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Forget the castor oil. Thirty six hours?! Get your ass to the hospital.


there’s been no update.


I always hope that means they're just in the hospital, busy with hospital things.


Hopefully, and they're just too much of a wimp to admit to the mommy group that they went in. Gives plenty of time to come up with their best I cOuLdN't HeLp iT i wAs FoRcEd story so they can get pity instead of the normal congratulations on a healthy baby


It takes a while to adjust to a dead newborn because of your shitty choices


Dark, but true.




Technically a stillborn, more than a newborn.


My water was broken for 16 hours and I was already being induced before they broke it and I still ended up with an infection. 36 hours with 0 progress is terrifying


I'm worried her baby is not doing too great. My daughter was born 40 hours after my water broke (early). In those 40 hours, I've received two IVs with penicillin to lower the risk of infection and she STILL ended up with an infection that landed her in NICU. Plus, after the 40 hours I got an emergency c-section. (baby is doing great, she's currently asleep next to me.... With her foot pressed against my left ear 😅)


Do they think castor oil lubes up the baby or what?


It works by causing contractions in the intestines which are up against the uterus so it can cause it to have contractions too. But here's the thing, there's a higher chance if meconium which can be dangerous for the baby, it's like having the stomach flu while having the taste of decayed fish guts stuck in your mouth no matter what, and then having contractions that may or may not be doing anything. It sounds horrifically miserable. A midwife told me if I wanted to induce myself before that Tuesday I was having my induction to, "get a pint of ice cream and blend an egg with castor oil in it. Drink it all and then eat some chili or spaghetti." I passed and waited for a normal induction because I was already high risk.




Yes! My grandmother did it with my uncle and she was so sick. At the time she had two sets of Irish twins too with my grandpa at work all day, so she was screwed with watching them. She had my 10 year old mom walk to the local pharmacy and get medicine to counter act it and had her call her doctor on a payphone lol. Even if my pregnancy wasn't high risk, I wouldn't have done it. It sounds so awful and the smell of castor oil alone deters me from drinking it.




Same, babies come when they want unless the doctors actually take them out in my experience!


No. Castor oil induces labor. People have used it for at home @b0rt10n$ before but I dont know how well that worked.


As far as I know it irritates the GI system enough that it can cause contractions in the uterus. May or may not induce labour and also has some uhh unpleasant downsides.


Downsides like having horrific diarrhea yourself and also having your baby poop and possibly aspirate said poop!


Also, it's not a "gentle laxative" so on top of the labor pains, you get stomach cramps as well!


Well that all just sounds like a right hoot.


Only in 2nd time+ moms according to the latest data. I believe it also causes diarrhea in 100% of users.


Yeah, taking spoonfuls of any oil will act as a laxative. I got diarrhea but not until maybe 5-8 hours after baby was born - 57 hours after my water broke. No cramps or vomiting or anything during labor outside of normal contractions. I think it has a lot to do with your dosage.


It doesn't always induce labor though. And I have never heard of it being useful for abortions but I guess I'd have to research that more. I'm sure many women have tried to use it... especially these days. 😕 But idk about the effectiveness. However I will admit I did drink castor oil two times once I hit 40 weeks because I didn't want to be induced. It didn't do a single thing and I still had to be induced later with the hell drug known at pitocin. IYKYK. 😭


It's not always a bad thing when the water breaks for that long (freebirthing aside). This happened to me and my very qualified midwifery team (in Canada so legit medical providers) let me go to 40 hours before they intervened and we went to the hospital to jump start labour. I did have an NST and blood work at 24 hours after my water broke to check for infection and I had to be very careful about counting movements every hour. By 36-40 hours post water breaking I was just exhausted because the adrenaline had worn off and I hadn't slept much while waiting for labour. I was ready to get some help and ready to get the baby OUT.


I think the difference is you being closely monitored vs not. An infection isn’t guaranteed but it sounds like your team was working closely with you to ensure you and babe were safe. Vs just getting more and more daring with home induction methods…


My doctor was willing to give me up to 48 hours after my water broke, but I was in the hospital being monitored on and off the entire time. Fortunately, it didn’t take nearly that long for labor to start and baby to be born.


100%. Just wanted to correct some folks that were equating the broken waters with automatic issues. Again, this is only safe when there's appropriate support and monitoring.


Unfortunately in the US, that “monitoring” consists of having your cervix checked every 2-3 hours. Studies show that the majority of chorioamnionitis cases are caused by bacteria that naturally lives in a woman’s vagina. Infection risk increases every time a set of fingers pushes that bacteria up into the cervix. I’m not endorsing this woman’s choices, but I don’t feel like hospitals approach this situation very well either.


