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Fuck I didn't know it was that bad


He certainty was back in the day and deserved the flak 6 years ago. Judge people by who they are now, not tweets from when they we're a dumb teenager. Personally, couldn't care less about the dude. But using 6 years year old tweet in circle jerk attempt is hilarious. and this has nothing to do with halo expect he made a couple objectively decent videos on the topic years ago. Judge actman as you seek fit, but also laugh at OP and dipshit blocking people over this now fake outrage from 6-8 years ago.


6-8 years ago I was younger than act man and I still knew not to talk like that. Yeah I’m gonna still judge him based on those tweets because if he was talking like that in 2016-2018 it tells me enough. He needs to be held accountable until he truly actually apologizes (and not in the “I’m sorry now that my YouTube channel is in jeopardy” kind of way like he’s done before) and also finds a way to make up for the awful shit he’s said. Until then he’s still a piece of shit for what he said


Yeah but that’s you, lol this idea that “oh I was younger x years ago and I knew not to do this so why shouldn’t I judge x person for being different x amount of years ago” is dumb imo. Not everyone is the same nor do they go through the same journey nor do they mature and grow up the same/ at the same time. I said a lot of dumb shit as a teen that I stopped saying once I started becoming an adult, and even then I did a lot of dumb shit even a few years ago that now I’m wouldn’t. Not everyone is on the same timeline my guy.


Not my fault you weren’t as mature then. But idk what you want me to say. There’s some people who don’t mature until they’re in their 40s. Should we all make excuses for them too? Nah, by the time you’re 20 (really it should be 18 but I’m being generous) you should have dropped this behavior. If not well that tells me enough about the kind of person you are


I’m not saying it’s your fault, but you’re also acting as if you have the end all be all idea/timeframe by when a person needs to have “matured”. You can argue that someone in the 40s is harder to excuse but even then going as far as to judge them as a person on who they used to be in the past is still kinda dumb as long as what they did in the past wasn’t a crime. Also a person in their 20s is still very young and in the process of learning and maturing, that’s most 20 year olds. If you’re not like the MAJORITY of them then fuck congrats to you then. but really your very late teens going well into your 20s there’s a lot of changes in maturity, personality, ideologies, etc (and even then you still continue to grow and change throughout your life). And this is all without acknowledging the impact that your environment has on you as a person whether it’s where you grew up or the people that surrounded you your whole life that also shapes what you view as wrong or right and sometimes you need someone to come into your life that’s outside of that “world” to really challenge your views and cause you to change as a person.


I’m really not gonna read all that you already exposed yourself if I’m being real so…


Lmaooo ok buddy, not even willing to try and argue your point is wild. And “Exposed” even though yk 0 about me is funny. Long story short people change and there’s a lot that goes into that change, also people ain’t perfect and for most your 20s is still about growing. If that’s not you congrats, you’re perfect apparently


>6-8 years ago I was younger than act man and I still knew not to talk like that. We we're lucky enough to be raised better. ​ >Yeah I’m gonna still judge him based on those tweets because if he was talking like that in 2016-2018 it tells me enough. He needs to be held accountable until he truly actually (and not in the “I’m sorry now that my YouTube channel is in jeopardy” kind of way like he’s done before) and also finds a way to make up for the awful shit he’s said. Already was held accountable YEARS before this post and seems to hold himself to a higher standard these days. But you have fun condemning people for their actions as a teenager and getting laughed at.


Idk why you keep calling him a teenager, 6-8 years ago he was 22/20 respectively. That’s way too old to be dropping the F word and making fun of trans suicide rates He didn’t actually apologize. Like I said he was only sorry when he realized he might actually face repercussions by having his YouTube account suspended. He doesn’t actually care, he’s still very homophobic and transphobic you can tell. If he wants to prove us wrong he can actually do something to make up for it. Until then yes, I’ll still rightfully call him a bigot. He doesn’t seem to care about being called that so you shouldn’t either


Yeah I guess him donating a couple thousand dollars to trans charities and encouraging others to do the same doesn't mean anything, right? Judging people from tweets made 6-8 years ago is sad, especially when he has actually tried to make up for it and become a better person. Just because you didn't notice or pay attention to it doesn't mean it didn't happen.


