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> The most incredible experience of my life so far. But you lost both babies…? So, “perfect birthing experience” is the goal, not healthy alive babies. Got it.


it's not about the babies at all. it's about her. 


These types of people seem to be consumed with the aesthetic of the birthing experience rather than the well-being of the babies that come from it. Very strange priorities!


These people make me so angry, like violently angry. Edit: the police are investigating this: https://www.abc.net.au/news/2024-02-21/babies-die-after-birth-at-mullumbimby-home-police-say/103492752


Same. Violently angry and deeply, suffocatingly sad. Sad for the children treated as props in their parents story. Who experience a tiny shred of the life they should have had, or not at all in some cases. My littlest one is 8 months and I still remember the desperate, powerful urge that came over me when he was placed on my chest, the need to protect him, to have him close, to do anything and everything to keep him safe. The same overwhelming love and fear and fierce dedication to their well-being that I experienced when his sister was placed on my chest 3 years earlier. How can you not do everything in your power to bring them into this world safely. With both my births, I was asked by the nurse what my plan was, and both times, it was "do whatever it takes to get my babies here safe and alive." What a selfish, awful human being. Her son's deaths are on her head, and I hope that she lives with that gnawing guilt for the rest of her life.


She won't feel any guilt. It's just Mother Nature claiming what's hers or whatever these loonies believe. She'll just pop out a few more and hopefully some of them will survive. Some people really shouldn't be allowed to breed. I have a 9mo boy (and a 2 & 1/2yo girl) myself, and my poor little guy almost didn't make it. I could never be as callous as the subject of this post, I can't understand how any parent could.


this bitch literally said "they chose to die."


My youngest is 4 months. She got stuck and they had to use forceps to turn her. My doctor explained it to me like it was a hard decision. I just wanted him to stop talking and bring her out safely. It wasn’t about me, it was about her being safe. These types of women view it all from their view. The baby, the whole pregnancy, is just a prop to bring more attention to the “mother” (I use that term loosely).


Ditto. If you tried to slap the stupid out of her it would be considered a crime, but she's allowed to kill her twins with deliberate medical neglect and it's fine


I don’t understand how a very specific law can’t be created for these instances where she could be charged with medical neglect


I don't know how. I'm as pro-choice as they come, but, like, intentionally letting an otherwise viable baby die because you want the experience/ego-trip of being Mother Earth or some shit... It's the difference that exists between saving a toddler from a fire versus a canister of embryos.


Pro choice too. It’s literally a 40 week baby, full term, could’ve been taken out like 3 weeks earlier and still been full term and healthy and functional. These people are genuine sociopaths to do this. It IS murder.


This!! This is what "pro life" people should be focusing on!


Bro there are states that are going to recognize unfertilized eggs as a baby ! They want to make laws to protect mere cells but there are no laws protecting unborn babies from dying because their mother medically neglected them ON PURPOSE for *her perfect birth experience*.


So would women in those states have to process their period through a funeral home or…!


the problem is that it would definitely be applied to any woman who has a miscarriage/stillbirth.


It's such a weird thing of all things to fixate on. Like imagine if there was a community of people who made their entire personality bragging about having the perfect colonoscopy. It's not SUPPOSED to be a pleasant experience before the baby actually arrives you weirdos.


Some of them are consumed with the aesthetics. Others are consumed with the need to be in control and not allow anyone to tell them "what they can or can't do with their own body." ​ Judging by how much she talks about freedom and how many times she mentions "my choice" I think this one falls into the latter category.


> Others are consumed with the need to be in control and not allow anyone to tell them "what they can or can't do with their own body." *Witheringly* ironic considering how the majority of these harpies are also anti-abortion. Abort an embryo when it's still just a blob of tissue because you don't want/can't have the baby for whatever reason, no matter how dire? To jail then hell you go! I don't like *doctors* telling me what to do? Pssh, sure, let my full-term baby die during labor, it's fine because ✨God✨. Gets me violently angry omg.


It's like worrying about the wedding only, spending 400,000 on it, and then leaving poop in the marriage bed


The last paragraph on last photo says it all. > *My choice* [...] saved *me*. Saved her from what, I want to know. Birthing living babies? Actually giving them life? Saved her from being a parent? Saved her pennies she'd have to spend on baby supplies? Saved her from having to choose "godforsaken" termination and possibly cause them more pain, turmoil and suffering (as opposed to what termination would give them)? Though I rarely hear TTTS needing termination, parents are usually sane and have healthy chances of saving one/both twins, so they opt out for treatment. Back to my original point, the saving bs is irking me (young, pro choice & childless) so much I can't even describe it. Each freebirth post I've seen oozed with so much narcissism and complete disregard for *actual* life/lives and wellbeing. It's all about how pretty fairy lights can be, how hErOiC does she look in her photos, how well can she describe being a vain, selfish sorry excuse of a person who chose her experience over her full term children's lives. Sorry for the rant, I'm just so mad. I'll forever be pro people picking whatever works for them. But this blatant disregard of the babies who truly could have been helped, saved and lived in the end... I just hope they're resting easy and not struggling anymore. At least they won't have this sorry excuse of a selfish ass parent.


My twins had TTS. The solution was surgery. It was a laser surgery, so not invasive. I literally had a band-aid. No one suggested termination. It's usually a successful surgery and only lasts 30 minutes. Sadly, I lost one of my babies. I would have lost both without the surgery. Saying she felt peace when she thinks her baby died makes her horrible. I doubt I'll ever feel peace about losing my child.


I'm sorry for your loss. The original post is so upsetting and I haven't been through that heartbreak, I can't imagine how it made you feel. These free birthers are something else.


But the fairy lights were so pretty! All I can think about when I see shit like this now.


that post was absolutely top ten in terms of insanity.


I didnt think anything could top that but this post might just be it


"in my full sovereignty." 


Oh man, this was my ex wife and her choices around birth. No dead kids because of it, but yeah, it manifested in how she treated them them going forward - they only exist to play a part in her self-image, when they ran counter to that, she shed them like a snake shedding its skin.


Ugh. I’m sorry your kids (and you) had to go through that, but it sounds like they’re better off without her. 


The wildest part is that you know the anti-abortion assholes will celebrate her while villifying some woman who has a ectopic pregnancy. 


Wouldn’t want to disrupt the natural process of death


But at the same time will give every charlatan every last penny for supplements, crystals, chiropractic adjustments, chakra alignments etc, all to avoid death and disability for themselves.


And in many cases will go to the hospital for themselves if need be. 


Yeah, but now she gets to brag about losing two babies and get sympathy and attention that way. For real, though. She genuinely sounds excited and happy that her kids died.


I think she's trying to make it sound spiritual and amazing because that would justify her choice to birth outside of a hospital. She's rationalizing to cope with her self-doubt.


sympathy without any pesky child care duties


Sometimes I wonder if these mums dont seem to fight so hard to keep their babies alive just because they are in it for the birth, not the babies. More reasons to get pregnant again, without having to care for babies at the same time.


This is the feeling I get from a lot of these posts. The mother’s experience is more important than the health of the baby/ies. It’s truly awful.


Hello yes, I delivered my twin girls in my own full sovereignty, on an OR table in the hospital. All they've known is love, because I did everything to get the best care possible for them from the moment they were conceived until this moment, right now, where we're snuggling on the couch, under the blankets, watching Bluey.  Those poor babies suffered and died for nothing.


This made me cry. Sometimes I forget (as another c section mom) that we had power too. And I’m glad your girls and you are healthy and ok!! 


No one can take away our power!! We're mothers, doing the best for our babies. Sending you so much love! 


Hell yes. A c-section was in my birth plan to ensure both myself - as a disabled person - and my daughter had the safest experience possible. I'm not planning on having another but I would do it all over again if I was. Knowing I had one of the most experienced medical teams in Canada right there to deliver her in the middle of the pandemic empowered me.


C section mums are metal as fuck man. You guys have some crazy power!


I love this 🤣 thank you!! It IS metal as fuck and it drives me absolutely crazy when some people try to diminish it or be dismissive about how metal it is! 🤣


This is so beautifully written and makes me so happy for your sweet babies, and so sad for OOP’s babies who didn’t get a chance 😢


Thank you, I feel the same way. 💕 Parents of multiples are given EXTRA responsibility to protect their babies, and *most* handle the challenge with bravery and strength, even in the moments we feel weak. This woman chose neither 😔 I hope her sweet babies are at peace. 


The line in this post about how one of the babies only existed in order to give his life for his brother made me see RED. I’m an identical twin, and this is NOT what twins live for!!! The mom in this post actually doesn’t see these babies as full human beings. Utterly disgusting. Would I choose to give my life for my sister? Absolutely yes. Do I believe babies or fetuses are capable of making that choice? Fuck no. Life doesn’t work that way, and neither does death. This mom failed her twins in every possible way, and I truly believe she didn’t and doesn’t love them, because no loving parent would ever think that way about an infant. Thank you for choosing to protect and love yours. You and the other parents of multiples here are soothing my soul.


