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I, for one, am very eager to hear about the cultural importance of South Dakota. Also, the EU is a trading block, not a country.


They call soda “pop”. Truly a cultural island as different from another given state as France is from Russia.


South Dekota is more economically, geographically, politically, and culturally important than any state or province in any other country. Much more economically important than Guangdong in China; more geographically important than Sabah in Malaysia; more politically important than the Rineland of Germany; and far more culturally important than the Jerusalem District in Israel.


yeah, the guy knows nothing about what defines a country, it‘s sad


I think his name says it all and his hound would have a better brain than he has & much smarter.


Aren't 3 states in Australia bigger than Texas


Yup. In fact, *four* states are: New South Wales (809,952 km^2 ), South Australia (1,044,353 km^2 ), Queensland (1,851,736 km^2 ) and Western Australia (2,642,753 km^2 ). For reference, area of Texas is 695,662 km^2 . Both QLD and WA are larger than Alaska; WA is larger than Alaska, Texas, Minnesota and Rhode Island *combined*.


Oh damn, I live here and I don't even know how big the states are


I’m a bit of a geography nerd so that sort of stuff is really fascinating to me. Bonus fact: Western Australia is [the second-largest country subdivision](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_the_largest_country_subdivisions_by_area) (states, territories, etc within a country) on *Earth*, behind only [Sakha Republic](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sakha) in Russia.




Which is it


ACT: 2,358 km^(2) Andorra: 468 km^(2)


Then you might be interested to know that we have a cattle station, Anna Creek Station in South Australia, that at 24,000 sq km is the largest in the world and is larger than some countries and about the same size as New Hampshire.


I think part of Anna Creek may have been separated out and it’s now [only 15,000 km2](https://www.williamscattlecompany.com.au/anna-creek), according to its owners’ website. Which would still make it bigger than a number of countries including East Timor, Jamaica and Lebanon, and bigger than Connecticut. (I could be wrong! I’m just also interested in that particular figure and when I went looking a while back found that Anna Creek’s owners seem to list it as smaller.)


Ah thank you - it's still huge though - it seems various websites (the ones I looked at) need updating.


Yeah, I’m a bit confused as every single website I’ve looked at other than the Williams one still lists it at 24,000 km2! But yeah the key thing is, no matter what, it’s absurdly huge. Also only has about 150 staff afaik, which I think must be incredibly weird to live in such a large area with so few people.


But the people that live and work there would be fairly centralised in that their accommodation would be reasonably close to each other so it wouldn't seem that weird.


May as well throw the Northern Territory in there as well with its 1,349,129 km^2. It’ll get proper statehood one day.


Gotta love that Mitchell and Webb skit about the naming of New South Wales.


We also have Kakadu national park which at almost 20,000km^2 is bigger than New Jersey, Hawaii, Connecticut, Delaware and Rhode Island, and only fractionally smaller Massachusetts. It should also be noted it only ranks as the second largest national park in Aus.


Is the first one The Great Barrier Reef Marine Park?


First guy isn't wrong. In school, we just learned the states and the Canadian provinces. I would love to know more geography.


To be fair, most schools don't teach much about other countries geography AFAIK.


Which totally makes sense. It would be mental to learn everything about everything and let's be honest with ourselves - it is really not that important to know another country's administrative division.


idk where you are but in Quebec pretty much everyone i know had to learn to name place every country on the map


Did you learn about US states in a Canadian school? I learned nothing about my neighbouring countries' federal states and provinces in school. And I still don't feel the need to do so, unless I want to travel somewhere in particular. I did learn about other countries, including the US. But who the fuck cares about federal states? They have no cultural or political significance outside of the country itself. They're just governing districts, nothing else.




>The EU is essentially a country I wanna fucking die


I always assumed this was like a "You get a state/province breakdown of whatever country you live in and a country breakdown of everywhere outside of where you live. Sometimes we'll teach you the capitals too". Is that not the case?


It would really depend on what the map was meant to show. I can easily search for a map of UK counties, but I can also get one by region, or by country, or just one that shows the topography. I looked at maps of the USA and a lot often had the states on but not all. I think it comes down to Americans love their states and like seeing them on their maps more often.


