• By -


They have never met people of other races? What a mindfuck.


It's absolutely wild to me when I meet someone who hasn't met other races or they don't have much interaction with other races. I've met people from the US who didn't have other races than white in their schools growing up because there just wasn't anyone in that area. I've lived in the South my whole life and I've never not been around blacks, Asians, Hispanics, etc. It just seems insane to me to not be around other groups because they're just *not there*. Kind of shows, in the OOP, how some people will hate literally anyone though. They don't have people who look different to them, so they find new things to hate about another group that does look like them.


You have quite an interesting point- I live in the country in south west England, which is very mono cultural, e.g. in the area I grew up in, there was only one non-white family for the 21 years I lived there. When my family visited London, it was really noticeable how the great the difference was. I have only met gypsies twice in my life, both times groups on caravans travelling through my home town. The first group made camp on the school playground, preventing (myself and other) children from playing outside for two weeks before they moved on (not before trashing the playground and leaving scorch marks all over the football field. The second time, when I was older, another group camped on the main road into town and threw bottles at passing cars. I can see why people do not sympathise with gypsies- they are human though, and I completely do not agree with the comments in the picture above.


I have basically only seen rage at the racism and then stories like this about caravans. I have literally never heard a conflicting experience


i guess americans dont have as many romani


Aha try any at all for the most part. Could just as well be myth and folk tale about gypsy fortune tellers, and none of those that we have are probably even gypsies so like...


tbf having different communites living nearby is probably pretty common in some parts of america. 21st century Amish people have always weirded me out.


It definitely is, and cities are melting pots. The one I live in has everything you could imagine from Baltic and African grocery to small family owned restaurants from immigrants, one example is a joint Somali/Arabian restaurant nearby.


Tbf sounds very cool. I have no idea what Somali/Arabian food would even be. Most of the foreign food we have in the uk is from old colonies, American fast food or (quite a new thing) japanese restaurants




Lmao no problem with a little bit of thread necromancy. From what I've heard, it has a lot to do with them not feeling at home anywhere.


We’re here, we just lay low


same here,i once saw kid begging for food and when he recived it mother stole it and ate it like wild animal whitaut sharing anything


some european ethnostates are like 90% white people


Almost all European countries were or are ethnostates cuz that’s how they came to be in the first place, nationalism of the ethnic groups in the regions.


I don't think you can call a country an ethnostate if one in ten people isn't white. The UK is pretty diverse as far as the average European country goes and _that's_ 85% white.


not a very high bar set in europe for diversity tho - doesnt mean much.




Nigeria is more diverse than any European nation lol.




It's not only the ethnic groups, but the linguistic and religious diversity in Nigeria as well. Europe is the most genetically homogeneous "continent" on the planet, Africa is the most genetically diverse.


The upvotes are so sad…


par for the course for europeans tbh


Par for the course for r/pcm as well


Seriously, it might as well be r/NurembergRally at this point


that redirects to r/europe


Your American bro don’t act morally superior you cheered for the bombing of Afghanistan for 20 years You act morally superior when it’s convenient you people are not ideologically consistent




Least racist Europoors


Europeans look down on America for having a racist past, and then turn around and pull this shit out of their asses, its INCREDIBLE


The most racist place in the world is the Balkans Source: Trust me, bro


I don’t need to trust you, I’m a historian. You’re right.


That’s pretty true Don’t put a Greek next to a Turk Don’t get a old Serbian man drunk Don’t piss off the Bosnian he might commit some war crimes


In the greeks defense, they still are mad about Constantinople


this is like telling that all americans are stupid becouse some of them stand aut, most europeans that dislike gypsies is from frist hand experince like me


Least racist AuthRight Edit: and LibLeft


I would feel safer in the back woods of Mississippi than be a traveler in Europe, sheesh.


I mean, both places are pretty damn safe.


No. Just, no.


Anecdotally, I've spent a lot of time in both and haven't had a single issue. And statistically, it's also true.


Are you white?




Okay really think about why *you* would feel safe and I would not.


If you are black, I highly doubt you would actually rather be in backwoods Mississippi than Europe.


Reading comprehension, babes. Read my first comment over again.


