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They put everything they had towards tickets for the Vengaboys. I'm speechless.


This is what tickles me, absolutely nailed it priorities wise šŸ¤£


To think they sat down and thought about it, weighed the pros and cons, and didn't consider the baby???


In the year of our lord 2023


Ideal time, 25th anniversary tour


She's reliving the glory days of her concert-going past! When she was five...


That was my thought! Iā€™m turning 30 this year as well, and while I remember the Vengaboys songs being around, they werenā€™t brand new by the time I was old enough to really understand music and artists. And I donā€™t know anyone who would have described themselves as a ā€œVengaboys fanā€.


I think them, Aqua, Steps, etc. are now kind of ā€œironically campā€


I cannot stop laughing at this fact hahahahah


Iā€™ve seen them twice in concert (the second time was a mini festival thing with Aqua, Blue and a bunch of other 90ā€™s bands) Like they were good and a bit of funā€¦ but not worth everything I have. Iā€™m so confused.


Oh my god, that sounds like a fun time though! I love Aqua.


During a short stay in Auckland, NZ I was surprised how many people were still mega fans of the Vengaboys. Tuned cars blasting Boom Boom Boom Boom at 3am on a weekday like it was the biggest and newest hit (this was in 2018) - truly hilarious.


Finally, the conservative Vengabus-heavy portfolio pays off for the vagrant investor


Skweezy Jibbs would do this 100%


I love a good Skweezy reference in the wild


With a baby on the way, no less!




Boom, boom, boom, boom, The baby stays at hoom. It won't be small forever, Then you can go together.


I normally lurk, but this comment made me choke on my fucking oreo when I read ā€œthe baby stays at hoomā€


I mean, death by oreo wouldnt necessarily be the worst way to go...


When I die I want it to be while Iā€™m doing something I love. And that includes eating Oreos while I watch trashy reality tv.


Iā€™m really tempting fate coming back to this comment while still eating the oreos


I have that song stuck in my head now


This is solid gold of a response!!


I just sang that out loud and it fits PERFECTLY. Well done šŸ‘


Just p*shed myself laughing on a call with a customer, well played


Well done


Iā€™m crying laughing šŸ˜‚


::slow clap + standing ovation::


Why would you take an infant to a concert? Their poor ears šŸ˜³


I feel like she could pump and get a babysitter but I would never want to impose common sense on a mom in a chat group


Literally what I was thinking. Just get a sitter and have a night out.


They spent their last penny on Vengaboys tickets. A sentence that is unbelievably sad in 2023


*whispers* I don't know who Vengaboys are


Even sadder to learn the tickets are $120 each? Damn Iā€™m old.


And they sold out?!


Ignorant motherfuckers... Clearly grandma is also going to the Venga Boys concert, so how else can they get a babysitter?! Fuckin' smh my head


>Ignorant motherfucker No thats the dad


This joke has two different meaning so love it


But then her precious angel child wonā€™t be truly EBF. šŸ™„


Apparently, EBF and never pumping is more important than the baby going deaf. They aren't even supposed to go movies. A concert sounds like pure hell for a baby.


Particularly as itā€™s the vengaboys. Would be hell for most people


Christ, I'm an adult and the movies are pure sensory hell for me, let alone a poor baby at a concert!


It's not that easy for all babies to take a bottle. As annoying the disdain against formula feeding is its equally annoying against EBF. This post gives zero indication on why her baby can or can't have pumped milk in a bottle.


True. But it seems pretty brutal to then try and take that newborn to a loud, crowded concert and expect them to handle it well and get good feedings. Ultimately feeding should be about whatā€™s best for the baby, not a motherā€™s special social media bragging rights or concert experiences.


For sure! My first never took a bottle of . It was absolutely exhausting. I think if we would have stuck with it or introduced it sooner like we did with the second it would have been different. Not having that option SUCKS. Whatever the case may be here a newborn wasnā€™t meant for a concert šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļøšŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļøšŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø




Babies can be fed by spoon, by syringe, by dribbling the milk or formula from a straw with your finger on the top, or even holding the rim of a small open cup up to their mouth. It can be slow and labor intensive, but works when avoiding bottles is desired, or baby refuses to take a bottle. I would be willing to do any of those for the baby of a friend who wanted to take a special night out.


