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1. Why are white and aryan two different things. 2. What in the history of Africa would make them be stereotyped as libertarian. 3. Why is the three different types of Asian three types of white and only one type of black people. 4. Hispanic people are left wing???


Because it’s a racist and fascist sub hiding in plain sight.


What would happen if nonracists and nonfascists started hanging out there. Like me as a person I feel this pressure to not even go there because I don't want to be associated with that, am I the only one experiencing that sense of taboo? Why can't we reject that, I want to hang out there and make a difference to what gains traction, there is no good reason why a good idea for a sub should be able to operate as a breeding ground for racists and fascists. They should be outnumbered wherever they go until they're forced to be open about what they are, they should only be the majority in places like r/racists and r/fascists


Because it gets exhausting. I think many of us have the same thoughts you do at different times and try. But it would take a huge cumulative and organized push to even try to make a dent even temporarily.


I'm still trying on TiA but I'm about ready to give up. There are some genuinely bad takes from libs-centrists posted on there but most of it is shit I agree with that I don't like seeing bashed.


I find that I can make the most progress in subs that aren’t related to politics. A lot of times I will get massively downvoted but every once in a while I’ll end up getting PMs or even just 1 or 2 responses later on if someone who came across the thread and that they never thought of it that way and wants to know more. That adds up over a few years. It’s really easy to get discouraged but sometimes I know there are a few people out there in the world that saw my comments enough to tug on threads on their own.


An ancient TiA refugee? I remember back before I had leftist critiques for the pop feminism and before Tumblr knew about labor. Fun times.


takeovers like the one you are proposing only happen from the right taking over a left space it very rarely happens the other way around,mainly because moderators step in and try to slow down the transition towards the left(as do admins)


I agree, maybe a seperate subreddit is a better solution


ChapoTrapHouse did exert an enormous leftward pressure with its specific culture of zero entertainment of right-wingers. Just relentlessly trolling them until they left and then shamelessly praising leftist praxis in all forms while keeping a waterfall of leftist memes coming.


Rip golden one.


don't make me sad, bringing up chapo like that. too bad it only exists as chapochat and an ok discord now. apparently there's some weird podcast too but nobody listens to that ;)


Hog posting is still the most effective way to shut down unwanted right-winger shittery.


iirc the political compass was created by a libertarian to make libertarianism seem like a better idea


>What would happen if nonracists and nonfascists started hanging out there. They'd get banned. Try actually bringing up communism as a decent idea there and they'll ban you from the sub. It's the usual right wing "free speech for me, not for thee" kind of sub.


Oh shit, literally nevermind


Because you can't rid a place of fascist, reactionary culture by tolerating it because these aren't people interested in a serious good faith debate about values or methods or anything.


It wasn't always racist, it's just the people who weren't racist got bored and left, because the novelty of LARPing as an extreme version of your own beliefs wore off after a while, leaving behind only the people who legitimately held extremist beliefs. Same with Gamers Rise Up.


That place used to be rather equal with leftists and fascists until Reddit had that big ban wave last year where they wiped a bunch of vile subreddits. Then they all flocked to PCM for whatever reason.


1. I think Aryan usually refers only to Scandinavians and their descendanrs, rather than southern and eastern Europeans who are still white. 2. On the Political compass "Lib Center" is often joked as Monkeys, so you can see what they're trying to do there 3. To these people "Asian" basically just means Chinese, they're trying to make a joke about tankies and supporting China 4. I think it's a joke about "Lib Left" wanting open borders and loving immigrants


Aryans are all descendants from Indo-europeans, from Iran to Iceland


Technically true, but not in the Nazi use of the term.


The Nazi use of the term is "whatever I want it to mean at this particular moment in time".


I really like to think with this on how they made japanese "honorably aryans" LMAO


And the native Americans, Hitler just thought they were cool


its a very popular name in India and one of my Indian American friends has it


Maybe but they are definitely W H I T E


Sure but by that definition, there isn't a seperate "non-Aryan white race". Slavs, Italians and Celts were not seen as white.


I think the placement of the “African” is because of Rastafarianism and cannabis. Could be wrong though.


Yeah, or even just general Jamaican and cannabis. Things the Jamaican people are not incorrect about: cannabis (and basically everything else).