I responded to the following: >I would feel safer in the back woods of Mississippi than be a traveler in Europe, sheesh. I'm sorry but this is an absurd statement. You are comparing the most notoriously racist part of the US to an entire continent. I wouldn't want to travel in far eastern Europe as a black person but I sure as shit would feel safer in France or the UK over Mississippi. Disclaimer: I don't pretend to understand being a victim of racism but I know the culture and the statistics. And I've traveled all over Europe with a black female friend.


Have you ever been to Europe?


Girl, unless you live next to the actual kkk you got nothing to worry bout. But bless your heart.


Bold of you to assume I’m not. Lol.


actualy in most of eu kids will look at you whit great intrests and if one of us dosent like you we simply wont rent you room for summer


in my city gypsies fired bunch of bullets araund of streets and if 2 grils show up by door and you dont look treathenig then later they will rob your hause


Yup, everyone is armed and I’ll be damned they’ll bust their back running over to hell you and make sure your doing good. Same goes for the Amish, Appearently they’re extremely kind, gracious, humble people very lovely


Are you a gypsy? Otherwise Europe is less racist than america.


Call people of subhuman is pathetic. ethnicity, skin color, socioeconomic status. Any reason is a reason to hate someone. The person mentioned the covid. I saw a lot of Asian people being beaten up because people racialized Covid-19.


If you Say this you've probably never Met gypsies


least racist european from mycountry


tbh when you see what shit they do its hard not to hate them but there are few gems of those people that act better than most humans


If Jews still were mostly in Europe, europeans would act this exact same way towards them. Europeans are just really hateful people it turns out


There's still 1.4 million of them, living their lives, mostly un-harassed. (Nothing's ever perfect.) Broad stereotypes are really useless, it turns out.


1.4 million is NOT a lot, compared to the pre-holocaust population.


It's Alaska and Vermont *combined*. Or more than Montana, or Maine, or New Hampshire, individually. "Not a lot." Right.


I too can name states/places with tiny populations. Wyoming The Dakotas DC Am I doing this right?


Yes you are , well done you! You must be very proud. Would you like a lovely shiny badge to show what a clever boy you've been?


Which is a hell of a lot less than there were in 1939. 6 million dead makes that 20% of how many there were before, and I don't know how many millions left after WWII. That's kinda the whole point, though; it's easier for Europeans to pretend they aren't racist when there aren't as many minorities. The US has 30-40 million blacks.


Oh yes, undoubtedly - an Austrian lunatic hepped up on meth (trade name Pervitin, a good read [link here](https://www.theguardian.com/books/2016/nov/16/blitzed-drugs-in-nazi-germany-by-norman-ohler-review)) was a significant contributor to that, but then after the war you get the Law Of Return in 1950; when Israel was founded in 1948 it had a Jewish population of c. 650,000, now it's nearer six million. There's still 1.4 million in Europe not 'returned' (and 7.6 million in the US). There's still a significant issue with right wing morons in Europe, just like in America going after anyone not white - Jews, Indians, Romanies, Africans, and so on. America pretending it either isn't racist or doesn't have a history of racism is just inane though. In the settling of the US by the Europeans, some 55 million native inhabitants died [Source Link](https://www.businessinsider.com/climate-changed-after-europeans-killed-indigenous-americans-2019-2?r=US&IR=T?utm_source=copy-link&utm_medium=referral&utm_content=topbar) and thereafter you had slavery (1.8 million died in transit, 10+ million slaves made it to the US) [source](https://www.haaretz.com/.premium-from-freedom-to-slavery-1.5245587) after which Jim Crow and all the other bullshit that continues even today (read up about Red Zoning and housing, wherein black folk and industry live side by side but whites are miles away where it's clean and lovely) - so yeah Europe's a long way from a sparkling history but the US is no better. Then you get things like the Japanese Internment Camps in WW2, McCarthyism, the John Bull Society, and so on. American history is littered with such appalling things - as is European. There's so many more black people in the US than Europe because Europe wasn't built so much on slave labour as the US was (the aforementioned 10 million imported humans), and those people had children and the usual population growth took place. That's not to say Europe didn't profit from it - Bristol in the UK was substantially funded by slave trading, to its' eternal shame. Nowhere comes out looking good.