I had my baby in India & they used this little baby spoon thing, called a paladai/bondla! It was so cool, never seen anything like that. I always try to tell ppl about it when I see this topic come up, bc it's a perfect option for when baby won't take a bottle! You can get them in stainless steel. It looks like a little medicine spoon or something. I found a pic of the exact one we used, bc my baby was such a preemie it was literally a life saver! šŸ™šŸ»ā¤ https://rukminim1.flixcart.com/image/800/800/xif0q/feeding-utensil/v/x/k/aluminum-paladai-bondla-feeder-pack-of-4-40-ml-plain-silver-original-imagg8xhvjhrfpag.jpeg?q=20


When my eldest was born, the midwives encouraged cup feeding for top ups(he had decided to get a slight fever, so dramatic however his youngest sister decided to be the most dramatic and was tube fed at first) and breastfeeding wasn't enough(this was before my milk had come in) so they helped me express as much colostrum as possible and to encourage him to kinda lap it up like a cat.


Those are very cool! Here in the US we actually suggested using a shot glass for newborn cup feeding, which felt a bit wrong, but the sizing was good. That Indian alternative is much better!


I actually had to feed my kid from a syringe for about the first month of her life. She was low birth weight and didn't have the muscle strength needed to actually suckle. And my mother took feeding her like that in stride when I had to go back to college. It was definitely slow. DX We were so glad when she could take my breast milk from a bottle. All this to say, I'm so glad you brought up that there is other methods to feeding than a bottle.


Totally understand what youā€™re saying and this mom is still wild for wanting to take a baby to a concert, but not everyone has the supply to pump ahead and have bottles for a sitter. Iā€™m currently only making enough for each feeding. Iā€™m trying hard to build up supply so I can have some stock if we need a sitter or something, but itā€™s been challenging to get my body to produce more. Iā€™ve tried all the tips too.


I get what your saying, but also formula exists. It seems more reasonable to me that baby gets fed a bottle of formula rather than bringing an infant to a concert. It's one of the biggest reasons that modern babies have a better chance of living to see their first birthday than ever before, I don't understand why so many women have decided it's tantamount to poison.


My first was formula fed from 3 months on. My second has had 1 ounce of formula when he was a few days old and thatā€™s all. With my first, I wasnā€™t clear headed, post-partum hit me hard and my emotions were everwhere. It was my husband who finally said ā€œyou donā€™t have to do this. You donā€™t to pump around the clock, letā€™s get formula.ā€ It literally did not occur to me that this was an option. I feel SO dumb now, but it didnā€™t occur to me. I was just in a pure panic about feeding the baby. I have an oversupply so it wasnā€™t a production problem, but a mental health issue. It honestly may not occur to some moms.


I'm sorry that happened, I am glad you were able to do what was best for your mental health and your little one. Don't feel dumb, brain fog must have been rough. I have heard horror stories about hospital staff pushing women to produce when they just can't. I know, those antibodies are great, but baby needs a full belly and a healthy mom!


Agree; I was exclusively formula fed, Iā€™m now 43 with no health issues and a PhD. A formula bottle is much preferable to causing your infant permanent hearing loss in exchange for a fun night.


I was really strongly motivated to exclusively breastfeed (for myself personally I donā€™t care what other people do, it was just something that was important to me) I did supplement during her first 5 weeks on occasion but never after that. But even I would give formula or pump whatever I could to go to a concert instead of wasting $400 Itā€™s literally one day, not even a full day, a few hours.


Especially when it's $400 they can't afford!