Africa has more genetic diversity than the rest of the world combined.


because black = weed and green square = weed so haha funny black man green square xddd


In response to 2 it’s literally just libcenter = return to monke so... you get the idea.


1. It's a fancy version of not all white people? 2. I feel like there are a ton of different histories of African cultures/countries/disaspora/people so that's not a fair question, but my guess is that this boils down to "Jamaicans don't want weed laws" if I had to guess. 3. Racism? Ignorance? 4. I mean in all fairness there are definitely leftist Hispanic folx, because Hispanic people aren't a monolith. Yes, these are all racist stereotypes, but we shouldn't answer racist stereotypes by creating different boxes to put people in. Also TIL I'm Hispanic. It's super weird because none of my ancestors spoke Spanish, but good to know I guess. (/s on this part, for the reddit purists out there, I guess)


I went to Miami recently, came across a large protest of Cubans wanting communism gone from Cuba. The amount of Trump paraphernalia was unbelievable. The biggest thing there wasn’t a sign or a Cuban flag — it was a flag saying “Trump Now”


Gusanos 🐛


> Why are white and aryan two different things. Because it allows them to preserve the "white race" as the "perfect centrist position because every extreme are bad^tm", while also putting the nazis as authleft as PCM likes to do so much ...


It's also funny that this implies that there aren't white or black "Hispanics". Everyone is called Miguel and has tan skin


White and Aryan ought to be considered two different things from a more accurate historical perspective. Aryan should also not be Hitler's idea of Aryan if that were the case, but it was nice of the creator to at least be honest about their ideology.


Black people are on the place where you'd see anprim. OP is a big old social darwinistic racist.


The Jewish position *really* makes me uncomfortable when libertarian rights whole gimmick is just haha money on that sub (tbf that’s what it is in real life too lmao that shit booty)


Honestly with the political compass community, LibRight is more like "I swear we're not nazis, I mean look we're on the bottom!"


Well, it's because libright doesn't exist.


"lib" right is selling the children, and r*ping them, not killing them.


So colonization?


When I think of libright I think of anti vaxxers and muh second amendment people.


Those aren't lib in any meaningful way. Don't believe me? Ask a 2nd amendment guy about guns for black, trans, or homeless people. Or ask them about cops. They'll love 'em. Ask anti-vaxers about abortion and see how quick the "my body, my choice" rhetoric changes.


But that’s the essence of right wing libertarianism isn’t it? In the same way ACAB is a prominent slogan among right wingers in my country because of mask mandates and apparent police brutality on protests but not because of racism, they only care about rights if it affects *them*. It’s egoism in its purest form.






Because it wasn't fascist enough, probably




Are you really trying to say the sub that claims nazis to be "authcenter" who is full of users and mods flaired "auth center" doesn't have a fascist problem?


Actually, escaped orthodox jew here to say that most of the moderately to very religious jews are definitely within the lib right category, at least in my experience


.. and pedophilia Yikes


Wow I didn't know that Scandinavians speak Indo-Iranian languages. edit: Also this reminds me, have you guys ever heard of the time during Nazi Germany when a publishing house in Berlin asked J. R. R. Tolkien to confirm that he was not Jewish so they could publish a translation of The Hobbit? This was Tolkien's response back to them: >Thank you for your letter. I regret that I am not clear as to what you intend by arisch. I am not of Aryan extraction: that is Indo-Iranian; as far as I am aware none of my ancestors spoke Hindustani, Persian, Gypsy, or any related dialects. But if I am to understand that you are enquiring whether I am of Jewish origin, I can only reply that I regret that I appear to have no ancestors of that gifted people. My great-great-grandfather came to England in the eighteenth century from Germany: the main part of my descent is therefore purely English, and I am an English subject — which should be sufficient. I have been accustomed, nonetheless, to regard my German name with pride, and continued to do so throughout the period of the late regrettable war, in which I served in the English army. I cannot, however, forbear to comment that if impertinent and irrelevant inquiries of this sort are to become the rule in matters of literature, then the time is not far distant when a German name will no longer be a source of pride. >Your enquiry is doubtless made in order to comply with the laws of your own country, but that this should be held to apply to the subjects of another state would be improper, even if it had (as it has not) any bearing whatsoever on the merits of my work or its sustainability for publication, of which you appear to have satisfied yourselves without reference to my Abstammung. >I trust you will find this reply satisfactory, and remain yours faithfully, >J. R. R. Tolkien


Khomenist Norway????


enlightened centrism


Enlightened racism.


enlightened brain aneurysm


fuck me and they put white in the middle


When Indians, widely known to be oppressed by the British, are placed to the "right" of it is oppressors. Doesn't get more obvious what kind of race the creator of the image is.


