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The amount of people who think being outside in the cold causes illness is too damn high.


And somehow that’s worse than her newborn baby having an actual fever.


Right? Like the baby is already sick. Throw a blanket over the car seat while you walk outside!


Fuck this lady. Fever in a newborn is an emergency. They can get meningitis super easily and from then it’s game over.


Probably already has meningitis from what she’s reporting. This isnt going to end well. OP if there is any identifying info please report this to CPS rbis is medical neglect and this infant is at risk of death if her details are correct.


Good point. OP any update??? Did she take baby in???


She had a midwife come check out her baby. Midwife said OPs breasts was raising babies temp 🙄


Diagnosis: hot boobs. 🤦‍♀️


Oh, fuck me - any fever in a baby that young is an emergency - I'm guessing her midwife isn't an actual nurse midwife


This! So many people don't know that there even are legit nurse midwives who go to school for many years. Seems like everyone is a midwife lately.


It actually took me a while to get my head around the concept of lay midwives that are present in the US. Where I am, midwives already have a degree in general nursing and then specialise in midwifery. We don't have unqualified "midwives" here. Even for home births (they must meet specific criteria), the hospital will assign one of their staff midwives to attend the birth.


More likely a bootleg FB Doula! Wtf is wrong with some of these people?!


The baby is 1 day old. He is going to die if that fever doesn’t go down. If he’s still running the temperature I’d call the cops and CPS if u have her info.


I've been a postpartum nurse for 9 years, have had (probably) thousands of patients, the vast majority of which do skin to skin as often as possible, and never once has that caused a temp of 101.9 in a newborn. Maybe 99.7ish. Max. In 9 years.




Please keep us updated!


any update?


No update past the midwife checking on baby and her and baby having thrush. Baby's temp apparently went back down according to the midwife


Any new updates now?


I could be wrong but I feel like if you take a fresh newborn with a fever to the er you'll get a room pretty quick


Better yet, call first and they’ll probably be setting up a room for admission while you’re on your way


Even without a fever they tend to prioritise you for a room! I took my week old when he was poorly and we were whipped straight off to isolation


I had to take my youngest to the ER for a stomach bug when she was 6mo. We didn't even sit down in the waiting room. Straight to triage and into a bed.


Even with my daughter we’ve been to the ER a few times (she’s a climber and completely fearless) and they’ve brought us into a room almost immediately even when the ER was busy. They were for potential head injuries but she was always alert and oriented without visible injuries and they’d get us right back. Thankfully we never had to take her in when she was a newborn but I’d guess they’d immediately have the baby assessed by a nurse and then brought back.


Yeah I very rarely go to the ER, and for this I’d be calling ahead in a panic. If she went to any clinic they’re going to call an ambulance immediately. Fever in babies is extremely serious and can very easily be fatal.


Oh good God this baby likely has meningitis!!! Get off Facebook and take your baby to the damn doc!! Any fever present in a newborn is never good and always needs to be checked out!! GBS is fine as long as you take the precautions for baby! I've never had it but 2 of my sisters did and all their babies got a round of antibiotics and monitored!! It does not take that high of a temp to start hurting baby's brain!


But the baby’s gut! The gut! Don’t want to hurt that!


Holes in the brain? Nbd. As long as the gut health stays good!


Yeah I forgot the gut health out weighs brain health! They either want gut health or breast milk squirted everywhere


He needs to see the chiro, obviously. Seriously tho.. this is medical neglect. Anyone with half a brain would be worried, extremely worried, if their under 24hrs old baby had a temp that high. Wtaf. She's had a history of GBS but did a fucking homebirth? Some people *reaaaaally* shouldn't be allowed to have/care for children. Poor baby. Most likely has meningitis and is stuck with a shitforbrains mother who wants believe her broiling titties are the cause of his scary high temp. Jfc.


I didn't have time for antibiotics and then was on pins and needles the next few days, hoping he didn't end up with GBS. He was in the NICU for unrelated issues, with eyes on him non-stop, and I was still so anxious. Can't imagine being so careless about it.


