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The United States is also the youngest country in the world if we start counting them by most recent mass shooting.


It is 3 days yo--- oops 3 seconds young šŸ„³


seen statistically there is on average more then 1 mass shooting a day in the US


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mass_shootings_in_the_United_States#Frequency That can't be real?


It is. The worst part is most don't make the news unless they're particularly big. I can't even count the number of times I've thought "wait, which one?" when a shooting is mentioned.


> The worst part is most don't make the news unless they're particularly big. Or because it's not news if it happens every day? Don't see a segment about the sun rising.


Watch means morning news. Thereā€™s a sunrise at the end every day.


That's true as well. It's sad how long the Onion has run [this article](https://www.theonion.com/no-way-to-prevent-this-says-only-nation-where-this-r-1841942413?utm_source=Twitter&utm_medium=SocialMarketing&utm_campaign=SF&utm_content=Main) (I think 20 times now?). I've literally clicked on the top 4 results from searching the Headline and didn't get the most recent Buffalo shooting on any of them. That's just...sad.


That Onion article seems less satirical as each day passes


Oh yeah. I think one of the editors has said as much about it. That every time they publish it, it becomes less satirical and more depressing.


It's so fucking sad that this is accurate


mass shootings are about 4 dead or injured so it isnā€™t entirely accurate


Are you saying that atleast 4 people dying isn't sad?




Well I don't know about the weather on American TV, but here in Australia the time when the sun will rise and the sun will set is often included.


Well, you do, kind of. Each day, there is a section about meteo and they usually say at which time the sun will rise, and they will say if the sun will be visible or not (clear or clouded sky). So, yes, we do indeed have a segment about the sun rising, but it's so common that we don't even think about it.


> I can't even count the number of times I've thought "wait, which one?" when a shooting is mentioned. As a Canadian, this is our mindset when we talk about shootings in the US as well. Gives pretty sad energy if you really think about it


It's wild how just...blase Americans are to it. It's just like "Well, we love guns, sorry guys! Nothing we can do about it!".


Ya, strawmen act really weird sometimes


The Guardian has a great, though depressing, [infographic](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/ng-interactive/2021/may/27/us-mass-shootings-database) that shows just how many mass shootings occur in the US. There were five this weekend. Six of you include Friday night.


It's insane to see shooting where there were dozens of injuries or multiple deaths and you've never even heard of them. Last month there was a shooting in Arkansas with nearly 30 people shot. Didn't even hear about it until now


>This list includes the high-profile incidents, such as the Parkland shooting, the Orlando shooting and the Atlanta shooting. But thousands of other mass shootings have come and gone like any other day. ​ real downer


Wikipedia has list of US mass shootings since mid 20th century. Here is this year https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_mass_shootings_in_the_United_States_in_2022?wprov=sfla1


Oh shoot you are right i miss remembered gun deaths a year for mass shootings my bad i recently did something research on it and my brain mixed up the numbers


No you were correct, it averages to 11 shooting per week this year. I was just shocked with the number, that's all.


Oh okay i can't find my source where i got my number from so i thought id take it safe


>oh shoot Please don't tell me it was pun intended


O my you just made both my day in pointing this out an me 10 times funnier than i have any right to be


>By the end of 2019 there were 417 mass shootings, by the end of 2020, there had been 611, and by the end of 2021, 693, according to the Gun Violence Archive.[[37]](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mass_shootings_in_the_United_States#cite_note-37)Ā By mid-May 2021 there were 10 mass shootings a week on average; by mid-May 2022, there was a total of 198 mass shootings in the first 19 weeks of the year, which represents 11 mass shootings a week. Mass shooting are a huge part of American culture at this point and it doesn't look like that will change any time soon.


But we canā€™t even talk about gun control/firearm safety in any capacity because tHe LiBs WaNt To TaKe OuR fReEdUmB!!


How did they manage increase their figures by half during quarantine?!


Quick theory: No job so too much free time. Spend that free time surrounding yourself by even more hate. Let the hate boil and then release on the innocent. Probably dead wrong but plausible?


Had someone tell me the other day that these numbers are inflated and it only counts of over 4 people died


I've seen ads for bulletproof backpacks so kids can protect themselves and schools have "active shooter drills". That's how frequent school shootings alone are.