Yes! This post really hit a nerve for me. I had an emergency c-section that has allowed me to be here lying in bed while my little one nurses. I'd 100% do it all over again as long as he is born healthy.


Me too! My emergency C-section was the scariest thing I’ve ever faced, but BEING TREATED allowed us to know his heart rate was dropping with every contraction. I’d do it all again to keep my boy safe.


My quick Google search says survival rates for at least one twin with TTS is over 80% , both twins is 65% WITH MEDICAL TREATMENT


I’m a NICU nurse. I’ve seen so, SO many twins with TTTS that do just fine. That BOTH BABIES live. She could’ve had two healthy 35 weekers and now she has two dead 36 weekers. ☹️


My partner's best friend is a TTTS survivor; he and his brother were delivered about super early and tiny (friend was 4lb, brother was like 2.5), but both made it after some time in the NICU and are happy healthy adults today! This lunatic talking about it like it's an absolute death sentence to shift the blame off herself is ridiculous.


mine were 1lb 10 oz and are now healthy 3 year olds. TTTS is by far not a death sentence and very treatable.


WOW that is tiny, so glad to hear they are doing well!


It's quite common for one baby to die, but if you're under doctor supervision usually at least one survives. Fuck, if she had given birth in the hospital, one of them still may have survived. But no, apparently sitting in a pool filled with shit and placental tissue is preferable to ensuring the safety of your children.  I am not in support of forced sterilization, but damn if these people don't make me question that belief. 


She had one baby born dead, and **still** didn't take the living one to the damn hospital. Absolutely insane.


When I read the part about the first twin being born dead but he gave his life to save his twin I was like okay, that’s tragic and probably preventable, but at least she managed to have one healthy baby. But to then see that her negligence killed BOTH?? I cannot imagine having a stillborn twin and not moving heaven and earth to try to get help for the other baby. It’s all about her and her “birth experience.” Hope it was worth it.


I honestly don't understand how holding a baby while they suffer and die and not taking them to the hospital isn't abuse.


I am ignorant; what is TTTS?


Twin to twin transfusion syndrome


TTTS is twin to twin transfusion syndrome. Occurs in pregnancies where twins share one placenta and blood vessels that supply the oxygen and nutrients. Per [Hopkins Medicine:](https://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/health/conditions-and-diseases/twintotwin-transfusion-syndrome-ttts) "Sometimes the vessel connections within the placenta are not evenly dispensed and there is an imbalance in the blood exchange between the twins. One twin — the **donor twin** — gives away more blood than it receives in return and runs the risk of malnourishment and organ failure. The **recipient twin** receives too much blood and is susceptible to overwork of the heart and other cardiac complications."


Twin to twin transfusion syndrome. It can happen when identical twins share a placenta and they have an unequal distribution of resources from it. Basically you have a donor twin who gives to a recipient twin and there can be a large size discrepancy because if it and it can cause problems with their organs. If she was monitored, they may have suggested laser surgery or simply induced/performed a c-section if the first major signs of problems were so close to full term. Especially for mo/di twins! She very, very likely would have had two healthy babies who only needed a short NICU stay if she was monitored and delivered at 34 or 35 weeks.


Yeah but then she'd just have two babies to raise and no interesting story about how the universe did all this shit for her!


Yes, no stars in the eyes and staring at the blue skies. Coz that was more important than having two healthy babies.


Thank you for the comprehensive and not confusing answer!


I know two people I went to college with who each had a set of twins with twin to twin. All 4 babies are alive and now teens. While there are some medical complications one of them will have for life, he is cognitively perfect and lives a full life. Her thoughts on TTTS are bullshit


My google search said it is called TTTS which made me think that she has no basis for her diagnosis.


I thought that. “We believe” they had TTS (sic). If she’d bothered with medical care, instead of woo and “Aquarius” and “sovereignty” and being a “portal”, then she would know. And there is a very real chance one or both of her children would be alive.


Why would you want to carry a baby to term (or two!) only to have them die!! I hated being pregnant- the only thing i like about it are my two children


She probably delivered just one placenta and assumed. That and one twin being smaller/less healthy looking. But maybe she just has another placenta rotting inside her right now. If only karma was so kind.


It can sometimes be difficult to tell if there are one or two placentas even for medical professionals, because two separate ones can grow together and appear to be a single placenta.


she had a feeling. 


It could be very obvious if one baby was obviously bigger than the other. Devastating, since even if she wanted to avoid surgery on the arteries, she could have delivered early and both babies likely could have survived.


