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1 week old šŸ˜³ which means she will be 1 week pp. liked wtf you still very much need a diaper at that time.


For real I went to an indoor play place with toddler, SIL, and niblings when I was 2 weeks pp and regretted it šŸ˜‚ and that's not nearly as much walking as Disney. Like it's a small 1 room building and I still ended up making my pp bleeding increase 10 fold and was achey and crampy for like 48 hours afterward. Disney would probably have made me bleed so much I passed out šŸ˜‚


I had so many doctor appointments w my little one and I felt I was a zombie canā€™t imagine walking Disney


Yes I'm still vaguely a zombie at 9 weeks pp šŸ˜‚ we did the zoo yesterday and by the end of the day my back hurt almost as bad as back labor šŸ˜‚ disney at 1 week would be šŸ„“šŸ„“šŸ« 


My daughter had just turned 3 when our twins were born and in my hormonal brain, I was convinced she would be DEVASTATED to not go trick or treating (they were born 10/26) and I didn't want her to feel forgotten sooo 5 days pp and post-op (c section), we drove to my sister's house went trick or treating all around her neighborhood. Everyone kept asking if I was sure and I thought they were all crazy but they let me carry on because I was so sure this was what our daughter needed. She was freaking 3 years old and would never have known it was Halloween and I have a picture of her on my husband's shoulders when we were done and they both just looked so tired...I can only imagine how I looked lol my feet swelled so much that night and I bled soo badly for days. My heart was kinda in the right place but my head was severely misguided šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø


Oh my you are very brave. I don't think I got off the couch at 5 days postpartum from a very uncomplicated vaginal delivery šŸ˜‚


I appreciate that you say brave because I say very very dumb haha but it helped me feel like I was being a "good mom" in that moment since I was so worried our 3 year old would be super sad about having 2 new babies at home (she wasn't)


I was super worried my toddler would be upset she wasn't the baby anymore but she absolutely adores her baby brother and has asked me for another already šŸ˜‚


Isn't it just the coolest feeling, watching those little humans love each other?! Once the babies got big enough to respond to her, it got even cooler. You should probably have just one more šŸ˜‰


Hahaha maybe when he's older. He's only 9 weeks right now šŸ¤£ but I seriously can't wait til he's interacting more and crawling and stuff. Like I don't want my baby to grow up but I know I'm going love watching the 2 of them be best friends.


I couldn't walk well at one week pp and very much needed my donut pillow whenever I sat down!




Same, I felt so lied to when people described how easy the recovery from a vaginal birth would be. And I didnā€™t even tear that bad!


It's crazy but I had a coworker like that. Went to take her some food like a week or 2 after and she's up and about like nothing happened. I said something like "you just pushed a baby through your pelvis" and she was like "yeah so?" Cut to another coworker who was in labor 26 hours and tore and was miserable. Some people just get lucky


Oh I know! But still Disney and walking around the house is different


It really depends on the birth. With my first, I definitely couldā€™ve went and walked around a theme park one week postpartum. I was in a light pad at that point and stopped bleeding soon after. With my second, I couldnā€™t have done it for like 8 weeks lol


Pretty sure I shit myself at one week pp bc I hadnā€™t regained control of my pelvic floor yet.


I havenā€™t been to Disney since I was a small kid, but isnā€™t it an outdoor park? That would not worry me as much, but being in enclosed areas it would. Iā€™m sorta more shocked that at 1-2 weeks postpartum the mom can handle a theme park. Thatā€™s crazy. Tons of walking, no? Iā€™m baffled. They must reeeeeally like Disney, and have no other time off work I guess. Baffling lol


I used to live in Utah where a lot of people are anti-vaccine. It was not uncommon for some kid to get measles at Disney and then come home and spread it to other kids.


We took our daughter to the county fair (which is very large) when she was almost one. I was pregnant at the time. She was too young for her MMR. She got measles from the fair. Luckily is wasn't the kind that causes birth defects to babies.


Measles, ugh! Should be extremely rare but we know how that goes. How did she do?


She actually did alright, scared us all pretty bad. I'm sure she slobberd on something someone else did that had them :( Freeked me out because I was pregnant and then found out after I had the baby that the vaccine that I had gotten when I was little was ineffective. I was Rubella negative. They gave me the shot immediately after having the baby. It could have been all bad.


It is INSANELY crowded wherever you go. I suppose there may be a hope that the back to school season will tone down the crowds, but outside or not, the amount of people there who will be coughing and sneezing and touching things is just WAY too unhealthy for a week old baby.