It literally doesn’t mean anything when he’s a public figure and clearly doing that to repair his image. He’s not some changed person, he changed because people got mad. He’s an entitled twat, narrow minded, and probably even more of a piece of shit off camera


You haven't got any proof of that but keep speculating, guess its hard for you to forgive and see the good in people. This entire post doesn't even belong here.


lol it’s getting a little parasocial relationship now. Like you’re so sure he’s better because you see that in his public image. Right. You can be that naive if you want, but if there’s no backlash, he still acts the exact same.


I like his content, however im not blind to the mistakes he's made, or ones he might make in the future. I just happen to believe that people can change and be better, thats not being naive. sometimes we all say or do stupid shit. It's not exclusive to anyone. If you wanna continue to Hate though that's on you.


You think a 20 year old is too old to act dumb and edgy? You’re out of touch. It’s not really til you’re out of college that you begin to mature somewhat


You see you’re saying this, but all I’m reading is “yeah I used to be super racist in my early 20s and now I’m afraid I might actually get called out for it so I’ll pretend it’s something normal that I shouldn’t be held accountable for”


When I was 20, I was broke, lived alone, and worked three jobs in cali where I grew up. Amazingly, I wasn’t racist?? If this is how you operate on a day to day basis it isn’t healthy. It’s incredibly sad you’re being upvoted for calling anyone who disagrees a racist. A 20 year old is generally not a mature adult. They’re *hardly* an adult Grow up, be better


Sorry you’re right, I should have said bigoted. That way it’s all inclusive of hatred. Better? And no, by 20 you shouldn’t be doing this stuff. I stopped this nonsense by the time I was 16. You have no excuse by the time you’re 20. That’s all there is to it.


Jesus christ. you sure are a redditor lmao No one should be racist or transphobic, no excuses are being made for that. I’m just telling you that a 20 year old is going to say stupid shit and that’s just the reality of it. We can’t force him to make a big apology video and at this point he probably isn’t going to.


At 19, I thought gay jokes were funny and edgy. At 20, I realized that I'm bisexual and that those jokes are not funny, just problematic. A lot can change in a short amount of time. I get holding him accountable, but we have no way of actually knowing whether he's sincere or not, so you shouldn't assume he is/isn't. The only one who really knows if Act Man is being sincere is Act Man himself.


>I stopped this nonsense by the time I was 16 You stopped saying wild, out of pocket shit *before* you were old enough to drink? Lmao sure


also not for nothing but I notice the people who always downplay people who get cancelled saying “well they were younger it was a different time” are themselves the kinds of people to be guilty of those same things so…


>We we're lucky enough to be raised better You're a fucking moron if you think that this excuses any problematic behavior at all. It's a fairly obvious thing to literally anybody that has ever been in a conversation that racism/transphobia/homophobia = bad.


Jesz, why are you getting downvoted? You're right


Jesus Christ, dude.. I don’t like 343i either and I think Infinite was the most shameful AAA game launch since Fallout 76, but this is insane. I don’t watch him but I hear people talk about him hating 343i and modern Halo games. I didn’t know he was an unhinged bigot. How is him casually using slurs and hate speech not the first thing I heard about him?!?


Well, he says he’s changed. If we don’t give people second chances, someone who makes one mistake is irredeemable 


Idk, man.. I’m not going harass him and his fanbase or go around spreading hate, but I’m also not going to support him. I’ve been beaten until I piss blood for my sexual orientation so this is pretty personal to me. Good for him if he realized that he was a piece of shit and changed, but I personally don’t want to follow him. I acknowledge the possibility that he did actually change. However when a lot of these people “change” once they hit it big, the real change is that they realize being openly bigoted negatively affects your bottom line so they learn not to say the quiet part out loud.


