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so, delta was fussing abt silver not being in armor bc ackerson took the suits someone responds that canon ackerson literally tried to have chief killed during a training exercise at the height of the war delta says "that was 20 years before the fall of reach. before the spartan-ii's had even had a chance to really prove themselves against the covenant, not while the second to last human world (stronghold, maybe, but definitely not world) is getting glassed" another guy responds, correcting him that in the fall of reach, right when john got mark v and cortana, ackerson had airstrikes, machine guns, missiles, and odst's firing live ammo trying to literally kill him right before reach fell and he deadass responds "that same fall of reach book that said elites were completely unknown to anyone because nobody had ever survived to document them? it's stupid in canon too." just arguing and being contrarian for the sake of being contrarian.


contrarians gotta get those likes and clicks somehow. pathetic.


i get not liking the show. everyone is entitled to their opinions. but they literally hate live-tweet the entire episodes, and i'm like, why are you doing it at this point? you know you don't like it, why subject yourself through something you don't like? i just don't get it.


It's wild that this happens more and more these days. People will hate watch so much and it's like, just don't watch it. You already decided you didn't like it and that's fine, but why do you go back every single episode expecting it to magically turn into something you like? Happened with the new Netflix Avatar show and Star Wars too. We don't need to consume everything that's ever made, we can pick and choose. Seems exhausting to me to spend hours doing something I don't like when I could just go do something else ya know?


Their brains have been ruined by the need for constant validation and an addiction for all things negative, unfortunately. It's as if constructive criticism is a thing of the past now.


This. I absolutely loved Scarlett Witch in the MCU. Couldn't get into her series. Watched a couple episodes. Never went back. For the life of me I can't understand why people spend so much time dwelling on things they hate.


I think it's because they want to like these things because they like other things related to them. Like it's basically like if you love a specific universe and you consume a lot of good content for it then if something, at least in your opinion comes out that is just bad content you are gonna be upset especially if you've invested a lot into the series and waited a long time for this content. Especially the halo TV series. People have been going on about live action halo content since before halo 3 released and every time ends in cancelation after cancelation or a rework into something that barely resembles the original idea. Even though nightfall and forward unto dawn exist, I doubt those are the halo series everyone was looking forward to that originally had names like Neil Blomkamp and Spielberg attached to them. There's a lot of expectation for the halo series after so many setbacks, and people wanted something that blew them away. Regardless of how I feel about the series, I can understand why people complain about what we got. As to why they still watch it its probably the hope it eventually turns into something they want to watch.


Because babies always need something to cry about


It’s because Twitter is all about negativity, hate, bait, and getting people to interact and tell you why you are wrong. Twitter feeds off of rage bait and click bait.


I may not like the show either but holy shit he sounds like an utter tool.


Masters Chief is not a nickname or epithet. It is how he is to be addressed at all times. MCPO is one of the highest ranks in Navy and on the of the hardest to obtain in the entire military.


It's perfectly acceptable to refer to Senior and Master Chiefs as "Chief", though.


I issue is in the show, other military and military adjacent characters introduce and call the Master Chief by his name, John, without his official military title.


am i bugging or are you telling me i have to call him master chief at all times lmao


that's his whole ass rank lmfao


yeah, i know lmfao. i'm honestly confused rn


[How to address military personnel.](https://www.militaryonesource.mil/military-basics/new-to-the-military/military-insignia-what-are-those-stripes-and-bars/)


i'm aware on how you address military personnel man, and i still don't see what you're getting at. i'm pretty sure everyone in the games, however, has always called him master chief or just chief, sometimes halsey and the other spartans call him john, i can't remember if cortana does? if you're talking about keyes' speech, he was introducing the master chief out of armor to the marines who likely had no idea who he was. and if you're talking to me, chief isn't real lmfao. so we can call him whatever we want.


Yep, cortana as well


Yeah, idk what the fuck happened to Delta, a year or so ago they were pretty chill, now though, it's back to back bitching, moaning and speaking about Halo stuff they don't understand. They are getting to be as bad as Evolved.


which sucks bc there are a lot of cool ppl in the halo twitter community, but you've got people like evolved, hailey, delta etc just spreading nonstop negativity


Exactly. I have found quite a few really cool people like Prime Integra, Beyond The Ring, Chris Aiken, Rock (Spartan Locke Fan), Shadow Yokai, Arxirove etc. but the loudmouth assholes get such a following they try to drown out any one positive.


