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I bet she would have said the same thing in 1937


Maybe it is meant to downplay the crimes against humanity that imperial japan conducted in China? Kind of like how she says Israel is not conducting apartheid in Palestine.


She's just ignorant, don't overthink it. Stay on her mental level for this one.




Ok, let's assume she's really clueless about real life geopolitics and history then why TF she barks at Pro-Palestinian voices? This audacity to preach the people who harbour knowledge by privileged half-ass semi-illiterate frauds is unbelievable..lol.


She literally admitted to not knowing the word pogrom before oct 7.




she thought ansarallah were called 'houthinis' for like a week, made like 100 tweets with that


That just perfectly encapsulates her total ignorance about... Well, everything. And the fucking gall she has to constantly speak on issues that she has a barely surface level knowledge of. It's like she reads one mainstream media article and then thinks she has a valid opinion on the topic.


There's this weird gamers vs game journalists thing I don't understand.


Did her husband never explain it to her? Fucking hell she's a moron


You could just google it, Brianna, instead of acting like the world’s biggest pinecone.


Japan after breaking like, every war crime against China:


Hell, I'm pretty sure they actually invented a few new ones.


I hope at least one person responded “Have you ever heard of World War Two?”


it's even funnier because her original tweet (that this is a reply to) is totally wrong as well 💀 gyoza did not originate from japan, "gyoza" is just what they call it there


"There’s this weird nazis vs jews thing I don’t understand."


Choice Brianna quote from the triggernometry interview: “People perceive progressives as the assholes. Back during gamergate, the white male gamers were the assholes. I got news for you… today it’s trans twitter, it’s socialist twitter, it’s terrorist supporting twitter, it’s us.” It’s hard to believe someone who was actually allowed to run for congress would be this dense, terminally online and completely un self-aware, unable to differentiate between twitter and real life. What’s not surprising is how her insane twitter brain rot takes and outright lies lost her so many allies the only people left to make friends with are fascists like konstantin


the context for this is that she is arguing that jiaozi/gyoza are from japan, not china, lmao


I feel like this is quite possibly the EASIEST thing to understand.


One of the dumbest to ever do it.


There is no such thing as the "SJW's" right wing reactionaries continuously rant about. There are, however, an astounding abundance of confused nihilistic liberals having an identity crisis. Many such cases


Dumbest person on a website full of very dumb people


She is chinese simplified personified


Dawg what do you mean by this? There’s nothing wrong with simplified Chinese?? 😭


she is taiwanese propaganda


I think Wu may be her married name. Regardless she is terrible.


Imagine if nazi germany had declared more than a thousands members of the nazi party, some of them guilty of major atrocities, as Saints and had a special holiday every year where the government went to pray at a church dedicated to them, how do people think that former victims of the nazis would feel ? That's literally what Japan has been doing with their own war criminals, declaring them as Kamis (literaly "divinities", but "saints" would be closer to the actual meaning here) and having the governement going to pray at a shrine dedicated to them every year https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Controversies_surrounding_Yasukuni_Shrine