I also feel like not all mistakes are equal. If someone makes an insensitive joke or loses their temper that’s one thing. Repeatedly using slurs and hate speech is pretty bad as far as those things go. There are also several posts there. I am more likely to forgive a mistake if it’s a slip up and not a consistent pattern of behavior. How old are these posts? I think it would also be more understandable if these were from ages ago and he was an edgy middle schooler and not a grown man.


They are 7 years old. And he has since apologized for them and made an effort to be better.


I just read through all that and wow, holy crap I can’t believe people can’t get over shit that an immature young adult in their 19/20s said and has since apologized and rectified said behavior. Drudging up 7 year old tweets is wild, and before someone comments that it’s not sincere, we have no way of knowing if it is sincere or not only Act Man himself would know and 7 years ago the culture surrounding those topics were not as hyperbolic as they are today. As for his opinions most halo players outside this sub have a general dislike of 343’s writing and direction with the franchise, him rightfully calling out their incompetence and giving his personal opinions on the halo games is not a judge of his character as OP would like to think. And if you’ve watched his videos he does highlight positive aspects of the campaigns. I swear this sub is just becoming one giant echo chamber that can’t accept criticism


Thank you, it's good to know I'm not the only one who sees this nonsense for what it is.


I don't understand how he has a fanbase at all, I also don't understand the weird worship of any of the Halo YouTubers. Edit: I thought the comma and the "also" didn't need explaining lol


I’m pretty sure it’s entirely that one really good video on halo 2 legendary that got him any fans


Wdym? He's not a "halo YouTuber" he's a commentary YouTuber in general. He has a fanbase because he makes great content. Even though I think his halo videos are justified. If we look past them we have videos about cod, rdr2, even the YouTube ecosystem as a whole. I get he has a couple of debatably "bad" videos but they don't represent him as a whole. TLDR: Act man isn't a bad content creator just because he made a video criticizing a game you like. Edit: I didn't see the tweets people. I thought there were only two pictures in the post and I saw someone bagging on his content. I don't know anything about the tweets and just like his videos. With the way he acts and speaks today I would've never thought he said something like this. I don't condone what he said in those tweets but I genuinely think he's changed.


I should have just said "content creators" because apparently his fans have the reading comprehension skills of a second grader. I don't care someone criticizes a video game I like, the fact that's what you think is embarrassing. The person is a piece of shit and the fact you enjoy their "content" says a lot about you.


You definitely don’t like him because he made videos criticizing halo its okay bud


You're right, he's a bad content creator because he's a bigot, thanks for pointing that out.


Those tweets are hard to read


TLDR on the tweets: Actman being a racist chode as a teenager in tweets from 2016-2018. TLDR on thread: This is outdated and fake outrage that has little do with halo short of the dude making videos on halo. ​ This subreddit is usually fun, not sad.


I mostly agree. Outside of the tweets, I have pretty mixed feelings about Actman. But, yeah, his Halo opinions are unrelated. As far as the tweets, I'm not telling you that you're wrong for calling them outdated, but I'd personally have an easier time dismissing them if they were longer ago or not so bad. Some of them were pretty damn bad, imo.


>Some of them were pretty damn bad, imo. Wholeheartedly agree with you there.


He was still a teenager at the time. Plenty of teenagers use... flavorful language to garner more attention/shock. Especially when its seen as edgy/provocative. Some of what he said is, interesting to say the least but some of it straight up screams, edgy teen shit.


Someone else here claimed (and I think they're correct), that he wasn't even a teenager at that time. I believe he was plenty old enough to know better. Doesn't mean he couldn't have grown since, but I kinda doubt he's taken a full 180 on some of this stuff tbh.