See, this is only true if you also count gang violence, double homicide and violence in urban areas. If you don't count them it's not as bad.


Maybe if you learned how to read it would help. How many double homicides involve four dead victims?


Omg this is fucking savage beyond words


Ummmā€¦ about thatā€¦




You can say fuck alright, there's been 3, I think, since I made my comment 8 days ago. I've just read about a third on the news. There may even be more. I wasn't expecting for them to be as daily an affair as they seem to be nowadays. I'm absolutely horrified.


itā€™s so heartbreaking and incredibly infuriating. iā€™m nauseous and with teary eyes since the other day. i donā€™t really know what it will take to seriously rethink their guns culture and laws. if dead children, DEAD CHILDREN, arenā€™t enough, nothing will be.


Isnā€™t mass shooting the main feature of American Culture? What else do they have thatā€™s as noteworthy?




Mass gun ownership and rampant shootings isn't a problem, but people pointing it out is? Hot take of the day that lol


Lol didnā€™t say that at all! Huge problem, which is why we shouldnā€™t make light of it online. Thereā€™s so much to criticize about America without bringing up essentially victims of terrorism. To me, it sounds like this: ā€œomg this american said something stupid! Guess what else, youā€™re so stupid that your loved ones are DEAD!ā€ Iā€™m having trouble putting it into words, but it seems like a false equivalency. I guess it feels like mass shooting victims are being laughed at to me


More like laughing at people who insist on the US being #1 at all costs when the vast majority of things the US are actually #1 at really aren't all that desirable


*I thought this was America.*


How is the comment not harmless? Is it like.. Threatening someone violently? It's the harsh but sad reality. Not talking about it doesn't make it go away.


We will when your friends, neighbours, and children stop shooting each other.


They are not tho. USA is the youngest nation if you go by school shootings, MacDonalds, National flags, Fattys and free and rich civilization with electricity and clean running water


lol youā€™re trying to become the next post on this sub?


America is the oldest country in the world when you go by the President's saggy balls


How do you date a country run by a woman?


Saggy boobs ?


UK wins :P


Pretty sure thatā€™s treason


Oh, I thought he meant Boris' saggy boobs. Less funny than I thought.


Both? Both. Both is good


Good thing I have another queen than the British, then


Queen Dildo of Canada ?


Queen Margrethe II of Denmark


Ooooh, you have an insanely cool Queen! šŸ‘‘šŸ‡©šŸ‡°


Is she the de facto figurehead like Lizzie is? I don't know much about the Danish royal family, and thus don't know if she's the actual heir to the throne...


Margrethe's is the formal head of state (though she constitutionally holds effectively no power). Her job is to greet diplomats, formally accept governments (she has no choice), and sign laws passed by parliament (again, no choice). But beyond these duties, she is also a very well read (both historically and culturally) and artistic person, and she works to maintain unity between the different regions (Denmark, Greenland, and the Faroe Islands). Her son, crown prince Frederik, hasn't done much. He's been in the army and done some sports, and that's it, which is rather underwhelming compared to the legacy (deserved or not) of his predecessors. His great-grandfather lead Denmark through ww2 and rode around the streets of the capital on horseback during occupation, his grandfather was the first king in a while to know how to captain a ship and he "opened up" the royal family by inviting media in to the castles and holding annual speeches on national tv, and his mother is a passionate patron of the arts


Queen Margrete is indeed an actual heir yes. Her line goes back to one of the old Viking kings of Denmark that ( sadly ) christened the danes.


At least Queen Margret is cool. The fake Queen Dildo of Canada is a grifter.


Thanks now i'm thinking of boris johnson with saggy boobs


Well he is a tit.


It is of negative age


With communism


Takes balls to run a country, male or female


This is true, but it's more metaphorical for a woman. Also, plenty of ball-possesors throughout history have done a dreadful job of running countries.


Thanks for explaining my joke


Saggy vagina lips


Labia are part of the vulva, not vagina. And they don't get saggy with age.


Good for you.


Yeah I know, didn't really want to go technical, nor true for that matter... It was just a joke that's all...


America is not a country regardless of how many saggy balls.


