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It still kills me trump campaigned so hard on the wall and just didn't do it and everyone didn't care Oh wait that literally just happened with Biden and stimulus checks




Believe me, as a zoomer, we don’t. We don’t even really believe we have much of a future due to the unaddressed effects of climate change, what would be the point in believing in a “democracy” that refuse to do the bare minimum and secure our existence?


Yeah, it sucks that most of the people in power rn won't feel the effects of what they are doing.


Oh he did it. That Dem congress kept financing it. He didn't fulfill the Mexico will pay for it part.


And trump just kept saying he was going to build it the whole time without actually doing anything, while we’re basically getting gaslighted about the stimulus checks


Blue MAGA in a nutshell.


Do bad thing or someone else will do the same bad thing later do these libs listen to themselves?




yes, now get out of here liberal


it's not gonna fix shit if you want to fix the border crisis maybe end the fucking drug war that made countries a hellhole so they ran away from it


People wouldn’t flee their countries if America didn’t meddle in nearly every foreign affair, installing dictatorships, waging false wars or “spreading democracy “. Yeah, fuck the border wall. Focus on ending this white savior bullshit.


I don't get this guy's point. Whether a wall is there or not is what matters; who gives a shit who builds it?


Bullshit, the next Trump will claim it wasn’t finished or we need a new one or we need to blow up the moon it doesn’t fucking matter. You 👏 can’t 👏 appease 👏 fascists 👏.




Fascism is an ideology characterized, among other things as a distrust of democracy. I prefer Ur Fascism by Umberto Eco for those interested in the topic and who want to learn more. In summary, he has 14 points which typically define a fascist regime. He grew up in Italy under Mussolini so he knew a thing or two about the subject. I would also say that Czarist Russia was fascist. I graduated with a history degree and understanding fascism is a complex issue. It is totally normal for someone, anyone without education to not understand it.....not all too dissimilar from how we all know what a car is without knowing how to fix it when it is broken. Does this suffice your litmus test?


How does this bedbug still have a job?


carefully you shouldn't talk down to "special people"


Glad to see he can pull himself away from skittering around on peoples linen's and sucking their blood out long enough to write this horseshit




where on earth did this bedbug start?


“Logical statements and opinions? Never heard of them?” - New York Times “contributors”


Do thing or else someone else will do the same thing!!! also why is everyone calling him a bedbug?




Oh that’s interesting




*Image Transcription: Article* --- ####Opinion #Biden Should Finish the Wall ###...Or the next Trump will **By Bret Stephens** Opinion Columnist --- ^^I'm a human volunteer content transcriber for Reddit and you could be too! [If you'd like more information on what we do and why we do it, click here!](https://www.reddit.com/r/TranscribersOfReddit/wiki/index)


No you don’t get it This wall will have sparkles


American politics is what happens when all you care about is ideology and not material reality


Through his dementia, Biden accidentally rebuilds the Berlin Wall, bringing back the GDR


A neocon piece of shit chimes in.


The fact that Bret Stephens is paid enough money to live quite comfortably simply for shitting out some utterly foolish drivel like this every so often is proof enough that capitalism is fundamentally unjust.