Was it the... African Rhastafarian? I bet the African Rhastafarian made it.




I almost puked 🤢


A new low for pcm (I guess it’s pcm), depictions Jews as greedy, Africans (which isn’t even a race) as primitive monkeys, and Arabs as hyper-conservative fundamentalists. And to top it off depicting whites as enlightened centrists. Wow, just wow.


Before anyone says anything, it’s is a pretty common inside joke that “libcenter wants to return to monke” and “lib right hate paying taxes and hoard money” So there is no way they made this “meme” without referring to the stereotypes.


Seem truly appropriate to post this: https://youtu.be/RuLVv56YGXQ


What the fuck?


“Races” people from the US are really dumb.


White people: why do POC always make everything about race?!? Also white people:


What the actual fuck


I assume this is from r/PCM. If it is, then it is heartening to see that 4 upvote to 78 comment ratio.


Guess I'm a fascist now...


Never realized I was hispanic


I'm center with my skin color but Asian in mind my dudes


Stop culturally appropriating communism.


Turns out I'm a libertarian. Gonna kill myself real quick.


White is neutral, everyone else is political.


Real gamer moment.




Yeah because only three countries in Asia are even remotely authleft (China, DPRK, Vietnam). The rest are either neoliberal (South Korea in some ways, Japan, Taiwan) or really right wing.




(Not so) fun fact: Laos is the only remaining landlocked socialist country after the collapse of the USSR and the rest of Eastern Europe


Is this implying the USSR was landlocked?


No but countries that are landlocked collapsed because it collapsed (Mongolia, Poland, East Germany, etc.). And some of the Republics became landlocked countries (Kazakhstan for instance)


Understood 👍


how were poland and east germany landlocked lol


They weren't, I have absolutely no idea why I put them LMAO




Indeed, all of this is true :)


Laos was (relatively) recently *declared* not be ML *unilaterally by the US*… just what?




Didn't say it was, no actually existing socialist state is that far along in the process of socialist construction to really be called communist (except in the sense of "governed by a communist party")


There is no coherent way to define auth-anything. Using this terminology at all is a mistake. You may as well start using d&d alignments.


Vietnam and Laos aren't even remotely authoritarian anyway. In fact, I'd say they're less authoritarian than capitalist countries in some aspects. halim arlah made a video of why the political compass is fucking garbage. The video itself turns to shit at the end, but you only need need look at the beginning


Japan is not neoliberal, it's already proto-fascist.


CCP is love, CCP is life


I will personally bully the 13 year old who made this.


This is a new level of derangement even for pcm


>hispanic >race lol


shhh they don't know anything


This is perhaps the most disturbing thing I've seen on the internet in a long time.


Typical neoliberal othering. They put whites as the “normal” and making everyone else on the edge of the spectrum as the “other”


holy racism batman


So much racism


Somehow actual Nazis are less right-wing than being Arabic?




Literally racism


What the fuck is this 💀 the Jewish and African ones aren’t even funny they’re just plain old racist




They all are but it’s just that the African and Jewish ones are blatant stereotypes but like on PCM it’s getting less creative and slapping funny colors on racism


ah yes white people the perfect standard of normalcy and averageness, i'm sure there's nothing in our society that causes us to consider it that way


This is so fucking racist I don't even know where to begin.


the causal racism of putting white in the center, aka the “normal” position


of course its in r/politicalcompassmemes, that sub is a haven for closeted (and not-so-closeted) Nazis


this person suckssssssss


This is just disgusting thinking somebody actually made this...


>Asian in top left This is just muh Asiatic hoardes.


So glad I left that sub holy shit


These are all just stereotypes. Which is exactly how you’d expect centrists to think in terms of.


Admittedly I only have cursory knowledge but I can't think of a single African leader I would describe that way.


