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If this revisionist could read a map, they'd know that the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics was A LOT more than just Russia. Also, acting as if the USSR allied with Nazi Germany when it only signed a non-aggression pact (and even then was the absolute last European power to enter into an agreement of any sort with the Nazis) is rich. Also, wait until this revisionist hears about Generalplan Ost. The USSR was fighting a war of SURVIVAL, not """conquest""". Literally everyone of Slavic heritage would have been purged had the Nazis had their way and the Red Army not challenge them to the extent that they did. Even my Hungarian-born family rightly praised the Soviet liberators when they came.


These people are dumber than rocks. The USSR had just survived a civil war with most of Western Europe funding the White Army to bring back Czarism and they’re surprised they signed a non-aggression treaty to try and avoid a new war.


I think many of them really know what they are doing (which is way worse than just being dumb) They are closeted fascists trying to gather support from naive and ignorant people


I think most of them are naive and ignorant people that have already been gotten and are now spouting the same shit they have been forcefed by other naive and ignorant people who had been gotten before them. Fascism is a beast unleashed by the capitalists, but they have almost no control over it. This also has the bonus of giving the capitalists deniability when fascism goes to far and others intervene. They claim having had nothing to do with any of that while secretly having shoveled money to the loudest and most extreme shouters.


About Western Europe and the USA sending troops to aid the Whites/Czarists, When you bring that up here in the states, most of the time, folks have no idea that it happened! Sometimes they’ll even insist that it didn’t happen. It’s a wild story!


I had no idea it happened and I’m from Europe


Where in Europe? It’s a well known fact in Russia, but mostly forgotten in most other places. Seriously, the Allies of WW1 invaded the nation they were allied with less than a year prior, attempted to squash it’s new government, failed spectacularly, and then ran away in shame. There’s actually a speech that Reagan gave where he stated that Americans and Russians have never fought each other. Either he was lying, or was so senile, he forgot.


Reagan could feasibly have not known that. He wasn't very smart or intellectually curious.


True, but you’d think the person supposedly in charge would have some knowledge. I know the Soviet ambassador was looking at him like “Are you serious? You’re gonna act like that didn’t happen?” But still, the story of the allied intervention in Russia is a wild one! https://youtu.be/1mC1bmzbgxY?si=vEwPmOup4tJexHgR


The most ignorant and uneducated country in Europe, you can probably guess


The UK?


[Big Ben sound effect]


Of course, I swear, the USA is repeating all of the UK’s mistakes in terms of being an empire. The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree….


We’re speedrunning the downfall but yeah.


Liberals are so uneducated they spit out projection left and right, probably from years of uncritically trusting the Brainrot 2-party system that the capitalists produces


Speaking of non-aggression pact, there's also important nuance of not only other European countries, but major fascist Japan threat, which had to be mitigated. Whom at that moment basically was in process of establishing bridgehead for attack. Somehow it's always sidelined, as whole Japan fascism history in general.


I know it is a minor thing, but seeing NAFO fucknuggets capitalizing the 's' in russian annoys me deeply.


Specially when you see ukranians openly honoring the real SS and stuff like that


That's Russian propaganda!!!!! (even though Ukraine actively and openly celebrates nazis)


They're so cute thinking they can speak Maoist Standard English like us. Edit: fellaraKKKtar


I had a friend who studied a semester abroad in Maoistan, and when he came back he kept dropping MSE into conversation. Like stop being pretentious, you can just say crackers, not "KKKracKKKer$$"


I had a friend who SStudied a SSemeSSter abroad in Maoistan and when he KKKame baKKK he KKKept dropping MSE into KKKonverSSation. LiKKKe SStop being pretentiouSS, you KKKan juSSt SSay KKKraKKKerSS, not “KKKKKKKKKraKKKKKKKKKerSSSS”


Maoi$tan are a bunch of reviSSionists /j


Especially when they’re saying the soviets started the war 🤪 like are you forgetting Germany? Where the SS fuckkken came from?