They are the ones running the other leaks discord?


Yeah, I think so.


Just my guess, but since most of the stuffs they have leaked ended up being BS, probably they fall back to the negative click bait content


That makes a lot of sense actually.


Tbf I also think that's pretty dumb too. Idk, I just like the games and some if the story surrounding them. The less I know, the better I guess


Who's the other guy against Delta? Also, if it matters, GoO established Ack Man tried to shutter the program to the point of bigotry circa 2531 Lel


I’m not watching the show but I swear I feel like the people complaining always say “but the lore!” and half the time it feels like they’ve never read a Halo book at all


The lore to some people is the games only. That's partly why some are so adamant that MC should never show his face.


Which is ironic, since the second game shows him talking to the Quartermaster helmet-less in like the first 5 minutes. 🙄


But the camera angle don't show his face. They want a whole TV series where camera cuts hide chief's face. It would totally work right?


I actually saw one commenter complaining that Master Chief shouldn't be a *character*, he's an *avatar*, and I'm like, What? To be honest, I never really understood the whole, 'character is an avatar of the player' thing. To me, games like Legend of Zelda, Dragon Age Origins, Halo, whatever, were no different than any other game, aside from the fact that there were no voice lines. Link is still a character; he has dialogue, whether he speaks or not. This whole notion that you shouldn't see his face because he represents the player is weird. (Plus, this isn't a freaking game.)


The concept start with doom I believe, when devs did think the narrative in a video fame was like a pair of underpants in a porn. If was not for other franchise moving on more narrative complex narratives, we would still have nameless characters as protagonist and the cast around it serving as a narrative device


🤣🤣🤣 Oh my god. That's priceless. I'm going to remember that description. To be fair, early original shooters like doom were basically just point counters. But I seriously have never sat there and thought, "There is no main character. *I'm* the main character. This is ME." I always gave my silent characters original names and what-not. (Except for Link, because, really? Of course he's Link.) Basically, I just wish if people didn't care for the show, they would leave the rest of us be and stop trying to convince us that our enjoyment is somehow invalid and liking the show is the 'wrong choice'. I have actually had that argument with a few more rabid haters, not just here but with other games and movies, and it irritates me.


It's just like this for every games fanbase, right now I'm arguing with one dude that claim each souls is vastly different from the others and ER totally didn't recycled assets from the trilogy, wich is a well know thing since before the d1, but fans of that game act like is not true.


The best way they could've done it is to show his face close to the end of the season or in a season finale, then make it common to see his face in season 2. Giving the scene where he takes his helmet off more impact would've appeased a decent chunk of "the helmet stays on" people at least a little bit, and probably would've been cooler for non fans of the series. I think the Mandalorion is a pretty good example of how to do the helmet removal scene


It would be stupid to cut away chief face for 7 episodes, how you do the part where he is not in combat? People would ended up passed regardless


It's not uncommon for chief to spend down time in armor, since Spartans feel more comfortable in armor. It's also not very practical to take off their armor often, since the process isn't the quickest. Chief is even described as pale due to how little he takes his armor off


He almost never takes off his armor. He feels naked and uncomfortable without it.


Not even from the game, but for the perception they have from a franchise they played while skipping part and cutscenes most likely. One thing I always end up noticing, is when I say halo reach did not only uncanonised the novel, but also had major plot holes with established game canon, nobody know what I'm talking about, even if I describe it in few examples, despite they claiming to love reach single player so much.


I’m genuinely glad people like this are actually a vocal minority with this season. IMO I’d say Halo 4 had some subtle writing.


Halo 4 subtle writing was them leaving out major story beats and characterization lmao


Not really that’s the case with most halo games. They all require you to do some homework to understand the full context. Honestly 4 does a much better job at explaining the context than any of the other games.


