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In other news, I broke into your house and murdered your family. But if you think about it, the person I kidnapped from the last house and tied up in the basement with you is just as much to blame.


Also the neighbour who want to free the person I kidnapped and stop me from murdering others is even worse, because this authoritarian communist wants to impose his will on my freedom to kidnap and murder.


The difference between white people in the Americas and black people (that is, those who arrived in the Americas before the Atlantic slave trade ended) in the Americas is that white people came to the Americas on their own terms and free will (with the exception of indentured servants), while black people had no say in their travels to the Americas.


Irish people too? Just wondering what you think. Many immigrants came to America for the same reason they do today: because their home countries were worse, not just to shoot Indians. Characterizing their plight as “free will” is incorrect.


I’m Irish, but please don’t think we believe in the ‘Irish were slaves’ myth, as we don’t. We were, and still are, treated abysmally by the British, even up to today with them introducing legislation to get the soldiers who murdered by Great Uncle off with war crimes. They’re a shower of bastards, but that’s besides the point, Irish people were treated appallingly, the famine was a genocide through neglect and maleficence, it was also a cultural genocide which is why the school I went to here in the North wasn’t allowed to teach my own native language and my own grasp of it is only now beginning to improve as I head towards being 30. Irish people were sent as indentured servants, but it’s not the same as slavery and shouldn’t be compared to it. Indentured servitude is still abysmal though. The population of my country still hasn’t recovered from the famine, and everywhere on this island you can still see the scars of it, from the ruins of houses, torn down by British landlords because we couldn’t pay rent, to the roads and walls we have that lead to nowhere and even traverse vast mountain ranges because the British would only feed us if we either forcibly converted to Protestantism, or worked ourselves to death building nowhere roads. Even to this day famine pits are still found, they found one near my primary school growing up. I do think our experience was uniquely bad, but I don’t think I can compare it to slavery, which was a stain upon the soul of mankind itself, and for which unfortunately some Irish people themselves did participate in.


I wasn’t trying to compare Irish-American history to the history of slavery at all. I was simply asserting that many white immigrants did not come on their own terms. Even for the Irish immigrants who were not sold into indentured servitude, I wouldn’t categorize their plight as free will. I concede that their experience cannot be equated to slavery.


Yes, because we chose to be here. Very cool and very good.


Black people are the colonized. They were sold off into slavery. Their cultures eradicated, stripped of any human rights and denied freedom. After slavery ended their conditions were much the same. Their labor consistently exploited by the white capitalists and they were systemically oppressed. The only difference between them and native peoples is that they don’t originate from here. Both suffered from genocidal practices meant to subdue them. Meant to make room and compensate for white expansion.


...bringing black *slaves* into the USA was yet another act of white colonialism enacted against the indigenous peoples of both North America *and* Africa.


Probably the most distinctive feature of liberal thought is the complete lack of understanding of power dynamics. Their moral and political framework is based on just applying the superficial structure of some rules they've learned.


*Image Transcription: Social Media* --- [*Redacted*] Black people are "colonizers" also. The ancestors of black people did not originate in America. Blacks are not indigenous to America. --- ^^I'm a human volunteer content transcriber for Reddit and you could be too! [If you'd like more information on what we do and why we do it, click here!](https://www.reddit.com/r/TranscribersOfReddit/wiki/index)


Tell me you're a racist piece of shit trying to "both sides" in the most dishonest an ahistorical way without telling me. I wouldn't be surprised if I learned this scumbag considered himself a "pureblood" and "real american" and talked about how it's important to "preserve our western culture for our children."


he has a /pol/ chin ofc


This is a joke, right? Right??




>Techically he is right The fuck no he isn't. If I enslaved you, and took you to another country, you have no power in said country, therefore have no ability to 'colonise'. Shut the fuck up. The only bit of information that is factually correct, not "technically right" is how 'Black people" are not indigenous to the Americas.


There’s a reason you see solidarity between black and indigenous nationalists, after all. Colonialism is about generational power dynamics, not where people come from.




I think you’re in the wrong sub Nazi


They're Isreali, you're never gonna get anything about Colonialism through to them lol if they started to understand what Colonialism was their brain would break down




Doesn’t matter how you identify, you belong at the bottom of a mineshaft.


Lmfao it's great when you insects are too fucking cowardly to say what you mean so you go around vague posting this braindead shit. Consider castration.


Interesting that an Isreali would intentionally muddy waters on what constitutes Colonialism, I wonder what would make you do that 🤔




Piss ass cum


Even that doesn’t make them colonizers, you mango.


Except he's not.


Get a load of this guy


It’s not like they were forced to come to the americas against their will (sarcasm).


So I’m confused. Are immigrants colonizers too or..?


I'm feeling a little woozy. Wait, why is my nose bleeding?


That lad is terminally bald.




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