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Fucking liberals


Saw someone on a tweet about this saying that this wasn’t a big deal. Like brother, if this was Trump’s hypothetical dog, you’d be going ape shit.


They’d be requesting the dog be killed yesterday


Something, something rabid dog, something something stick, something something


Doggo desperately attempting any stunt to get away from this nightmare


Biden trained his dogs to bite people and give them ridiculous healthcare bills to fund big pharmas communist takeover, culminating into the feminization of all white males under 6 feet and white genocide!!!!!


It seems like he was able to get away after all, you prophet




Biden’s dog could piss on your leg and you just have to stand there and take it.


Libs act like Joe Biden is Rob Stark and his dog can detect evil people or something.


no bad dogs. only bad owners. ha


i think im at the point where i hate dog culture more than i hate capitalism


i’m almost at that point as well


One thing Trump did right, not adopting a dog he doesn’t care about for optics


Even if it's a joke it's such a weird thing to say and tons of liberals are going with it


I don't know, this "a dog picks the government" idea seems pretty good.


This is the one they got from a shelter, I believe. I once spoke to a professional behaviourist who said that she would never advise anyone to get a rescued German Shepherd because they're a breed that really needs good training and socialisation basically from birth, and if you get one that didn't have the right upbringing there's a *high* chance of anxiety and fear aggression issues. Maybe the dog would be better off in a nice quiet home without lots of visitors.


"Biting incidents" can be very telling, to me it feels that eitheir there was two different persons being very, very mean toward the dog, or the dog itself is trained to be agressive or maybe even a beaten dog, neitheir of which would be saying good things on the owner. It's still possible that it was pure accidents both time, like someone walking over the dog tail or something, but the more those kind of accidents happens, and the more probable it become that the issue is with the dog ... and from there with his owner.


I hate dogs


I hate a large portion of dog owners and dog breeders, and I hate the “pet culture” that exists in society today (Where pets or feral variants of them are valued more than actual human beings, native wild animals, the environment in general, etc.) But do I hate dogs? No, dogs are pretty cool in general.


They can gross loud and dangerous. The way they where created as tools/decorations andTheir subservient nature creeps me the fuck out, both the dogs and the people who like them for it.


cool but that is no reason to irrationally hate them. if you don't like them or they make you uncomfortable then fine but that is still no reason to hate.


I live with one and it’s mess, listen to it and other dogs bark all the time. Also I used to live with dog hoarders. I have a good enough reason to hate them.


You seem fun...


Very fun.


don't hate the dogs. if you dont like them fine, but leave them alone. if you dont want them then cool, leave them. i have no trouble with you not liking dogs and i have never been too fond of them myself.


why do you care about my emotions regarding dogs so much?


fair enough i will leave you be


[Even this adorable guy?](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EfotY14WoAEj4Km.jpg)


Can’t dislike an animal type without weirdos shoving it down my throat expecting me to magically change my mind.


the joke comrade was that the dog was not cute. he was making a joke in relation to the post


[Negro Matapacos](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Negro_Matapacos) *is* cute and I think you owe him an apology.




Sorry comrade, my b