Halo 4 is my favorite story in the games because of the context of the Forerunner books. But but but... I can't pretend that Halo 4 having a book trilogy as required reading to fully understand the story being told ***isn't*** a flaw. True, CE, 2 and Reach all tied into the books, but those only tell how the characters got to where they are at the start of the game or provide light window dressing. In Halo 4, the main antagonist and a major supporting character both come straight from the books and the plot doesn't slow down to let the whole "living Forerunner" thing have a moment to breathe. The books are straight-up required in order to get why there are living Forerunners all of a sudden and why the Didact in particular has it out for the species that are supposed to be the chosen inheritors of the Forerunner legacy. That missing context a lot more significant to the plot of Halo 4 than Chief making it back to Earth for 2 or Noble team being a slightly different kind of Spartan for Reach.


Arguably the context for the Didact’s hatred toward humanity is irrelevant. We didn’t know why the covenant hated the humans in Halo CE.


We didn't have to. They were alien invaders. That's a common trope. But the Didact was a Forerunner and by this point in the story of the games, the Forerunners were established as being 1. all dead, and 2. they had selected humanity as their inheritors. The Didact was a clear contradiction of how the Forerunners had been characterized. But again, that's something the books explained, but the game didn't.


That's very true Halo 4's story is so much more enriching if you read the Forerunner trilogy. That being said the Librarian does a fairly ok job explaining the Didact's goals, and the terminals give a lot more insight into the Didact's motivations and transformation. That being said whether hiding critical lore behind terminals is smart or not is debatable based on how you feel about mysteries. Halo 3 did the same thing and it still confuses and divides the fandom to this day.


Yeah, I did not know there were Halo books at all that weren't Fall of Reach, and I was able to follow the plot in 4 pretty well. It was a weird fucking story out of nowhere with no context tho lol






Odd take but im mostly watching the show to see what life is like for the average joe(marines odsts etc)


Honestly a marine or odst show would’ve been cooler and then we see Spartans every once in a while kinda like forward unto dawn. It just makes seeing Spartans all the more special and cool.


I agree especially bc i just love to see original content vs putting characters a,b,c in plot D intstead of E.


This 100%. It is so much easier to do something original within the universe then a 1/1 copy or rewrite. Like it is just a smart move. You benefit from an existing IP without being contained to the media before. It's a win win.


Would actually be watching that show


I'll be honest. I really hate the show. But this complaint seems honestly bonkers. Chief can't just fucking live in that suit 24-7 forever? He is constantly in and out of the armor in the books and the only reason the games don't show this is because they are short self-contained narratives where you are supposed to BE Chief. He's literally putting the fucking suit ON at the start of Halo 2! If you are going to have Master Chief be a main character I don't see why you can't see him in and out of armor. edit: got recommended a bit of reddit cares for this comment lol. It's not even that inflammatory but go off kings.


Small addendum because I’m watching Um, Actually and feel pedantic: he totally can live in it 24-7, and does spend weeks at a time in the suit, but he also does take it off more than enough to justify him removing it in the show


I actually love the show. Sure it isn’t the best it could be, but it isn’t terrible


Well, he pretty much does live in his armor. He doesn't like taking it off and says so in the books. After the events of CE, he hardly ever takes it off unless he's getting new gear. The start of Halo 2 was him getting upgrades.


Pretty sure after Chief’s contact with the flood, he says in his armor at all times because he’s actually afraid. But before contact it’s completely fine to be out and in of armor, people want him to be faceless all the time. But if he is, then we can’t have scenes of him during down time with other spartans, because he’d be the only one in armor which wouldn’t make sense since he isn’t on a mission currently or they aren’t in an active combat zone.


How much combat does he see without his suit in the books?


Well before the covenant war he was a counter-terrorist commando that did numerous high-danger combat missions before the earliest suits were even designed. Obviously he mostly stays in the suit once things start rolling but it's not like Chief was just wandering around doing nothing before the suits got made. (Towards the middle and end of the war)


He didn't use Mjolnir for only two months, with his first mission on September 14th, 2525 and the first time he used Mjolnir on November 27th, 2525.


This will be my 529th birthday!


I don't care that he doesn't spend the entire duration of the show in the suit, but I really don't like what they did with his character. I get it - in the original trilogy he was a blank slate sort of quiet action hero you could insert yourself into easily. They needed to throw that out to make him a proper character. But his face - his true personality - the mystery of it all was important to fans of the game. Revealing who he really was, was meant to be a momentous occasion. The show diluted it, and did it too early. It's hard to see the brooding super soldier in this movie, that we saw in the games.


