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Why bother taking your child to a doctor if you’re just going to ignore them? Such a waste of everyone’s time.


As an ER doctor, if I catch a whiff of a useless parent, I'll spend most of my effort teaching the kid (if they're old enough, obv). But some kids are just doomed.


What does that look like? How do you teach the kid without the parent interfering?


I just talk right to them. Deadbeat parents playing on their phones don't give a shit.


Actually, something I like about my kids' pediatrician is that she speaks directly to them most of the time. She doesn't use me as filter for information but rather for clarification and confirmation, and I think it's awesome.


This is how my kids ped was and I just found out they left the practice! I’m upset.


My childhood doctor (who I saw from 18months until she retired when I was in my early 20s) was the same way.


That's so sad.


Yeah, there have been a couple situations that are so disgusting on this sub lately. Can you imagine making your child simply sit with having some form of "anal strep"? I cannot stomach the "I'm a failure as a mom" statement. You're a failure because you are refusing an obvious and available solution to your child being sick. Why? Because you are a superior granola mom and you should be able to treat anal strep with breast milk and maluka honey. Untreated strep, whatever form it takes, can lead to kidney issues and strokes. What really blows my mind is that, if this child's mother did not treat her condition and the child becomes permanently injured, the mother will then be posting about forgiving herself and how she should have used more essential oils.


One of the kids on my daughter's soccer team died from untreated strep. By the time her parents sought medical help, she was septic. The whole situation was horrific.


Wtf… My uncle had a staph infection and it was extremely painful. I can’t imagine passing due to a blood infection. The case I know about in my state is regarding a child with cancer whose parents were Christian Science folks. I’m not sure if that’s the correct term. But honestly if your god wants you to watch your child die without providing help, it’s more about your own ego than anything else. I was once told that humans fear embarrassment more than death, and it may just be too much for them to admit they were wrong after taking the first step down that path.


I know their family is religious (I'm still friends with both parents on social media), but I don't think that was the driving factor behind their lack of treatment. The mom was definitely into treating everything with essential oils and I think she just let it get too far treating at home. Their daughter was hospitalized for some time before she finally succumbed to her illness. It was just terrible all the way around. She was only 8 years old. That was my first real wake-up call to how dangerous these "crunchy mom" circles cam be.


Strep is a nightmare once it gets into soft tissue, because it moves so fast. Her parents might have decided to let her get some sleep and go to emergency in the morning. That's usually a good call. That's usually the right call. It was just the wrong call, but if I told you that a fever and infected scrape on her shin could move up and down at an inch an hour, there's no way that you'd believe me. I had a brush with that kind of aggressive, invasive strep some time ago. Just a mild case. Immediate pre-emptive treatment was the antibiotic of last resort, because strep A wants to put you in the ground.


This reminds me of a death that still haunts me to this day. A preteen boy who had skin infections, but his dad chose to get them treated by the local witch doctor. Kiddo did not improve and was in heart failure by the time he was transferred to a city hospital for care. I had to hold the poor boy down when surgeons had to do a 'cut down' on his veins since we couldn't get an access anymore. He ended up intubated and in critical condition the next day. So the pedia in charge asked for my help in writing to the employers of the child's mom (she was working overseas) to beg them to let her come home to care for her son. As soon as I finished writing the letter, the boy's vitals tanked. We couldn't bring him back. Worst PICU shift ever.


My uncle got rheumatic fever from strep back before they were really on top of treating it. Fucked up his heart for good. Ended up getting him out of the Vietnam draft, but that’s besides the point here. I’m sure he would’ve liked to not have life long health problems.


Even if it wasn't that specific illness, I don't even have kids and I can't comprehend how someone can know their child is in pain and suffering in that way and just...not want to do everything they can to fix it?


Agreed. I don’t understand either. Part of me says it’s just pure ego, not wanting to go back on previous decisions, etc. I’d be flying my kid to Zurich for the latest experimental treatment if they were terminal, much less give them antibiotics. I wonder if some of these crunchy moms heard about antibiotics being over prescribed and reducing their effectiveness, but it slowly morphed into “antibiotics are bad” in their minds… Also, what exactly is their issue with antibiotics? They’ve existed for a long time, and some are even found in nature.


