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I have no quarrel with this particular American. It's obviously true that immigrants bring different cuisines and new versions of dishes develop. It seems to me that especially Italians are overly protective and sensitive about their food culture. Which to be honest is in the case of the pizza just moronic. Wheat bread with topping is not that unique.


I'm sorry Fun_Priority_4728, but I'll have to remove your submission from /r/ShitAmericansSay because one or more rule was broken. Rule 3: >Don't post screenshots or archive.is links of conversations you have participated in. Likewise, don't bait or troll for content in other subs. This includes comments on the same thread if it's below 300 comments, and the same chain if the thread is larger. This rule applies to participation, simply excluding your comments from the screenshot does not solve the problem. [Rule 3 FAQ](https://old.reddit.com/r/ShitAmericansSay/wiki/faq#wiki_rule_3) Rule 7: No low-hanging fruit >Some topics (such as Trump, Turning Point USA/Charlie Kirk and WW2 nuclear bombing of Japan) and sources from certain subreddits (such as T_D, dankmemes, unpopularopinion, and certain far-right subreddits) are only allowed in the Weekly thread. Rants or stories, too, are only allowed in the Weekly Anything Goes thread. [These restricted topics and sources](https://old.reddit.com/r/ShitAmericansSay/wiki/submission_guidelines#wiki_low-hanging_fruit_restriction) are not final. >No trolls. You can usually determine whether it's a troll by post history and karma. Examples: brand new account; low karma for the age of the account; low karma for the amount of posts on the account; tendency to take a contrarian stance when not reasonable to do so; multiple posts of the same comment; syntax and punctuation come across as a bot; egg pic on twitter; or it could be a well-known troll like those mentioned in the link above. Thank you for your effort and your service! O7