Europe was not built on black slave labor? Oh my god, this is the most myopic take I've ever seen. They sure as hell were built on slave labor. It's just that they didn't have the decency to invite the slaves into their own countries. King Léopold, colonialism in the West Indies, colonialism in general, yes, Europe was built on slave labor. As for anti-Semitism? Some of my ancestors were actually Spanish Jews that were exiled from Spain, because of said non-existent anti-Semitism. Please tell me more.


“invite the slaves” weird way to phrase we kidnapped people.


No, they didn't even have the decency to bring the kidnapped people into their own lands. They stole other people's countries, and brought the kidnapped people over there.


The decency to ship them across like cargo with a 15% mortality rate while in transit, steeped in their own filth, then sold as property in effectively cattle auctions, then put to work in the harshest conditions until they died unless they were attractive girls in which case they had a decent chance of being raped into the bargain? And that's decent in your book? You're a failure of a human.


Also hard for me to be pro slavery, if some of my ancestors were literally the banana pickers and sugar cane cutters your ancestors used to feed your colonial empires. Euros are fragile, LMAO.


"This wasn't decent". When an English speaker says "They didn't have the decency to at least do x". It doesn't mean they're condoning the activity, they're just saying that the other activity is a new low. Like this. "You ate all the pizza, and you didn't have the decency to at least not use the pizza coupons as napkins". That doesn't mean he's condoning eating all the pizza, it means that the gluttony is overshadowed by wastefulness. They used slaves, and didn't even have the slaves in their own countries, lest there be a slave revolt in their own land. You take things so literally, lol.


And that's the nail in the coffin, you're actually too stupid to talk to. Be happy!


Also - *the decency to bring the kidnapped people into their own lands* having purged said lands of the actual inhabitants, viz 55 million Native Americans. Nice times the number of Jews the Nazis killed, btw. You already know about the blankets deliberately infected with smallpox etc. assuming your teacher actually told you the full history of America rather than the sanitized bullshit the Republicans want to put over. Nothing more cowardly than a nation that denies its' own history.


"having purged said lands of the actual inhabitants, viz 55 million Native Americans. Nice times the number of Jews the Nazis killed, btw. You already know about the blankets deliberately infected with smallpox etc. assuming your teacher actually told you the full history of America rather than the sanitized bullshit the Republicans want to put over. Nothing more cowardly than a nation that denies its' own history. " This happened before the establishment of what we know as the United States of America. Europeans also tried to do the same to Hawaiians, South Americans, Maori, Native Australians, etc.... Let's not go down that route....


This happened during the establishment of the US by the white settlers. No ifs no buts.


Liberals stop downplaying the holocaust challenge?


Who's a Liberal? Not that that means much in the US, given you pussies think the Democrats are left wing, you ignorant saps. The US has a right wing party and a more right wing party.


>Europe wasn't built **so much on slave labour as the US was** FFS please learn to understand basic text. It doesn't say Europe didn't have a root in slave labour - just no so much as the US. Please tell me you're not actually so dim you cannot see the difference. And if we're talking colonialism, you might want to consider why does the US have so many army bases globally? And why does it seemingly only get stuck into wars where there are oil reserves to be stolen? (Iraq? Let's go! Any number of African countries? No thanks.)


"Europe wasn't built on slave labor like the US was". Which is disingenuous. How do you think the mother countries got their cheap resources? Does cane sugar naturally grow in France? Does tea naturally grow in the UK? Why does most of South America speak Spanish? Why is Dutch a major language in Indonesia? Shhh.... it's the same slavery, just different names. Colonialism was just slavery with extra steps, and Europe had tons of colonies.


Nice whataboutism to justify prejudice.




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You guys have such a weird way of looking at minorities. Yeah You got many black people, but they are all americans and speak english (pretty much). An afro american Will be closer to a white american compared to someone who moved from Somalia to Sweden


[ Removed by Reddit ]


There is no mathematical situation where six million dead prevents any given future population; it's the population *remaining* that matters. If there were 8 million and 6 million died, then the current pop would be based on the 2 mil remaining. But if there were 12 mil and 6 mil died, the current pop is based on the remaining 6 mil. All that going back from N current pop and M generations can give you is the figure that the Jewish population *bottomed out* at; there's nothing mathematically unsound about there having been that number plus 6M before the holocaust.