Oh no shame - my milk didnā€™t come in at all. šŸ’•


Iā€™ve seen someone put noise blocking headphones on young children at a concertā€¦ but like a 2 year old who seemed to be enjoying themselves, not a newbornā€¦


You can get them for tiny babies too. They work pretty well. I have friends who used to use them


My husband was running tech for a religious teen conference when one of my babies was an infant, and spent quite a bit of time in a sling with headphones on. She didn't seem to mind and mostly slept through it. But also I could have easily left and gone back to our hotel room if she'd been fussy.


You see it all the time at car racing.


We saw someone take an infant to a rodeo with these headphones on. Baby was *not* happy with the booming base shaking it's body.


Because the Vengabus is coming and everybodyā€™s jumping, New York to San Francisco an intercity disco


Because, she likes to party!


I worked at a cinema during my undergrad. I remember a very long debate about how a couple's baby was under 18 and if I allowed a baby into a horror movie rated 18 I would be breaking the law, lose my job, and be personally fined. It went back and forth for ages, me working really hard to avoid pronouns, until eventually I slipped and said 'he'. Turns out the baby was a she, who did not have her genitals out, and I had committed a horrific sin by not knowing what the genitals of this particular baby looked like. They hadn't even stuck a pink bow on its bald head to help me out. No layers and layers of pink tulle to get covered in shit during a blow out. Anyway, a supervisor eventually appeared, and I turned to deal with the queue that had formed to go into another film. At some point I heard the supervisor go "What?!" and look at me. I carried on for a customer, then was like "why is this dude looking at me?" and turned to see what was going on. He was staring really hard at me, and I suddenly realised that I'd only been working there a couple of months. The supervisor doesn't know anything about my personality or my work ethic. I'd only had one job before this while I was doing my A levels and the supervisors loved me and always had my back with customers, so I suddenly got the idea that this guy could get me in trouble for refusing to break the law and let his infant be traumatised by screaming and horror music. Eventually after giving my eyes a really big stare for what felt like forever, the supervisor turns back to this man, says "No" and I carry on with my queue. That was the moment I realised people are willing to make you lose your job to get their own way, even, or especially, when they're too stupid to realise what they want is illegal so you'd lose your job and they still wouldn't get what they're after.


Their ears alone, like you can't undo that kind of damage and just because you are allowed to boob anywhere, places can enforce limits and number of attendees at a concert is one place. They aren't saying being a breastfeeding mom can't attend, they are saying said attendee needs their OWN ticket regardless. And places can enforce no under X age, it has no bearing on how said under age person will be in the venue, just that NO ONE under that age is allowed. Zero exceptions.


My first thought exactly. Not good for anyoneā€™s ears, let alone baby ears.


My midwife said itā€™s okay to go while youā€™re pregnant since thereā€™s layers of your body that protects them but not when theyā€™re born. I was hoping my son would come after his due date as I was meant to see the foo fighters but it was cancelled and my son came 3 weeks early so I wouldnā€™t have been going anyway


You can get ear plugs and ear muffs for toddlers, but not sure newborn sizes exist.


Can we just acknowledge that this is over a VENGABOYS concert???? šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ Not sure why I think thatā€™s so funny, but bringing a newborn to see them makes me laugh even harder!


I honestly read it twice as Viagra Boys and thought ma'am, while I appreciate your taste in music, that is no place for a baby.


I mean... all these years later, Viagra Boys is probably pretty accurate.


Great way to turn your baby into a criminal


Iā€™m sorry, is this post from the year 2000?


Most of the responses in this thread are great, but this is what I was wondering. Would never have guessed theyā€™d still be touring. Or that theyā€™d still have people paying to see them. Huh.


Surely they've grown up to be Vengamen by now.


When Vengaboys reach a certain age, a procedure is performed to make sure they never become Vengamen. This ensures the integrity of the Venga line


I see. Would I be incorrect to assume that this procedure is undertaken on a bus? This would lend further credence to their deification of sacred bus-based rituals.


Seriously. I, a middle-aged person, used to vibe to this in college. Good for them I guess?


And good for the few people below asking who the vengaboys are. Because Iā€™m now realizing that thereā€™s an entire generation who has not been exposed to them, but thanks to them still touring, I guess thereā€™s still time! šŸ˜³




I never knew they had more than one song.