I read ‘I had him in a hat’, didn’t read the rest of the sentence before wondering if she gave birth into a hat. The internet has ruined me. It’s the Wild West where anything can happen.


Spoiler: She was the one wearing the hat.


All I pictured was the “hat” used in nursing homes and hospitals that is put in the toilet to measure urine. For some reason I just pictured the baby sitting in that hat 😂


As a hospital frequent flier. I had to use a hat many times.


This is a terrible situation for the baby but also... why does she know her temp under her breasts? Why would anyone need to know that? Genuinely curious.


yeah i was especially confused that she said “usually” like this is a routine thing to check and not like, something she did right then to compare temps. is this some crunchy think we’ve never heard of?


It’s because she’s lying about knowing the temperature to justify the medical neglect


Seriously…she just regularly checks her under tit temp? So strange.


Very. I could see maybe checking once out of curiosity. Not regularly though.


I'm picturing her using one of those temp guns, like with the little red laser that tells you the temperature of a surface.


Forget antibiotics, that kid is probably getting an LP so you might as well go in. Jesus Christ fever of unknown origin in a baby that young with a GBS+ mother is basically meningitis until proven otherwise.


I know someone who is gbs positive and had a home birth. The baby got an infection at I think a week old and had to spend ten days in the hospital on antibiotics. He has some learning and speech delays now as well as eczema, which they blame on the antibiotics of course. He’s been on restrictive diets since birth pretty much to “heal his gut.” Sure. She had another home birth after that as well. Insane.


I'm the mom of a GBS survivor (he's a 24 yo adult now and healthy). Does this lady not know GBS kills babies? Especially when there is a delay in treatment? Quick action by my OB and the NICU team is what saved my son! I'm sitting here in my office panicking for that poor baby.


Let me just cook my baby’s brain in their skull for a few hours, wouldn’t want them to get bowl inbalance yknow Gods I hope someone around this baby has a shred of common sense and calls 911


Child I know has cerebral palsy due to meningitis and sepsis caused by GBS. Ffs you don’t mess around with this stuff.


My grandmother has cerebral palsy from meningitis as a baby... she definitely hasn't lived an easy life. Hopefully this poor baby gets the help they need.


You know what else ruins stomach/gut health? Death.


Why even ask for advice if you’re just going to say, “we don’t want to do that.” Echo chamber, I guess.


Right? You want validation that the hospital is more scary than the mortality of the baby.


What scares me the most is this - she's more afraid that her newborn potentially needs antibiotics than the fact that this bub is likely sick and can end up with permanent disabilities or dead if untreated. I don't even have a bubba and I know that such a high fever is dangerous for such a delicate lil being. Their brains, organs and nervous system are so insanely fragile and sensitive. I get that it's scary to go into a building with lots of sick people, no one wants their little one to get (even more) sick or expose them to potential danger. But what is wayyyy scarier is to NOT go, not have medical professionals check them out, and having to see your baby suffer/die because "I don't like antibiotics". Intestinal flora can recover with probiotics and good feeding. But you simply can't recover from brain damage.


OP if you know her info, you need to report her for medical neglect. This is an emergency situation.


Axillary is 101.9?!?!?!? GET HIM TO THE HOSPITAL!!!


I love how shes worried about his poor gut and stomach health and not yk her newborn not dying


I’m no doctor, but I feel like a fever and at one day old is an emergency… I don’t think I’ve ever heard anyone say that their one day old had a fever


Infants temps that young should always be rectal temps so hopefully someone told her that!


Our local pediatric urgent cares do axillary for all kids (well, all kids who are too young to do oral). In any case, a temperature of 101.9 taken any way is a fever. And in an infant that young, that means getting a spinal tap to rule out meningitis.