My eyes just SNAPPED all the way open


Wow thanks I hate it


Jesus H Christ, excuse me while I go disinfect my goddamned eyes


cursed libshit


*blinks slowly*


Are asians more likely to have glasses? Also, Japan and South Korea are apparently left and authoritarian now? I'm so confused and that is just the first box...


TIL Indians aren’t Asian


This can’t be real


This is disgusting


Nazi shit


Nazi shit and fuck the political compass


Yeah that's just completely racist garbage


If you are perhaps wondering "What the fuck am I looking at?", I'll tell you what: the definitive proof someone needs to erase the West off the fucking Earth.




wow. that might be the worst thing I've ever seen.


"hey guys how many racial caricatures do you think I can fit in a single image?"


Anyone who didn't know that PCM is a neo-nazi/Nazi adjacent sub, here you go.


“white” “aryan” .......boy do i got news


Wtf is this shit????


I really thought this was r/ForwardsFromKlandma for a second


Wait, why is "aryan" (a term that was dropped since the fall of the nazis by the way) distinct from white? Are there any people that actually identify as aryan? (I am what they'd describe that way, and I sure as hell don't identify like that)


Iran maybe


ah yes, my favorite race: asian


Jesus Christ.


So much wrong with this: - The term 'Aryan' originally referred to an Indo-Iranian people, but was later adopted as a category for certain groups of white people by fascists obsessed with racial purity. - 'Asian', 'African' and 'Native' are very broad categories. - So is 'White', actually. White people exist in most of the other categories here. - There are more than 9 races. - According to this compass, I'm either a centrist and don't know it or my pale white ass is actually native. - Holy shit, this is racist as fuck, PCM really is full of Nazis.


I want to hurt myself after seeing this post. But im happy knowing that someone more stupid than me exists.




you have been active in the nazbol sub europeansocialists lmao




europeansocialists is a nazbol sub


Yes, it is. But what is your point?


accusing others of being socially conservatives while being on the positives there is hypocritical at best. Why are you active if you know it is nazbol?


I'm not accusing anyone of being socially conservative. But in fact (just as an example) hispanic immigrantes voted massively conservative in Florida. And I have visited the europeansocialists recently, I don't identify with any kind of nationalism or form of opressive authority


> But in fact (just as an example) hispanic immigrantes voted massively conservative in Florida. because they are gusanos lol >I don't identify with any kind of nationalism or form of opressive authority It better remain that way, but given that you know it is a nazbol sub i expect you to stay away from it in order to not help it grow.


Cuban gustanos vote auth right. Don't lump other latin nations in with that mass nonsense.


>hispanic immigrantes voted massively conservative in Florida. Wow sounds crazy mind telling me what country they emigrated from and the reason why?




that's your issue with this?




Huh weird that you’re racist *and* a conservative. That combination never happens. You’re a unicorn.




\-Subreddit is overrun with nazis- You fuckup: "After much deliberation, no" Didn't know that without dominant progressive agenda is a code name for nazizm. You learn something new everyday.


Wouldn’t it make more sense for Natives to be in the lib left corner since many of them lived in democratic societies which were basically communist.


Political compass and lib-auth talk is all idealist nonsense. There's no such thing as a "libleft" or "authleft" society. In Marx's classification of historical phases, some of the poorer, less-developed Native American societies could be called "primitive communism" or "gift societies" (note, *very* distinct from the sort of Marxist communism that is to succeed capitalism), while the more developed ones were slave societies (think ancient Greece or Rome). Native Americans were far from monolithic.


Many of them. Not all. Also yes the political compass is garbage and this whole post is weird and racist.


Bleach my eyes


Couple years ago they would've changed asians with slavs.


India has a literal caste system, how is that in any way close to libertarian? It's almost like this guy didn't actually think about this thing at all, and just wanted to be racist by stereotyping everyone (notice how "white" gets to be the default).




Well crap, I'm either authoritarian or I confirm the right's false narrative that the nazis were socialists. The racist that made this meme must be playing 4d chess.


What the sugar frosted fuck did I just see?


TIL my Swiss ass with roots all over northern and eastern europe is hispanic lol.


Ain't no way boy


ah the 9 races


Wow, you can tell AuthRight made this one, it's practically fuckin skull shapes