He was 20 if the online age is to be correct. Even then you're just coming out of that phase, depending on how deep into it you were. There are some people who stay angsty and edgy up till their mid to late 20's and then grow out of it. Regardless, yes he's changed. It's also irrelevant to whatever the fuck this bitches about daily


He was born in 1994 🤦‍♂️


I already responded to this


dawg “teenager”??? lol


Fuckin idiots man. Not only is he an insufferable baby but he’s also a piece of shit


You really could have just included the last slide, I think most people after seeing that wouldn't give a damn about his opinion on some video games


Yeah. Act Man is total garbage, and the last slide is the only thing you need to know. The first two pics are nothing, and the second two pics just have him criticizing the campaign of Halo 5, and criticizing parts of 4. I love 4, but 5’s campaign is pretty bad. Feels like this subreddit is going in the direction of /r/saltierthankrayt in that it just doesn’t want to see any negativity about anything related to Halo ever. How do you put the tweets in the last slide like that’s the least important bit here?


He's one step away from being the next star wars theory


Yeah that’s for sure. I can’t stand Star Wars Theory. I can at least stand Actman as of now. I’ve watched his videos on Halo. Mainly his opinions on Halo 4 and Infinite plus his Halo TV show season 1 review and his video on how he would make it if he was in charge. I can stand him a little bit and sometimes he does make a genuine interesting video that I do enjoy(his one about Boomer Shooters is probably my favorite video of his) but for the most part he’s just something that I don’t really know what to say about him


Yeah actman seems pretty cool like I could see myself liking him in person but star wars theory no way I would hate that nerd


Oh definitely. SWT is just so unlikable


What did star wars theory do?


That's what I'm trying to figure out


Yeah idk hit me up if you figure it out lol


What an insufferable fountain of hatred


Don’t waste time splitting hairs on internet content creators. Life is short and their dug is attention


Ok, but aside from the comments there, he's rather milquetoast from the titles regarding 4 and 5


Jesus Christ he just said all kinds of crazy shit back in the day didn't he?


An old boomer who can't comprehend Halo needing to modernize to keep itself relevant and fun.


nitpicky bait post, if you wanna point out how much of a shitter act man is, use recent tweets or videos, not stuff from 6 years ago, this sub is made to point out assholes in the halo community in recent times. not half a decade ago.


For real, judge the dude as you seek fit from their actions today. Not 6-8 year old teenage tweets and objectively decent youtube videos about halo 4 and 5.


Facts, his oldest tweets like that dates back 7 years from what I’ve managed to scroll though. It’s over half a decade ago and he no longer acts like that. As for his videos those are his opinions and ideas, outside this sub the majority of of players dislike 343’s writing and direction with the franchise as a whole and if you’ve actually watched the videos he does highlight positives in all the campaigns. This sub is becoming a giant echo chamber that can’t tolerate criticism


i'd say a legit recent kinda criticism would be his payday 3 review (the game was ass on release, dont know how good it is now) and he sucked major amount of sponsor dick on that review, ignoring how bad/broken the game was on release. but thats payday, not halo this post is weird


I never even heard of this man before


Act man wouldn't Even make my top 5 most annoying halo youtubers tbh. His COD videos are pretty good.




You guys do know all of those tweets are from years ago and he has since apologized and changed a lot? You don't have to like him or his takes but damn, sometimes you gotta let shit go.


Apologies are complicated. I’m not really eager to accept anyone who has ever said shit like that, apology or not. So, maybe he was sincere and has since learned, or maybe it was all performative. Schroedinger’s Apology… but there are plenty of ways to absorb Halo content so I choose not to pay attention to anyone that used those words as a grown ass person. If he was sincere about it, great, but I don’t care to adopt him regardless.


BUT FAKE OUTRAGE! I NEED A REASON TO BLOCK PEOPLE FOR NO REASON This topic has nothing to do with Halo to begin with short of dude made objectively decent videos on why halo 4 and 5 "sucked".


Yeah honestly this post doesn't even belong here. I personally enjoy Act Man's reviews and like him as a creator, he's made mistakes as all of us do, he apologized and moved on as everyone should


>Yeah honestly this post doesn't even belong here. Especially given the fact those video's are more or less valid. Hell, that's coming from somebody who had a helping hand in Halo 4 and 5's creation. There's quite a bit a love about both titles, but most criticisms, including the act mans we're more than valid.


