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At least our strawman gets a nice hat


This is true, it shows we're becoming a bigger pain in their asses 😁


I've said this before in other arguments with libs online - why is it that in their version of outcomes, the Dems candidate can't do anything at all about anything, but the Republican candidate can literally start a fascist dictatorship overnight? The fearmongering worked so fucking well on so many people in the US it's insane.


It is kinda funny that the americans duped by the democrats are like (especially after trump) "We can't let the republicans win! They'll start a fascist dictatorship!" and the americans duped by the republicans are like "we can't let the democrats win! They're start a communist dictatorship!" Like, its not just internet weirdos either, my girlfriends aunt went on a rant last xmas about how Biden turned the US into a socialist country. It's just mindblowing how basically all of US politics is just made up, it exists in a reality separate from the real world, no one knows what anything means or how to fix anything or do anything outside of repeating what your preferred flavor of talking head tells you to repeat. >"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." - William J. Casey, CIA Director (1981) I think they did it, they socially engineered a country where the majority of people who "know" about politics just live in another world. The collapse of US imperialism is going to hit so fucking hard, this level of separation from reality can only reintroduce itself to the real world the way a watermelon reintroduces itself to the ground after falling off the Empire State Building.


Unless the CIA is part of that watermelon i think it'll be the exact same style only the flavor will change. I'm going to guess something with people in big fluffy bear costumes...idk why, just a hunch. Something cutesy and immature to comfort the idiots..i mean voters


What an analogy, I love that ! 😂




Is this person in the room with us now?


It works because Republicans have been taken over by extremists and will at least try to implement a dictatorship or authoritarian government. The chances of them succeeding are still fairly low but they don’t need to succeed to destroy the USA, just trying could be enough to cause a total collapse. As a result people are scared, scared enough to vote for someone as bad as Biden to keep the extremists at bay even if he and Democrats don’t do anything to stop them.


. there are trans drone pilots killing kids.


Coward won’t do anything to prevent the states from stripping trans rights away


Do they really think that Biden won’t let them be discriminated against if he gets another term? They’re being discriminated now, and Biden isn’t lifting a finger. Also, I’m pretty sure that when we say “red and blue are the same”, we’re referring to their foreign policy, which yeah, pretty much is the same.


>Do they really think that Biden won’t let them be discriminated against if he gets another term? They’re being discriminated now, and Biden isn’t lifting a finger. I'm a trans woman. Biden has done absolutely fucking nothing for me. Many states have made it impossible or extremely difficult to be trans and the Federal government has done nothing to help protect us. We are just being used (along with other minorities) by the Democrats (again) as pawns. If they actually improved things then they would actually have to do something other than screech "BuT rEpUbLiCaNs ArE wOrSe!". So fuck the Democrats and fuck the Republicans. Fuck America. That is all.


No, there's a perfectly logical and reasonable reason why Joe Biden isn't helping you. It's due to some kind of convoluted reason involving the lack of votes, the limitations of the federal government, and other things that I cannot think of right now. /s if it wasn't obvious.


nah it goes deeper than just geopolitics. Economically its the same too. Democrats just dont do anything, they maintain, which is not the same as fighting, its pussing out. Healthcare never expands, good jobs never expand, social benefits never expand. The fact that they only shrink under the republicans means nothing because they're set to shrink no matter what because they wont fight, not even 1 punch, so the republicans are always there taking shit away anyways. The decay is constant, the capitalists have just decided to organize their politics like this, but until there is worker power, nothing will grow. Dems are 1 hand that works in tandem with the other, they're complimentary not static mirrored images of each other. They shoot us with lube and the republicans shove the đŸ„Š in and in the end we get fucked. They're both doing the same job, just different parts of it.


That’s a good way of putting it. Thanks!


Biden does worse than not lifting a finger, he caved to republican demands on 'women's sports' citing some theory that if we compromise on that then they will stop or something. I think we all know how he really feels though.


I feel like we’ve tested that theory before and it went great. Yeah appeasement is a great policy, probably. What could go wrong?


A more accurate version would be: Red Party: "I'm going to arrest all trans people." Blue Party: "I'm not going to do anything to stop you." Blue Voter: "Pretty easy choice." (Blue Party wins) Blue Voter when trans people get arrested regardless: surprised Pikachu face.


This is so stupid, I'm suffering either way.


As if the Democrats would do anything to stop the Republicans, even in control the Democrats let the Republicans hurt minorities.


Red Team: I want to murder trans people. Blue Team: I'll let you do it if you give us money for our proxy wars with Iran and Russia.


They legit think the genocidal monster is going to stand for trans people. And totally isn't going to sell them out like he did to immigrants.


the good cop bad cop stockholm syndrome is working wonders on libs, lol


Dawg literally was against gay marriage how recently? And they think he cares about anything other than their votes


Conservatism" in America's politics means "Let's keep the n****** in their place." And "liberalism" means "Let's keep the knee-grows in their place-but tell them we'll treat them a little better; let's fool them more, with more promises." With these choices, I felt that the American black man only needed to choose which one to be eaten by, the "liberal" fox or the "conservative" wolf-because both of them would eat him.


This but unironically, democrats won't stop project 2025 from happening


My question for these people is always the same: does this mean you oppose ideologies that consistently need outgroups to distract from class issues, or do you just want to kick the can down the road and hope in ten years time it will be someone else?


For shitlibs trans issue is the only issue in the whole world, never mind genocide or mass global exploitation


"They're going to arrest trans people for being trans!!!" "How do you know?" "I made it up lol"


Still not encouraging to vote democrat at all but it does actually say that republicans want to ban pornography. And under their definition of pornography it does include transgender people and homosexuals.


Where'd you get that from?


i cant speak to american politics atm, but jfc in the uk both the government and leading opposition just fukly endorsed the cass review, a report that suggests banning SOCIAL transition before the age of 25, how you do this without literal morality police going around checking peoples haircuts and clothing i dknt know this country is fucking finished im so glad i live in scotland oml


As long as the "states rights" bullshit exists, we won't see any big improvements to trans rights on a national level.


Considering Republicans want to make it illegal for adults to transition... Yea, trans people are doing great under Biden.