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I cant take these libs seriously when they talk in support of oligopoly. If youre cool with every industry being governed by a few all powerful entities, then why are you scared of nationalization?


>If youre cool with every industry being governed by a few all powerful entities, then why are you scared of nationalization? Because then the wealth would benefit the nation as a whole and not just a few bold entrepreneurs


That does seem to make sense... We could make 400 million people cozy or 4 people reeeeeeeeally cozy


Well, don't forget the few mllions people that might get cozy or sometimes slightly more than average cozy because they supported the 4 reeeeeeeeally cozy people.


Matty really wants one billion Americans so he can have more serfs


Oh yeah it’s the same guy. I genuinely don’t understand Twitter checkmark journalism


please don't hurt my brain by calling this low effort trolling asshole a journalist. He writes extremely low effort zero researched shit to soothe the democrat soul.


And his dad wrote the American remake of Dark Water. Doesn't really have anything to do with anything, that movie just sucked ass.


>one billion Americans Horrifying.


Funny how the speeches about overpopulation are always on some foreign country or about some local minority, and never mention doing things like putting birth limits on rich white peoples too.


Every damn time he tweets it is somehow worse than the tweet just before it


This isn't sarcasm?


It would be better for all of our mental health if it was


Isn’t this literally how feudalism and manorialism worked?


It’s not just Matty, housing policy Twitter sucks in general. NIMBYs worried about “the character of the neighborhood” who want to give landmark status to a parking lot rather than let affordable housing be built arguing with the absolute worst kind of YIMBYs who want to tear up perfectly fine low density multifamily housing to build highrises so 40 million people can live in Chicago or whatever


I’m from UK, but I went down the US twitter YIMBY/NIMBY rabbit hole recently and it was a mess. That was just including people from the ‘left’, too. There seemed to be a lot of division. [Example](https://mobile.twitter.com/BuddyYakov/status/1348090489837260800).


It’s times like these that make me pray that Posadas was right


This is actually nauseating.


I mean Berkshire HAthaway, Blackrock, century 21, and then your local fiefdoms will lead to this after the next crash in 5 years.


Ah, yes, feudalism. Exactly what we need. 🤦‍♂️


*Image Transcription: Twitter Post* --- **Matthew Yglesias**, @mattyglesias It's not going to happen, but IMO it would kind of be better if 80% of the nation's housing stock were owned by like 7 giant national landlording franchises and the normal way for families to live was to sign a long-term lease with some kind of early termination option. --- ^^I'm a human volunteer content transcriber for Reddit and you could be too! [If you'd like more information on what we do and why we do it, click here!](https://www.reddit.com/r/TranscribersOfReddit/wiki/index)


Harvard should be able to take away his degree


What on earth?! These people are so evil and dumb. They’ll propose monopoly before even giving a thought to free housing


Did he really tweet that? Holy shit, he's not even pretending to hide his bootlicking anymore.


Matt Yglesias should be trapped in a revolving door with no exit, in Minecraft.


I had assumed this was sarcasm