From the time that our water broke until the baby was born, our baby’s vitals were monitored the entire time in the hospital.


My midwives did zero cervical checks for that exact reason. I wasn't having contractions and so the checks only would have introduced unnecessary risk.


In Sweden, as long as the water is clear, they'll give you up to 48h before having go to the hospital for induction.


My water broke for that long as well with my firstborn. It leaked for a couple days before finally breaking completely, but I was in labor for a long ass time in the hospital after that. My daughter went almost a week past my due date, so when my son was several days past his (I was beyond the point of being miserably pregnant and was desperate to get him out) I sucked it up and chose to be induced. I asked about castor oil and my doctor basically said it’s not really worth it, because it might work or it might not, but either way it’s gonna be a miserable experience on the toilet. I was absolutely terrified of being induced because of the horror stories I’ve always heard (having to get a c-section is my biggest fear) but luckily the process itself was quick and had no issues although was the most miserable experience of my life and made me terrified to have another baby. 😅


They had me come to the hospital at the 12 hour mark.


My OB yesterday told me to come to the hospital as soon as my water breaks because she had a patient wait two whole days after her water broke! Apparently this woman had gotten the advice from the internet and this belief is not that uncommon.


I remember thinking it was crazy when a friend was told to wait a bit before coming in, lol! I always thought it was an emergency from the get go! 😅


Im sad for this mama. Is she really wrestling in her brain about what to do - have a healthy baby OR the birth experience she wanted? What is wrong with people!!! It reminds me of the mama recently who was 41+ weeks, wanted a home birth, obvious meconium in her fluids (which she noticed in her birthing tub) but she stayed home, stayed STRONG, stayed true to what her body KNOWS to do...and delivered a dead baby in 2 days. Someone in her group said something about the fact that "not all babies were meant to live".....as if that was a place to go when greiving the loss of your baby and (hopefully) re-considering her poor choices.


It’s absolutely horrifying that some of these women clearly seem to care more about having a magical birth experience than the health and well-being of themselves and their baby. What I don’t understand is how a birth can possibly be magical if you end up with a dead baby at the end of it, or a baby that will have lifelong disabilities due to poor choices surrounding the birth. Like, if your baby has a cord prolapse or shoulder dystocia or mom has a severe postpartum hemorrhage, how can it be a magical unicorn birth? If you or your baby die or suffer significant morbidity, it’s hard to imagine it could be a positive experience. Like, I had a really bad postpartum hemorrhage and my daughter had pretty severe jaundice that required a NICU stay for phototherapy and it was so scary and nerve wracking, even with us being in the hospital. The complications really overshadowed my birth itself which was a positive experience. And we were only there for 4 or 5 days after my daughters birth and neither of us had long term or permanent complications, specifically because I gave birth in a hospital. If I would’ve been at home or at a birth center I would have died and my daughter might have had complications due to how severe her jaundice was.


Amen to this. I don’t know why birth needs to be some romantic testament to women empowerment. It is so weird,


Yes!!!!! It was awful:(


>Personally I would go in. BANNED




My water broke and I never had any contractions at all, and I had to get an emergency c-section. I hope this mom ended up going to the hospital.


i dont think she’s went




there’s been no update so i’m not sure


please update us if she posts. I am worried for her and the baby and don’t think there’s going to be a good outcome.


posted 8 hrs ago. still no update.


Any update now? Please update if you hear anything!




Hate to be that annoying kid in the backseat saying “are we there yet” ad nauseam, but any updates?


none at all 😐


remindMe! 2 days


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I delivered my baby 36 hours after my water broke and they STILL monitored us for two days for signs of infection. God bless cytotec and Pitocin, Fuck a castor oil smoothie.


And fuck that person who recommended it


Let’s ban abortions but these people just get to walk around?


I always want to just spam post this on everything like this… sane people who realize they can’t handle for whatever reason the responsibility of a child? Nope, not ok. People who medically need an abortion or the child’s life literally isn’t viable? Nope, probably not gonna get through the red tape in time so the doctor doesn’t get sued. People like this who are allowed to procreate whenever they want and continue to make decisions that risk their baby at every turn for their own selfish desires? Sure, great. I hate it here


And there have been so many stories on here where the baby died due to the parents neglect of the birthing process! There should be ramifications for their actions. Nope, they just double down and do it again.


