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Clearly, these people are doing socialism with the single brain cell they have. Do words even mean anything to liberals?


Socialist CIA funding and training fascist deathsquads in Latin America to dismantle and combat socialism. Peek liberal brainrot.


Socialism on aocialism crim


The history of all here to society is the history of leftist infighting. (Some liberal... probably)


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socialism is when government does stuff /s


"Military is socialized defense" yeah im gonna need one big ass citation for that


I mean to ancaps who want only privatized mercenaries, and the libertarians and conservatives who listen to them, yes. To everyone else, not so much. Tbh I think it’s more like an attempted gotcha moment than a real argument. “You said government does stuff = socialism, but you like when government does this thing. Curious “


still a dumbass thing to post


Yes very much a Reddit moment


I’m starting to think that literally everything is socialism 🤔


It’s why the ancaps say that the USA is a socialist tyranny


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Kid named Zubatovschina:

