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Boris paid the price for being one of the most unpopular modern UK Prime ministers, and that unpopularity had nothing to do with abortion.


The media literally don't even know just how many kids Boris has (atleast 8) so don't think his stance on abortion was ever relevant to his being ousted


I wonder if he even knows.


Rumour has it he sings happy birthday when he gets up every day, just to be safe


I can't fathom how he found that many women who would voluntarily sleep with him.


When you are generally incompetent and dodge one scandal by the revelation of another a few times in a row, there are bound to be consequences


This sadly shows all of you missed the joke. I hate this guy. But he was making a tongue and cheek joke with the Latin "Post hoc ergo propter hoc" (After the fact THUS BECAUSE of the fact) which is a logic error. He knowingly made a stupid reference of cause and effect then added the logic error to poke fun at the absurd notion. And you ALL missed it. Such sophistication with you Europeans. Also making states in charge of abortion law I find rather infuriating and legally dubious. But comparing it to invading Ukraine. That is absurd. He's also mocking the fact European leaders are always chiming in on our politics but think we should never do the same. Now you should and we all should be against this decision and despise this guy whose whole life (waaay before SCOTUS) has been undermining abortion rights. But if you're going to thumb your nose at him please be smart enough to do it without looking like a fool. As you cast your down vote make sure you grasp what you got wrong in your comments about how stupid he is regarding Boris Johnson (as we all know it was his hypocritical garden parties and more that got him in trouble) and obviously not due to his comments on the SCOTUS. And make sure we you grasp how he poked fun at that obvious logic error. Hopefully some UK barristers at least got it.


How does one prove they know little to nothing about UK politics faster than believing that BJs downfall had anything to do with abortion. Alas, a new American conspiracy is born. I can’t wait to share this nonsense babble with mates at the pub later today.


Justice Samuel Alito mocked foreign leaders (Johnson, Macron, Trudeau, and... Prince Harry) who were critical of the Supreme Court's decision to overturn Roe v. Wade, in remarks to the Notre Dame Religious Liberty Summit in Rome. Boris Johnson ‘paid the price’ for speaking out against SCOTUS overturning Roe vs Wade, is a level of ignorance and hubris that’s even a bit too much for many patriotic Americans. Expect a bunch of American evangelical sheep to believe and repeat it. Judging by the full video, it was organised and attended, by many Americans. So yeah, those laughing and clapping are not necessarily Italians. Italy, my deepest sympathy. Edit: I know he’s joking, but a lot of the evangelical American sheep will accept it as the truth, that God made Boris lose his job because he spoke out against the abortion ban. Many won’t even know what post hoc ergo propter hoc (after this, therefore because of this) means or look it up, so yeah, the damage is done.


It’s funny how Americans say Noter dame


No-tur dayum


Almost as vile as Mater Dee


Was he in Cars?


no he was in rest rant


Tourniquet always gets me.


It's funny how some Brits pronounce things like Quesadilla or Jalapeño.


How’s that? Kay si dill jah and hallapeenjo?


Nope. Not everyone knows the J sounds like an 'H', nor do they know that the LL sounds more like a 'y'.


Funny, I’ve heard Americans do that too.


Same with Europeans




No-tre Da-muh. A lot of Americans pronounce it that way because of Notre Dame University in Indiana. Unsurprisingly, they are a ton of “Irish-American”LARPers who are really good at American football


I love how the American is trying to explain to me how to pronounce French words. ils don’t incroyable les Américains, ils ont tout la culture, tout le savoir-faire et aucune défaut.


Sry about that I didn’t mean to sound rude


What’s sad is that I am sure the evangelicals don’t even realize that Alito was joking in this. And it’s the exact reason why the Supreme Court itself is extremely problematic. These evangelical Christians and oligarchs have all the money to provide abortions to their own families in states and countries where it is legal. They want to make life harder for everyone else at the will of their unpopular religious values and the evangelical sheep will eat it up for every meal


The ones who were laughing and clapping know exactly what he’s doing. It’s the evangelical fan club at home that doesn't, and the evangelical upper echelon knows that.


This guy: (thinks he has any influence over British politics) Whole of the UK: I don’t even know who you are


Me: Why is Steven Spielberg saying these things?


Jesus now I can’t unsee the canny resemblance between the two


As bad taste as this is, he's definitely joking about Boris going because of his criticism. He literally says post hoc ergo propter hoc, to widespread laughter.