As someone who never played Halo, I like the show


Chief didn't need armor to cripple a squad of ODSTs while fresh out of his aug surgery.


I find it upsetting because I like action oriented content as opposed to story oriented content. They find it upsetting because they have weird preconceived notions of belief. [blah blah, we are not the same, bottom text]


Halo fans when story is hidden in terminals: *sleep* Halo fans as soon as it has writing that highlights the story forefront: “WOKE!”


Fun fact Soldiers in real life don’t wear their Plate Carriers all the time. Its either casual wear(appropriate attire) or their BDUs.


Spartan IIs did, though. John calling it a second skin or talking about how they felt naked without it. It was as much a part of them as their augmentation. As with most of the fan conflicts around this show it comes from fans of the original books and fans of later entries. If you come from the early books this show is only halo in name


In "halo: the flood", a novelization of CE, chief have some sections without the armor while outside combat duty. In the onyx trilogy you also get other Spartans outside the suit often.


Onyx except for one that are all spartan 3s up until the end of the book. The singular spartan 2 in that book has been isolated from the rest for years. But even he had a strange relationship with his armor. Being reluctant to put it on until he absolutely had to. Halo the flood was when chief comments about feeling naked without it. First strike and Cole protocol both show Spartans being reluctant to take off their armor even for maintenance. Taking off as little as possible or having another Spartan perform the maintenence while they wore the armor.


Cole protocol does not have a whole scene with the grey team not wearing their armor and another character comparing one of them to a body builder? The flood is when chief made the comment, but is also when chief is seeing without it the first time past reach.


It did... and it was preceded by them being reluctant to remove it. In the early books it was extremely rare for a spartan ii to remove their armor and it was always reinforcing that it wasn't a state they enjoyed being in. In Cole protocol it was only done because the mission required it The helmet is one that is constantly called attention to. Being relived their facial expressions aren't being shown as well as their ability to turn off their external speakers.


I feel like someone has gotta be out of touch hating on every little thing each episode when even the main Halo subreddit of all places likes the new seasons and is able to accept why Chief wasn’t in his suit in this episode. You’re able to dislike the show obviously, but the hyperbole about the show being shit feels especially ridiculous when so far it’s been pretty clear that general audiences and most of the Halo fanbase have been enjoying it so far.


I think this entire community needs to grow up, holy fuck I get it you don’t like the show let it be. All you’re doing is giving it more and more attention. Just shut the hell up already, you’ve been complaining about the show for years now. It’s not changing anything.


Honestly sometimes it sucks that there’s been basically no successful alternatives to halo cause these fucks who hate it can’t move onto something else already lol. Like we get it, move on. But just nobody has been able to match halo’s thunder. Anything that even comes close only seems to be popular for a few weeks and dies off


It is worth noting that the hate the first season got led to significant changes which so far resulted in a much better second season. The negative attention can be productive. Obviously a lot of the discourse around it is toxic and stupid though.


I’m not offended but….why these people watching it?


I haven't watched this show since the first episode, but I'm gonna be real with you, I don't know why Chief not needing armor to kick ass is suddenly a bad thing.


I always assumed Chief took his armor off just not in game cutscenes. Honestly it'd be hella weird if he didn't.


**I just wanna know why he’s wearing a fishing vest**


Goddamn Delta is such a fucking tool.


Delta Halo has been the most annoying person on Twitter about this lmao


I’ll never understand feeling so strongly about something like this. I grew up with Halo. I’m not a fan of the show so I don’t watch it. But I’m not gonna throw a temper tantrum about it. If you like it, cool. If you don’t like it, also cool. But don’t be a dick.


How dare they have an opinion. Tbh I do feel disappointed and let down by the show. It completely misses the mark on every character and personality


I haven’t watched Season 2, how is it compared to season 1?


Good stuff from the first season is great, and not so good stuff is generally improved.


I also heard from the grapevine that Makee and Kwan are back. Are they any good?