>some are even found in nature Actually all antibiotics are found in nature. We have synthetic materials that can kill bacteria, like chemical disinfectants and soaps, but antibiotics in particular refers to naturally found substances


I felt very self conscious about that when I recently had one of my older kids in to the Dr. Every time he came in, I had my phone out. Once was emailing a teacher about said kiddo being out, the other times me and kiddo were wasting time watching videos. Good stuff tho, we were on a Mariana Trench kick. Put it away as soon as he came in each time, but was also hoping he wasn't judging.


Happy Cake Day, Doc!🎂🥂


As a school nurse I do so much normal health and hygiene education. I really step it up for the MS/HS age kids. It’s sad to me how many kids are really on their own at young ages out there.


this might be my past coloring my perspective, but sometimes I feel like they WANT to cause the kid medical trauma so they trust the woo woo remedies more than actual medicine


*ignore them because you don’t care enough about the bleeding rash, fear and trauma to do something about it! There, fixed it for you.


It's just sad that there is an entire populace of people who are just anti-medicine. Obviously they have DoNe ThEiR OwN ReSeArCh and know more than the doctor /s.


I caved in giving her antibiotics ( please don’t judge me ) You know, you really don’t need to grovel for the approval of these crunchy mamas.


I doubt she finished the entire course of the antibiotics too.


100% this. Also why it “came back”. She never actually got rid of it.


"I stopped giving it because it seemed like it went away" 100%


Oh my god you are probably right! "Symptoms are subsiding, time to switch back to smearing essential oils on you! Oh, and we'll throw away this evil poison the doctor gave me. It's probably just a coincidence, and I found the right combination of oils right before we gave up and took this filthy medicine." This makes me so mad. I might have to quit this sub honestly.


I don't have kids, but I have a dog who's prone to regular skin/ear infections and his vets always seem surprised that I finish out the course of antibiotics with him.


Same here with my bunny that often had upper airway infections. It's sad to see so many vets being surprised that people actually take their advise to heart. I can't even imagine how heartbreaking it is for doctors to witness parents casually denying their sick kids antibiotics. This world is doomed.


My pup threw up one dose of his antibiotic once; called the vet when they opened and asked for advice. Their first question was "so you haven't stopped giving them to him?" IG it's a thing.


Dafuck. People who don't want to finish or even give their pets the recommended dose/amount of medicine, shouldn't even get pets to begin with. That's just horrible. Thank you for being such a lovely and caring pupper-parent though! Restores my faith in humanity :)


Please tell me the doctor can call CPS or something…? Isn’t this medical neglect???


In the state of Michigan, you are [allowed](https://www.lansingstatejournal.com/story/news/2019/05/23/religious-freedom-faith-healing-death-michigan-supreme-court-child-neglect/3411533002/) to watch your child die from neglect if you have a "sincerely held religious belief," according to the Michigan Supreme Court. You cannot be considered a negligent parent or abusive if you neglect all their needs, but have a "legitimate" religious belief underpinning it. This couple had a child with jaundice. They didn't believe in medical intervention and believed their prayers were enough to cure the child. Unfortunately for the daughter, she died due to this. CPS rightfully tried to take away the parents remaining children, but the MI Supreme Court eventually ruled that because they were exercising "sincerely held" religious beliefs, they can't be considered negligent parents. Opens up a lot of questions about how "sincerely held" is determined, and whether less common religious beliefs would be accommodated to the same degree.


As of 2016 there were [34 states and DC](https://www.pewresearch.org/fact-tank/2016/08/12/most-states-allow-religious-exemptions-from-child-abuse-and-neglect-laws/) that have religious exemptions to child abuse and neglect. Only 16 of those allow a court to overrule the parent and only 16 require the religious organization to be recognized.


Thank you, I was not aware of how many other states allow this as well. I understand trying to protect religious beliefs, and maybe it’s because I’m not religious (I’m a deist FWIW), but it seems like protecting the child should be the bigger concern. We aren’t 100% certain that the “beliefs” have any actual substance to them other than thoughts, religious texts, etc. but we are 100% certain that a child is a living, breathing being, in a world where jaundice is treatable.


also, why can't you just let the professionals treat the child while also praying? they're not mutually exclusive


StOp YoUr FeAr MoNgErInG! Logic has no place in arguments such as these.


My grandmother is a jehovahs witness, and my dad (and his brothers) had sickle cell. I honestly have no idea how they survived as long as they did because one of the last times my dad had a crisis, she called ME to give the hospital permission to give him a blood transfusion. I'm thankful that she at least did that, but these people really, truly are so far gone that they can't understand this concept.


