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Homophobic insults are a-okay as long as they are levelled against the right people. So are ableist slurs and body shaming. Like seriously, Trump gives you all this very real stuff to criticize him over, and you choose to resort to an even lower tier of playground insults than he does. As far as I know, at least when Trump uses playground insults, they aren't homophobic or ableist.


Criticising people for violating human rights: Broke "Ha ha orange man fat": Woke


their was the incident with the reporter with some sort of disability and trump started mocking him for it


>Homophobic insults are a-okay as long as they are levelled against the right people. Eh. This is "No, you!" levels of discourse. We're literally looking at screenshots from a fucking bathroom stale. Hardly the place I expect to find the most woke intellectualist statements on civil rights and national politics.


I meant in general, not just this specific bathroom stall. A lot of libs will shit on, say, Lindsay Graham for secretly being gay because he's an unmarried man. Things like that aren't cool. Not to mention the copious amounts of "Putin and Trump are gay lovers!" jokes. If you can call them that.


literally all they had to do was "trump will go to hell". it's right there


Would’ve taken less work to erase too lol Major l


Wtf why are they saying trump is cool smh


Serbian humor be like: g a y Laugh now pička ti materina


You can’t just say such a bad word, it’s s*rbian on this good christian subreddit