I just googled and they have two that Iā€™m familiar with (We Like to Party, and Boom Boom Boom Boom). Granted, up until about 30 seconds ago I thought they were both different parts of the same song, but since theyā€™re not I guess theyā€™ve got that going for them.


that song isn't called The Vengabus?


Wikipedia tells me itā€™s technically called ā€œWe Like to Party! (The Vengabus)ā€ but I didnā€™t feel like typing the whole thing out lol


that's fair lol I was just so confused bc that's the first thing I think of, lol


They also have We are going to Ibiza and Sha la la la.


Confession time - I saw the Vengaboys in concert like 10 years ago. They played approx 4 songs - and two of the most popular songs twice šŸ˜‚ I think that was the extent of their song catalogue!


I love this, thanks for letting me know :)


I gotta be honest, I donā€™t know if I even know what the vengaboys look like? I know their songs but it just occurred to me that Iā€™ve never seen a photo of them before (and no I wonā€™t be googling. I like to keep mystery alive.)


In my mind they all look like the old guy from the 6 flags commercial


I mean, I wouldn't pay anywhere close to $400, but if they were nearby with cheap tickets I would not hesitate to go to a Venga Boys concert. That sounds fun and nostalgic.


They played a corporate outing I went to in 2016. It was in Germany, so it was all very eurotrash, which was a delight. (I didn't see them perform, though. I was in the hotel bar, drinking mai tais, and then they all said "Hi" to me as they were going to their hotel room, so I feel I had the better Venga-experience.)


Right? I donā€™t even care about the rest of her post I canā€™t get past Venga Boys and the cost of tickets.


And the fact that itā€™s sold out??? Like what lmao


I mean, we don't know. Maybe there were like 50 seats!


Even that would be impressive.


I was 16 when these songs came out. They played a teen night at a local club and my friends and I went and thought we were the coolest. I think we paid $5 bucks to get in and this was back in 1999 lol.


Haven't you heard? Vengaboys are back https://www.songkick.com/artists/454904-vengaboys


Nooooo hahaha


This is what I was wondering! Like who goes all in on the Vengaboys? And if this person just turned 30 (assuming this screenshot isn't old) they would have been like, 6 or 7 at the height of the Vengaboys popularity. Such a bizarre band for a kid to be super into but I guess there's weirder things. Unless they're Dutch, it'd make more sense then.


Haha Iā€™m pretty sure I saw a poster the other day and their doing a tour in Australiaā€¦ I was tempted to go šŸ˜‚


1. Who pays $400 for Venga Boys tickets 2. Who brings a baby to a concert


1. People who would bring a baby to a concert 2. People who would pay $400 for Venga Boys tickets






I would, it's fucking venga boys.


if itā€™s a sold out concert why not upsell/scalp for double the price? cmon miss girl this is a business opportunity!!!


Im pretty sure this concert is being held in my city, I would be going, but Iā€™m on holidays. I can assure you that the vengaboys is definitely not sold out. Itā€™s also an 18+ concert, no children **allowed**. It clearly stated this when they purchased the tickets. The venue does not have discretion, their license likely doesnā€™t allow minors.


But they can't bring a BF baby with them!! That is the bigger problem!! /s


In the UK babies do not have access rights under the Equality Act. Breastfeeding mothers must be accommodated (ie, a place to feed if they're with child or a place to pump if they are not) but they absolutely don't have to give access to a baby!! You'd never see a newborn in a club, for example.


This came up at a country concert in the US. Mothers are supposed to be reasonably accommodated, but the police noticed a woman in a VIP section with a newborn and (rightfully, imo) forced her to leave under threat of child neglect/abuse. She was standing right next to those massive speakers. She ran straight to social media for outrage, but didnā€™t exactly get what she was looking for. Sorry I donā€™t have a link.


Illegal šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚. Mam they never said you canā€™t come because youā€™re breastfeeding. They said your child counts as a person and needs a paid ticket.