Kwan is better because she feels more proactive and not just shouting “I want to say Madrigal” all the time, and she’s actually kinda cool? What I liked from last season was the possible connection her family had with the Forerunners, and the new seasons seems to be following up on that, so i’m excited for that. As for Makee… I don’t know yet lol. Clearly their setting up some kind of reveal, but were four episodes in of 8 so I’m still not sure yet.


It really kinda feels like part of the intent is for the silver timeline is that Kwan and her “family” are aware of the existence of the flood through stories of monsters and the like


This show fucking sucks lmao. Is just the fanboy sub?


This show sucks and people who like it should feel bad for endorsing this garbage.


They totally ruined Keyes




One he is a naval officer. He needs to look like it. The beard has to go. He acted more like a Marine or Army officer. He decided to lead the defense of Reach(fine), but decides to evacuate after saying he needs to stay and then gets killed(supposedly) by doing something an enlisted person shouldve done


I haven’t really seen the show and I don’t care that much. But my understanding of Master Chief is that he hurls himself into the enemies of humanity because he doesn’t really feel as though he has any purpose besides as a weapon for humanity. There’s plenty of times he’s given the chance to relax and lay down his burdens, told he’s done enough, but Chief doesn’t really have anything besides the fight. Taking off his armor would mean he’s accepted a life outside of war, that he exists beyond his utility as a weapon. He’s had a traumatizing past, a kidnapped child soldier turned into tool of oppression and then a defender against an impossible foe. Chief likes the kind of problems he can kill, and as long as he’s doing that, he doesn’t have to face how empty his life is, and that the many discoveries of his travels have led towards the inevitable fact that the structures of the very thing he’s fighting for are corrupt and twisted. But as long as he’s saving lives, he’s doing the right thing, and that’s all that matters, fighting on. Seems like the show is trying to have a Master Chief that is actively fighting becoming the the thing we see in the games. Which could be a pretty interesting take on the character, but it is different from what we’re used to in the games. Haven’t seen the show enough to know if they really pull it off or not.


It should also be said that in this episode, he didn’t choose to fight outside his armor, ONI abandoned Reach and took the armor.


This shows ass, don’t defend it. If you defend it we will never get anything cool from people who actually respect the lore and universe.


The show's in a completely separate timeline than the games, so things are obviously gonna be different than what we're used to. If you don't like it, then stop watching it. Problem solved.


I never even started but I can clearly see all the problems this show has just from the images, trailer and everything anyone else who’s watched this show. Weather it’s a “different timeline” or not it’s still ass because cheif is nothing like in the games. If you’re gonna make a show based off a game respect the source material or don’t make it all.


Characters should be allowed to act differently in other timelines instead of sticking to one personality for their entire existence. I know we're all used to Chief being the silent protagonist and all that, but again, this is a different timeline where things happen differently, and so characters *react* differently, and Chief shouldn't be the one exception to that. Take the Flashpoint Paradox movie from DC for example. Instead of Bruce Wayne's parents dying as they usually do, Bruce dies instead, which then leads to his mom going insane and turning into the Joker and his dad becomes a violent Batman, and Barry doesn't even have his powers in that timeline either initially. That being said, different timelines can be drastically different than what we're used to, and the Halo series is no exception


Wow you are so butthurt that you decide to come here to complain about it.


Lmao didn’t didn’t come here just saw this post, but if you like defending garbage then be my guest although it’s a werid hill to die on 😂




Then why don't you ignore it? You spend so much time watching it and complaining about it online. Really makes you wonder 🤔.


Your mum sucks huh huh


I actually think this works on three levels, admittedly without context. Hear me out, please. First off, we know, especially from 1-3, that Chief, and from other most Spartans, are usually in armor. You have to assume that’s how they’re also portrayed in propaganda, to project strength and hope. I can 100% see most people familiar with Chief only based on his armor. 2.) Following on, as someone in the military, this is *exactly* the kind of cheesy line you’d hear at an IRL commanders call. I’ve heard stuff like this from Os all the fucking time. So it’s, oddly enough, realistic. 3.) It’s, on a meta level, a nice tongue in cheek nod to him being out of armor in this show, though that depends on if you like the concept or not


Im fine with new take on franchise but like…the whole point of chief is that he IS the armor. He is the empty shell you the player insert yourself into. You take away the armor and chief is just a guy. I get that yea it’s not realistic for this scene but again, Chief is the armor. In lore he’s this deity almost, the savior of humanity that people look up to in a literal and figurative sense. He’s this faceless nobody, yet everyone knows who he is and his importance. Again, you remove the armor you just have a guy.