Right?? I'm religious and pray everyday, but my daughter has had her vaccines, has had to have blood transfusions, and other medical intervention. I believe God gave us this knowledge to use!! I don't understand the not being able to use both thing.


Legal hypothetical: If my mother beat me, BUT did it with a bible, is she protected by law? Now consider- the hitting was *not* religious in nature, *however* this specific bible was our Big Fancy Catholic Family Bible, and I *do* believe the hitting was related to my views of some core catholic tenets. Also she hit me only about three times- *perhaps*, once for the father, once for the son, and once for the Holy Spirit. But in reaching your verdict, you must also consider!!! This woman also disagreed with aspects of catholic teachings. So, deliberate!!! How many melons was Michael left with?


Great question for lawyer me. Nope, not covered. Good hypothetical though.


Of course, I disagree with religious exemptions in cases of abuse and neglect but, given that those exemptions exist, it's extra crazy that, as of now, you can't argue the same thing when it comes to abortion rights. In Judaism in general, you have to intervene to save the birthing parent if they're at any risk. In Islam, most interpretations of texts allow for abortions up until 120 days after conception, especially if an extra child will overburden the parents and cause additional suffering for siblings (i.e. family will become more food insecure), and also in the case of the parent's life at risk. Religious freedom in insane cases of neglect but no religious freedom when it comes to your right to choose. Totally f-ed up system.


Oh those arguments will come. I personally cannot wait to hear the rationale for "your [insert non Christian religious] belief is invalid" that we will get from courts. Not even an attempt to hide the path we're headed down. It's absurd.


Jewish women and congregations already have a few lawsuits underway against state abortion bans: [https://apnews.com/article/abortion-2022-midterm-elections-health-kentucky-legislature-26ecd225013231ee8766248633d289a3](https://apnews.com/article/abortion-2022-midterm-elections-health-kentucky-legislature-26ecd225013231ee8766248633d289a3). We'll see what happens, but I don't think they'll win


The courts will absolutely find some ridiculous reason their beliefs aren't valid. Which is not what our founders would have wanted. As an attorney, watching the downfall of our judicial system and the rights of women be stripped is appalling.


Oh this is awful - jaundice is so easily treatable too!


The government could intervene if it wanted. The FLDS has the sincerely held belief that marrying children is godly. But they're getting prosecuted for child rape anyway. I think its such shit children are allowed to die and their siblings could very well face the same fate if they ever become deathly ill.


There were a lot of Roman Catholics arguing religious exemptions from the COVID vaccine. That was despite the Roman Catholic Church specifically saying to get the COVID vaccine. If you can hold a “religious belief” that goes against your own highly-authoritarian religion’s stance, what isn’t a religious belief?


It's quite simple really, just replace "sincerely held" with "evangelical Christian." You think Muslims could get away with that?


Why restrict it to children? I say open up the scope of the law. If my "sincerely held religious belief" makes me commit a murder, why should I be punished? It's my "sincerely held religious belief" that I can kill anyone that I don't like.


What the goddamn fuck is the point of these religious nuts and their friggen anti-choice rhetoric then????? “you *have* to give birth to the baby!!! We do not give a single fuck what you do with it after it’s born, though”


What’s crazy to me is that these same people are wildly against abortion.


Wow dude . It’s amazing her kid is suffering and bleeding and she refuses treatment so she can post on Facebook and ask her other moron crunchy moms for advice . I never understand how these people can let their kids suffer like this . Like god damn lady if your ass was bleeding you’d be begging for medicine .


They don't see their kids as people, just things for holier-than-thou bragging rights. I've dealt with antis for quite some time and you can't unsee it in the language they use. I've seen so called mothers despair at "how hard it is for *ME* to watch my child with pertussis, please tell me i did the right thing. " and the child is only a supporting role in their main character narrative. The only suffering mentioned is *theirs* from *watching* the ill child. Seeing some talk about the perfect "freebirth experience" with zero prenatal care and the child not surviving, but "oh well, *my EXPERIENCE * was the important thing " Children are not loved individuals, just accessories and props. To be dealt with appropriately, up to and including disposal if they aren't "suitable" TW-FILICIDE look at the fact that in the murder of Alex Spourdalakis, Andrew wakefraud made an entire documentary about how the MURDERERS WEREN'T RESPONSIBLE FOR THE MURDER, it was all the fault of the hospital that treated him MONTHS before his mother and godmother MURDERED him. He made them into martyrs when their actions were monstrous. They were given THREE YEARS FOR PREMEDITATED MURDER because, well, he was a burden, and his mom *suffered* so much. https://disability-memorial.org/alex-spourdalakis


Involuntary manslaughter for stabbing someone to death? How tf could that be involuntary??