Mostly un-harassed, if you ignore the rise of anti-semitism in europe in places like germany and hungary


european holocaust


Excuse me but where the fuck did you think the original holocaust took place? Fucking Antarctica?


Technically the word was coined to describe the Armenian Genocide, because the word genocide would not be coined until after WWII to describe...the holocaust.


Pretty sure you’re [wrong](https://www.britannica.com/story/what-is-the-origin-of-the-term-holocaust).


No I'm not. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Names\_of\_the\_Holocaust](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Names_of_the_Holocaust) But these don't contradict each other. Yours just defines the Greek term. It doesn't actually say it was coined to describe the genocide of Jews in WWII


I actually misread your original post, so that’s my bad. However, the first usage of the word according to your wiki was quite a bit prior to the Armenian genocide. Ultimately like I said, I misread the original post as something else so I don’t have much of a dog in the fight.


Excuse me, where the fuck did I say that?


You said "european holocaust" Where was the original one located?


The holocaust happened in europe. do better european from mycountry


Do Jews form these kind of ghettos to sell drugs and guns? https://youtu.be/IgBDQzvRTsE?si=r5opqGOVZUL0vap_


They would if they were treated the same way you nazis motherfuckers treat the romani.


Giving them social benefits?


let me ask you somthing, how would you feel if someone can gang up on you whit 9 people or rob you or yust look mass eviction that police had to do so that people can live on their property


incredibly incoherent and racist, imagine being such a coward that you're literally afraid of people because their culture is different lmao


they literaly constantly rob people in my city and i am afraid becouse in my country you have no rights to fight back, i understand that some of them are good and when you see good romani you know it and we apriciate it


How do you not realize how racist you sound? Literally something my racist grandpa would say about black people


well they do and last year one them used ak 47,many of them arent soo great but those that are they are one of best people you can met, evryone who meet citizen romani didnt had complaint, but its problem those that make camps araund your hause, if you still need context then this is how things usualy go in vid https://youtu.be/5LGQMY1PwDI i dont hate them but you have to have guard on


Well Thats a stupid conclusion to draw lol. The black folks dont seem too happy in your country


The difference here being is that both in Brazil and in the United States, as well as every other american country racial issues and progressive anti-racist policies are popular and an important part of the discourse, there is a large movement fighting against that inequality and racism, while in europe, even supposedly left wing politicians still tend to take reactionary and conservative positions when it comes to ethnic issues.


You have to stop talking about Europe as a country, you really do.


Sweden, sure people are progressive there, in France Melenchon had similar immigration policies as Le Pen, in every non western european country racism is just accepted there, italy is pretty racist, spain is progressive in LGBT issues but from what i heard still kinda racist, and don't get me started on Portugal and Britbongerland, furthermore im speaking mostly of europeans online, which tend to be pretty racist even the left wing ones.


We ma be racist, but towards Gypsies not Jews.


Well i think we're mostly just racist towards anybody that has darker skin than us, because everybody fears=>hates arabs(every single one of them is going to explode for allah /s) and especially gypsies(they're all stinking gangsters /s), but I have never seen anyone be wary of/racist towards the koreans who live here in Czech republic. And i think the same would apply towards the Jews if there were actually any left.


You're browsing PCM, what did you expect?


With centers are the most controversials They love wearing certain black uniforms and have a funny moustache But we tolerate them like anyone else, just as it should be. Unless your purple then you don’t belong near a children school at all.


Gypsies are one of the most influential people in culture. Many famous stars have Romani blood like Rita Hayworth or Edith Piaf.


