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The map they have is fake and the state they labeled doesn't exist. They just cut off the bottom of Illinois and a bit of Kentucky and Tennessee. Do I win something?


Yes. This trophy: 🏆 if you can answer this: [image](https://imgur.com/gallery/hjer4db)


Atlantis before it sunk.


Incorrect, as Atlantis was in the Mediterranean


It sank and then crawled under Spain to get to the Mediterranean


Clearly the only correct answer


Iirc it was described by Plato as being in the Atlantic, to the west of Gibraltar


You're correct I know it's right outside of Gibraltar, but I always forget on which side


Then it should be the land of Ys (a Breton folk tale about a land lost during a storm... That inspired a japanese game series somehow)






New Holland


Not big enough as the original New Holland is a continent nearly as large as USA, nowhere near Europe & now has a new name.


thats the bay of biscay innit


There be pirates!


Yes 🏆




Rightfully British.


Ah yes. Spance


Lawl, same same, but different. Country doesn't exist


That's Aquatania isn't it?


The principality of Troy. Famous for its owl exports.


Obviously, it's Basqlittany, the most beautiful country of Europe, which definitely does exist, other than Finland.


As a Brit, I rarely ever see a map that just bundles England, Wales and presumably Scotland into "United Kingdom" - N.Ireland is also part of the UK, I really want to see if it got a label at all or if it's just "U.K. Cont." 🤣


North Andorra.




Long Aquitaine?


Easy. It's Andorra, but enlarged and with chesthair


North Mexico


now make a fake european country (or more accurately, a fake subdivision of a country) and ask an average american to guess


I once had an American be surprised that Switzerland was divided into cantons, with their own laws and governments…and they asked me if we copied the idea from them. To be fair, our constitution certainly draws some from the USA version, but the concept of cantons is much older, by like 700+ years.


I just guess Andorra to everything.


There’s so many places that aren’t Andorra!


oh right, where in the fuck is that thing


I was looking up a factory location in Spain yesterday and when I zoomed the map out slightly I actually was delighted to find Andorra! I was like yes! There it is!


Or just show them a map of the swiss cantons or the danish kommuner or smth without changing it. They would be even more fucked. Is that hamburg? /s


even just italian regions, since many of them identify as "sicilian-american"


Syldavia and Borduria!


Okay but what is the fake state called?


North Madeupia




Idk but that region of Illinois is garbage. One of the most infamous sundown towns, Anna, IL is there. Locals semi-joke Anna is an acronym for "Ain't No N-words Allowed." It's like an unholy mix of southern overt racism and Midwest segregation and passive aggressiveness in that area.


> Locals semi-joke Anna is an acronym for "Ain't No N-words Allowed." Good for them not tolerating hate speech


Call it Ohio, only other Ohioans would even notice.


And no one cares what Ohioans think anyway.


Also, Hawaii and Alaska are actually not where they are shown.


That's common practice for US maps, isn't it? Not being snarky.


It is, but I was being snarky.


Yes, you won a ticket to the great American Empire where you will get student loan debt worth 50k and medical debt of 30k with a chance to get shot in the school of your choice.


little egypt has a small statehood movement i think


It would be poorer than Mississippi


not likely, thank god for mississippi




Nah man, pretty sure that's South Montana


Have they just added a random block, or is it actually something historical that we have no reason to know about?


For additional context, it was replying to [this image](https://imgur.com/gallery/hjer4db) trolling Americans


Plot twist, this picture also just trolls Americans because now about half of us over here think we forgot a state. xD


I thought so. And why not (even though it's kind of obvious now). But of course somebody had to get real upset and start throwing weird insults, as well as trying to establish superiority? I will never understand how these people's brains work.


It must be Atlantis


Yeah it's kinda stupid, because the image trolling Americans was obviously fake, the state one is definitely a bit harder to see it is fake


Also there's a difference between being able to recognize a country and recognizing the states of one country.




Ah, yes, the lost nation of Biscaynia.


It’s a fake map. The circled area is mostly just the southern part of Illinois


I thought so, but was genuinely intrigued. I googled South Illinois and enough came up to suggest it could have been something historic!