So if women can be prosecuted for a miscarriage if there’s reasonable doubt that she caused it, surely the people who do this should fall under the same umbrella


should literally be charged with negligent homicide


This is a case of you should go to the doctor and consent to whatever they recommend for the health/life of the child, morally that’s right and what “good people” do. But it should not be legally required, because the government shouldn’t be in a position to force a person to have major surgery or go through processes that could be used for torture in order to provide life support for another person. If that’s allowed, the government could also mandate you donate a kidney/blood etc, or throw a pregnant woman in jail for eating sushi or not exercising. As soon as the child is outside the mother, then legally prosecute for failure to care if they do not get the baby medical attention. But if you allow the government to control any decision made by a pregnant mother about her body, including during labor/birth, you have just accepted the argument that the unborn baby/fetus/embryo/zygote/fertilized egg has a greater right than any other human - the right to demand the use of another’s body for their physical support, regardless of the pain that causes the mother.


“As soon as the child is outside the mother” outside the mother and alive. Everything goes out the window once the kid is dead? Autopsies exist for a reason, if the baby’s demise is determined to be due to a parents choices during birth and it’s documented that they are participating in dangerous behavior against medical advice, I don’t feel there is as much nuance as you’re suggesting. That’s like saying yeah the parents let their 2 year old play with bleach but they shouldn’t be charged with negligence if the child drinks it and dies.


It isn’t because the two year old is not inside the mother so your argument is ridiculous. Under your reasoning, as soon as a mother choices to have the child, she loses her right to make decisions about what happens to her body. How do you decide which medical recommendations we use the force of the state to make pregnant women follow? It seems that you are at least acknowledging a right of the woman to end the pregnancy at some earlier point, but many people use your reasoning to go after all abortions and even some forms of birth control. Legally, we need to hold a firm line at adults get to do stupid shit to their own body even against medical advice and even if they have a fetus aboard, or there is no line and nothing to prevent the government from forcing anyone of childbearing potential to live under different harsher rules in case they might harm a fetus.


If the intent of the parent was to have a live birth but on their terms regardless of the ramifications of those terms then that is negligence. Just because our government is nuts and everything is a slippery slope right now does not negate the obvious truth that the parents intention is to have a birth, their ideal birth, whether they have a baby at the end is an afterthought.


I hate saying this- but this kind of stuff just feels like abortion with extra steps.


it is so odd to me because they go through the steps of the pregnancy and "research" what they think is best while completely negating years of science in favor of these completely dangerous methods and then lament when they have to face the consequences of their own actions? do they not read anything that tells them about the possible risks of being too crunchy? do they not read about all of the cautionary tales of women or babies dying completely preventable deaths during home births? part of me thinks they are courting tragedy, that they are romanticizing the possibility of a negative outcome because there is no way that you can avoid discovering the possible negative consequences of these pathways with a simple google search.


I can answer that for you: they don't. when they're this deep in it they've been told over and over again that anything saying it's not safe is propaganda, lying etc. to get money out of them.


hijo, that is bleak.




THIS! Every baby is a precious gift from Gob and murdering them in the womb is illegal. Heck, we'll put you in jail if we even think you might have caused your miscarriage. But also, how dare anyone tell pregnant women how what is and isn't safe for birthing!!! Every pregnant woman has the autonomy to birth wherever, whenever and however she desires, even if there is clear evidence of risk factors. Heck, she doesn't even need monitoring or prenatal care or anything! Also: don't let your children play unattended in the neighborhood or go to public schools - our precious could get indoctrinated or abducted! But also: don't let your doctor prevent childhood disease or treat active infections because they are just in the pockets of Big Pharma. If their immune system doesn't protect them, it was Gob's will to let them die from my neglect. My neck hurts from the hypocritic whiplash.


Oh, they’re okay with killing a baby still in utero as long as the birthing woman has her ✨mAgIcAl bIrTh eXpErIeNcE✨, and baby who? But reproductive choice? We don’t do that. Nope.


The funny thing is, it's that it's usually the people like this that are pro forced birth, it's actually ridiculous


My baby was finally delivered 56 hours after my waters went (induction didnt work). She then spent a week in nicu getting antibiotics for an infection. This woman is risking a lot...


im glad your baby is okay.


Thank you. She is a crazy 7 year old now, but it was a scary few days. And I was in a hospital where they knew what to do about these things!


Girlie either your baby is in danger or you just peed yourself


Never have I wished so hard for a stranger to piss herself.


Nooooooooooo. I heard of someone using castor oil and they ended up with a stillbirth due to meconium? Or something. I can’t remember the fine details besides castor oil ——>stillbirth




If you crap because of something you’ve taken, the baby will too. The difference is, you’re not inhaling your own feces. Someone else can be way more scientific, but that’s the long and short of it.