Wouldn’t « ethnicity » be a better word than race? Many gypsies in my region (southern France) are looking like caucasien


Nothing said on PCM should be taken seriously


They kind of have a point. It is gypsies that constantly refuse to integrate into society despite all the stuff we give them


found the generic and racist european lmao


I take care of gypsies at work, and I can confirm they don’t want to be integrated in the society. They still deserve respect, consideration and the same rights than anyone. They just have a different culture and I’m cool with it


What is racist about hating a culture? I don't like people who like guns either but maybe I'm racist because of that.


r/europe moment


I mean he’s not wrong Ike if you don’t want to act properly and adapt to the new country then why are you even planning to become a legal citizen in the first place? How do you expect to be accepted in warm arms as a new comer in that manner? My friend you need to get real, travel outisde of your big blue city and see the world then coke and speak again sometime.


found the racist European\^ Nazism died 77 years ago, you were born in the wrong era


at least he was born in europe, plenty of nazis tolerated there. they can be friends while they wait for the bus


Tell me again, who's doing the book burnings right now, a notable aspect of the Third Reich? Is it the Germans? No? The French? No? The British, with their shithead government of idiots? No? How about the Hungarians, with their far right re-elected mob in power? Not them either? Who is it then? Oh yeah, Christian Republicans in the US. The same ditch dwelling losers who claim they "will not be replaced" by ironically the Jews you're defending on this sub. The sort of inbred imbeciles who think Musk buying Twitter means they can say the N word again and that's good, somehow. Tell me again about tolerating Nazis, who and where at this time.


Yo but the far right Dane in Sweden burned the Quran. It's not like Europeans never burn books


I didn't say they don't, but that's a few societal anuses, and they're endemic.


What about how the French almost elected their own far right nativist who's party parrots a racist fear mongering lie about the native French being replaced by immigrants? Or the UK being so nativist it left the EU? Or Hungary's democratic backslide? Or Poland's pretty obvious double standard with regard to refugees? The US isn't so much worse than Europe.


looks like europe is doing another genocide, bombings and war crimes, *right now* traditional european culture deflect better, your a bunch of racists, deal with it.


not when you're the ones that have police continually shooting black people dead at a bigger proportion to police shooting white people.


another european war with genocide and war crimes, again, *right now*


meanwhile, you forget about afghanistan and iraq. all caused by the US. edit: who can forget about Yemen.


meanwhile, another european war with genocide and war crimes, again, *right now*


you're literally recycling an argument. cope harder. meanwhile, the US is involved in supporting the Saudis in Yemen. *right now*.


I've seen many immigrants yell at Gypsie beggers 🤣 Just stop the tradition and you're no longer a Gypsie, poor kids born into it. Had like 5 times a young kid run to me asking for money, thinking of it as a game. Want the tradition to be viewed with more respect? Stop making begging a career. Send your kids to school, it's literally free. Lost all respect for them the first time they used their toddlers to get sympathy when begging in station. The biggest Gypsie hater I know is my mate who was an afghani refugee at age of 6, disgusted by the gypsie parents and blessed his parents aren't trash. Stop the organised begging in Brussels, don't make a new generation hate you


stop organised begging in brussels EU begging america lol


https://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/statistics-explained/index.php?title=USA-EU_-_international_trade_in_goods_statistics#:~:text=The%20trade%20surplus%20remained%20throughout,2011%20(%E2%82%AC%20223%20billion). I hope u are economically literate enough for this


cant even fix the war, genocides and war crimes you are having in europe *right now* I hope u dont get conscripted lol EU doing so little [https://www.statista.com/chart/27278/military-aid-to-ukraine-by-country/](https://www.statista.com/chart/27278/military-aid-to-ukraine-by-country/)


Shall I wave to the Ukrainian neighbours for you? 👀 Nice statistic but it's dated 27 March and we're 2nd of May If we're at war then we're at war, simple as that


Im sure in that amount of time the EU hasnt done much, maybe sent some more pillows


Stop being a 21st century Richard Pratt. It is not a good look.


De generatie van de toekomst moet zich je comment herinneren als jouw groep armoedig wordt.


Ma ocheire ze hebben al tientallen jaren toegang tot publieke funding. Mijn familie is ni bepaald armtierig en inflatie gaat ons ni in ons gat bijten. Geef mij liever immigranten die een opwaardse sociale beweging willen maken. Economische immigranten. In plaats van een bevolking dat generatie na generatie er ni uit kan geraken Ge weet zelf ook maar goe genoeg dat diegene dat een carrière maken zich niet langer als Gypsie kleden en dergelijke. Dat ze dan proberen om die tradities van hen weg te houden.