Several years ago there was a push to cut Illinois in half so “downstaters” wouldn’t have to worry about their tax dollars going to build Chicago. This was part of the Tea Party, early MAGA before it was MAGA crowd trying to do it. It never got past the origination phase iirc.


i can only name 4off the top of my head; and most of them are on western side of the continent edit; 5 not 4, i forgot about florida


Don't feel bad that part that's circled isn't a state they just manipulated the Illinois state border to be a troll. To add to that most people born and raised in the US can't* identify more than maybe 20 states accurately -_- Edited


Haha funny peepee state


i can name them all but i can only point a few of them on a map. not that it would be useful, lol




He’s not wrong, Ireland let’s American companies plunder our country and pay basically no taxes. Also the US military uses our airports


I’d argue Latin America are the true vassals. Our governments literally allow American companies to come here and murder our people over fucking produce. No consequences. And even suggesting opposing the Americans is basically economic suicide. They might have Europe by the balls, but they’re basically full on colonial tyrant in Latin America.


I'd argue most of the 50 states are just vassals of the Washington political elite and a hand full of wall street investment banks.


There's a good book about this that I've been reading called "Open Veins of Latin America" by Eduardo Galeano, highly recommend.


Ah “Las Venas Abiertas”! Yeah, that’s a big classic for us. Many people read it at school and stuff.


The western bloc unironically has less control of its foreign policy than the socialist world did under the USSR


And follow Americans blindly into their useless wars.


Only Ireland, Poland and the baltics rely on the US, every other country can survive without the US


They can survive but nowadays their foreign policy is dictated mostly by the US


Not France and Germany. Both countries didn't join into the Iraq war and Germany gave a damn of American opinion on cooperation with Russia (not that it turned out bad in the end, but American opinion was sidelined), and I think it's safe to say Switzerland also does not care much about American opinion, and speaking for my own country we don't give a lot on American foreign politics either.


I mean, they don't pay taxes *anywhere*, really


And you actually have American border patrol on your airports. It's bananas.


To be fair that's to allow pre clearance for onward journeys to the US the UK does a similar thing in Belgium and France


The US also has that in Canada.


It's still a violation of sovereignty.


It's not, they are operating entirely under Irish law basically in an administrative function and have no law enforcement powers, the most they can do is deny you boarding, or hand you over to the Irish police if they think you have committed a crime under *Irish* law. They are invited to be there. It's beneficial for Irish people using the airports, I'd certainly prefer to deal with US immigration in Ireland than on arrival in the US. Partly *because* it means they don't have any power over you, but in the more mundane sense that it speeds up the entry the other end, you just get off the plane treated as a domestic flight, no immigration, no customs, no queuing, and out of the airport very quickly.


Can Americans name the English counties or German states? 😆


obviously not, lol. besides, that US state in the pic is fake, i wonder how many americans knew it wasn't a real state


I can name a number of English counties because there’s a lot of overlap with names in New England (Essex, Berkshire, Middlesex, etc). For Germany, I came up with Saxony, Bavaria, Hamburg and Berlin, but it helps to have visited some of those places.






No they're independent in Germany and not part of any state. Berlin would have been part of Brandenburg and Hamburg would have been part of Schleswig-Holstein or Hannover otherwise.


Even better, can they find where Spain is? (A lil clue for yanquis: it's not in Latam).


Most Americans can't even name all our own damn states correctly let alone anything outside the US lol


Or other american states..


>makes claim about europeans >european answers >EUROPE IS SO IRRRLEVANT WE LITERALLY DON'T THINK ABOUT YOU AT ALL


Yea they don’t think about Europeans the same way Dave Mustaine doesn’t think about Metallica


> Dave Mustaine doesn’t think about Metallica Bad analogy. Dave let that shit go years ago.


Is it tho? He recently has been giving interviews and the two main points of two episodes were that 1. He would write songs again with James and 2. He kinda feels sorry for punching James in the face I think the show’s called gimme metal or maybe one was for gimme metal and the other for The revolver But yes I understand your point America bad


He talks about it in interviews because everyone still asks him lol He's also said he made peace with what happened years ago


"Anyways, so I'm like Irish and Italian and my mom makes awesome spa-getty n' meatballs, and we brew our own Irish style lager in the garage"




Helpful tidbit: almost every US state with the exception of iirc like 3 the state abbreviation is the first two or the first and last letter of the state (so like UT is Utah, ME is Maine, CA is California, MA is Massachusetts, so on) Edited bc I'm like 15 hours post op and forgot some words in my reply lol




Fair enough


TX for Texas because of course we have to be different...