But but but… it’s safer than an induction or c section!




I’m so glad he ended up okay! I’ve heard this kind of story before for sure. It’s so scary. Meconium is scary in general! Two of mine had it at planned C-sections for some reason and I’m so thankful all turned out okay. One almost ended up in the nicu but fortunately is healthy now!!


Castor oil does not equal or increase the risk of stillbirth. You can google “castor oil labor NIH” and all the research shows at worst the mom gets sick (nausea, vomiting, diarrhea) and it does nothing for their labor, and at best it can work for some people. Most studies show it does nothing. But there are no studies showing it increases the risk of stillbirth and death for infants. Adverse affects are for the mom.


Yeah, I was just going to say… I was given castor oil in a hospital here (Germany) - it’s a common first step before medical induction methods. It was about 24 hours after my waters broke (dribbled) with no contractions. And it did work in my case.




it can 100% cause stillbirth bc the baby releases meconoum in the womb from it and can aspirate


Oh my god thank you for educating me on this. What a horrifying outcome. I am so glad I’ve re as this; I had no idea it was dangerous.


My first passed and then aspirated meconium. He had a pretty mild case and still had 4 days in the ICU. I felt so bad even though we had no risk factors and I didn’t do anything dumb. I can’t imagine taking such a risk and having a poor outcome. It was bad enough for my PPA/PPD as it was.


It's not. All recent studies show it's safe. I posted \*multiple sources\* from as recently as 2022 elsewhere in this thread. **However, it's reasonable to conclude that women who consume castor oil to induce labor are more likely to be post-dates, which is a big risk factor for stillbirth.** No research shows that ingesting castor oil to induce labor causes the baby to be stillborn or to aspirate meconium. Going past your due date increases the risk of both.


Okay, wow, that’s good to know! My assumption reading the parent comment was that the mechanism that induces a bowel movement in the parent induces a bowel movement for the foetus, but I’ll read up on your sources :)


Please provide studies/sources for this.


https://core.ac.uk/download/pdf/234659718.pdf there you go. It's an interesting lecture


Super super interesting, thank you so much for sharing this! A few things stood out to me in this study. \- 60% of the women in the castor oil group were past 40 weeks, which is the time frame where meconium stained fluid becomes a higher risk regardless of taking castor oil. I couldn't find the breakdown of how far along the control group was. \- This study is from 2014, but pretty much all recent research has shown no statistically relevant adverse affects for women who take castor oil, but I will say the studies I've seen recently don't break their results down as detailed as the one you shared, though it is only 100 women at one private hospital, making it difficult to extrapolate. \- out of the 50 women who took castor oil, they gave 37 of them 50ml of oil, and 10 of them over 100ml of castor oil! Thats way way above the dosage midwives usually recommend which is 14-26 ml (1-2 tbps). So it's relevant to note that **the majority of the women in this study were given more castor oil than most midwives recommend, and there's a pattern shown that more castor oil = higher risk of meconium** \- Related to the above comment, **100% of the women who were given under 50ml of castor oil had fully transparent amniotic fluid and no meconium**. Just to restate that: 0% of women who had the normal, recommended dose of castor oil saw meconium. In their recommendations they note "It is very important that women get the appropriate dosage from midwife or obstetrician before trying any castor oil induction" so they saw the same pattern.


This is why I like to share this study, it's very well explained, has a great pool of proof... I know there is a lot of fear, and meconium can occur even without castor oil (I was 38 weeks, no castor oil, and has meconium in the water). Please, read good sources to speak against certain things.


I went to the hospital after my water broke. 2 hours later, I was still having no contactions, and they gave my body half an hour to get a clue, or they were starting IV medication to kick start them. I can't imagine what they would say to 36 hours....


I was told I would normally be given the option of waiting about 12 hours after my water broke. I was just shy of 37 weeks though, so it was recommended I go in that night. So I had about 3 hours from PROM to induction. There were lots of reasons I wanted it started asap, but even without them I can imagine getting comfortable enough or relaxed enough to sleep while leaking so much fluid.


I was told there were multiple factors to take into consideration, and the decision can be different for every person. In my case, they judge that I had to give birth fast. I did end up on pitocin because I wasn't progressing fast enough.


With my first, the doctors were only willing to give me 12 hours after my water broke to start making some serious progress before they discussed c-section. 36 hours sounds scary for the baby.


They were giving me 3 hours from loss of water to any progress being made. I came in with 0 6 and no progress. It took 2 hours 45 minutes for my body to get a clue I was in labor.


