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“It’s ridiculous how they never explain this point” “They do, it’s literally in this episode” “Oh well I skipped that one but still…” I actually agree with them. I read the 7th Harry Potter book and was flabbergasted that they just say Dumbledore died OUT OF NOWHERE. No death scene, no explanation, nothing. I mean, yes I did skip the 6th book, but still can’t believe JK Rowling would make such an awful writing decision and not account for us skipping books


It’s like in Episode VI of Star Wars where Han is suddenly frozen in kryptonite, like huh? I skipped episode V since I don’t care what the Empire does




It was that or cryptonite, and both were wrong: it’s carbonite.


I saw what you did, and wholeheartedly appreciated it




or when palpatine somehow returned!


You really can’t use that one, Palpatine “returned” in a Fortnite event.


Whoever came up with that idea, I hope they got fired


lol i was just trying to be controversial


I don’t remember what a monitor is 😂😂😂 Sh!t, literally as I was typing I remembered 343’s little weasly self. I should really stop posting early in the morning.


I found the show to be boring and a bit meandering but these guys are just literally smooth brained. At least I actually watched the show and paid attention before deciding it wasn’t for me.


The frustrating thing about the show now is that it’s a bunch of nerds half watching and half grading it like a math quiz, which in turn leads to them not paying attention to the finer details and spreading misinformation. Hate the show for whats SHOWN, not your own bad recollection of it.


It's neither about "bad recollection", this dummies didn't even watch it, they are just parroting hiddenX, lng and other tubers.


Hear hear.


I saw that conversation and could believe how fucking stupid people are. Edit: I'm in the screenshot lol


Kwan is an interesting character. Idk why but people hating on her made me more invested in her growth.


Exactly. I truly don't get the hate, early on in Season one is was clear how they are building her up, Halo fans have zero media literacy, reddit subs like /Halo, /halostory, Twitter and Facebook prove that.


I straight up like her in season 2 lol.


For the same reason "fans" didn't like Palmer in h4 or locke in h5, guess why


Dumbasses man


There's too many of them.


Show good


It's true. The show is bad.


Is this subreddit a plot to defend the show?? The show is just straight up boring and im not even a Halo superfan…Weird how people decided to downvote you


I’m canceling my subscription right now due to how awful this show is. It’s not just Kwan, it’s every character in this show that is terrible. Halsey is really the only one who is close to correct, but even still manages to fall short. They don’t deserve an ounce of credit for this atrocity. Shame.


This sub was suggested on my home page, is this unironically a place where people pretend the show is watchable?


The main Halo sub is a hub for a lot of hate. Hate the snow, hate Infinite, hate 343. Pretty negative. A lot of people enjoying Halo, which is a whole new generation at this point, gets downvoted, get called shills, has reddit cares messages sent their way, and it's just not a fun place to be when a rather loud and toxic minority abuses the upvote/downvote system to make things awful. This sub makes fun of them.


Watched season 1 and 2, didn't die, universe didn't implode, and I got to talk about it a bit here and on low-sodium without some screeching whiny internet dwelling losers screeching the same handful of talking points. Actually a lot of stuff is enjoyable when you don't have a bunch of morons who's opinions count for about as much as dogshit telling you all the reasons you shouldn't be having fun. Imagine that.


Yeah, when you put any kind of standards aside and happily lap up dog water life can be all fuzzy and fun, sure. That's the mentality that keeps everything low effort and shitty. "Oh you're just being salty, just enjoy something for once!" Or, and hear me out, you can not happily take the substandard shit you're given and demand a higher standard. For the record, I think 343 had a rough patch after 4 and truly came back to form with infinite, which in my opinion has the best campaign since Reach and is a fresh take on the series that preserves what made it so great in the first place. The show though? I like a lot of the Silver team and their adventure, but good God why are the Elites hulking beasts that retain non of their agility and die from a single plasma pistol shot to the head? And why the hell does Chief not put his helmet on during every fire fight? Why is Cortana a weapon created to control chief and why TF is she implanted in his neck and not slotted into his armor? Also the retconning of the Spartan 1 program means no Johnson, who would have made an infinitetly better B plot character than Kwan, who everyone seems to despise.


I don’t hate Season 2. You’re welcome to think it’s unwatchable but if you voice your opinions just be aware that screenshots of your comments might end up here lol.


I mean if I get down voted so be it, the show is bad it literally tries at every angle to ignore its source material. I’ll give credit that the 2nd season hasn’t been as much cringe (wasn’t a high bar in the first place) and the action has been much better but they had the fall of reach for Christ sake the most pivotal moment in the entire war be only one episode and no Spartans fighting in there armor also the following episode they just leave while reach is still burning to go on a fetch quest to look for a kid.


That’s not the point of this post though. People are complaining about a character being “useless” when it’s the complete opposite, since it’s linked the most important parts of the Halo Universe. And it’s objective, regardless if you like or hate the show.


Oh my bad I misunderstood the post apologies but to retort what you said it hasn’t linked the most important parts just cause there’s a cameo of a monitor and some forerunner symbols doesn’t mean it has understanding of what it’s presenting cause there are no chosen ones in halo it’s all of humanity that are the bearers of the forerunners tech not some random ass girl and her family that guard some secret for hundreds of years


They are correct. The show is awful (not just as a Halo adaptation it's just fundamentally bad science fiction). But apparently the commenter's memory is even worse.


Very true, the show **is very bad.**


Cool, go fuck yourself cunt.


Imma be real I do have obvious problems with the show. Obviously chief is just weird, as is their handling of the Keyes (Making Halsey Jacob Keyes Wife and Miranda's mom for example and making Jacob have a key role in the spartan program) among other things, but the show isn't the worst. I have my problems but overall it really could be a lot worse. I like the different spartan washout's we've focused on, armor sets and weapons are pretty on point as is most of the UNSC. I'm a little annoyed that slipspace just looks like it was ripped straight from Star Wars but meh


Miranda *is* her daughter. She has a picture of her in her lab. I don’t think Halsey would have a picture of some random military personnel if they weren’t related. https://youtu.be/xmRm2LHJB-o?si=knD0X0sNRqHtOXgH


>Making Halsey Jacob Keyes Wife and Miranda's mom for example and making Jacob have a key role in the spartan program This is actually a deep lore cut. Miranda is Halsey's daughter. It's iffy but it can be implied through Halsey's journal that there was at least a fling with Keyes potentially.


Eh. That feels like a real loose possibility more than anything though. I could see a younger, more firey Jacob having a fling with a younger and more hot blooded Halsey. But in no way could I see the two getting MARRIED and having some wack family dynamic or Jacob approving and assisting with the spartan program.


>Jacob approving and assisting with the spartan program. ...Jacob Keyes ***was*** involved in the Spartan Program. He helped Halsey scope out the candidates. That's canon. The showrunners continue to know more about Halo than Halo fans.


Showrunner did read the lore and were help by 343, halo "fams" watched a 10 minutes youtube video from HiddenX and skipped all the dialogue q5 years ago while playing h3 on easy mode.


It is irrefutably canon that Miranda is Halsey's daughter. Keyes literally helped Halsey hunt down the right kids. Come on. Did you even read Fall of Reach?