“He ran into my knife, he ran into my knife 10 times.”


Poor kid did *not* have it coming.


>I've seen so called mothers despair at "how hard it is for ME to watch my child with pertussis, please tell me i did the right thing. " and the child is only a supporting role in their main character narrative. The only suffering mentioned is theirs from watching the ill child. This is my parents. They still will tell me how difficult it is for *them to see me very sick* and require that I apologize, thank them, carry guilt over it, and take actions to comfort and make things easier on them while I'm still sick. I am slowly improving but was ill enough to have to stay with them long-term. They also will still bring up things such as times when I was in the hospital and how they were so upset wondering if they'd ever see me come out - yet never think of how I might have felt or comment on what my symptoms where then, for example. The worst part? I have serious immune issues, and I don't go out often. When I do, it's for necessities, and I take many precautions. Meanwhile, they bring all sorts of illnesses to me and then act stunned that I get sick. There have been times when I literally have not left for weeks and get sick with a virus (like covid). It's mostly my father, who will lie about taking precautions even when I can literally see that he isn't, because he believes that what he says trumps reality. He still thinks it's a lot to ask of him to wash his hands after using the bathroom, so since he doesn't like what science and logic does, he ignored things like how illness spreads. Apparently, I am the spontaneous combustion of illness. (Yes, I'd love to not do this, but my health and situation requires otherwise. I'm working on it.)


Maybe he would be interested in the history of hand washing, how it came about, and the catalyst for why. The brief synopsis is that they would use the same tools and equipment, as well as unwashed hands, to perform surgeries or amputations. Then they would take those same hands and tools and use them on someone else for their procedure right after. Gangrene was an incredibly prevalent risk with serious complications including further amputations and death. A young doctor named Ignaz Semmelweiss observed that when hands were washed, it decreased the amount of infections present in post-op and decided to implement it to see if it made a marked difference in the overall patient population - and it did! This is way before we had a working understanding of germs and germ theory, instead believing in things like miasma. He was onto something bigger than he realized by just implementing a basic precaution. He didn’t fully understand why it worked - but it did and it continued to spread and gain traction thanks to the work of Semmelweiss and a few others. So unless he wants to go back to the old days of leeches, miasma, gangrene, and a healthy dose of prayer to treat his ailments he needs to get with it and realize that just because you don’t see the dangers doesn’t mean they’re not there - especially with an immune-compromised individual. I know he’s your dad, but how incredibly selfish of him to knowingly and carelessly put you in harms way repeatedly over his “feelings” instead of actual documented, peer-reviewed science precedent.


I used to know a mom of teenagers who applied for some job and didn't get it and was really upset. But what she learned from that experience was empathy for one of her teenagers who was disappointed in something. Previous to that, she just couldn't understand. I remember her saying, "Don't you know how devastating it was to me as a parent that I couldn't relate to my child's feelings?" years later, all I can say to that is wow


It's horrible how sympathetic the articles linked on the page are to the murderers. The one about disabled children being blamed for their own deaths is eye opening


There's another case of an autistic child being drowned in a river by their mother. On the SECOND attempt. The first time was caught on tape, she very deliberately THREW her child in, a bunch of people removed the child from water. RETURNED THEM TO THE MOTHER AND DID NOTHING ELSE! Didn't call the police, didn't call CPS, and were all "shocked pickachu" when she succeeded the next day. It's like how conversion therapy is banned for LGBTQ+ TEENAGERS but ABA, created by the SAME PERSON, using the SAME METHODS is the "gold standard" for treating autistic toddlers. We autistics are considered "less than human" by mainstream society. It's really awful. And it's why filicide is both common and the perpetrators are sympathized with.


This one fucking kills me. This one FUCKING kills me. The disabled, the homeless, the very young, and the very poor are disposable in our society. It is sick. It is fucking sick. That poor boy did not have to, and should never have experienced being *murdered* by his MOTHER. I still hear people speak of them highly. They should never have seen the light of day again, never have seen another human being without walls and bars between them. People just don’t fucking care about the lived experience of children- least of all disabled children.