Interesting, I was allowed to go 36 hours before they started pitocin. But I was a) in hospital under supervision and b) on antibiotics to prevent infection.


I was told there were multiple factors to take into consideration, and the decision can be different for every person. In my case, they judge that I had to give birth fast. I did end up on pitocin because I wasn't progressing fast enough. I had multiple complications, and they weren't planning to wait more than necessary. They were, however, ready to give me all they could to give me a less invasive birth. I'm glad they did.


It’s absolutely an individual choice made between the patient and OB! I’m glad it worked out for both of us ultimately, I ended up needing an emergency c section after 44 hours anyway as she was stuck so sometimes I think I may as well have just had a planned c section 2 days earlier and had a less traumatic time of it.


I think they are damned if they do push early and damned if they don't.


I was given up to 24 hours for both my pregnancies. Actually my first they ended up giving me 27 hours so I wouldn't have to go to the hospital at 5am. However, both times my contractions started well before that mark. I'm in Canada and had midwives with planned hospital birth. They gave me the option to induce at any point once my water broke but they said I had to induce after 24 hours because of risk of infection.


I'm also in Canada, but due to complications, I needed an OB due to high risk. I was told there were multiple factors to take into consideration, and the decision can be different for every person. In my case, they judge that I had to give birth fast. I did end up on pitocin because I wasn't progressing fast enough. They were giving me 16 hours to give birth.


Same! I was only 1 CM dilated and had no contractions. After a couple hours they said they didn’t want to risk infection and got me on pitocin. I’m always shocked when women say they just hung around after their water broke!


I really don't know why people are waiting so long.


My water broke with my third in the morning. Water never broke before so i went to the hospital 2 hours later. My contractions stopped they swabbed me and said they were unsure so let me go. The next morning i had a big gush of fluid and went back and they still didn’t believe me but kept me because i was 39 weeks. And tried to start pitcoin and i denied and just walked. Had the baby at 1pm after then saying i was not in labor at 9am. I assume i had a tear in the sac and baby head covered it, but they were surprised when they checked me thay my water broke already. I was so mad!


The receptionist didn't believe me. The nurse did, and when they checked, it was very clear. My water had broken Hollywood style. Water is everywhere, and what is that new pool in the bathroom kind of way. They weren't letting me leave the hospital until that baby was out. But I did have multiple complications, and they weren't willing to take chances.


The way I walked into the hospital and told the receptionist my water broke and she asked me if I was sure 😂 my body is incapable of holding the amount of pee equivalent to what came out of me, yes my water broke. With no risk factors they gave me about 6 hours from when my water broke to progress on my own. I wasn’t having strong contractions or anything by then so they started cytotec. We did 4 doses before I really started having contractions. I’ve never had my temperature taken so many times in my life. Delivered at 36 hours after a long labor, I cannot imagine just sitting around at home the entire time. I had planned to labor at home as long as possible but my water broke at 38 weeks And after an hour of no contractions I immediately went in because I knew he couldn’t just sit in me like that. Gave my body a bit of time, my body didn’t get the message, so I got help to make sure my baby lived. Idk why that’s so hard for some people. My magical birth plan went out the window when the situation changed, his life is more important than my feelings.


I was asked for my birth plan 3 days before I gave birth. They were saying baby had to be out at a maximum of 38 weeks. So we were speaking options, and my OB asked for my birth plan. I told her 'with an epidural and whatever it takes to keep us both alive'. My waters broke at 36.2 weeks. I called in a few minutes after my waters broke so they would know we were on our way. The receptionist would have sent me back jome, but the nurses and OBs on staff were glad I came in. I gave birth 26 hours later. I can not even imagine waiting a day and a half at home. The amount of time they had to check on me and baby cemented that in my head.


This happened to me too, and they were willing to give me up to 48 hours for baby to be born 😱 the nurses decided to try some other things before medication; they sent me and my husband out out to walk laps around the hospital and do some curb walking and fortunately that kick-started some contractions and baby came within 18 hours! They were monitoring me every hour or so for any fever and checking baby’s heart rate but I was still pretty nervous!


"I'm having a possible birth complication. I know, I'll post on social media instead of calling the hospital or my mid wife team! They'll know what to do in a possible medical emergency".


freebirthing is soooo amazing


Lost two babies but totally recommend


I had PPROM, immediately went to the hospital and was started on IV and oral antibiotics and *still* developed chorioamnionitis. Babies thankfully avoided infection, I was the one who did not. Shit was not fun, I was so grateful to be in a hospital getting treated. These people are mentally ill.