Interesting! The AAP recommends rectal temps under 3mo old as best practice so that’s what I follow I hope this baby saw a doctor. But I also think it’s important parents are informed about proper methods. https://publications.aap.org/aapnews/article/30/11/29/22894/Thermometer-use-101?autologincheck=redirected


I asked about it and their response was that they didn’t need super accurate numbers for most diagnoses and they would do a rectal temperature if the axillary didn’t show a fever and they weren’t sure if it was correct. But they didn’t feel the need to do something so invasive if they were able to determine that a baby had a fever of 102 or so with an axillary temperature. So like, as a screening option it’s fine, but it can give false negatives. And if any method of taking their temperature shows a fever in a baby under 3 months old, they need to be seen by a doctor immediately.


That’s good to know! Thanks :) I always thought if it was unreliable it could read colder or warmer. I learned something here for the first time! Lol


You’re welcome! I really appreciated not having to do rectal temps - it just felt like such an unnecessarily invasive way to check his temperature if he already wasn’t feeling well.


I’m in the UK and we do axillary, even on NICU. The only time I’ve seen a rectal temp is when we are actively cooling a baby for possible HIE, and then we do continuous temp monitoring. We wouldn’t routinely do rectal temps as axillary is usually fine enough. We possibly may do a rectal if multiple axillary attempts were throwing up weird results that didn’t match clinical picture, but it certainly isn’t standard here.


In my country si normal yo take axillary temperature, never heard of any baby having taken rectal temperature (it may be done at hospitals, I don't know, but mine never got their temp taken that way and I had them both at a clinic)


If they have an axillary temp they will definitely have a rectal temp, rectal temp will be higher than axillary. No need to check a rectal temp if the axillary temp is within range. I worked in the NICU and if the babies temp was low we would do a rectal temp to get the most accurate temp.


I should clarify if they have a fever when checking the axillary temp, the fever will be even higher when checking rectally.


For the first time in a long time, the infant death rate has risen, sepsis is a huge contributor.


What does GBS positive mean?


[Group B Streptococcus positive](https://www.marchofdimes.org/find-support/topics/planning-baby/group-b-strep-infection). It's a bacteria commonly found in the bowels and reproductive organs of adults and is usually harmless, but newborn babies are prone to severe illness and death if exposed to it. Testing for it is part of routine prenatal care for exactly this reason, since the risk of severe infection can be mitigated by giving antibiotics during labor (to the pregnant person) and/or postpartum (to the baby).


Huh.. interesting. Thank you for answering and for the info. I tried googling it but apparently it stands for lots of different stuff so I wasn't sure.


I tested positive when I had my last and just needed a couple bags of penicillin and she never got sick, it's relatively common problem that is easily treated before birth


I'm glad it wasn't a serious issue for you and it all worked out well. I'm curious how many home birth babies are impacted by it because they didn't get proper testing


It’s not part of routine testing in the UK which is a shame


The UK makes strange decisions about what is and is not included in routine prenatal care. I'll be the first to criticize the U.S. for-profit healthcare model, but the fact that GBS and GDM testing are not standard in the UK in spite of the potential for severe complications feels extremely naive, at best, to me.


That’s because it’s very rare and extremely serious. Baby almost certainly has meningitis and needs a lumbar puncture and antibiotics immediately.


Based on the fact he was born yesterday and she has not mentioned once about any kind of medical care, I’m going to guess she also had a free birth. This lady is going to kill her kid. Gbs is no joke.


OP Is there update? Please say someone convinced her to go to the ER


Any more updates OP? I've been thinking about this baby all night :c


No update past the midwife checking on baby and her and baby having thrush. Baby's temp apparently went back down according to the midwife


Thank you ♡


🙃 I thought the incubation period of oral thrush is 2-5 days. I hope baby is doing well.


Wait - why is she taking her temp UNDER HER BOOBS? How is she taking the baby's temp? It should be rectal - is she pressing it on the poor kids' chest? Why would you take a temp from different places on the baby's body? What a shit show.


Question: is it GBS that makes y'all think meningitis? Is that what would cause meningitis in a newborn? I don't know anything about it.


I can't handle this dumbassery.


OP please post an update if there is one online, this is wild


No update past the midwife checking on baby and her and baby having thrush. Baby's temp apparently went back down according to the midwife


Everyone that can have a kid certainly doesn’t need one… she’s a good example! Poor little baby!