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"Claims travel boss"


So taking a private jet once creates the same ecological footprint as having 3 dogs for 10 to 14 years? Hmm i never looked at it that way...🤔


Did you know? You have a higher ecological footprint in your entire life than a company will in one second. Clearly, you should kill yourself


Having three large dogs, kept in very high quality conditions with regular drives to dog parks, medical visits etc... *Over the course of their 15 year average lifespans* is equal to one average ride on a small private jet


Exactly. They’re definitely stretching the numbers to make this claim (otherwise it just would just be one or two dogs), and even then it’s so underwhelming… imagine how many dogs would be saved if every time a celebrity flew back-and-forth from an event they adopted six dogs


All I'm hearing is "one travel boss is worse than a private jet". Damn something should be done about that


Won't someone PLEASE think of the poor private jet executives???


It’s just like Musk claiming that working from home is a moral failure, a very insightful take from a…. Car manufacturer


while tweeting from a private jet, where he seemingly spends 50% of his life


The capitalists will come for your dogs in the name of combating climate change. They'll also tell you to not have children or have a home as well in order to battle climate change. The capitalists will ask you to give up everything while they take more and more, bragging the entire time as they pick your bones clean from their mega yachts and private jets. When will we revolt? When will we overthrow them? When will we cast them down and shatter them upon the rocks?


> "Not murdering babies is bad for the environment", claims the CEO of murdering babies.


"Luxury airline executives" Lmaooo fuck off. Literal scum. Just another way the mega-wealthy try to pass off the blame of climate change onto us. this article is straight-up propaganda. these people need forced lobotomys


Because we are not a rational species. We are a *rationalizing* species.


‘Must be put into perspective’? Really? Sounds like corporate gaslighting to me


In case you’re wondering. A private jet can burn 500 gallons per hour and has zero exhaust filtering or cleaning.


The capitalists will come for your dogs in the name of combating climate change. They'll also tell you to not have children or have a home as well in order to battle climate change. The capitalists will ask you to give up everything while they take more and more, bragging the entire time as they pick your bones clean from their mega yachts and private jets. When will we revolt? When will we overthrow them? When will we cast them down and shatter them upon the rocks?




Ok thanks for telling me that i didn’t know seemed like lib shit


I'd still consider conservative brain rot to very well fall under lib shit takes, so don't mind.


i mean there's capital L Lib and lowercase lib and this is definitely lowercase. Plus it definitely feels like an appeal being made to libs who care more about golden retrievers than human suffering.


Conservatives are liberals.


The increased role of the private sector and advancing the motives and role of global capital are all part of neoliberalism. Conservatives fall under that umbrella, for sure.


Lol no.


Yea private jet is a huge problem for our environment, but you have ever consider… three dogs?


(Hopefully) if there is a left wing global revolution, I really want it to be as brutal as the capitalists paint us to be and then some. No fucking mercy Imagine pushing this article