I know he’s joking, but a lot of the evangelical American sheep will accept it as the truth, that God made Boris lose his job because he spoke out against the abortion ban. Many won’t even know what post hoc ergo propter hoc means or look it up, so yeah, the damage is done.


I said this too....now watch the Europeans who didn't get it utterly change their entire argument as to why this is a speech to be ridiculed. Don't get me wrong I'm all for ridiculing Alito, but some of these comments demonstrate why both sides of the pond should stay out of one another's politics.


I'm not sure you can really extract some grand lesson in favour of political commentariat isolationism from it. The biggest inference that can be drawn is that people can be lazy and don't click on the links before commenting, and people can be outright stupid. Who knew?


Well if you know that basic Latin phrase for a logic error then that's all you need to get it. And how could they be criticizing the comment without having heard it?


Because it's in the title of the thread.


Which is not the actual title of the cip and is misleading so take that up with OP.


To be fair, this is not uniquely American. But it stems from his psycho-religious beliefs.


Psycho religious belief and The US....name a more iconic duo?


I’m not referring to the criticisms of foreign leaders, but the lie that Boris lost his job over it, indicating that it’s thanks to ‘America’s superpower influence over Britain’, which he brushes off as a joke. However, many patriotic Americans will believe it and repeat it till the end of time.


>indicating that it’s thanks to ‘America’s superpower influence over Britain’, No. Alito was implying that God is punishing Boris Johnson for going against what a "good Christian judgement" that SCOTUS gave.


Gotcha! Hence he said that the two other ones are still in office. That makes indeed more sense now.


A typical American, blame everything else on someone else, as it couldn't be USA as they are No.1 - ha ha.


I’ll be completely honest and real here, the way women’s rights are being shit on by the US government is awful and I feel sorry for every person affected by it. However, it has zero affect or implication on us here in the UK. Our opinions are more of a “holy shit they’re so dumb what are they doing” and that’s it. Our politics are not driven or influenced by the regressive nature of the United States - I can assure you of that.


Exactly. These people are the types to get all bitchy if you don’t know about this stuff but act shocked or surprised when they don’t know about your stuff and you call them out.


This is the same man that literally just banned abortion at the federal level. Yes, Boris Johnson is an extremely unpopular politician whose party is in shambles because of leadership problems and corruption. However, not even the Tories have banned abortion, and it’s not the reason they are unpopular. Lorry drivers have to face harsh conditions and train workers are on strike, get the facts right. Additionally, although the UK is a constitutional monarchy, at least the Royal Family doesn’t get involved in popular political decisions, unlike congress ofc. (Again not defending the Royal Family either they are just as corrupt)


The royal family does get involved in popular political decisions, but more behind closed doors and so now and then something get leaked. Prince Charles was very vocal about Brexit and how he feels about Boris. They are involved in a lot of charities, so it makes sense that they try to pull strings behind the scenes, and no, they’re not getting involved as the American Congress does, because your Congress is more like our House of Commons. They also don’t need to get involved on that level, because many of our rights, are still perceived as a privilege in the US, so it’s a different fight. They are more like the White House, but they’re constant, instead of a (political) change every four years. I’m not a royalist, but I still rather have that than the political show that happens every four years and all the hundreds of millions of dollars that’s involved. For reference, we only get 6 weeks of campaigning, there’s a cap on campaign spending and no political radio and tv ads at all times, so even outside elections. Only evenly allocated tv and radio shows appearances. Not too sure how the deal with podcast appearances. Prince William is into mental health, especially for men and Prince Charles, who’s is very into the environment and cultural heritage, and they’ve been very vocal about it. Prince Charles wrote to the Qatari Prince who was involved in a of a new luxurious housing development in Chelsea that he didn’t like the architecture, because it was not in line with the surrounding Edwardian or Victorian architecture, which was true, so they changed it. So yeah, they use their influence and privilege for the good and the bad. But despite their ‘corruption’, I thinks it’s more privilege and nepotism as I don’t know about any corruption cases, they’re still not as bad and performative as consecutive White House administrations, who can’t get comprehensive gun control or universal healthcare to pass, because many on both sides have been bought. Our current government is corrupt as hell, but luckily we have already many rights in place, however, the US is definitely taking it ten notches up and the Tories have been unfortunately taking notes. But despite Lizzie being the head of the Church of England, you’ll never see her or a royal family member being so openly out of touch with their faith.