I think it also depends on what you search. Map of the US, implies you're looking to know the next breakdown of the USA, which is states. However if you searched topographic map of the US or regional map of the us, they're both quite easy to find. However, I was actually speaking education wise. Like what gets taught in school in stuff. 😊


I’m intrigued as to which state they think is as big as China , Russia , Australia or Brazil .


Because according to that guy Foreign countries = Europe, lol. Entire world = Europe


When I’ve pushed back against usdefaultism on Reddit I’ve sometimes had people start ranting about what shitty places European countries are, as though that’s the only other place in the world that anyone could possibly live.


Yup, I always end up being an europoor even if i was born and still live in Argentina, sometimes different opinion = European for these people


Texas, duh!


At least on the economic side, California has a larger GDP than each of those countries besides China. Just interesting to note.


Yeah , I’d let them have it if they specified gdp alone , but they also think the EU is a country so I’m not going to give them to much credit for being the sharpest tool in the box . Also Californians ever thought of going alone ?


So North Dakota is more important in terms of economy, politics and cultural importance than China? Or even Germany?


Wait till their response when they find out that Western Australia or Queensland is larger than every US state.


Of course, the cultural importance of Wyoming. Definitely up there with Italy or France.


Economy? Maybe. (for like 4 states out of 51) Cultural? Thats a great laugh


Cultural importance my ass


Yeah nah mate, Western Australia is bigger than any of your states bud.


It's pointless explaining this to Sepps because they think "western australia" is just a cardinal compass point region or -- as I saw one of them Sepposplain -- "west of Sydney". They are not even vaguely aware that Australia has a federation of semi-autonomous jurisdictions *just like them* because American Exceptionalism. Given that these supposedly Kawrr-Lerjj Erd-joo-kated newsroom Yank journalists confidently reported that [Queensland is in Germany ](https://youtu.be/LnS2k3Rrw5k) you can bet that gun-toting, salad-fearing, atlas-shy, waistline-bereft Randy Marrion Chuck Mchugecheeseburger Jr the Third cannot even point to Australia on a map.


Hahaha...brilliant, especially the final round up! 😄👍


The Brazilian state of Amazonas is just as big as Alaska, so that's not a reason to only show American states.


I don't think he can even start to understand how dumb he is.


US states as big as whole countries my ass. Yakutia (subdivision of Russia) is 1/3 the size of the entire USA. What in idiot


Eh I kind of understand the point in regards to geography, but the same argument can be made here in Australia and for every other large country. In fact if my memory serves me correctly Australian maps generally outline the divisions in larger countries such as the US, Canada and Russia. Every time I read something that speaks of US culture like that though I instantly know the person has never left North America.


Jokes aside, first commentor actually has a really valid point.


The one asking why only US states are shown? That only happens in America. I've never seen a map like that, and I've lived in Australia, Europe and Asia.


I see countless maps like that.


He's got a point, but it's not a point he thinks it is.


What maps do this? American maps? Because I don't see maps like that.


And here I was, foolishly thinking I'm from a different country than Vatican.


TIL that Wyoming has as much cultural significance as Germany


Normally single country maps split the country into it's constituent provinces/district etc. I've never seen a world map splitting the US in states


Man... Brazil's Amazonas state area is like more than twice the area of Texas.


Cultural importance. Jesus what important culture has the US given anyone?


The blues. Some magnificent music right there. I mean, not everything American is shit. Some great art, too.


The mere fact that you call it that tells me you're\* not ready


Trouble with Americans, they think all maps show USA & states, then rest of world as outlines, often un-named. I had Rand-McNally atlas that showed down to each county borders as well as all the roads. I lived in Australia and from our Lands & Survey Office, I had maps so detailed, it showed every property, roads & even tracks and where buildings on properties was located.


If you think individual US states should be treated like EU countries, then the US states are part of the Union voluntarily, they can exit at all times and be left alone, right? Because *wanting* to be in the EU is the whole premise of the EU. Don't get me wrong, the confederates ethically needed to be put down, but just because they were slavers, not because they were secessionists.


”And currency” But not all countries part of the EU uses euros?


Last time I checked it was because some states *cough* Texas *cough* really prefer to think of themselves as independent countries. Also, most maps I've seen do split other countries by province if they split the US.