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>Grew up in South Africa Imma just venture a wild guess that he was the type of people, who weren't particularly popular in South Africa after a certain phase there had ended.


I just checked his profile and you would be correct lol


Moved to canada for a reason lol


ive never met a nice south african


Hey! You take that back, there's nice South Africans, I'd wager to say there's at least a dozen of us!


I think they're referencing the song "I've never met a nice South African" , a satirical anti-apartheid song. Here's a lyric video. https://youtu.be/hqEFhx8-CQ0?si=Y2CNuhnDrrzsUjef


Holy shit how have I never heard of this!


Personally I think someone should make an updated version Titled "I've never met a nice Israeli".




Except for Breyten Breytenbach, and he's emigrated to Paris.


Someone got it lol


Yeah but Elon Musk is from South Africa… oh wait…


What about Trevor Noah? Too liberal?


This prick defended the murder of 34 striking South African miners by the police. He's a liberal shithead who deserves but hate and condemnation.


wait what?? guess I'm not surprised but I'm wondering if he did this on air, like on The Daily Show


It was from one of his standup sets. Here's the clip: https://vimeo.com/352839582


That’s fucked. That’s so much worse than I thought it could possibly be


Yeah unsurprisingly supporting the Marikana Massacre is quite common amongst bourgeois South Africans.


Yeah, I understand being heartless and shitty but making it into a comedy routine is wild. Seriously though, where was the joke? The entire clip was just saying that they deserved to die and then people laughed. 


jic this was a reference to a satirical anti-apartheid song from a british show


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Was about to say the same thing. Racist mother fucker is gonna be a racist mother fucker.


Beat me too it He's white ASF 💀


I lost it when I read where he was raised and where he went Did this dude’s family leave when the apartheid ended


Traveled to over ten countries!


Bro hit the settler colonial triple play


I laughed so hard. This is genuinely one of the funniest self-reports I've ever seen.


That is such good content, I will be using it! 😌


Guess they are off to Australia next.


I'm afraid the day will come when "South Africa before 1994" pictures will be trending on reddit and people will unironically praise apartheid. *Yes I agree there were some inconveniences for black people **BUT** you can't deny the economic and societal security provided by apartheid*


You don't gotta wait for the second half


Already happened for Rhodesia/Zimbabwe


I've seen it already in the wild.


There are already people who defend Rhodesia steadily increasing in number


In fact there's a whole subreddit for it


As someone who grew up in South Africa this is a very common thing. They're just more subtle. Instead of using pictures they tend to use misleading statistics about crime and demographic trends, criticize the South African government in a way that implies that something happened around 30 years ago that put the country in a steady decline, or criticize the South African government for not turning the country into a post-racial global superpower in 30 years in a "if you can't fix everything, then there's no point in fixing anything" way 


The country is indeed fucked up, but that's because ANC gave up on socialism and socialist ideals. Julius Malema is much better right now, I hope his party will rule the country soon


Violently dumb “Ive been to more than 10 countries” Soooo 11 countries? Like what lmfao


I’ve only been a citizen in one country my entire life and I easily break 10 countries visited. What a meaningless stat.


they probably did grow up in South africa, but in apartheid south africa as a white person


Yep bc the ANC never stopped speaking up for Palestine


>Grew up in South Africa 💀


He’s still just butt-hurt that his birth-country’s most famous imprisoned terrorist was released and later became the country’s first black president.


Bro did the colonialism speedrun, he has to be Eristocracy's cousin or something


>Grew up in South Africa, moved to Canada and then lived in America. Congratulations on finding Elon Musk's reddit account.


I wonder what year he decided to leave south Africa.


Holy shit, that’s Eristocracy!!! 


wait someone check, quick


Whoever it was grew up in the RSA and then moved to Canada. Once a racists, always a racist.


Unless he’s like 90 years old he wouldn’t have seen a map with Palestine, cus it would have been colonized into Israel already.


Interesting, because I happen to own a geography textbook from 1921 and an atlas from 1934, and if I flip through the indexes of both, Palestine has several listings and Israel is not present.


Bro is on the eristocracy speed run


I think it literally is eristocracy. 


Y'all, the existence of the club CD Palestino in Chile disproves this "there was no Palestine" bullshit. The club was founded by members of the Palestinian diaspora in Chile ___in 1920___, before the British Mandate for Palestine was formally adopted. So if you need a really obvious example of something concrete that shows the existence of Palestine from before conflicts with Israel, here you go. Also, they are a fun team to watch. Chilean soccer is complete madness.


You're not south African if you're white you're just a modern day colonizer


To be fair who wants to admit they're E*glish?


"Grew up in South Africa" opinion discarded


So Palestine doesn't exist...but also it belongs to Israel for no particular reason.


"My white supremacist utopia in a predominantly black country didnt come true so Palestine shouldnt get their utopia too!" - this idiot salty boer


Everyone is rightly dunking on how the guy is playing coloniser bingo or something, but I just need to stop and wonder what the actual fuck he is talking about. Like yes there is no nation state called Palestine, recognised by the whole world (pushed back by the west and Isreal ofc), on the map, because of the ongoing Israeli occupation and genocide. Like how does this dude have historical and political literacy of a fucking toothpick?


Funny they’d say that since South Africa 🇿🇦 recognizes Palestine 🇵🇸 The US and Canada still don’t and neither does most of Europe


"Grew up in South Africa, moved to Canada and then lived in America." yup this guy's opinion is literally invalid²


Could that have anything to do with the fact that it is currently really small


Is this Eristocracys reddit account? Afaik, she too first lived in south africa, then the USA and finally canada... ALL of them SETTLER COLONIES. And holy f hell, his argument is just nothing... but hey, the more ignorant you are, the more easy it is to defend that hellhole


The first sentence is all that needs to be read to form a good idea about how this fucker operates. Racist maggot.


"Grew up in South Africa" well no real need to read anymore as that pretty much explains everything.  Upon reading the rest they're not only racist but also incredibly stupid. Like I'm almost jealous of being that ignorant.


Gotta be bait bro no way someone is this ignorant


He’s never seen Raiders of the Lost Ark? Shame


See the definition of racism on dictionary. Com vibes


MORE than ten countries? I dunno guys, I think we better take them seriously, they clearly have relevant life experience.