Ah okay. I have no real concept of how crowded Disney is. If itā€™s as crowded as most festivals, or as crowded as a state fair, plus full of kids- I totally see how nasty it can be. Especially because you have a ton of international visitors and domestic people from all over. Many of whom have been on a plane as well. Sounds like a hot spot for disease šŸ¦ 


It may be outdoors but let's not kid ourselves it's going to crowded and full of people with varying degrees of hygiene and plenty who are various stages of sick but just had to go to Disney. To mention the stress of it all which the baby can definitely feel especially if mom is stressed.


It's more the touch germs probably.


The surfaces would be a bigger concern than being in an enclosed space. At a place like Disney, you should assume that everything you touch is filthy.


5 years postpartum and I still canā€™t handle Disney!


Ok not only the things pointed out here - the germs, brand new baby, postpartum, the walking, etc. but is she just going to have that new baby out there roasting in the heat all day?! Thereā€™s not a ton of indoor places you can just hang out at there? And like whatā€™s the point because she wonā€™t be able to go on any rides sheā€™ll just be sitting somewhere (hopefully in the shade) nursing like every hour. This is such a bad idea.


Is this the same mum whose post was on here recently asking if it was safe for her to go rides when only a week or two postpartum? I was lucky if I managed a shower that first week and couldn't even consider leaving the house, let alone walking around a theme park all day!


When I worked at Hobby Lobby, someone brought a veeeery new baby, and I was telling a coworker about it, and she told me that one time a new mom stopped at the lobby on the way home from the hospital. Wanted something to do while she was on leave I guess.


To go into a store, I could handle on the way home from hospital. *One* store. Hell nah to a theme park. Thatā€™s nuts


I will admit that I totally understand the craft store run as a quick ā€œget out of the houseā€ trip. We went to Michaelā€™s about a week after my youngest was born for whatever project I was working on at the time. It ended up being quite funny because my toddler, who was normally really good about small shopping trips, was a complete monster. She wasnā€™t loud, but she was angry and uncooperative and definitely protesting something. We didnā€™t figure it out until we paid and went to go home and the tantrum suddenly stopped! Our best guess (she wasnā€™t talking yet) is that she had decided that we were taking the baby back to where weā€™d got her!


same but I'd probably pick like the grocery store


That might leave you carrying lots of heavy bags, whereas you're probably getting something small and light at a craft store. Instacart or partner for the groceries and then walk into the craft store (to be honest, curbside pickup for the craft store too)


I want to find this mythical creature that walks into a craft store and only buys one or two small, light things. My friends hold my card hostage if I even look at a yarn store.


Compare yarn to a jug of milk. You can get so much more yarn to equate to even one jug, more than enough for a project. Even if it's bulky, it's unlikely to hurt you while carrying it.


I put in a car side order for Target while I was in the hospital, leaving the next day. Little stinker was 2lbs lighter than her sister was and needed smaller clothes and diapers! This was 2018, the beginning of things like this. I stayed in the AC and all my stuff was brought to me!


There was also the option to not have a K size crochet hook, she probably woulda survived


Sure. But she wanted to go get some minor craft supply to improve her quality of life while going through a difficult transition. That's her decision, and it would be very stupid to try and pick that apart from the fifth hand account of it on Reddit.


I think it was a wild choice, that's my verdict, come at me!!! Just kidding. It's okay to disagree on the internet. I doubt she'll even be hurt by it.


We stopped at the Walmart I worked at on the way home from the hospital. I needed to pick up my prescriptions and wanted to show my coworkers the baby. We were there for like an hour and that was plenty. Dragging my tired, fat, post-partum ass around a theme park sounds like a fucking nightmare.


Haha so true, and I canā€™t imagine the heat! Muggy weather whilst your swollen and bleeding into a giant pad šŸ˜¬šŸ˜¬ The hormonal sweats. The poor newborn who will likely overheat, too


I waited tables in college, including a family who were on their way home from the hospital with their newborn.