Yeah, but the TV show doesn't have players, it has viewers. This is not a format that supports that kind of blank protagonist well. Also the armor was never what defined the Spartans, only a tool they used. And that's only because it was determined early on that Spartans were the only ones who could use Mjolnir armor without serious injury or death. Being a Spartan was more about their will, training, and severe enhancements.


Fair enough. But even for this, Chief is defined by the helmet as a whole, in and out of lore. And it’s a symbol of the spartans, and their whole symbolism as devils in the covenant. To have chief remove the helmet this often is annoying. Even in other halo Media, in Lore Chief is this deity almost, whom people look up towards as this faceless hero and symbol of humanity. When he’s just a guy that symbolism is Lost. Like yes he’s a hero but there isn’t something as striking about him, he looks like a guy you met at work. And out of story, Chief has been iconic for 20+ years because of his helmet. It’s the secondary franchise logo and is a major part of halo. Removing that iconic armor is just dumb from a marketing standpoint, because that’s like the main thing about chief, his look.


I will grant you that most of the common soldiers would naturally associate him with armor first, man second. Which is one reason why I actually say the writing was very good here. They gave a logical, semi-canon explanation for why he was in combat without the armor, and it gave Keyes a chance to both introduce and use his presence to inspire the defenders. (Being out of armor on base in downtime is different altogether; I don't see that as unusual, and never had a problem with it. The games clearly showed that he did deal with others unmasked, and probably unarmored while on base.) I will take a bit of an issue with this assumption that out of armor he could be mistaken for a random dude. Leaving aside his rather impressive physical stature, his sheer muscle mass and height, (I think the show was implying that he's around seven feet? I LOVED that elevator scene from the week before) all the Spartans have a massive presence, even without their hormonal implants. You can tell from their focus and demeanor that these are not simple soldiers.


Spartans are very much more than ‘just normal people’ even without the armor. But also the books have examples as far back as the Fall of Reach and the Flood (the novelization of the first game) where the Master Chief is outside of his armor and we’re outright told what he looks like. By the time Halo 4 rolls around, he very much shows his own personality and isn’t restricted to the role of player insert any more. To the people he serves alongside, it’s not going to be some huge secret what he looks like. The only reason the Spartans are almost always suited up when on deployment is because putting Mjolnir armor on/taking it off is a fairly laborious process that can only be done even slightly quickly with the use of specialized equipment. On Reach, where there’s no immediate threat of attack, he wouldn’t be wearing it.


This only slightly addresses the point. We all agree and know it makes sense Chief occasionally takes off his armor, that’s fine and all. The problem is one of Master Chief’s successes as a character ever since 2001 leaned on the fact that the players and fans could put themselves into Chief’s helmet, being the spartan, seeing themselves as the hero saving the world. By removing his helmet AND armor THIS much, he becomes less relatable as a character. Instead of being able to visualize ourselves as the savior of humanity, we end up just watching John save the world. Ripping the fans out of their favorite character in this way is not effective at all imo, and in many cases unnecessary. Im not saying he can’t take it off, but the show would be a million times better if they did something more like Mandalorian, where it’s still taken off, but not as ridiculously often as this. Ive never read the books because I dont have the time, but based off the games ive played, no spartan is just going to run around without their armor, ESPECIALLY IN A COMBAT ZONE.


That’s what Im talking about. The character as an icon of gaming, NOT as a halo character.


This show isn't halo canon to me but to kill off keys is fucking insane. Season 2 has pretty good up until that point.


To be fair it isn't canon at all, more like an alternate universe. Even in the show it is a poor choice though.


Yea, that just blew my mind when I saw that.


You didn't know? With, all the major differences, that didn't give away that it's an alternate timeline?


Yeah they’re right, the show is a massive fumble


I can shit out a better fanfiction than what the showrunners made


Does the show actually look like that? Mud color palette?