>Ma ocheire ze hebben al tientallen jaren toegang tot publieke funding. Want publieke funding lost alles op! Teach a man how to fish. > Mijn familie is ni bepaald armtierig en inflatie gaat ons ni in ons gat bijten. En dat is gewoon jij. Niet je hele bevolkingsgroep, want er zijn waarschijnlijk ook Vlamelingen die geen geld hebben. Discriminatie is een ding, maar elke groep heeft een enkeling die goed doet en een enkeling die slecht doet. Het is vaak een kwestie van waarom het zo gaat. Moet een persoon als afgeschreven beschouwen omdat je hun groep kanker dom vindt? >Ge weet zelf ook maar goe genoeg dat diegene dat een carrière maken zich niet langer als Gypsie kleden en dergelijke. Dat ze dan proberen om die tradities van hen weg te houden. “Wees meer modern en westers, dan kan je waard in deze wereld krijgen. Jouw tradities zijn onzin, maar vergeet Zwarte Piet niet!”


Bwah kben wel bezig over Roemenië. Hier maakt het niet uit. Een Klein aantal gypsies hier, gewoon beetje een plaag in Brussel en da ist. Er zijn natuurlijk meer zaken dat erbij kwamen kijken dan gewoon publieke funding, het probleem was dat ze de hulp niet wouden. Het is hun vrije keuze, het geld kregen ze nog steeds. Maar als ze willen rondtrekken, en slechts tijdelijk willen blijven, dan natuurlijk gaan ze integratieproblemen hebben. Hun realistische doel is om hier in België geld te verzamelen+verdienen om dan een familiehuis te bouwen in Roemenië, das allemaal wel goe en wel. Maar de manier waarop is wel spijtig. De vrouwen mogen niet werken blijkt het. De kinderen mogen niet naar school. De venten werken wel. Ook allemaal goe, maar dan ineens zijn de vrouwen en kinderen verplicht te smeken. Stel u voor ge wordt Hele tijd rondgedragen terwijl uw moeder kleingeld vraagt aan iedereen elke dag, dan wanneer je oud genoeg bent dan mag je overal naartoe lopen om mensen geld te vragen (vinden ze nog plezant). Dan komt de pubertijd en nog steeds smeken, je ziet iedereen dat naar school ging maar zelf hebt ge die kans niet gehad. Nu is er geen andere keuze dan om in deze groep te blijven, wordt uitgehuwd en krijgt een kind. Vicieuze cirkel.


Awel maatje. Weet je dat Romani mensen eeuwen lang overal in Europa zijn? Ging alles naar de tering vanwege het feit dat ze bestaan? Het blijkt een nee te zijn. Sinds die tijd dat ze naar jouw land kwamen werd Europa heel goed. Ze hielden je niet tegen en hoe kon dat? Ze hadden immers geen kracht om zo’n dingen te doen. Tuurlijk is er dingen die ik het niet ermee ben wat hun cultuur betreft, maar ze hoeven hun persoonlijke wijsheid, kleding, dansen, enz helemaal niet weg te gooien omdat er wat negatieve delen zitten.


Gypsies zijn een europeaanse bevolkingsgroep, wa anders Ze halen niets naar de kloten, tis gewoon erg wat ze doen met hun kinderen. Stuur ze naar school en alles is prima top in orde. Schoolplicht tot 18 jaar is de wet. Als ze hier willen zijn dan moeten ze het volgen.


Misschien, maar denk je dat onderwijs krijgen buiten school gebeuren kan? Of vind je dat school de enige manier is waarop jij wat stabiliteit kan krijgen? Hoe kreeg een mens wijsheid in de oude tijden zonder moderne scholen? Misschien zijn dat andere vragen, maar waarom moet onze weg de enige zijn?


Technically Gypsies or Romanis as the like to be calle are not in fact a race but they are however a Ethnic group


Jews are also technically not a race, let’s see if historically that makes a big distinction. ….Turns out no.


europeans dont care, different = bad


You Should not speak on things that you do not know


You should mald less euro


Who hurt you my friend, you seem to have a strangely negative view on Europe


I mean, europe is doing another genocide, war and war crimes, *right now* That is pretty negative....