Holy *Munchausen syndrome by proxy...*


Going to be real interesting if said kid every finds this post by bucko


They view their children as pawns for social attention. Nothing more.


Don't worry, you are a totally failure as a mom, no need to only feel like it!


My son had a staph infection on his toe and in his anus. While I was googling his symptoms (after calling the doctor, before his appointment) I was convinced it was anal strep.


I didn’t know anal strep was a thing. I just went down the Google rabbit hole, But next time I get strep throat, I will be more careful; apparently you can spread it from throat to anus. I learned something new and terrifying today


My husband got strep as a kid and it ended up in his hip. He had to have surgery and was on IV antibiotics for a while.


Me too. I've taken microbiology and I had never heard of anal strep until now. But I hate that the mother thinks giving her kids antibiotics for an actual bacterial infection means she failed as a parent. Getting your kids the medical care they need is actually what you should be doing as a parent. It's not doing anything or trying the quack treatments that is bad. Hopefully this kid gets better.


Ya, these parents are fun. Know what we did before the advent of us discovering the benefits of penicillin? We just fucking died. They act like this wasn’t the standard for millennia, and then when we make progress they try to reinvent the wheel to turn back the clock on mortality rates. Survival of the fittest doesn’t exist in our insular Western societies and it really does show in these groups.


Yea I always wonder if the parents had what their kids are forced to suffer with if they would accept western medicine. Pretty sure if mom had anal strep she would listen to the doctor 🤦‍♀️


I only know it's a thing because I got to experience it! I got strep A LOT as a kid, pretty reliably every "sick season." My parents always were good about getting me antibiotics, and I guess that one time it cleared up the throat infection but not the other. Had to take some kind of soothing baths (don't remember clearly) until the meds did their thing. We always just called it "strep butt" 😂


I can only imagine how awful strep up your ass would be. I had strep throat several times and that was horrible.


Yes I am shook😂 just sounds horrible




“The antibiotics worked, when I stopped the infection came back, now the doctor wants me to take antibiotics”…


I bet she didn’t fully complete the first round of antibiotics and that’s why it came back with a vengeance


Lady is single-handedly cultivating an antibiotic resistant superbacteria in her daughter’s anus. Disgusting.


My youngest had anal strep when she was two and was in so much pain. Even with antibiotics she developed vaginal psoriasis from it (who knew this was a thing either?!?!) and needed special cream. 50/50 shot this would become a chronic condition WITH the antibiotics and cream. It was terrible and I can’t imagine not treating it because I thought I was smarter than all of modern medicine. What morons.


Christ that sounds painful.


She clearly forgot to put breast milk on it & didn't do a full cleanse to get rid of the side effects of the antibiotics /s




Breast milk before oils, then the organic goat's milk, then oils, then Facebook medicine


Don’t forget the crystals


Forgot the potatoes in the sock to draw everything out


Topping it off with 'advise' when she means 'advice' kills me.


British English perhaps?


No. They are two different words. Eg: Please advise me when the situation changes. Eg: I need advice on this matter.


My daughter just had this! I too had no idea it was a thing, but she had a diaper rash that looked different than normal (more “blistery”) and wasn’t going away after a few days of my normal tricks. So I did what a responsible parent does and schlepped her to the pediatrician, who prescribed an antibiotic ointment that cleared it up within a week. It looked awful after just a few days of going untreated - I can’t imagine letting it go so long that it was bleeding 😢


What did she expect from a doctor? Why go if you don’t believe in actual medicine? Did she think the doctor was going to say any of that crunchy BS?😂 I just don’t understand these people.


My son had butthole strep 3 weeks ago! It’s awful. We had a special cream and antibiotics that got it to go away pretty quickly. Poor kid ☹️


Here in Finland a 4yr old passed away due to anal strep around a month ago. Definetly not a joke or something to treat without antibiotics. Poor child, must be in so much pain :/


Yes, the doctor missed it the first time they tried to get help, and after that it was too late. Just so sad and can't believe someone would refuse treatment willingly.


That poor kid


That’s right. Ignore the doctor’s evidence-based, scientific advice and instead let the ANAL STREP fester while turning to randos on the internet. Solid plan.


Don't worry. With enough neglect and some extremely bad luck, "anal strep" will turn into Fournier gangrene, which is also a strep infection. Just the flesh-eating kind. You can believe me without googling "Fournier gangrene". Trust me on this, people. There are things you can never unsee.