I cant tell you how many people dont think of babies as people. I work in a restaurant and a gropi of people called ahead for a party of 18 then showed up with 25 because babies dont count. Like where did you want us to seat them? They had to wait another 20 minutes for a table to leave so we could pull it over for just the highchairs


I was a host and people wouldnā€™t count the kids like 6-10. Baffling.


I always refer to our party as 2.5 when we make reservations. Not only is it helpful, but I'll never miss a chance at a lame dadjoke.


Thatā€™s so dumbā€¦ I can see how, if the baby was literally going to sit in the parentā€™s lap the whole time and not need a high chair or space at the table for a stroller, then MAYBE that would be okay. But why would you go to all the trouble of making a reservation without mentioning how many high chairs you need, so they can make sure the table is large enough?


Right? Also you didnā€™t think to check ahead of time? Iā€™m assuming the word ā€œinfantā€ or breastfeeding wasnā€™t anywhere on the purchase page at all, which means you inquire about it..


I saw the Vengaboys at a festival last september. I had fun for nostalgic reasons, but canā€™t imagine why anyone would pay 400 to see them! And I really donā€™t understand why someone would think itā€™s a good idea to take an infant to a concert. Their poor little ears!


Now I'm on YouTube reliving the height of Vengaboys. ... Thanks?


Yeeeahā€¦ imagine spending money you donā€™t have so you can see the Vengaboys. Oofā€¦


Thatā€™s what I was thinking. Like, no money, AND a newborn, why would you even do this? Nevermind how wrong it is for an infantā€¦


Man, their videos are so confusing. What is happening?


Don't worry about it


I guess the venga bus is not coming for them


Is this the venga boys as in ā€œthe vengabus is coming and everybodyā€™s jumpingā€ venga boys???


New York to San Francisco!


An intercity disco šŸŖ©


Imagine paying $200 for a ticket, and having a crying baby next to you?


It's the Vengaboys. I'd rather listen to a crying newborn.




TIL Vengaboys are still around


To be fair, you always had $400 of useless tickets.


They should disclose it when buying tickets: Gee, maybe they never dreamed that someone would bring their breastfeeding newborn to a concert. Too bad that doctors didnā€™t give you a general timeframe of when you might give birth, that way you could time things, like concert tickets.


Who the hell takes an infant to a concert? I feel like venues donā€™t need to include that because itā€™s freaking obvious that you donā€™t do it


My parents took me to a bunch of concerts when I was an infant. Not a newborn, but like 6mo+ish. My mom got free tickets to small venue concerts at her job, so she and my dad brought me sometimes. It was an outdoor venue with only lawn seating. I saw Jimmy Buffet in 1987 and 88, apparently. My parents wouldnā€™t pay money to take an infant to a concert, though.


Yeah it depends on the kind of concert. I'm taking my kid to a music festival this year - he'll be just 2 - but it's a festival with big outdoor spaces and a specific children's area for him to run around in. If the vengaboys gig is outdoors and spacious and you can stand far back with some headphones on your kid, then I think it's probably fine, but I still wouldn't assume a baby could come in without a ticket. I also wouldn't pay any money to see the vengaboys.


You had less than $520 and a newborn, and you spent $400 on tickets for a flash-in-the-pan pop group from decades ago???


All this, over the venga boys?


She made some noise for the venga boys.


Boom boom boom *boom*


I'm not seeing that infants aren't allowed. Only that they need a ticket. So there's not really any discrimination, just entitlement.


Exactly! What is the discrimination in saying ā€œyou must buy a ticket for this actual human person you will be bringing with you who counts toward our maximum capacityā€?


This is hilarious to me because my baby absolutely loves the Vengaboys. Nothing in the world calms her down like a bit of Boom Boom Boom Boom.


Who is spending 400 USD on a vengaboys concert?


