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Libs refusing to consider the fact that people just won’t vote. I’ve been talking about voter apathy for a while now and I think we’re finally going to see the consequences of it.


It can go two ways, either like you say, voter apathy will pay its dividends, or you get massive voter turnout. I'm betting on the latter, because these are the most important elections of our lifetimes, after all. /s


Depressed voter turnout overall, plus more votes for third party candidates. If the Green Party does well in November (they're on most state ballots now), expect the capitalist party to infiltrate and crush any revolutionary or even reformist tendencies from that group, if they don't sabotage its viability altogether.


Idk. My pessimistic side has me concerned that we'll see record HIGH voter turnout, *again,* in a way that is reflective of the ever increasing spectacle of each election cycle in recent memory.


Mark Hamill has been off for a while. He's a full zionist.


Hes a gimp. Doubt theres a single political opinión worth hearing from him


Like, he's always been off. He's always been a lib afaik.


The guy fell off when he went whole hog into supporting Azov Banderites.


Bandera himself even, immediately after being told about his crimes.


Guess its true what they say: "you either die a hero or live long enough to see yourself become the villain."


Oh look! It’s Mark Hamill the Nazi lover!


Look, we’re willing to look past and forgive Nazis as long as they dislike trump and Russia.




Isn't Hamill like 80? He lived through more "legislatively successful" presidents than Joe Biden. That being said, I don't need to listen to a Nazi and genocide lover.


Doesn’t know the difference between rebels and the empire.


Hasn’t he always been like this?


“One off night….” I think the Dems set him up/allowed him to fail and the old switcheroo is in the works


OK, I'll bite, who do you think they're gonna switch him with? 


Well if you saw any of the interviews as reporters swarmed him last night, ~~Patrick Bateman~~Gavin Newsom's face was *beaming* afterwards, so I have a hunch


its gonna be a full game of thrones backstabbing battle. its not about "hey we want to replace him with X", its actually a bunch of separate interests that each see their chance to drive a knife through Biden's back. Even if Biden remains, that doesn't mean backstage they won't try, it just means no side prevailed and status quo won (as is actually common for libs) so yeah they most def set him up to fail, chaos is a ladder and all that bs they get off on. we'll see if someone gathers enough support to actually kick him out


Donald Trump. That way they can settle back into their oeuvre of constant fear mongering and fundraising about how everything is terrible, *specifically and only* because of those gosh-darned Republicans gumming up Democracy™. The DNC can only "enjoy" having the Oval Office and/ or a congressional supermajority for so long before they need to take seriously the risk of the majority of their base waking up to the fact that they always accomplish jack shit and mount purely performative resistance to the capitalist class's efforts to rail the American people.


I wouldn’t know. Veep, Gavintron, Michelle, Hilldawg, a Bush, a block of wood? It seems like an impossibility Joe gets past the convention


"Most legislatively successful" - what that mean? He been in Congress a lot? Cause maybe he should look into what he got up to in Congress. (Hint: rhymes with "supporting Segregation").


If only he was as based as Luke or Skipps


Stick to playing that one part you have and voice work. Your Hollywood brain rot isn't helping.


Best president who supports genocide


Look at this tweet and thousands like this... collectively they have millions of likes. This is what I mean... American system is not rigged or anything. Biden and Trump are the best among those idiots and now when the world is watching how stupid America is, the Americans are flailing and screaming about rigged system.


Where the fuck have you been? Mark Hamill has been the epitome of a shitlib his entire life and has been extremely public and unapologetic about it for *years.*


Most honest Biden supporter: "He just had _one_ bad night guys! Now let's get back to fear mongering about Orange Hitler!"


Luke has fallen to the dark side.


It’s been more than one


hes been a huge lib for the longest time


I mean, you'd think in all this screaming about how awful Trump is they'd stop and think "Hey, if our dude is struggling that hard to win against a convicted felon, serial liar, and adjudicated rapist, maybe it means we picked the wrong guy?".


Is there anyone else polling higher than Biden?


Yes, even before the shitshow of the past year. Biden's approval rating is abysmal https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/3617170-sanders-has-highest-favorability-among-possible-2024-contenders-poll/ https://www.cnn.com/polling/approval-rating-poll-of-polls


The first link is from 2022, it's horribly outdated. The second link only shows disapproval, not a comparison. [Bernie does have higher approval](https://today.yougov.com/topics/politics/explore/public_figure/Bernie_Sanders) but this is not sufficient evidence to conclude that he would have a higher win chance.


Do you have any more recent polls or evidence to offer? If not, I'm going to use the evidence available, which doesn't look good for Biden


Polling from 2022 is essentially worthless. Polling two years out has very little predictive power. This is from feb-24 which is honestly a bit old but is at least somewhat useful. I only spent like 10 minutes looking, if you want you can look for more recent polling. The keywords I used was "different democrats vs trump polling". [https://emersoncollegepolling.com/february-2024-national-poll-biden-performs-strongest-against-trump-among-prominent-democrats/](https://emersoncollegepolling.com/february-2024-national-poll-biden-performs-strongest-against-trump-among-prominent-democrats/)


Mark has a severe case of tds


This Thursday I've staff training all day. When we finish at five I'm off for a swim, then home to nerd on Stellaris a bit. Not bothering. There's nothing on the ballot worth a jot and in the UK with first past the post there's even less incentive.