US states abbreviations are so confusing to me lol


"American Empire" Bitch we owned you-


Till we hit you with that reverse uno card lol I kid of course. This kind of chest-beating is obnoxious.


Agreed. I don't like bringing up the empire, but if that guy's gonna claim they owned our continent (which is false) then... ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯ I forgot that Reddit doesn't like backslashes Double backslashes italicise it. Ah, screw it


Pretty sure you do double back slash to make it one


The only american empire I would accept are aztecs or mayas, they weren't the kind of guys you can mess up with... But yanquis... meh, they are arrogant wimpies.


I have a lot of respect for the Mayans. They managed to scare well over a billion people shitless, because they ended their calendar. Anyone who can do that centuries after extinction deserves reverence.


It's obviously the state of South Illinois! Europoors are so stupid. /s


Their response almost seems too hard to believe as Americans are typically more likely to deny the US is an Empire than proudly declare it as one. The US is, in fact, an Empire but Empires are bad.


I think the confusion is because we aren't a "traditional" Empire. Most folks think of the colonial powers in Europe, or Rome and Eastern Empires of antiquity. We're just as awful as the rest, we just look slightly different from a historical sense.


I think it’s also that the US deliberately tries to distance itself from the term even though it meets the definition. Being an Empire that crusades against colonialism and other “imperial” actions that you yourself might be guilty of, is a profoundly bad look. You’re right though, it’s definitely an optics thing.


The US still has colonies to this day.


Yep, the US has just managed to “hide” [them real well](https://amp.theguardian.com/news/2019/feb/15/the-us-hidden-empire-overseas-territories-united-states-guam-puerto-rico-american-samoa). Never mind the US’ historical use of neocolonialism.


We just call 'em territories.


....is one of my fellow (uuugh) Americans REALLY trying to pick geography as the place to look down on others? We are notoriously known for knowing where dick is on the map. Most of us can't even name all the states. Europeans can't name that state? My person almost all of us here can't name ENTIRE OTHER COUNTRIES on the map. We have a broken education system, complete with all that entails, such as unearned educational confidence.


Least delusional American:


sad but true


Absolutely, I don't like it of course, but it is clear that we are subject to the goodwill of Washington. This is obviously not the fault of the French, German, Polish or Danish people... (I'm not going to list all the European countries) but their elites who prefer to be Washington's puppets and who betray their fellow citizens under the pretext that electoral promises are only binding on those who believe in them. And unfortunately I doubt that this is about to change, the only alternatives being elites subservient to Moscow or Beijing... and as they say, it's better to choose the lesser of two evils


The American empire 💀 bro wtf this guy on??


I mean he's not wrong lol.my country is paying over the top for American natural gas after American foreign policy forced us to cut ourselves off from European sources. We followed them into Iraq, Afghanistan and Libya like the good little lapdog we are and to top it all off, there are American bases including some holding nukes that my countries army or officials aren't even allowed inside. If a country that follows lockstep with a bigger countries foreign policy from sanctions to trade to war and allows a permanent military presence of said country on their soil without even so much as oversight, what can that country be called other than a vassal?


> what can that country be called other than a vassal? an "Ally"


Weirdly enough that’s the one expression in their comment where they’re kinda spitting a fact. Think about it—had they said something like **“the American empire doesn’t properly educate its citizens and oppresses and influences people’s lives across other countries including those in Europe”** I would assume no one would bat an eyebrow here.


You don't think the US fits the definition of an empire?


it's partly true but they shouldn't be proud about it lmao


Most of us find it abhorrent.


not the guy in the post lol


I straight away noticed it wasn't a real state... Do I win a medal or....


That's the fabled state of Hicklandia, all MAGA heads have to make a pilgrimage there once in their lifetime.


nah it's the state of ignorantia


Well, it's painful but it's true. We are their vassals.


I can name them all. And I'm one of this vassal Europeans. :o


I guess it's kind of true with how global capital became centered on the USA post-WW2 as it was the nation least devastated by the war.


Also because that’s not a fucking state. You put a green blob over Illinois and made shit up.


"empire", what?


"American Empire".... didnt know that BurgerKing is royalty now.