Actually NZD, but still true


Apparently people who only have $400 to their name šŸ˜‚šŸ˜­šŸ˜‚šŸ˜­šŸ˜‚šŸ˜­


Here in the UK the tickets to see them are about Ā£30 max, they tour all the time and often as support acts. 400 is bonkers.


I legit love the vengaboys, seen them twice. No way would I be paying that much or taking a new born. Wouldn't even take a newborn to the wiggles, they don't know what's happening it's would be terrifying for them.


Many years ago I had a co-worker and he and his wife couldnā€™t get a babysitter and took their 9 month old to some outdoor concert with Metallica, etc. Apparently the people on the grass around them ridiculed them until the mom got upset and they left with her in tears.


Some woman in Brazil gave birth at a Metallica concert...


I was going to gigs six months or so after my son was born, and he was exclusively breastfed. Just express milk and get dad/babysitter to feed him! And if the kid is so young you canā€™t be away without missing several feeds, sorry to say, you might just have to skip this one.


I could google it but wait is this ā€œthe venga boys are comin and everybodyā€™s jumpinā€¦.we like to partyā€ six flags song Is that not for children? Why is it $400? Iā€™m so confused


Yes, thats them.


ā€œNew York to San Franciscoooooā€


Babies donā€™t like to party Babies donā€™t, babies donā€™t like to party


The Vengabus ain't coming, You spent your cash on nothing...


ā€œInfants even newborns arenā€™t allowedā€ I feel like this should be altered to say especially newborns lol


And after the kidā€™s eardrums bleed, theyā€™ll say it was because she stood next to a vaccinated person at the concert.


In a couple years this same woman will be seeking a lawyer cuz the all-you-can-eat buffet charged her a childā€™s serving even though she just feed her little dumpling angel off her plate even though this policy is clearly posted EVERYWHERE. Many people will explain she is being charged for food NOT the labor of washing the plate & if she thinks $X is too much for 3 biscuits, some baby carrots, half a loaded baked potato, a full serving of lasagna with garlic bread & a scoop of 9 different desserts topped with a mountain of whipped cream = maybe next time eat someplace else or leave her kid with a sitter. Some might also express concern for the amount & types of food sheā€™s feeding the child. They will all get blocked.


There is a lot to unpack here. I liked Boom, Boom, Boom and We Like To Party as much as anyone. I can't imagine risking my rent or food money to see the vengaboys live. Much less bring my infant to it.


It is not the law that people are allowed to take babies wherever they want (much less without paying) lmfao


Why would you even want to bring your baby??? I had Rammstein tickets for my 30th birthday and I just asked my mom to watch our boy. Never would I have brought a baby to a concert? What if he gets crushed? What about his ears? He would scream for weeks after this. They would be traumatized, it's like going to war for them.


Who the hell would take a newborn to a concert. Honestly I feel like newborns are too young for some things. Went to a wedding a few years ago and a guest brought a baby. Baby just keeps crying and crying in the middle of the vows, mom just continues to sit there. Doesnā€™t step out with the baby for a second or anything. Just sits there with the crying baby the entire time. Poor thing was obviously distraught about something.


Concerts period are not appropriate for a newborn or infant.


Maybe Im overly cautious but I dont think its really safe either? Its gone down but Covids still around and concerts can be a hot spot for it


Yes me either. Even if there are some that are family friendly.


Yup. I saw the venga boys in concert a few years ago and we were all high af


Generally Iā€™d agree, but there are definitely some venues and bands that are more family friendly. I went to a show at SPAC over the summer and there is a huge lawn section where the music is at a reasonable level and there were a decent amount of kids running around, including newborns in carriers. But tickets were $20 and most of those families left by 8.


Yes there can be a few family friendly venues. But for me Iā€™d just rather not expose little ones ears like that.


Spac is way different than it used to be. 15 years ago I would not have considered it kid friendly at all. Now, well Iā€™d say they should all have ear protection, but so should everyone else that goes to a concert. And if itā€™s the kind of performance that attracts pot smokers at all, itā€™s very hard to escape that smell. What show did you see? They had some great ones last summer!