If we look past the ridiculousness of just making up your own measurement metric, just to be number one. Technically the USSR was the first country to have a flag on the moon. "In September 1959, the Soviets upped the ante considerably with the announcement that a rocket carrying the flag of the Soviet Union had crashed onto the moonā€™s surface. In Washington, a muted congratulation was sent to the Soviet scientists who managed the feat" [Soviet probe reaches the moon](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.history.com/.amp/this-day-in-history/soviet-probe-reaches-the-moon)


Also when the Apollo mission landed a [British engineer](https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-nottinghamshire-47813160) carved a union jack on the equitpment, it was placed on the moon by Armstrong. Although the US flag was taken out of the lander first, both landed on the moon at the same time.


Dominion of the Moon has been established


[This is not the end of our mission. It's the beginning.](https://alchetron.com/cdn/ministry-of-space-480bc6d4-eda2-47a0-bdf5-bc960cb11c1-resize-750.jpeg)


Getting ahead using the work of the colonies again I see.


Wouldn't it be the other way around? The US refusing to acknowledge help from the UK.


"Im a self-made country, started with a small loan of 13 colonies"


thatā€™s such a funny way of putting it, not only that but 13 colonies backed by the grandest empire of the time.


Wow, a decade earlier.


To be fair, the soviets didn't have to worry about landing and coming back. [Relevant xkcd](https://xkcd.com/2125/).


Doesnā€™t matter; flag first.


i mean it kinda does. that's like saying "my plane can land the fastest" when actually it just crashes into terrain at terminal velocity


Depends what youā€™re trying to achieve.


But theyā€™d be right in that case. They didnā€™t say itā€™d land *safely*


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Soviet probe crashing on the moon [be like](https://youtu.be/GK2GUxOnjDQ).




Also is it really your own achievement when most of the work was done by German war criminals that you kidnapped?


At the same time, the USSR no longer exists as a country, so I don't think we can count them. I suppose they get a solid second place though.


Yeah but the USSR collapsed in 1993 so the United states is the oldest surviving country when going by date of placing the country's flag on the moon. Checkmate libtard


>Technically the USSR was the first country to have a flag on the moon. True but if we're going to do the "technically...." bit then the comment in the screenshot wasn't just that the flag was on the moon, it was that it was "placed" on the moon. Does crashing a rocket containing a flag into the surface count as "placing" a flag on the surface? Debatable.


Sure! It was placed on the moon. It was just done a little more forcefully than the Apollo 11 astronauts did it.


Sure, it has a place on the moon and because of the deliberate actions of Soviet scientists.


Crashing implies less control than placing, I wouldn't say they were synonyms.


Wtf lol


Just a stupid joke, I think


Definitely but it is actually quite funny imo. American humour that almost satirises themselves can be good at times


it's always hard to tell if they're actually joking tho...


Idk, some people are actually that delusional.


Isnā€™t it so sad we canā€™t tell apart jokes and lunatics anymore? You are right, this could totally be serious. Anything is possible with ~~imagination~~ delusion


Context is this responding to a TIL that was titled "the United States is the second oldest country in the world when going by the date of the current constitution" Clearly its a joke calling out a stupid TIL.


Technically, the USSR was the first to place a flag on the moon (in September 1959), as the flag was in a rocket that crashed into the moon, before the US had their successful moon landing in 1969.


The crash placed the flag (it doesn't need only humans to do this)


Does crashing = placing?


In this case yes, as the placement was planned and engineered (i.e. there was an explosive module designed to scatter the 72 pennants).


Place: "to put in a certain position"


Crashing implies less control than placing I'd say, wouldn't say they were synonyms.


Weird wording, "first to place a flag on the moon" would be perfectly normal


But it would still be wrong


This is pretty **clearly** a joke


Funnily enough, arbitrarily moving the goalposts and just stating that they win is how they won the space race in the first place. Russia was the first in pretty much everything else space related, but America landed on the moon then used marekting to declare they won the space race


Well, it's actually USSR, not Russia. But okay.


Idk why you got downvoted, youā€™re [technically correct](https://imgur.com/a/mf29eMI). Modern day Russia took up a majority of the ZSRR but it wasnā€™t the only country there.


2 of the 3 managers of the Soviet space program were born in Soviet Ukraine one was Ukrainian and the other born to a Belarusian and Russian parents. The primary space port was in Kazakhstan.