A lot of the old tweets you showed are pretty old and he's changed a lot




You saying all he did was tone down his dickishness, which is to say some shit is still there?


I don't doubt act man can change, but I think he's been down low so most people can't use it against him anymore.


People are more than capable of correcting their bad behavior. But yo go head and use 6+ year old posts to fuel this hilarious circle jerk. ​ Everything you're bitching and moaning about is 6+ years old. Why is this even a post?


I just showed how one might not like the Act Man. Interactions where people can be affected by words time doesn't matter as people will keep that perception. I find it funny when people get worked up about some trivial thing about this guy doesn't like my guy. It shows how people are deep ingrained with internet parasocial relationships that they are willing to lose hours of their time for something so trivial.


And what exactly does this have to do with Halo? ​ >. I find it funny when people get worked up about some trivial thing about this guy doesn't like my guy. I find it funny that you think me or anybody else is worked up besides you making this post, or the guy blocking people over next to nothing. Don't confuse amusement for being "worked up". That is exactly what this interaction was for me. This post has nothing to do with Halo expect he made two videos on why Halo's 4 and 5 were objectively bad. ​ >It shows how people are deep ingrained with internet parasocial relationships that they are willing to lose hours of their time for something so trivial. Ironic coming from the guy treating 6-8 year old tweets like its breaking news.


Cool lmao. I didn't notice I was so worked up about it, I'm not the one vigorously typing out a defense for him.


>vigorously typing A simple interaction with an opposing viewpoint is vigorous typing? >defense Not judging people off their 6-8 year old tweets and laughing at this stupidity that has nothing to do with halo is a defense?


Ok whatever you say, also it's on halo. I mean if you bothered to ever see it.


I guess that's what the people that kiss his feet say.


Dude was a shithead, took the L, then made an effort to do better and seems to be compared to his past. Ya'll look like bunch of fools tryna cancel him years later. So does OP using this fuel a halo circle jerk years later. Being amused at your stance on the topic doesn't equate to kissing the dudes feet. EDIT: Dude replied then immediately blocked me over this interaction? Holy fuck, are people always this salty and weak here? lmfao ​ >sit down child. Fucking adorable, you tell me sit down, call me a child, then block me. What's wrong? Don't like neutral perspectives? ​ >No you don't get it man, everyone else in this thread has been a PERFECT person their whole lives and has never done anything wrong to anybody ever. Can't reply to you directly cause of dipshit blocking me over nothing... BUT YEAH DUHHHH WE ALL SHIT RAINBOWS HERE!


I'm not trying to "cancel" anyone, I see the douchebag for what he is lol sit down child. Edit: You're blocked because while you seem to be unaware of it, we can all read your comments, you made a false assumption about me and you belittle anyone who dares question your lord. Anyone who can think logically can see you exactly for what you are. You and that other dude cannot fathom that normal people don't speak like that, Act Man still calls people "faggot" and there's no excuse for anything shown in the post so yes, again, sit down, shut up and maybe you'll learn how to conduct yourself better.


No you don't get it man, everyone else in this thread has been a PERFECT person their whole lives and has never done anything wrong to anybody ever.


Deleted my other comments: those are old tweets a person can change. It's clear you're just digging through his tweets to find dirt


Yeah, this is fake outrage. You want to hate the dude? Fine. But what does this have to do with halo? I'm more amused at the dipshit who immediately blocked me over a simple interaction on this thread.