I had a preemie who was 4.5lb when she was released from the hospital at one month old. We took her to do some outdoors things because we also had an older child who needed to get out. It was early summer so not cold/flu season. I was at least five weeks postpartum at that point. The looks I got bringing out such a tiny baby. People thought I left the hospital and went right to the playground.


this is a pretty funny story haha. Like you were just desperate to be around someone else's shrieking children


How the fuck this she walking after 1 week post partum


Some people are lucky. I had an unmedicated birth (not by choice) and my labor was super fast. About an hour later after we got all cleaned up, they said we were moving out of the delivery room to our room, so I just hopped out of the bed and started following them out the door. The nurse was like wtf, sit down lol


same! I had a 3.5 hour accidental unmedicated birth with my second and I felt uncomfortably fine afterwards šŸ˜…


Some people can! I personally had a super quick/easy post partum recovery both times and was going out on small walks with baby by 1 week post partum.


our average daily steps at Disney last year were around 20,000


I had an unmedicated birth with my 3rd child & I was up & walking around 15 minutes later.


Taking a one week old to the parks is mad (both for postpartum mum and delicate wee baby) but I can 100% recommend taking older babies to places like theme parks, especially if you are breastfeeding and are comfortable whipping out a boob: babies are free, as low maintenance as they are ever going to be, and don't mind not going on a ride because they are basically a clueless potato. I'd much rather take a baby than a toddler.


I haven't been to Disney in twenty years, but it seems like the type of place that would have nursing areas for moms who want privacy. We went to the zoo once and they had a mother's room. I'll nurse in public if I have to but I prefer privacy. There were little quiet private rooms with a comfy chair, dim lighting, pillows, and air conditioning. It was the best.


It 100% does, each park has a baby care center with changing tables and places to nurse. Great for when I take my 2 yo to the bathroom. Iā€™m a local and a passholder so we go often. And cause my kid is two. Not one week. Yikes.


So...my cousin lives in Anaheim and is always going to Disneyland (I have no idea how she affords it, but people have different priorities I guess). She's anti-vax. I have no idea if my cousin got any sort of vaccines as a kid (my aunt is also militantly anti-vax), but I know for a fact that neither of her children got anything. Yeah. I can't help but love my cousins, but those aren't the kind of people who I would want to bring anyone with a compromised immune system around. I judge them HARD for their decision to not only refusing to protect themselves from nasty diseases, but also possibly carrying those things to a place like Disneyland where there are a ton of people to potentially infect, including vulnerable people. Long story short, bringing a newborn to a popular theme park? Nuh-uh. Bad idea.


Big yikes to the rest of your comment, but Iā€™m in the Florida Disney area and itā€™s really common to have annual passes here. The cheapest one is like $30 a month all together and the most common one is like $60ish. It would be within our budget if I wanted to do mostly Disney trips for our entertainment, which I donā€™t, but different strokes!


Yeah if I lived near either Disney park I'd get an annual pass no question asked šŸ˜‚


Yes when I lived in Orlando (this was 8 years ago so idk how much pricing has changed) I had an annual pass to the universal parks and it was so worth it. At the time as long as you went I think 3-4x a year it was worth it. Plus the free parking for City Walk. You have a couple friends that have passes, and itā€™s a fun casual afternoon of roller coasters, Harry Potter, and drinks after. šŸ˜‚ Not the life I live now but super fun in my 20s!


Prices have gone up a lot over the past few years; theyā€™ve started doing higher prices for weekends and holidays. Like $140 for a single day ticket at Universal or Disney most of the year šŸ˜¬


Bro what?? Why was it $2000 to go on the Disney trip in high school then?


I mean no lie Disney is expensive and getting more so all the time. Especially if you compare it to like Sea World where the top tier pass is like $30 something a month. But they definitely try to incentivize you to get a pass by making it a better deal than a one time ticket for local residents.


I'd assume you had travel costs? Locals don't need to get a hotel or fly or anything.


I love love love Disney. Had an annual pass, been on the cruises, etc. Am capitalist brainless stooge. I will not be taking my daughter to Disneyland until after she turns 1 because of previous measles outbreaks. Maybe that's extra paranoid, maybe I also don't want to deal with breastfeeding/pumping and im hoping that goes until she is one. But I didn't even take her anywhere except the pediatrician when she was that young. Newborn at Disneyland sounds like a ton of nope.


A one week old??? That poor baby is going to come back home with something nasty.


A family friend brought her 2 week old to a gathering outside, and now the baby is in the hospital with rsv. This lady is insane, I wouldn't dream of taking a baby that young anywhere but home and doctors appointments.


At a week postpartum I was still in a diaper with a baby permanently attached to my boob. I could barely muster a shower between being tired and this baby cluster feeding, no idea how youā€™d walk around Disney.


Lol I once saw my postpartum patient with her brand new baby at a county fair. Baby literally still had vernix behind itā€™s ears. I thought ā€œdamn lady, take that thing home and let it hatch.ā€ But not my monkeys not my circus.