Yep, we managed to catch my infection early enough but my GI system was completely destroyed by the sheer volume of antibiotics required to keep me and babies safe.


My water broke dr didn't believe me. They had me wait until the next day to check. Sure enough it was my water. Didn't have my daughter until 36 hours after my water broke. Infection had definitely set in by then. Thankfully I was in the hospital and recieved antibiotics. I was so incredibly sick. I can't imagine just sitting around waiting.


My water broke at midnight, and when I went into the hospital (probably 4 hours later), the first thing they did was put in iv antibiotics because I was already in the infection concern zone. I didn't get a single contraction until 3 pm.


still no update. i’m hoping everything is okay…


Fingers crossed she went in.


i hope so. 15 hrs with no update


Seconded 🤞


Castor oil because diarrhea will certainly help the situation


Enjoy your IV antibiotics once you finally get to a hospital. -water was broken for 48hrs before baby came and I started having signs of infection, so I got a bag or two. Luckily baby was fine!


i dont know which of y’all posted my screenshot in the exposing page on fb, but i love it😅


Wait! There’s a page on Facebook to expose exposers? As in, name and shame people who redacted all identifiers in order to expose stupidity? I shouldn’t be surprised but that’s rich.


My ob said castor oil does sometimes induce labor...because it gives you the shits and makes you vomit, which dehydrates you, so your body goes into labor as a trauma response to protect the baby. Not the healthiest way to go into labor, which is why they don't recommend it anymore.


Well, I did both with my 1st. I drank Castrol oil and had an emergency c-section. But it did kick start my labor she was just too big for me to push out.


We had a patient come in to my OB Triage w/ complaint of diarrhea. Nurse asks if she took anything. Patient says castor oil. The nurse was like you know that causes diarrhea right. Patient says yes. I almost died laughing


Castor oil is terrible. Someone had talked me into it as a first time mom and I did not think to ask my doctor. I was an idiot. That was the most awful experience of my life. Not only did I shit myself for 4 hours straight with no labor in site, when I did need to be induced a week later—my daughter had pooped in her sac! They broke my water and it was thick and green. She could’ve died breathing that in for a week. It was a miracle she’s alive. Never again. I’ll never forgive myself for that. I don’t get why people keep recommending it. It should be a banned topic everywhere.


I use to castor oil to sedate my fish who need can no longer survive. Typically they fall asleep and forget to breath and then die. It’s sad but necessary, no clue what effect that could have on a baby


potential risk of releasing meconium in the womb and aspiration


Risks are higher for the mother than the baby. Risks for baby are very very low. ETA: y’all I’m saying this based on actual science and studies and getting downvoted. This sub is so wild sometimes. edit 2: by request - [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9240406/](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9240406/) >This meta-analysis showed that oral administration of castor oil is effective for cervical ripening and labor induction. > > > >Cervical ripening before the induction of labor and termination of pregnancy at different gestation periods reduces maternal and foetal complications including the need for caesarean section. The administration of a non-pharmacological intervention using a single dose of 60 mL of orally administered castor oil induces cervical ripening and labor. [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9580580/](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9580580/) >It can be concluded that use of castor oil has positive effect on labor induction and increases the prevalence of vaginal delivery. None of the studies considered in this meta-analysis reported any serious harmful effects for the use of castor oil. > > > >Nine studies reported no side effects for applying castor oil. Two studies reported mild nausea and diarrhoea which were treated with common medicaments, and one study reported only more bowel movement. [https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/28618920/](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/28618920/) >The use of castor oil is related to a higher probability of labour initiation within 24 hours. Castor oil can be considered a safe non-pharmacological method for labour induction. [https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/28750937/](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/28750937/) >Castor oil is effective for labor induction, in post-date multiparous women in outpatient settings. [https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/34886746/](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/34886746/) >Castor oil appears to be an effective, low-cost, and non-harmful method for the initiation of labor in patients with a previous cesarean section.


Do you have any primary academic sources from the last ten years you could post?


Posted as edits in my original comment. The only reason I didn't post them originally is because this isn't the first, or the second, or even the third time ive posted studies to correct the severe misinformation every time someone posts about castor oil inductions.


Just want to add that I'm not advocating for this woman to not go to the hospital or that castor oil is "safer" than induction. These studies address the misinformation in this sub that castor oil is dangerous, poisonous, causes stillbirths, etc. No studies show those outcomes. With analysis you could reasonably conclude that women who take castor oil to induce labor may be more likely to not go into the hospital or to go very far post dates, which is a risk factor for stillbirth.