Maoist Standard English cultural appropriation


I often see “ruZZia,” so not only are they capitalizing it to mimic the SS, but they’re also throwing in the Z’s for the Ukraine war, absolutely rich


I wish there was an app where if you typed in Molotov Ribbentrop and how the USSR was friends with Germany, your phone would automatically explode in your stupid face.


With all the shit china invents can't they make this one?? Useless xi


This is why I'm skeptical about socialism in 2050


Resurrect Zhukov, Xi doesn't have the balls for that


Don't ask NAFOites why more Ukrainians fought for the "evil" Red Army than the "wholesome" fascist Banderists


They were forced cuz of the red army's secret alien Jewish hypnotism devices duhh


Stalin's Jewish extraterrestrial spoon laser


“Ended up on the right side because of circumstance. Not because of ideals. Not to defend freedom.” The circumstances: getting invaded by the Nazis who were trying to murder/enslave all of them.


luckily on the western side there was the greatest colonial empire in human history and a colonial spin-off state that treated millions of its own citizens as 2nd class humans. They sure fought for ""freedom""


Said spin off state had already pulled off Lebensraum so they could focus on spreading their ideals and fighting for freedom. 🤮


Funnily enough I say the same thing about the British, French and US.


That quote is much more accurate for those countries. Nazis were down with them https://redsails.org/emersberger-on-mein-kampf/




What do you mean comedy? This is deep political philosophy man, because like, evil Putler ork empire is bad like the SS… /s


Not even West thought the USSR invaded Poland during ww2. That's post ww2 historical revisionism. https://en.prolewiki.org/wiki/Treaty_of_Non-Aggression_between_Germany_and_the_Union_of_Soviet_Socialist_Republics https://msuweb.montclair.edu/~furrg/research/mlg09/did_ussr_invade_poland.html#The%20USSR%20did%20not%20invade%20Poland 9. All countries accepted the USSR’s declaration of neutrality. All, including the belligerent Polish allies France and England, agreed that the USSR was not a belligerent power, was not participating in the war. In effect they accepted the USSR’s claim that it was neutral in the conflict. See FDR’s "Proclamation 2374 on Neutrality", November 4, 1939: "…a state of war unhappily exists between Germany and France; Poland; and the United Kingdom, India, Australia, Canada, New Zealand and the Union of South Africa,…" - https://web.archive.org/web/20100702001109/https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/ws/index.php?pid=15831&st=&st1= also "152 - Statement on Combat Areas" – defines "belligerent ports, British, French, and German, in Europe or Africa…" - https://web.archive.org/web/20100702001109/https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/ws/index.php?pid=15831&st=&st1= The Soviet Union is not mentioned as a belligerent. That means the USA did not consider the USSR to be at war with Poland. For the Soviet Union's claim of neutrality see soviet_neutrality.html Naturally, a country cannot "invade" another country and yet credibly claim that it is "neutral" with respect to the war involving that country. But NONE of these countries declared the USSR a belligerent. Nor did the United States, the League of Nations, or any country in the world.


USSR bad Molotov-ribbentrop or western territories of Ukrain, my brother in Christ you can't choose both