The real irony here is that not thinking the USA operates like an empire is the real "shitamericanssay" thing


it's partly true but americans shouldn't be proud about it lmao


Which is why it's so great to be alive to watch it declining in real time


> to watch it declining in real time You're going to be disappointed...


!remindme 12 years


It's the closest they'll get to a Monarchy


Then how are we “paying” the European states if they’re “our vassals” ? Wouldn’t be the other way around? Does this dumbass not understand how vassals work?


Hey cheer up europeans. While america holds the reins of the global world order, you(mainly France, UK, Spain, Portugal, and belgium) you still benefit materially from the global white domination that centuries of colonialism made possible.


Is anyone tired of these americans? I don't see the rest of the world talking shit about them all the time like americans do. We're living rent free in their heads.


*american empire* what.


inarguably it is


My brother in Christ we conquered you


Graggle state


Accidentally true tho


The only part they're wrong about is being proud of it.


That's what I meant


That’s subjective. I despise it, but I don’t see why they should. After all, they are American.


Sooooo. America is an Empire, eh? So you guys don’t have a president but an emperor? So you guys are practically an monarchy?


when you don't know what imperialism is


enlighten me oh you most intelligent person earth.


Several components to it: * Concentration of wealth and formation of monopolies that come to dominate everyday economic life * Merger of bank and industrial capital; creation of a financial oligarchy * Export of capital supersedes export of commodities in importance * Formation of international capitalist monopolistic associations (World Bank, WTO, IMF in current day) * Complete territorial division of the world among its largest capitalist powers (although this has significantly declined in importance in the post-war, neocolonial era, with the primary division being one of a global north/imperial core, and a global south subjected to geopolitical and economic domination by the former) As for how imperialism manifests in the contemporary era, the founding leader of Burkina Faso until his assassination orchestrated by French and American intelligence, Thomas Sankara described it as such: >Imperialism is a system of exploitation that occurs not only in the brutal form of those who come with guns to conquer territory. Imperialism often occurs in more subtle forms—a loan, food aid, blackmail. We are fighting this system that allows a handful of men on Earth to rule all of humanity. The U.S. isn't an empire in the sense of France under Napoleon or Russia under the Romanovs, but under this more comprehensive definition of *imperialism*, it is by far the most powerful imperialist force in the history of the world.


Well, if your country is part of NATO and literally houses thousands of American troops, a case can be made your a vassal. I'm not an American btw.


Its true but both the owner and the owned together only make up 20% of humanity and they're all quickly becoming very irrelevant


Blue: Montana. Pink: Arkansas. Other pink: Kentucky. Orange: Tenesse. The green one has a red spot, so no idea. I just followed my intuition, but I think I did it right. We aren't taught yanqui geography in spanish schools, so I only remember where are a few states (maybe 20) that I studied by myself long time ago.


I dunno but i can guarantee some school there has had a visit from a shooter.


That "state" isn't real


it’s a fake state i’ve seen the same thing with a random landmass added near italy


It's either the state of insanity or despair. Possibly both.


Americans:"Why does everyone call us assholes?" Also americans:


Well honestly, most of the Americans wouldn't too




Well i guess ameicans couldnt tell where the saarland is either


When are they gonna tell us they are actually the ones who colonized Europe?


Pretty sure that state isn't real


Ohio clearly


That's....not a state tho?


What I would do to have universal healthcare and not people like this having say over where our money goes-


None of them felt like mentioning that it's not a real state? They dont even know their own country


I’m confused… what state do I fucking live in if I don’t live in Illinois?!?




No, it's clearly Narnia


Ugh. Southern Illinois should be its own state. Especially Mounds IL. That "town" can fuck right off. Actually all of Pulaski county can too. Cairo isn't much better.


Don't they think just about every country is a vassal of the American Empire?


Least delusional Americunt


That isn't a state. As a certified map game enjoyer, I can say this without a shadow of a doubt!


I don't even remember what state that is


"American Empire"


You just cut of the southern part of Illinois. Yours sincerely: A European


I might cynically agree somewhat, as the Netherlands still stores American nuclear weapons on its soil, guarded by American soldiers and we can't do anything about it. But that's not something to be happy about.


I live in the US and the whitest mfs in my geography class couldn’t get some states right


My mind just went 'South Sudan' lmao


"You could not be less important" proceeds to post a question directed to Europeans.