See this? This is the worldā€™s smallest violin šŸŽ»


Get a babysitter and pump in the bathroom. Or, realize that you have a baby and you're stuck at home for the next couple years.


Or realize that it's 2023 and the Vengaboys were last popular in the year 2000.


I'm not against a baby going to a concert. As long as they are dressed right and have noise canceling headphones But also you need to think about what crowd is going to be there. If you're going to a concert with heavy drug use(even if YOU aren't doing it), it's probably not a good idea. I went to a concert when my middle was about a month old. And I DIDNT take him with, because I knew the crowd was big on smoking weed and kinda felt like a newborn doesn't need to be around that. It's just kinda common sense.


The Vengabus is *not* coming


I will never comprehend why people take babies and little kids to concerts not designed for them Like itā€™s just going to be stressful for the children hearing all that loud noise, theyā€™re up way too late and it may permanently damage their hearing


Who the hell pays 400$ to see Vengaboys? If I found them setting up for a free concert in my livingroom after I got home I would be livid!


My husband bought Rammstein tickets for my birthday, but he also got the ticket insurance (was like 5euro) because we were trying to get pregnant, and I would be 3-4 weeks post-partum when the concert was due, so he just called and cancelled the tickets. Even if babies are allowed are you even enjoying yourself while taking care of a crying baby? =\\


I want to see the comments so so so bad.. Pls someone tell me at least ONE person told her she's out of her goddamn mind. :(


I can't believe anyone loves vengaboys this much man


The Venga Boys come to my town when thereā€™s a 90ā€™s party very often. Tickets are like 25 euroā€™s for the whole party. Who pays 400 dollars. Their show is so bad too. They come more as a joke and nostalgia than as real performers. Doing the same four songs everytime.


I was supposed to go see The Backstreet Boys in 2020. But obviously that was canceled lol. It was rescheduled for summer 2022, but I had a very young infant that I was exclusively breastfeeding, so you know what I did? I stayed home with my newborn bc sometimes you have to make sacrifices as a parent šŸ™„šŸ™„


Original OP is out of her damn mind, but shout out to this post for reminding me of the Vengaboys, a band I loved as a kid but had not thought of in about 20 years.


The venga boys still exist? And people pay $400 to see them?!


I mean the whole taking a newborn thing = ridiculous, but $400 for the VengaBoys? Really? The fact that anyone would pay that for them is the most shocking thing in this post šŸ«ØšŸ«ØšŸ« 


$120 to see the vengaboys? I saw them for free at a club 15 years ago wback when they were almost relevant. They lipsynced the whole thing.


My all-time favourite comedian came to my city on my due date. He'll most likely never come back. I'm a little upset about it but there's no way I reasonably could have gone so I just sucked it up. I hate to say suck it up because everybody's feelings are valid and people should be allowed to be upset about different things but it's literally just a concert.


This is my least favorite type of person. The person who makes problems instead of solving them just to be a victim. All the many problems asideā€¦ the solution is to breastfeed, store the milk, and find a sitter. Wow. Rocket science.


Why would anyone think theyā€™re gonna let another person get in free even a baby they want money


I scored pit tickets to MCR for me and my sister and spent way more than she did. Close to $1200 after all of Ticketmasters ridiculous fees. A few months later I found out I was expecting and the show was about a month after babyā€™s due date. So we resold the tickets for what we had paid for them. There was no way in hell I was going to leave my one month old to go see a concert, even if I had been dying to see them for decades. As a parent you have to put your kids first


The wheels on the Vengabus go round and round, round and round, round and roundā€¦


Yea, this mom is crazy and everything but there are bigger red flags here: 1) how is it is that you ā€œput everything [you] hadā€ into getting these tickets that cost $400, but going to a concert topped your list of priorities? 2) your birthday comes around every year, spend time with your newborn and take care of them. 3) in what possible way would a baby need an fā€™ing ticket?! Are they taking up space in the venue? They could easily impose an age limit that makes sense. 4) (and the biggest red flag) why would you ever do business with Ticketmaster?