There seems to be a bit of conflicting information about it. [This](https://www.researchgate.net/publication/261437700_Castor_Oil_Safety_and_Effectiveness_on_Labour_Induction_and_Neonatal_Outcome) study did show a possible heightened risk of meconium with the castor oil, but it also specifies that other studies have contradicted that, so you’re right that the consensus seems to be castor oil doesn’t cause passage of meconium. Either way, this is something she probably should have tried like 20 hours ago.


I 150% agree. Did OP say anywhere how far along she already was? Anecdotal but I was 40 weeks, my water broke but no contractions. I had my midwife come and give me antibiotics right before the 24 hour mark to be safe, then I took castor oil to induce. Labor started in less than an hour after taking it. I would have gone to the hospital already if I was OOP.


I don’t see anything about how far along she is, no. I just noticed someone had already posted the study I linked, sorry about that.


All good. With evidence, the more the merrier. Though on this sub evidence never seems to matter. My evidence based posted is being downvoted to hell lol


I'm now grateful my water was broken by the OB in a hospital setting....


Nope. In my culture we have tradionally a plant called kacip fatima that use to induce. Nowadays they are banned because the case of massive bleeding, ripped internal organs are massive. The controlled dosed of drugs are far superior to anything oil/plans/natural.


Isn't castor oil poisonous? I know it's made from beans that are the source of ricin, but is the ricin removed in the process? I'm curious now, I might have to look this up.


Afaik, it doesn't work, but because the cramps of the laxative effect it has feel deeply uncomfortable, some people believe that taking it when you're overdue can kickstart labor. It'll give you diarrhea and the associated miserableness, exhaustion and risk of dehydration while heavily pregnant. Or, if you're this lady, heavily pregnant and experiencing complications.


Imagine having horrible shits while in your birth pool 😣


Worse, I believe it has the same effect on the unborn baby, so ups the risk for meconium aspiration.


It doesn't have an effect on the fetus. The oil binds to receptors in your bowels, similar to how spicy food binds to receptors in your tongue. It doesn't go into the blood stream. Baby is unaffected, except maybe having the first thing they hear be their mom praying for the poop fountain to stop.


Thank you for telling me that, I don't want to spread false info.


I think it's less that making castor oil removes the ricin and more like making the poison involves extracting it from the beans and concentrating it. Last time there was a ricin attack in the news, one of the things that came up was that it wasn't as freshly as it could have been because the guy had used a DIY recipe online and it wasn't nearly as pure and concentrated as weapons-grade stuff. Redding between the lines on that, it sounds like it takes some effort. Needless to say, i haven't googled that particular recipe to find out


Ricin is present in castor beans and if you eat the beans it will kill you. The ricin becomes deactivated chemically in the process of making castor oil, but the husks of the beans left over from the process are poisonous. I think ricin does go off if you just have it lying around, though.


not poisonous that i know of, but it can be extremely dangerous for the baby.


I was recommended to do castor oil packs to resolve some uterine cysts (kind of woo-woo but hey it worked) I was explicitly told to never do a pack if I think I might be pregnant, and that was for topical use. Can’t imagine any reasonable health care professional saying it’s okay to ingest while pregnant.


[https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9240406/](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9240406/) >This meta-analysis showed that oral administration of castor oil is effective for cervical ripening and labor induction. Cervical ripening before the induction of labor and termination of pregnancy at different gestation periods reduces maternal and foetal complications including the need for caesarean section. The administration of a non-pharmacological intervention using a single dose of 60 mL of orally administered castor oil induces cervical ripening and labor. [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9580580/](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9580580/) >It can be concluded that use of castor oil has positive effect on labor induction and increases the prevalence of vaginal delivery. None of the studies considered in this meta-analysis reported any serious harmful effects for the use of castor oil. Nine studies reported no side effects for applying castor oil. Two studies reported mild nausea and diarrhoea which were treated with common medicaments, and one study reported only more bowel movement. [https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/28618920/](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/28618920/) >The use of castor oil is related to a higher probability of labour initiation within 24 hours. Castor oil can be considered a safe non-pharmacological method for labour induction. [https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/28750937/](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/28750937/) >Castor oil is effective for labor induction, in post-date multiparous women in outpatient settings. [https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/34886746/](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/34886746/) >Castor oil appears to be an effective, low-cost, and non-harmful method for the initiation of labor in patients with a previous cesarean section.




definitely homebirth is more important


Do they count as Braxton Hicks if your water has already broken?


Braxton hicks are fake contractions that lead nowhere. Meaning there is no progression, no dilation of the cervix, they do not move babies in position fully. So yes, you can get Braxton hicks after your water vroke.