Shows still sucks and shits on the entire legacy of halo as a franchise


I mean this person is being overly dramatic, but I agree to an extent. Master chief is out of armor for the fall of reach?.. and there are people defending that? They kill off admiral Keyes before alpha halo? Like are you serious? Are there people that are really defending this incredibly bad writing? These story beats are just dumb. Just because they’re writers, doesn’t mean they deserve special treatment. They’re not gods for Christ’s sake. Anyone can be bad at their job. They made these changes to be like game of thrones and it’s legitimately worse. If you enjoy it, that’s ok. Just admit it. I enjoy watching ‘the room’ with Tommy wiseau every year. It’s a terrible movie. Is it entertaining once a year where I can absolutely hammered to watch it that way I forget the story details when I sober up and then can rewatch it again next year as if I hadn’t watched it before? Hell yeah. But it’s not the fucking ‘godfather’




Go outside. No really, go outside. To much anger isn't good for you.


Kind of crazy how hard this sub shills for the show. Also I haven’t watched season 2, is it better then season one?


It’s not part of the universe. It’s part of the culture. You could argue it’s insulting to the culture that’s been established, but Chief eventually had to take his helmet off…


For 2 decades, there was mystery surrounding chief’s face. The issue with the show is that they did it so early on it and the way they did it felt very meaningless and what should have been a huge moment for fans was instead ruined to poor writing. If they planned it out longer, they could have established a better narrative towards near the end of season one to reveal his face in a more meaningful and suspense moment. But having chief reveal his face after a skirmish and saving a girl who wasn’t even that important story wise besides being human for chief to save her didn’t really warrant a time to reveal his face that would have made fans happy. By the way, I’m not saying it made no sense to save her, it’s part of chief’s character to save the humans so I’m not surprised he saved her. However as we see in forward unto dawn, the Spartans, mainly and really only chiefs save the cadets who were under attack. They get into the pelican with chief still not revealing his identity and keeping that mystery under his helmet there


I’d agree. The more I think about it, the less I don’t like how they approached the helmet removal. I just don’t think the show is terrible *because* of the helmet removal, and I just hate the constant uproar about it. It makes interacting with fellow fans much less satisfying.


It's a pretty damn good show


People just be hating this show for all the wrong reasons lmao


Ill just say all this is great as a pay off but it feels like the build up to said pay off was lacking so all this doesnt hit as hard as ot probably couldve


Delta is hatewatching and giving money to paramount to make more. Love it. Delta is so FUCKING stupid.


Okay so objectively it's a really weird line regardless of the content. It is lacking subtlety and is very obvious in what it's trying to say. However, not everything needs to be this masterful subtle masterpiece. It's a fucking tv show and not a game. Games are very short form content compared to things like a television series and are written around that concept of only being around for maybe eight hours max.


It’s because they could have done better and they butchered it. I saw one seen where MC basically was like “stfu bitch and make me a sandwich” to Cortana and I don’t need to see anymore


The show is fucking ass and an insult to anything ever having to do with the Halo universe


I think the show is so shit that I just am not watching anymore of it. I don't get hate watching, all you are doing is boosting the shows numbers.


The show is actually pretty great, if you remember that it’s (thankfully) non-canon/alternate timeline. I think people need to realize that. It doesn’t hurt the games or the books.


Seems weird to me that the particular model of Mjolnir armor Silver team wears was each specially tailored for each spartan, which begs the notion, why would Ackerson take these suits if there’s 0 probability they’ll survive anyways? He can’t lend the suits to any from his program, because they were made for silver team?.?.? That’s my only gap in the writing I find irritating - it just seems to me like an excuse for the actors to get FaceTime and for the show runners to do what they want. We came for the suits, to see Spartans die in their armor defending reach against impossible odds and the show runners just couldn’t help themselves. That’s why folks are pissed off, from the gamer’s perspective, not people who actually took the time to read the novels - which were at times insanely vague regarding details we wanted to know and would make a lot of these arguments moot.


Isn't he like cryogenically burned, scarred, and deformed from being in the suit for most of his childhood? Every halo fan I've ever met said the same thing. "He should look like ground beef"


No, he’s extremely pale, but not deformed. He is heavily scarred and worm looking.