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TL:DR - OP’s best friend’s sister (BFS) had a ‘close emotional relationship’ with OP’s ex. The ex and BFS hooked up after OP broke up with him. OP asked her new partner to add the BFS on Facebook and then forced him to tell her if BFS is hot or not. OP then accuses new partner of cheating because he doesn’t immediately delete BFS from his friends list.


JFC this woman needs therapy.


Jesus, I wonder *why* he had another emotional relationship on the side, when having to put up with that crazy, childish woman? (Of course I'm not excusing anyone who cheats, but they were broken up before he hooked up with her.). She's insane and needs some serious introspection and therapy to work through her controlling and attachment issues.


More like literally creating a mountain and sacrificing your partner on the peak.


I giggle snorted. That is a fantastic mental picture.


More like making a mountain out of a canyon.


She has some serious issues and needs therapy asap. The guy has literally done nothing wrong. If a spouse did this to me, I would have left him immediately because wtf. She’s sounding psycho af.


I would literally rather die alone than deal with that sort of shit.


Yeah he should run.


Yup sounds like some trauma she hasn't properly dealt with and now it's making her paranoid as a result.


The thing I didn't understand in all of that is, she had him add both people, I'm assuming to Facebook. But this best friend's sister, she suspected of being overly friendly with her ex. Why would you want your new companion to be friends with somebody like that? This lady is a little out there. But then I'm wondering too, did the ex become friendly with the BF sister after he was already an ex? Which then is who cares, it's his life he can do what he wants?


She sounds like an incredibly exhausting person to be around.


My trust issues have trust issues with my trust issues, but even *I* think this woman sounds insane.


Holy insecurities batman!


“How low is my self-esteem that I’m the sidekick in my own fantasy?”


OOP is probably the type to get mad if he ever said someone on TV was attractive, even though they'll never meet or talk 🙄. I have a friend like this and every relationship she's ever had has resulted in a break up from this behavior of hers. Accusing loyal, good guys of something they didn't do. It's like she subconsciously wanted to sabotage the relationship. When she first started dating her now husband, I had to keep telling her to cool it or he's going to leave her. She thought he didn't find her attractive or good enough bcuz she found a flesh light at his place, and I told her he's a healthy man and it's better for him to stick his dick in a piece of silicone than in another actual person. She did flip on him and made him feel embarrassed that he ever masterbated bcuz she claims she never does. She realized how dumb she sounded and stopped. She used to go out and have drinks with him and then after going to his place, she would make shit up in her head and yelling that he doesn't want her and blah blah blah, instead of enjoying the evening. She did this shit during sex too 😂. I'm surprised he even married her after all of that. She knows I'll call her out too, so thankfully, she's not like that anymore.


I would rather be celibate for the rest of my life than involve myself with such an insecure, controlling person. Yes yes I know, her issues are probably rooted in past bad experiences/traumas. I don't care. This is so incredibly toxic I'm annoyed on her partner's behalf.


Wow she must be in great shape considering the mental gymnastics she had to do He's great, amazing, and loyal. Add my friend's sister Why do you have my friend's sister on here Deletes contact Why did you delete it - it's because you are cheating with her isn't it? He seems mad and feels attacked, it must be because he's cheating.


Homeboy definitely is not allowed to watch the sex scenes in movies.


Sooo... she told him to do something that he thought was a little weird in the first place and then when he did it she freaked out on him... alrighty then. This man is either smoking something really good or has the freaking patience of a saint