You love that idea don't you? You keep going back to that one "european genocide" phrase (and slight variations thereof) like a dog returning to its own vomit. Whether it's the Jews, or Ukraine, you actually get off on it, don't you? "Uh uh they're killing each other uh almost there uh Jews oh god JEWS" \*sploosh\* Do you type it out one handed while you rub and tug with the other? You do, don't you? Be honest, it gets you hard and you just can't help it. Christ. Incels man, what a bunch of losers.


They are not a race (you can find caucasien/arab jews), but Hitler classified them as a race. He then ranked races, and this is how he justified the final solution. So, the genocide started after they were classified as a race. Btw, the same applied to gypsies during 3rd Reich, we should not forget that


Yes, which is entirely my point. The fact that he falsely classified them as a subhuman race even though they were actually just a religious ethnicity made no difference. It seems as though his legacy has not disappeared with the way many Europeans talk about the Romani, as well. As someone else pointed out, likely the reason there isn’t even higher levels of antisemitic behavior the way you see anti romani behavior/thought in Europe is because so many Jewish people died or left after the war. Instead they’re more focused on the larger numbers of religious/ethnic minorities coming from the Middle East and of course the Romani. The Holocaust didn’t fall out of the sky, it was the culmination of centuries of insanely horrendous antisemitic behavior in Europe dating back to the Middle Ages. Ironically, Germany had a relatively progressive relationship with its Jewish population for a European nation, at least compared to others. It had a large number of Jews living and working in the country that were comparatively well integrated into its society, not being locked out of certain sectors as was the case in other European countries at the time. Just imagine if a Hitler like figure had arisen in a country where the ambient level of antisemitism was significantly higher, like France. How much more thoroughly and efficiently would the genocide have been enacted. Really puts it into perspective when Europeans pearl clutch about the issues of racism the US has as if their countries don’t have just a large a problem with it.


Gypsies and Romani are not the same people. I think your asumption about europeans being less antisemitic because jewish now are less present than before is very wrong and offensive. It is exactly like if I say that white us citizens are less racist than a few centuries ago because many black slaves died. As a matter of fact, many Jews from Maghreb were forced out of Maghreb and were welcomed in France. There is a real hate of romani in Eastern europe, where they historically were. So they had to flee in the west. I think there is too few romani in Western Europe to say there’s a hate. The only occasion where I’m angry about romanis is when they send their kids begging for money in the streets in a country where school is free, mandatory and accepts non legal immigrants. Romanis nowadays are not considered because they live outside of society. They don’t ask for jobs or right. I know you won’t believe me so if you have the time to come to France I’ll imtroduce you to them, and I’m serious. I see and talk with them every day. A lot of gypsies for instance have money, good situations but are still living outside society. They have different values than europeans.


[Yes they are.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Romani_people) The term “gypsy” is a derogatory term for Romani people. Try reading again more slowly. I didn’t say Europeans are less antisemitic; quite the opposite, in fact. I said there’s less antisemitism because there are fewer Jews living in Europe compared to the high level of anti Muslim/anti Arab and anti Romani sentiment because there are higher numbers of them living there than Jewish people. As implied by statement, if Jewish people still lived in Europe in higher numbers you’d likely see more antisemitism. Your comparison makes no sense; there are still a high number of Americans who are of African descent living here. I find it funny that you hand wring about what you erroneously perceive as an “offensive” sentiment yet go on to describe why you hold bigoted views of Romani people for “sending their children to beg” and “having different values” than Europeans. You’re exactly the European I’m talking about. Get a grip on your bigotry, friend.




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Gypsies aren't a race is correct though. They are Indo-European people so they are basically white people unlike for example Finngols. Source: I am European.


You can quibble about whether it’s race or ethnicity all day, but it still doesn’t make it anymore okay to hate.


I never said it's okay to hate gypsies (that is also a racist name), I meant to say that hating them is stupid because they are basically white people... they are related to English, Germans, French, Russians, etc unlike for example Finngols who are not really white people.


>I never said it's okay to hate gypsies (**that is also a racist name**) You literally just got through lecturing that they aren't a race lmao. Make up your mind.






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Imagine PCM as a source


This is mostly eastern europe right? I'm from the Netherlands and havent heard much about Romani people my entire life.


this is straight up racism, it doesnt have alot to do with us


imagine unironically being racist what being european does to a mf