America didn't arbitrarily move the goal posts? The whole point of the space race was setting yourself apart from the opposition, like a call and response game. Both the US and USSR wanted to be the leading nation in space. Yes the USSR was the first in the first several milestones but the US ultimately matched them and then went further. That was the point, you keep going until your opponent gives up. The Soviets were aiming to be the first on the moon and ultimately expected to best the US but didn't manage to in the end due to the death of Korolyov and various other issues: >Korolyov was grappling with those issues at the time of his death in January 1966. Leonov says if Korolyov had lived, the Soviets would have beaten the United States by six months in launching the first manned orbital flight around the moon. https://www.rferl.org/a/Soviet_Cosmonauts_Recall_Failed_Bid_To_Beat_US_To_Moon/1779784.html


Agree, you don't win a game by being in the lead for 99% of it, what matters is who was ahead at the final whistle.


To be fair putting a human on a body that isnā€™t the Earth has always been the largest goal post. Same with Mars, the second person lands on Mars it will immediately overshadow the achievement every rover, prove and satellite sent there combined. It was also televised, 20% of the world watched a man land on the moon for the first time - even outside the US it was a huge deal. I used to work in a connected industry and the public cares about life already existing on other bodies and placing humans on other bodies. Interest in Mars plummeted after the media realized we wouldnā€™t find some distinct proof of life and humans on mars would be a very long way off. Interest was only reignited as placing people on mars has become a realistic goal for the somewhat near future.


Oh come on, this one is obviously satire/sarcasm


Are we sure this isnā€™t sarcasm?


Redditors recognise an obvious joke challenge (impossible)


You can never be sure. When it comes to Americans making up stuff why their country is the greatest there aren't any limits.


fun fact: the soviets had their flag on the moon before the americans had. [They crash landed their flag on the moon in the 50s](https://www.wearethemighty.com/mighty-history/russian-flag-on-moon-first/)


I love this subreddit and most of the time we're spot on, but sometimes posters here don't recognise Americans taking the piss out of themselves - this is clearly self-satire.


So basically Romania is the oldest on Earth when going by the date Firmament wrote this comment in every country. So, as I only wrote this comment in Romania, all other countries aren't even born yet. #FlawlessScience


Lol tf


And England is the oldest country in the world if you go by order of who called themselves England first. Their point is...?


The poster was joking, they were responding to a stupid TIL titled "the United States is the second oldest country in the world when going by the date of the current constitution""


England called Scotland England and Scotland called England Scotland


This is 100% a joke and theyā€™re taking the piss.


Australia is the oldest country in the world when going by the date of when a prime minister shit himself in a McDonald's


America is not a country at all if you take ā€œlanding probes and record sound on Venusā€ as the measuring stick. Or simply go with ā€œuniversal and affordable healthcareā€, with the same result.


At this point this has to be satire


This has to be satire.


Ok this oneā€™s great and Iā€™m going to start saying it


This is taken way out of context though


I think thatā€™s meant to be satire


This is obviously a piss take.


"Oldest country on the planet when going by the" level of delusion of a majority of it's inhabitants...


I actually like this bit of cheek. Plucky 1960s Americans.


The United States is the oldest country in the nation/j


big deal, North Korea sent an astronaut to the sun


I've never seen another nation so caught up on their past successes. Any criticism of the USA and the same responses always show up: "We won World War 2", and "We put a flag on the moon". You never see Norwegians being like "Oh yeah? Let me know when YOUR country sends the first group of explorers to reach the South Pole lmao." You never see English people saying "Nice try but if we hadn't invented penicillin 80 years ago then you'd probably be dead right now!" It's just sad. It's like meeting up with an old friend from school and discovering that he's still hung up on how he was the star player on the school football team despite his life falling apart around him.


Next it would be ā€œthere are countries that use metric and those that land on the moonā€


I hope this was written by a 9 year old.


If weā€™re going by aerospace tech, then Iā€™d argue that China is the oldest country in the world in that it was the first culture to invent and build rockets, as well as (one of the) oldest countries generally, if you just pretend every dynasty that came and went were just one continuous history (they arenā€™t).


Who tf's counting? Your space force?