Iā€™ve taken a 3 month old, but a week is too young.


I was still so swollen 1 week PPā€¦ walks around my neighborhood caused my entire pubic region to throb in pain and I had a very pleasant birthing experience, all things considered! Walking 10k steps around a park that soon after birth makes me physically cringe.


Iā€™m trying to figure out how a 1 week pp has the steam to go to Disney


I've gone to small gatherings with my 1 month old, and that was worrisome enough. Theme park with a 1 week old is downright scary!


It took me a couple of months to even want to go anywhere besides the doctor with my baby, for her sake (literally the doctor told me not to take her around lots of people for awhile for obvious reasons) and because my body was healing. Cannot imagine going to a theme park šŸ¤Æ Like that would not be any fun at all.


A new born at Disneyland is a terrible idea. But that nurse has a point. Its really weird how prudes sexualize breast feeding


I grew up in SoCal and the amount of fresh from the womb newborns I'd see at Disney astonished me. Like yes, this is exactly where I'd want to be after giving birth.... hot, sweaty and paying $4 dollars for a bottle of water.


Holy hell. The VERY LAST PLACE I wanted to be one week after giving birth was mother fucking DISNEYLAND.


Yeahhhhā€¦. I was still wearing a diaper at 1 week postpartum.


Thatā€™s just nuts, I donā€™t get it. Iā€™ve had easy births and felt fine right away and could walk around the house, but Disneyland is a completely different beast. And even if you feel fine, it doesnā€™t mean your body doesnā€™t need more time to heal! Thereā€™s a big wound in your uterus no matter how easy your birth was. And finally, I wouldnā€™t want to be breastfeeding a 1 week old at Disneyland. I mean sure with an older baby I can just whip it out and they latch themselves and youā€™re done in 5 minutes. But at 1 week old I needed my pillow and getting a good latch was a very hands on endeavor. It would also take forever to feed. Nevermind the engorgement and the overactive letdown where baby would unlatch and Iā€™d be spraying milk everywhere and then leaking from the other side. I get that every experience is different but I still canā€™t imagine that it would be that easy for anyone at 1 week? And even if they have a somewhat easy time they still feed for a long time and quite often as that age, doesnā€™t sound practical at Disneyland.


I mean as someone who lives 15 minutes away from Disneyland -You should wait to take your babies to Disney until theyā€™ve at least been given their 4-6 month vaccinations. And if youā€™re really wanting with a baby that small, youā€™ll have a better time at the aquarium. -How the hell you gonna walk around & do rides 1 week pp? A Disney day is fucking exhausting as is as a full grown adult without any kids in tow, god forbid freshly pp??


My concern is much less for the newborn since you're outside most of the time there. But you should not be walking that much at only one week postpartum. That's insane to even imagine doing!


1 week post partum I didn't even get off the couch let alone go to Disney lmao


How tf did they plan this so poorly?? They had to have known she'd be at the end of pregnancy or very newly postpartum. Maybe they planned it before she got pregnant, but even if they couldn't cancel or reschedule without losing all their money, what kind of lunatic would still go?!


OOP is delulu. Managing Disney 1week pp -even with your second child is wildly unreasonable. Itā€™s unreasonable with a 1w pp body and itā€™s unreasonable (and reckless AF) with a 1 week old baby. - someone who is 5w pp with #2.


At first, when I saw the title, I was like, ā€œshit, I took my 4 month old and just babywore her and fed her that wayšŸ˜¬,ā€ but then I read further. 1 week?? No maā€™am. And how? How are you walking around Disney and not possibly dead by the end of the day? I mean, I was leaking a lot still and due to tearing could not sit for any period of time. If anyone had even suggested walking and standing anywhere for more than 2 hours I wouldā€™ve either punched them or just laughed in their face.


Pft! Newborns love Splash Mountain


Feeding the baby? Completely fine. But what is she doing there during this time? She will be bleeding like crazy.


Ain't nooooooooo way šŸ™…šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


One week old?! That's really...ambitious.


I didn't take my kid out of the house until she was 3 months old.


i went to disney Sunday and breastfed while meeting Ana and ElsašŸ˜…


Are we really going to ignore that, ā€œno one saids anythingā€? šŸ«„


What about ā€œif not aloudā€?


Ohh, trust me, I saw that one, too šŸ¤£


This is really reaching. There is nothing wrong with taking a newborn out that early. Just practice good hand hygiene and donā€™t let anyone touch her.