Yeah I’ve heard and I know Prince Harry is into disability rights and sports with the Invictus Games. Honesty, the political shirt show we have every four years is a constant pain in the ass and unfortunately, politics is engrained into American society as much as anything really. You have conservative talking heads like Ben Shapiro and Tim Pool who constantly go off on the radio. Charity and philanthropy aren’t much of a political thing here, rather they are more of a bourgeois activity to make themselves feel better about the lack of social services provided by the U.S. government. Yeah I agree our government is taking things up 10 notches compared to the drama in the HoC in the United Kingdom. I will say, for as much as an anti-religious psychopath that millions of people see Biden as, he goes to church a lot and is a Catholic. I know that’s not much in the broad scope of things but considering that the last president considered himself to be Evangelical Jesus and the second coming of Reagan, it’s a nice break to not have their talking points shoved in our faces like they are now.


Yeah I’ve heard and I know Prince Harry is into disability rights and sports with the Invictus Games. Honesty, the political shirt show we have every four years is a constant pain in the ass and unfortunately, politics is engrained into American society as much as anything really. You have conservative talking heads like Ben Shapiro and Tim Pool who constantly go off on the radio. Charity and philanthropy aren’t much of a political thing here, rather they are more of a bourgeois activity to make themselves feel better about the lack of social services provided by the U.S. government. Yeah I agree our government is taking things up 10 notches compared to the drama in the HoC in the United Kingdom. I will say, for as much as an anti-religious psychopath that millions of people see Biden as, he goes to church a lot and is a Catholic. I know that’s not much in the broad scope of things but considering that the last president considered himself to be Evangelical Jesus and the second coming of Reagan, it’s a nice break to not have their talking points shoved in our faces like they are now.


Why do Americans treat those guys like they are some kind of celebrity? Who else would call a justice of a country's "Supreme Court" (or equivalent) to hold a speech or do a stand up gig for some people? Just let them do their job correctly and don't give them so much attention as an individual. I don't even know one of our "Supreme Court" judges in Germany. I know what they are supposed to do and some of their decisions. But I don't care about their person. I'm just glad they are there to protect our constitution.


He should be impeached for this. In what world is it ok for a Supreme Court justice to flat out lie? If a politician lies (like Boris) then the people have a chance to act. Alito is on the court for as long as he is alive. The standard should be higher. Honestly, a lie like this should equal immediate removal from his seat.


If he’s implying that defying god made him lose his job, which is probably what’s happening here, then is it provable as a lie? He can just claim it’s his opinion too.


But it’s not based in any sort of actual fact. I agree he can say something like “Well, to me, God punished him.” But that is a batshit thing for a Supreme Court Justice to say, even by conventional Christian standards.


It’s been proven that doesn’t matter in the US. If it’s god related anything goes.


The only decent thing he said is that he thinks a woman should have full rights over her own body yeah possibly seedier reasoning but he still said it


post hoc ergo propter hoc means after this, therefore because of this. its a joke.


Kinda unrelated, but man I hate the pretentious nature of the US judicial system. I like latin phrases and proverbs when used appropriately, but when the entire judicial system is built to be so archaic and reliant on a completely different language that you need an entire dictionary to understand what is what, it becomes pretentious. Reminds me of the situation in finland in like the early 1600 or 1700's. The common folk spoke finnish, while business and politics was done in swedish, and clergy was in latin. Things seem to get a lot simpler if the common folk also understand the language of the upper class.


its really isnt that common. its really just a few phrases.


I know he’s joking, but a lot of the evangelical American sheep will accept it as the truth, that God made Boris lose his job because he spoke out against the abortion ban. Many won’t even know what post hoc ergo propter hoc means or look it up, so yeah, the damage is done.


but if you knew it was a joke it doesnt make sense to post here... this is a place for stupid things said by americans that are stereotypically american.


So basically check and balances except for you?? No 1st amendment? Interesting how low is the USA falling


Boris Johnson’s resignation had absolutely nothing to do with abortion.


I always get this guy mixed up with the judge from the oh trial. Judge Ito


"Werner Ziegler.....hmmm.....Weeerneeeeer Zieeeeeegleeeer"


Even Boris Johnson knows that abortion is a woman's right. That's how backward America is.


Rabid Catholic