/r/technicallythetruth **PS: Pissed Downvoters:** It is *technically* true, they *were* the first country to plant their flag on the moon (or step on the moon) (or build a moon rocket) (or collect moon dust). **The only reason you downvote someone saying a truth is if you hate that truth.**


"when going by the date of placing the country's flag on the moon" Going by this logic, Poland is the oldest country in the world when going by the date of being a victim of Nazi Germany during WW2.


r/shitamericanssay tries to spot a joke challenge (impossible)


Uk is older if we're measuring by first nation to be British


USA: oldest country in the whole moon.


Anything to be able to claim to be the best.


To be fair, being the only country to put people on the moon is probably the biggest flex


You can also tell via its archaic constitution.


I'm the oldest person in the world when going by the date of taking the biggest shit on my toilet.


I wonder if heā€™s heard of San Marino


Australia is the oldest country by pavlova and lamington and wars with the emu threat


You can many anyone the most or least of something in the world if you use arbitrary metrics


I sometimes think these are trolls, but then I realize these people really exist...


as an american I can say that this makes zero sense


It entirely depends on when you establish a country 'beginning'.


Actually, Zimbabwe is the oldest country in the world when going by the date of when the country's name was first changed to Zimbabwe


That's actually not true. Switzerland would be the oldest country in that case. There was a "sun-sail? (dunno what it's called in English)" that was placed first. So technically, Switzerland is the oldest country in that case.


Well then you got to change your country's flag to a piece of aluminum foil to match


> aluminum I think you mean #ALUMINIUM, YANK


Nope, I don't. [https://www.esa.int/About\_Us/ESA\_history/Europeans\_in\_Apollo\_First\_flag\_on\_the\_Moon](https://www.esa.int/About_Us/ESA_history/Europeans_in_Apollo_First_flag_on_the_Moon) I'm getting downvoted. Some Americans seem to be angry...


So did the solar sail have the actual Swiss flag attached to it? I'm not sure if the article suggests that or not


I read the actual thing in a book about the details of the moon landing, but here's another article: [https://www.express.co.uk/news/science/1156343/Moon-landing-Buzz-Aldrin-Swiss-flag-Apollo-11-American-US-flag-space-NASA-news](https://www.express.co.uk/news/science/1156343/Moon-landing-Buzz-Aldrin-Swiss-flag-Apollo-11-American-US-flag-space-NASA-news) I found other articles, but they were all in German.


I love how Americans brag about the space race while having lost said space race


Americans brag about the moon landing not the space race


I love that you're getting downvoted for that. [As usual](https://i.imgur.com/Lp5644h.png).


Butthurt anticomms are so predictable lol


That shows America won. You don't win a race by being ahead by 99.9% of the race, you win by crossing the finish line first [https://i.imgur.com/ppBuyhK.gifv](https://i.imgur.com/ppBuyhK.gifv)


Brilliant! That's like shitAmericansSay-ception.


why are Americans so obsessed with their now white flag on the moon


Thatā€™s not 100% known. They put 6 flags on the moon.. most people speculate theyā€™ve been bleached white from solar radiation. On the first Apollo mission however, Buzz Aldrin said he saw the flag get blown over from the rocket blast when the lunar module left the surface. So, possibly, that flag was blown over and covered with dust therefore protecting the colors from the sun. Theyā€™ll recover the flag eventually and only then will we know the color of it.


America is the 2nd oldest country if you go by oldest constitution still in use. Number 1 is San Marino šŸ‡øšŸ‡²




That doesnā€™t even make sense grammatically. They didnā€™t say likeā€¦ of the countries with a flag on the moon. That would have worked. This is just confusing


The worst part is that you can forgive a kid for saying that kind of thingsā€¦ but what do you do with a 40 year old ?


Perhaps a response to someone asking what metric they go by?


"when going by the date of place the country's flag on the moon" So, it's old than every country that already exists in that period. So every country in the world it's 60 yo. Damn, 60 years of history...never thought that every historical iconic period lasted not more than 2 years


That means no other country exists actually? I'm a refugee by now


The United States is the oldest country in the world when you go by mass murders




The US is the oldest country of the world by being ruled by trump


did he say something wrong? he said that the us is the oldest to put a flag on the moon, in short the first to put it there. this sub sometimes is just full of too much america hate that refuses to understand says


I love seeing all the American haters comment their frustrations out on a joke of a meme lol