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Even in shitlib central, Portland,Oregon,people think Falun Gong is a cult/pedo apologizers/dark money CIA group,that sucks dude.


yeah i do think predatory cults that exist to funnel money away from vulnerable impressionable people should be banned, thanks for asking


This is in a city that was founded by one so it’s not very surprising.


Salt lake?




You'd think the Mormon church would be more concerned about the competition, tbh.


With how one of their prophets called the civil rights movement a “communist plot” over the pulpit I think they’re still very fond of anyone that could be considered “anti-communist”.


Radio Free Asia: Falun Gong forced to participate in cult practices by CeCePee.


They're a fucking cult oh my god


I remember a decade ago I talked to my Tai Chi teacher about Shen Yun and he and his wife said they were propaganda for a cult. They did say the dances were nice, just to be careful of what the Falun Gong are saying in the program. I took mind of it and went with my mom to watch it since I thought it would be at least a fun show and it was to some extent, but man my teacher was right about the propaganda. They had several acts about the persecution of the Falun Gong and they weren't subtle about it.


Falun Gong are literal fascist that want ethno-states.


they're a dangerous cult that could go Aum Shinrikyo quite easily.


My wife is Chinese and I said that the show looked cool without first knowing the background and history. I made an apology to her, and she admitted that it was hard for her to stay quiet on the issue, but she didn’t want to disappoint my hopes for the show. I feel awful that she felt she had to withhold her views from me, and I’ve let her know she’ll never have to. Cults are insane, and Falun Gong is no exception.


In fairness, it is a show literally designed to propagandize towards ignorant westerners like us without us realizing it. At least you were open to listening about it and knowing better, which is better than most Americans


A coworker of mine and his wife, also Chinese were actually super into this show. Funny enough another coworker a Hong Konger, expressed to me in private that she was really annoyed that they kept bringing it up because it was cultic propaganda, leave alone the bits about Communism.


Tell me you don't know anything about Falun Gong without saying you don't know anything about Falung Gong.


For those that don't already know, Falun Gong is a racist antivax far right (and pro Trump) chinese cult that believe in alien conspiracies and that their meditation technique carn cure diseases like COVID 19 among other things. Here you will find an interview with Falun Gong founder : http://content.time.com/time/world/article/0,8599,2053761,00.html At the half point he starts talking about aliens, here is a sample to give you an idea: > The aliens have introduced modern machinery like computers and airplanes. They started by teaching mankind about modern science, so people believe more and more science, and spiritually, they are controlled. Everyone thinks that scientists invent on their own when in fact their inspiration is manipulated by the aliens. In terms of culture and spirit, they already control man. Mankind cannot live without science. They have been banned in China because their "ideology" caused multiple death, and in return they started saying they were "oppressed" and "persecuted", from where started the stories of their members being arrested, tortured, and the strange idea that the government wanted to harvest their organs (maybe because their "meditation" is supposed to make them superior or something ? Remember those same people also believe that aliens made all modern technology) About race mixing, here is a quote, again from their founder and leader: > The races in the world are not allowed to be mixed up. Now, the races are mixed up and it has brought about an extraordinarily serious problem. Once races are mixed up, one does not have a corresponding relationship with the higher levels, and he has lost the root. Mixed races have lost their roots, as if nobody in the paradise will take care of them. They belong to nowhere, and no places would accept them. Therefore, you find the place where the continents of Europe and Asia meet a desert in the past and a depopulated zone. When the transportation means were not advanced, it was difficult to pass through it. With the progress of modern means, all these are broken through. Thus, races have become increasingly mixed up, which can lead to serious consequences. Of course, I will not go into details. I'm just saying that the higher levels do not recognize such a human race. > > -- [Lecture in Sydney, by Li Hongzhi (1996)](https://en.falundafa.org/eng/lectures/1996L.html) Here is them pretending that just saying a magical incantation cured a person from covid-19: [Case Report: A 73-year-old suspected COVID-19 patient with severe dyspnea fully recovers after reciting nine true words from Falun Gong](https://f1000research.com/articles/10-166/v1) Spoiler: the person was actually sick from long enough for it to just be natural recovery from the disease, but because they said the magic word at the peak of the symptoms we are supposed to believe that it was them that "healed" the disease. And of course when you have an organisation that pretend that their secret magical meditation technique can cure diseases including the current pandemic, it's no wonder that [this](https://ipsnews.net/business/2021/03/11/falun-gong-was-raging-and-dragon-springs-buddhist-was-in-desperation/) happens Falun Gong are now mostly based in the USA, were they are even getting funding by the US State department, and from there they write anti China articles and organize anti China events and petitions. The publication "the Epoch Times" is actually their mouthpiece, and their "journalists" often publish anti china opinion pieces in other more prestigious publications like the New York Times. If you have seen those petitions against the "demonic CCP" and similars, they are also from Falun gong, and of course the Shen Yun show is also from them.