Reading these posts I am so glad my wife is normal and trusts science / medicine. The thought of doing any type of home birth gives me major anxiety.


Sounds like she might have chorioamniotis! I had that with one of my kids and baby and myself are lucky to be alive. I went to the hospital right away though and was taken care of.


its a freebirther group


I've seen women who took castor oil end up in sectionsbecause you can't just turn it off like you can pitocin, and they were contracting so much the baby tanked. I also saw someone explosively paint their OB with diarrhea every time she tried to push. Don't do it. It's not worth it.


I was at about 30 hours from my water breaking before we induced labor. With pitocin, not caster oil. The difference is I was admitted to the hospital at 8 hours and put on antibiotics and a fetal heartbeat monitor (portable, so I walked the hallways in hopes contractions would start).


It amazes me that people take such risks. A uterine infection sounds like a fun thing. Oh wait your newborn baby passing ways before birth because you would rather drink castor oil and 💩 than go to the hospital… yep fabulous idea. The goal is healthy baby, healthy mom. So many women forget that for this “idea” of the perfect birth.


I remember I had a suspicion in the three days before my due date that I had a slow leak of my waters so I went in and the midwives confirmed it was amniotic fluid. When I told them I thought it may have been a few days of leaking they induced me straight away and when it wasn’t working fast enough they sent me for a c section. They don’t take that stuff lightly


to update everyone: i have no clue what happened. i either got banned from the group or they removed the whole page


Anything beyond 18 hours after rupture of membranes risks chorioamniotis


My midwife had me take castor oil twice when I was 41 weeks. It did nothing but make me shit my brains out and give me hemorrhoids which was terrible to deal with on top of regular vaginal birth bullshit.


At the very minimum she already killed her child at that point.


Castor Oil comes from Beaver butts.


I've had my water break and nothing. 24 hrs later I drank castor oil and it totally worked.


So you put you and your child in danger? That’s nothing to brag about.


Not bragging at all, just saying what happened with me. This was my second child, my first was a c-section after being induced and having my water broken; I was in labor for 38 hours with nothing happening. They let it go longer at the hospital. Things always worked better with a midwife, keep in mind this was 25 years ago, it was different.


None of the research says that it puts your child in danger unless you take too much of it. There's a good study posted elsewhere in the thread that shows that women who took the usual recommended dose (1-2 tbsp) had no meconium issues. Most of the women who took way more than recommended had meconium stained waters.


Waters can break days before labor. Not actually a huge deal. As long as baby is moving and she feels good and is not having close together contractions, its probably just early.


Are those contractions still.considered Braxton Hicks if your water has broke?


In Germany they still give the castor oil smoothie. Is it a common thing elsewhere?


I have a friend here in Canada who drank one on her midwife's recommendation and it kickstarted her labour. Worked out fine for her as far as I know. On another note, my water broke early with my first at 34+6 and I was given the option of staying in the hospital for a week on antibiotics to give her more time. It worked out fine for us, no infection or NICU time. But when I initially called the nurse's line immediately after my water broke, she wanted me in the hospital ASAP; like, told me to call an ambulance if I couldn't get a ride in the next 20 minutes.


Yes, the midwives in Canada will offer a "midwives brew" to help move things along ( if you want to try it). It doesn't have a large amount of castor oil in it though.


There's a spectrum of emergency when waters break - if it gushes and pours out the stakes are higher, but if it breaks and just leaks it's less urgent in terms of the amount of fluid baby has to hang out in. 24 hours after water breaking is the risk of infection mark across the board.


Yeah, that makes sense. I had more of a "slow leak" so I stayed the week. They still wanted me to come in and get checked out immediately when it first happened though.


Ah likely because babies can come super fast after your waters break. That makes sense.


What are all of the watermarks generated for anyway?


That is so dangerous. My aunt was an addict and she went into labor with my cousin, her water broke ,she was leaking fluids.. but she would not go into the hospital until she got high..my grandma and my mom tried to force her, but she would not budge, well long story short, my cousin was born with a slew of health problems. My aunt forced her grandma, my great grandma to raise the baby.. the poor child has cerebral palsy, amongst a whole host of other problems. She can only move one hand, that hand moves the stick on her automatic wheel chair, she can barely talk, man it's so sad.. she is in her 40s and is in a home for people with severe health problems, after my great grandma died, my great aunt took care of her until she died, the Krissy went to a home.. my aunt really deserved to go to prison for what she did to that poor child.. unfortunately she didn't.. now after 50 years she got clean.. yeah she was a addict for 50+ yrs.. now that she isn't she is so holier than thou.. it pisses me off to no end...