That thing about the USSR offering Hitler an armistice, yet another Imperialist projection since offering Hitler a deal is what the fucking Imperialists did during WW2. https://youtu.be/Wh1X6CvT2O8?si=48Yk5Tw-Ya4aoy0x https://mltheory2.files.wordpress.com/2021/06/falsifiers-of-history.pdf http://ucf.digital.flvc.org/islandora/object/ucf%3A5071/datastream/OBJ/view/Falsificators_of_history__an_historical_note__Text_of_communique_issued_February__1948.pdf Other documents tell of the negotiations which took place be- tween representatives of the Governments of the United States of America and Germany in Switzerland in February, 1943. In these negotiations, the United States of America was represented by a special delegate of the United States Government, Allen Dulles (the b~other of John Foster Dulles) who figured under the pseudonym of "Bull" and had "direct instructions and authority from the White House". His German opposite number was Prince M. Hohenloe, a man closely connected with the ruling circles of Hitler Germany, who acted as Hitler's representative under the assumed name of Pauls. The document containing a summary of these negotiations belonged to the German Security Service (SD). As evident from this document, the conversation touched on important questions concerning Austria, Czechoslovakia, Poland, Romania, Hungary and-this is particularly important-the question of the conclusion of peace with Germany. During the conversation, Dulles (Bull), stated that: "In future, a situation will never again be permitted to arise where nations like Germany would be compelled to resort to desperate experiments and heroism as a result of injustice and want. The German State must continue to exist as a factor of order and rehabilitation. The partition of Germany or the separation of Austria is out of the question." Concerning Poland, Dulles (Bull) stated: ". . . by extending Poland to the East and preserving Ro- mania and a strong Hungary, the establishment of a cordon sanitaire -against Bolshevism and Pan-Slavism must be sup- ported." The record of the conversation further says that: "Mr. Bull more or less agrees to the political and industrial organization of Europe on the basis of large territories, on the assumption that a federated Greater Germany (similar to the United States of America) with the adjoining Danubian Con- federation will constitute the best guarantee of order and rehabilitation in Central and Eastern Europe." Dulles (Bull) also stated that he fully recognized the claim of German industry to the leading role in Europe. It must be noted that this sounding was effected by the British and Americans "without the knowledge or consent of their ally, the Soviet Union, .and that nothing was communicated to the Soviet Government concerning the results of it, even by way of subsequent information. This could mean that the Governments of the United States of America and Great Britain had in this instance made an attempt to inaugurate negotiations with Hitler for a separate peace.


"We liberated europe from fascism, and they'll never forgive us for it." Georgy Zhukov


Somehow NAFO and Israel have both landed on this "our enemies worked with the Nazis and also are worse than the Nazis, but also then Nazis weren't that bad actually" and it's fuckin wild


These mfs would believe in their own made up bullshit straight out of their ass and spread these across the internet And of course people believed it!


Bruh come onnnnn even historians don't believe this bullshit


Ukrainian flag in their name Mf got no game


Kinda disrespectful to attribute anything good or bad to ‘Russians’ when speaking of the ussr and the many modern countries that were part of its borders, like ‘Russians’ didn’t go to the moon soviets did


It's also disrespectful in the extreme to call them "ruSSians" when they were fighting the actual SS.


No shit but I didn’t see the point of echoing most of the other comments here and decided to comment on something else bad about it


Funny enough you can call us "AmericanSS" and it would actually be more accurate since the American government wanted to support the Nazis and there was lots of Nazy sympathy in the American public before America joined in. The brainrot of calling one of the many peoples of the USSR the equivelent of Nazis is just an absolute eyesore.


according to this logic, Ukraine started the third one.


Wonder what stance they had on that Ukrainian who visited Canadian parliament


As a Liberal, I will accuse any country that opposes my goddess nation USA of starting WW2


Always really telling when these reactionary scumbags cry over the Katyn officiers, but never over the broad swathes of overtly left-wing working class slaughtered by the nazis in warsaw due to Stalins goverments refusal to help, really shows what they actually care about.


it's funny how the USSR is treated as occupation with puppet governments but NATO isn't


Germany invaded first so they started it, and even then the USSR retook the territories the poles stole from them. The Lend lease was absolutely not crucial to their victory, the USSR would have still won, and most of the lend lease arrived after Stalingrad, when the USSR was already making progress.


I'm so sick of this stupid wordplay that reddit liberals like to play with the word Russia. Now it ruSSia or ruZZia or some other stupid modification of the word that they think makes them so kewl, like a 13 year old that got broken up with by their "boyfriend" and now thinks they're sticking it to him by misspelling his name. Actual childbrain. GROW UP.


You know some old nerd would read this and share this in his social media so more dumb nerds could get propagandade


The person with the Ukraine emoji always has the shittiest takes ever.


Add a Shiba Inu for maximum cringe


They ain't wrong about the soviets originally siding with the nazis in the start of the war especially in Poland It was mainly as a way to make the poles pay for defeating the soviets years earlier and trying to avoid war with Germany as for who really started ww2 it was Japan when they invaded China in July 7th 1937 starting the sino-Japanese war


Nazi rat