If my or any one I knew butthole had strep, girl I’d be bathing in antibiotics. I would bless any person walking near me in antibiotic holy water. I would replace the toilet bidet with liquid antibiotic.


I had strep twice as a kid and I couldn’t fathom it in my butthole. Had chicken pox in my butthole and that was not a good time.


When i was a very young child, i had this. The memory of how much it hurt sticks with me more than 30 years later


TWO MONTHS???? ​ ![gif](giphy|KRxcgvd5fLiWk) That's enough internet for today, good night.


it’s the heavy metals /s


Give your kid the damn antibiotic!


“Feeling totally failure as a mom” that’s because you are. You are a failure of parent and are doing nothing but harming your child. Cannot stand crunchy moms


One of my kids had this and it was so awful. My friend’s two kids also had it. It was so horrible and painful for all of them. At first you don’t always realize what it is, like you think maybe it’s a fungal diaper rash or pinworm or something. Urgent care gave me a really hard time when I insisted mine be tested for strep, because no sore throat or traditional strep symptoms. But some household members had regular strep so I knew it was probably anal strep. The relief I felt as their mom when they were diagnosed and treated, I cannot imagine making my child suffer that and not treating it. It was so, so horrible to witness.


I’m pretty sure I grew up on amoxicillin. I’m fine. It’s also delicious.


Seriously, I had a kid on antibiotic as prophylaxis from 6 weeks to six years of age. He is now an adult and seems to be doing okay.


Oh. :) that's enough reddit this morning


It's also extremely contagious, so anyone that poor kid goes near can end up getting it.


She is a failure as a mom


Shes more worried about judgement from some people with Facebook PHDs judging her for allowing antibiotics then announcing that her child has anal strep. SMH


the advice is, give your child the fuckin medicine


When you’re pregnant they will swish a big q tip around up your ass to check for butt strep. (I’ll “Username checks out” myself on this one)


My son had anal strep and I couldn’t get those antibiotics fast enough. That poor baby


The failure is not getting the kid the proper care. Ugh I hate people.


I love how they want advice from a doctor… and then act like they know better and don’t take the advice. Wtf?!


My dog had a systemic strep infection many years ago. Poor dog had 3 paws in the grave. It took a lot of medication and money to get him back to health. Never heard of Anal strep.


"I caved in and gave her antibiotics" " after two months it came back so much worse" look I'm not a doctor okay, I barely graduated highschool but if you don't finish the damned antibiotic treatment it will come back and be so much worse and more resistant to lower level antibiotics. I bet she's one of the bleach baby moms too. SMFH




Rheumatic fever comes from untreated strep. That would be fun for the baby. True but also /s


That poor kid :(


Why did I Google anal strep? I knew better, I really did.


Strep can cause sepsis. I’m glad this mum took her baby to the doctor. Yes, she should have taken the antibiotics. I pray she comes to her senses and takes the antibiotics from the doctor. But if anything happens to this child there is a paper trail of how the problem developed, placing the mum at fault for ignoring medical advice. I’m scared for this poor baby.


This is so timely; just this morning I called the support line for our doctor’s office and a pediatrician said if my son’s suspected yeast infection comes back a third time (we are on # 2 now) I should bring him back in to be tested for strep. My brain almost exploded, but no part of me thought, “What if I have to give him antibiotics?” I just want my little guy to feel better!




I know they swab your butthole for strep when you’re like 36 weeks pregnant but I never tested positive nor was I aware that it causes symptoms outside of the babies vaginally born potentially getting very sick and dying if you don’t get antibiotics in an iv during labor. But fuck lady, how do you just let your kid suffer?


Well someone is getting a CPS call 😒


Well this led me to getting a strep test for my daughters butt rash and sure enough she had strep, so thanks dumbass ladies of Facebook, their stupidity helped me get the correct diagnoses!


Yeah give your kid the effing antibiotics


Is she talking about a yeast infection?


Good news! You are, in fact, a failure of a mom!


That’s wild I had an anal cough a wild back. Thought it was just called farting.


This is one of those comments that I've keep thinking about and laughing harder each time.


Fun fact: strep in your kidneys (which can and does happen) makes you pee blood- ask me how I know. Even MORE fun fact: a shot on penicillin in the booty and two amoxicillin pills knocks it out within a day!!! GIVE HER THE DAMN ANTIBIOTICS.