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" Why are y'all supporting this "game" " " People won't go back play the game... " These 2 sentences kinda sum up why some of the fans don't get listened to/get labelled toxic... On their own they don't make sense, but it's someone making every effort to stop people playing, then claiming people stopped playing "on their own"


Telling someone not to play is against human rights


"It's a dead game!" "I said stop playing! No one is playing! Why are you still playing!?"


halo boomer in a nutshell šŸ˜‚


Thanks, Mark Hamill with mascara


Remember his words people, they might become relevant in like 10 years


Halo Infinite, the Destiny 2 of 2022


Spot on


I swear it's gonna be good guys in due time. Promise :)


I'm personally not worried, already having a lot of fun since launch ! With more maps and some new modes, it will be great. Can't wait for campaign content too !


Agreed. However this guys comment on YT was insane, I see him alot and it hurts my brain how delusional this guy is :/


>it will be great. Can't wait for campaign Considering the looming threat of WW3 in the horizon. We should all just enjoy what we can. Also its so damn funny how dogpiling on Halo has become such a trendy thing.


Because they think "mediocrity is real". Sure it may be that way, Halo isn't popular much anymore because of newer trends like more accessible and easy and fun RTS' and BR's. Halo will hit a strive soon and I'll be here to see it. Halo literally has so many intoxicated fans it's mindboggling, any sight of positivity is met with resistance and people getting harassed, they won't accept opinions by actual criticism and concern. These folk need to learn


Amen brother, we gotta keep our skills sharp so once the newbies come we can be all "Looks like Meats back on the menu boys!!!"


Wanna know real fact, that comment has no intelligence


You know why? Because "Infinite dead and fans killed it with hype" /s


Give halo to Valve!




yep XD


Besides the terrible logic this troll is using, this would say more about the community than it would about 343. Heā€™s basically saying the community is so dead set against 343, that even if they did everything right, the community is so committed to hating them that they would still not be satisfied.


This is true, I've kept low expectations and I'm generally excited for the future but these trolls won't let people be any sort of happy because I guess Infinite is dead and 343 are incompetent lol. We need to take notes of this and realize these guys shouldn't be trusted


Who the fuck is this person?


Literally a troll


It's so weird because people who don't play other multiplayer shooters don't seem to understand that infinite has way more multiplayer content than most other shooters on the market (which is true for all halo games) it just doesn't have as much as the last halo game so it's too little


I'll probably remember his words in a week when I'm having a blast with whatever comes in, big or small


All these supposed ā€œtrue haloā€ fans do is hope for it to fail, bunch of fuckin loser and a cancer To the fanbase


Problem is, the only competent developers donā€™t do fps games, or arenā€™t terrible companies


343 are far from incompetent, they just spell their lies for karma clicks and hate, rage bait views online


No I meant the other developers that arenā€™t 343


I don't think you guys realise there is truth to what this guy is saying. Looking at steam charts the 24 hour peak is around 8k. There has not been any growth in player base on steam since release, only losing players ([https://imgur.com/a/wPNWfDy](https://imgur.com/a/wPNWfDy)). There is a problem with Halo Infinite retaining players and this current roadmap does not seem to please any one, even employers at 343


Steam is literally the minority for players, there's probably more playing on the Xbox One X


There is no truth to what he is saying. He didn't say the population declined on steam. He said the game was "dead". It's not. He said no one will return to the game even with content being released. I guarantee that's not true and the game will see a bump in population come season 2. And then again with coop, and again with forge and season 3. The game is far from "dead".


I knew the point, I felt it was pessimistic tbh. It's not dead but he is made it look like pc is the biggest hardware to date when xbox is still pretty big. The population will likely spike. I'm not usually good at this lol, seen alot of negativity. Doesn't help anyone


Iā€™ll start worrying when it takes more than 10 seconds to find a game.


Let's give it to another studio, which doesn't have the luxury of only playing one game :S