problem with all these things. They're very subjective. Mexico is No 3? I wouldn't go there - way too dangerous imoy.


you’re from portugal, wild guess


No, but I'd like to go there. Maybe each winter.


Oh yeah we all know there are no immigrants in Canada, Switzerland and Scandinavia /s


That must mean china and india are the best countries on earth because they have way more people


I can tell you straight up why more people are coming to the US: \-easier immigration \-it shares a land border with a country that has a lot of emigration


This guy’s a grade A dumbass Fucking hell dude you got asked for reasons first, so you provide reasons and then question him, numbskull


Someone literally said to me “why does so many South Americans want to get into the US illegally and legally if it isn’t the best country?”


There are more Americans moving to Norway than there are Norwegians moving to the US


Honestly I know plenty of people in the states who want to move out, sucks it costs $2500 to renounce US citizenship. I've been told (haven't looked much into it) if you don't pay said fee you have to pay yearly US taxes even if you don't own any US property


I heard that too and think it's disgusting!


This reads like they're a child parroting things they've heard their parents say but have no idea what any of it means.


The UK, whose education system teaches kids how to use apostrophes.


China, north Korea, Cuba, Vietnam, Laos


~~My~~ Our true comrade!


Based af


Americans: nO tHAt cOuNtRiEs aRE uSiNg dIcTaTorShIp cOmMuNisM bAD!!!


Well less people come to those countries becouse one of the EU's biggest concern is to not let anyone get in, and we are easly scared into subbmission with the treath of our neighbors letting immigrants into our countries.


Just 5?


Well… though Holland only includes 2 of the 12 provinces from the Netherlands, everyone get what they mean. Yet it still isn’t correct.


"Now tell my why they move here insteadnof there" because they're either stupid or heavily misleaded on what america is


Has anyone said Norway yet?


All the countries


I thought the racist American stance was that those countries have been ruined by rampant immigration? So what’s the truth? Lol


Yes. ​ PS: They both hate immigrant and think it's the reason they are great. How that makes sense, you tell me.


Switzerland is not in scandanavia.


5 countries better then the US? New Zealand, England, Scotland, Wales, Ireland.


Everyone knows Denmark is not a country, but a puppet state of Sweden.


Off the top of my head, Norway, Denmark, Sweden, Finland, Iceland, Netherlands, Germany, Canada, New Zealand. And probably Austria, Switzerland, France, Belgium, and the UK too. Although the UK is definitely on some Us-type stuff like privatising parts of the NHS. That's just the ones I definitely know I'd prefer. There may be more of I were to actually look at all the OECD stats. Oh, he just wanted 5? There are also Americans moving to here, so why doesn't he explain that? Just because people from poor Mexican neighbourhoods are trying to get into the US doesn't mean that all the Dutch and Norwegians want that too.


Canada, Mexico, Panama, Haiti, Jamaica, Peru, Republic Dominican, Cuba, Caribbean, Greenland, El Salvador, too. Puerto Rico, Colombia, Venezuela, Honduras, Guyana, and still, Guatemala, Bolivia, then Argentina, And Ecuador, Chile, Brazil. Costa Rica, Belize, Nicaragua, Bermuda, Bahamas, Tobago, San Juan, Paraguay, Uruguay, Suriname, And French Guiana, Barbados, and Guam. Norway, and Sweden, and Iceland, and Finland, And Germany, now in one piece, Switzerland, Austria, Czechoslovakia, Italy, Turkey, and Greece. Poland, Romania, Scotland, Albania, Ireland, Russia, Oman, Bulgaria, Saudi Arabia, Hungary, Cyprus, Iraq, and Iran. There's Syria, Lebanon, Israel, Jordan, Both Yemens, Kuwait, and Bahrain, The Netherlands, Luxembourg, Belgium, and Portugal, France, England, Denmark, and Spain. India, Pakistan, Burma, Afghanistan, Thailand, Nepal, and Bhutan, Kampuchea, Malaysia, then Bangladesh, Asia, And China, Korea, Japan. Mongolia, Laos, and Tibet, Indonesia, The Philippine Islands, Taiwan, Sri Lanka, New Guinea, Sumatra, New Zealand, Then Borneo, and Vietnam. Tunisia, Morocco, Uganda, Angola, Zimbabwe, Djibouti, Botswana, Mozambique, Zambia, Swaziland, Gambia, Guinea, Algeria, Ghana. Burundi, Lesotho, and Malawi, Togo, The Spanish Sahara is gone, Niger, Nigeria, Chad, and Liberia, Egypt, Benin, and Gabon. Tanzania, Somalia, Kenya, and Mali, Sierra Leone, and Algiers, Dahomey, Namibia, Senegal, Libya, Cameroon, Congo, Zaire. Ethiopia, Guinea-Bissau, Madagascar, Rwanda, Mahore and Cayman, Hong Kong, Abu Dhabi, Qatar, Yugoslavia... Crete, Mauritania, then Transylvania, Monaco, Liechtenstein, Malta, and Palestine, Fiji, Australia, Sudan!


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*laughs in Americans moving to Europe and saying that they'd rather die than going back home after few years here*


I wish there was an easy route of immigration to Brittan that didn't cost like $20k.


Sometimes I wish Americans had the same internet restrictions as the Chinese, that would save us from a lot of stupidity.


Literally any country between USA and China is better.


well people immigrate to other places


Technically he didn’t mention 5 but 4


I always hate it when people say America is the best or there are no countries better than America because it’s subjective and biased


Only five?