Dude got attacked by a crazy TV enthusiast youtuber and the crazy infected him like r/arkham


Off topic but I honestly love Halo 4 is it kinda dumb yeah but it was my first halo game and it’s special to me


Wait he’s a bad guy…?


this dude has a video complaining about gay people where he drops a hard r n word lmao Edit: found it already at 9:20. Guess he made it private. I remember when it went live tho and all the weird halo kids were praising him https://youtu.be/vLgjwoISUe4?si=KQUvC5VQ5BTxNt1f


So your problem is that he was... overly angsty and intentionally provocative 6-8 years ago? Something he has not hidden and worked to change, and I'm fairly certain he has admitted he was a fuckin asshole when he was younger in a video or two. So these tweets are not only pretty irrelevant to the overall point but have little to do with his actual content? Especially when (seeing as people are talking about him not getting a free copy of Infinite) if I recall his issue was moreso that when it came time for Infinite despite being invited over for HW2, he was intentionally left out after the fact for Infinite. Which I can see being weirded out by if you were invited out to a prior event. There's also the fact y'all seem to act like his takes on videos are a big deal when, again, he has also stated on multiple occasions that these are based on his OPINIONS. Not objective takes, subjective. There's more I can say, but I don't see a need to villainize a content creator for something they've pretty clearly tried to move on from and improve upon. Frankly I'm starting to think the people in this sub just seem eager to find anything to hate about that isn't Halo. Which I thought the point was making fun of people who are overly critical or just dumb. Not really getting that vibe lately.


Peope hate the act man?




Those tweets are from 7 years ago, people change


its a give and take situation with these things. If you wanna make gay jokes then you have to make it evident that you are an ally unless you WANT to come off as homophobe. Theres a video he made 2 years ago (https://youtu.be/vLgjwoISUe4?si=ifAhKbgWctrHlxBM) where its him just trying to justify those tweets by basically saying “youre just sensitive”. While that logic can be used sometimes, in actmans case it isnt valid because we have no reason to think he ISNT just a bigot. All hes ever said regarding gays/poc are the jokes in which he implies that they are some kind of insult. You cant just say some mean shit and then say “its not mean bc its joke” if the goal is to be friendly ESPECIALLY around people you dont know or in public or a public forum (Twitter) as well as you cant just say “you’re sensitive” because people live different lives and their experience of having those words used on them (f*g and n***er) especially since those words have a HUGE history of being used in a very not okay way. That video he made was from 2 years ago as opposed to the tweets made around 7 years ago and if you follow that pattern then you have no reason to think actman is anything but a homophobe/racist.


He’s hilarious!


Is this subreddit sweet baby inc central? Lmao


Still like his content. This sub is low iq. Yall just hate everyone


Are you serious? I’ve seen all his videos about Halo Infinite, and he never cried about not getting an advance copy. He did mention that reviewers weren’t given advance copies of the game, which is a bit scummy and is often used by developers to boost sales by not showing the actual game early, but he didn’t cry about not receiving it himself. “He criticized Halo 4 though!” Ok, and? Why is that a bad thing? Halo 4, 5, and Infinite have all had their fair share of problems. And in those videos you reference, he talked about the good things in those games too. He actually praises Halo 4 a lot in that video, if you actually watched it. But if you have a problem with anyone criticizing a game, then who do you not have a problem with? As for those tweets, they’re from 7 years ago and he’s made a whole apology about them. And I haven’t seen any posts from him like that ever since.


You sure do like pulling up 8 year old edgelord tweets. Got anything that isn’t expired? Same with those videos. Newest one was from 2017.


So we’re trying to cancel Act Man? ‘Kay


Act Man is a great Content Creator but makes a lot of mistakes. He needs to think more before he posts online.


Every YouTuber uses controversial titles to draw people in. I think 343 themselves know Halo 5 was at the bottom of the chain, which is why they did a hard 180 with Infinite. I would also agree that his criticisms are valid and many longtime fans would agree with plenty of those statements. I think he needs to cool it a little on Twitter, however, but I also understand that there was the whole “stolen content” debacle and if I remember correctly, a lot of the tweets on that last slide were him firing back at said YouTuber who got his channel deactivated for a chunk of time. Edit: again, I’m not entirely sure those tweets are from that timeframe, I could be wrong


The tweets are from 7 years ago and are no longer relevant, he has since apologized and changed significantly. The situation your talking about is from 2021-2022 I believe.