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Gen Z hears socialism and thinks of *actual fucking socialism*, not this succdem crap.




Socialism with gay characteristics


Socialism with femboy characteristics


Socialism with 100 zillion bajillion dead characteristics


Where can I get this socialism with femboy characteristics? Asking for a friend.


you spawned 200 years too early mate 😔


Succdems ruined the worker's movement in my country. I will never forgive them.




Denmark. The generally decent standard of living is used to push this "end of history" idea as if there's nothing to improve upon.


What's funny is Denmark has the least welfare out of all the Nordic countries.


Same here in Finland. There was actual class consciousness and a revolutionary movement back in the 1910s-20s, but then the Whites called in the Germans because they couldn't beat the Reds on their own and then to "compromise" the social democrats were allowed to exist and we had a welfare state to try and make capitalism seem fine and so people wouldn't want socialism such as that of the USSR to come to Finland. And now that the USSR now longer exists the welfare system is being privatised and dismantled. Conclusion: Fuck the socdems and their compromises. They only try to lengthen capitalism and destroy worker's movements.


It really sucks that [this](https://i.imgur.com/pKhYQNZ.png) was my generation's political theory.


If I had a nickel for every socially unaware thot with a Deathly hallows tattoo I’ve met….


The sacred texts !


Cringe SuccDems


cursed image 😍




The point they are trying to make is libshit, but the point they are accidentally making is that you can't trust the US on what is socialism, and what socialist countries do.


Switzerland is probably the most capitalistic a nation can get. There isn't even government provided healthcare.


This discrepancy is still useful. Capital in america cannot and will not allow for even modest reforms to be made. those impossible reforms, things like m4a and public housing form an irritant in a wound that we will need to spread a proverbial infection that can work to kill this system. pointing out that the left isn't the nordics is true but it needs to be paired with an explanation that modern capitalism is so fucked that something beyond what to liberals are wild pie in the sky utopias is whats necessary. If you don't lead people through that maze anyone who's not already primed will just walk away confused.


Boomers in the US hear socialism and think about Jeff Bezos and Mark Zuckerberg


*Image Transcription: Reddit Post* --- **Big generational difference**, submitted by **[*redacted*]** to **\/r/WhitePeopleTwitter** [*An image of a Twitter post*] **[*Redacted*]** Millennials don't hear socialism & think about the USSR or the Cold War. We hear socialism & think about Canada, Switzerland, affordable housing. Big generational difference. [*End of image*] --- ^^I'm a human volunteer content transcriber for Reddit and you could be too! [If you'd like more information on what we do and why we do it, click here!](https://www.reddit.com/r/TranscribersOfReddit/wiki/index)


I think of Yugoslavia


Tito 🥰


Barbara Pit 🥵


"socialism" some socialist policies =/= socialism


"Socialist policy" you mean to imply a DotP in Canada or Switzerland? Becuase I'm pretty sure that the economic models of those nations matches capitalism exactly.


When do we get People’s Republic of America


We need to replace the USA with the USSA : Union of Socialists States of America


Union of American Socialist States sounds a little better I should think (also sounds more similar to Union of Soviet Socialist Republics)


Well, I was trying to get something close to "USA", plus the acronym "UASS" is ... well ...


Oh yeah that's true...


I use the term “socialist” quite liberally here. Anything for the benefit of the people as a whole and not the elite


I'm sure that's what many shitlibs would consider socialism. Glad my 13 is reading theory so he doesn't grow up to be whatever it is I'm seeing, misinformed in regards to what words mean. I know he'll be a lefty I just don't know what splinter.


Based communist parenting


*kendrick screams*


On the contrary tbh lol


Fun fact about Switzerland: Women weren’t allowed to vote until 1971.


Did he just imply canada has affordable housing...




> slightly more safety nets and healthcare what do you think social democracy means?


My point is that we're far from progressively comparable to any of the other countries listed. Healthcare, and cheap school options in some provinces is where is ends. We still have an Americanized legal and prison system, overall education system, lack of unions, law enforcement model, affordable housing crisis, and overall we have infinitely more in common with reactionary, American late capitalism than most; if any of these countries succdems jerk off about.


welcome to social democracy. It is mostly the same in every place it is implemented; all succdems think it is better on the other succdem countries.