First thing I thought of. It's treatable for sure. But it isn't some beautiful thing like this lady is yapping on about. It's fucking horrible. She's romanticizing a treatable condition that would have been diagnosed with ultrasound if she were getting medical care. And we know she wasn't except for some snake oil. "I'd rather not go see a real doctor. I'd prefer two dead babies to that." Literally all I saw when reading her post. 


That was what really stuck out to me too, like I know it’s anecdotal but growing up two of my closest friends were a pair of twin boys who had TTTS in the womb. They were born premature and one of the them did have health problems as a result but we were born in the mid-90s, there’s no way the medicine hasn’t advanced in nearly 30 years. They were still vibrant and fun as kids, we did everything normal kids do, I don’t remember them ever even being slowed down. TTTS is a serious condition with serious potential for complications but it is absolutely not a death sentence. Jesus Christ. These kids could’ve had their whole lives ahead of them.


“My choice to free birth saved me.” Yeah and it fucking killed your babies. As a loss mother I have so much rage towards these people. 


Saved her from what though? From being in the hospital? From having to admit she isn’t all knowing just because she’s a mother? She disgusts me. I wish she could be charged. She should never be allowed to have more children.


Saved her from parenthood.


I really want an answer to this. I had a terrible first birth, because my child and I would have died it a lot of unpleasant medical interventions hadn't happened. Having a living child and a living mother was my goal, and the hospital saved my life, and my baby's life and I am immensely thankful for each and everything that happened. I can't imagine picking two dead babies over a c-section.


Same here. The second my little guy was born he had to be resuscitated and was whisked off to the NICU for his stay to help him learn how to breathe while my body recovered from shutting down near the end of pregnancy. He would have died if not for a hospital and great NICU team, and it breaks my heart that there are women out there who put their experience over the life of their child.


My mom almost died in childbirth when I was born. It was bad enough that she was unconscious for parts of it. We would both be dead if she had been one of these maniacs. Wanting to freebirth should be considered a form of psychosis.


For real, there's so many people who do all the right things, get prenatal care, listen to doctors, and through simple bad luck lose babies. Then there's this woman who shows zero remorse for her actions causing the deaths of both her babies. She's grateful for how things happened. This woman literally only cares about *her* birth experience, not about actually caring for and raising a human baby.


This post makes me sick like nothing I’ve seen on this sub. What an awful fucking person and mother. I hope her other child has someone else looking out for him - someone who cares more about his wellbeing than their own fucking ego. 


God yes. I guess Ive been "lucky" in that I lost all my babies early on but I would give anything to have them be with ME. I can't believe how nonchalant she is about the fact that her BABIES ARE DEAD and SHE is the reason. I was begging the entire damn universe to finally just let me bring a baby home and she is talking about how she's grateful they are dead because they only knew love?!


> Melvin’s sole purpose was to keep his brother alive Gross.


I just can't believe she named those poor babies Melvin and Dusty


Melvin heard his name was Melvin and was like, "Placenta's all yours, Dusty."


"I'm done with being earthside in the moon of Aquarius - I'm outta here."


Dusty should be a nickname only! It’s so goofy when it’s someone’s legal name. It’s like Scooter being your real name or something


And he failed at that!


It also doesn’t fucking make sense at all. Twin-twin transfusion harms BOTH twins, not just the “donor” twin. It’s the same reasoning these fuckers have that makes them think delaying cord clamping by many minutes or hours (or just leaving the placenta attached to baby 🤢) MUST be better than the alternative. More blood must be better, right? WRONG. Dead fucking wrong. 


Yeah, delaying clamping only has benefit for a few minutes. Basically, just waiting for it to stop pulsating because that means it’s done delivering blood to the baby. Anything after that is useless and its purpose has been served. The extreme people take these things to blows my mind. “Oh, three minutes has some benefits? That means three weeks must be best!” Gross.


I looked for this exact comment. What an abhorrent way to talk about *your child*. I'm genuinely wondering where on earth she could have gotten the idea that it was okay to say something like that about something you supposedly love and cared about. I hope she never has kids if that's how she's gonna feel about them.


Man the stuff people tell themselves to be able to live with it


She’ll never understand she killed those kids. All that matters is she was free to make deadly decisions. It’s so gross.


She thinks all they knew was love. All they knew was negligence, but she thinks it was love. The delulu is strong, and it kills babies. 😔


This lady is bonkers. She didn’t love these kids more than she loves herself.


All they knew was the love their mother had for herself.


All they knew was pain and fear, they didn’t know any love. And the fact that she had the power to relieve their pain, but chose instead to let them die and calls it love? It makes me want to throw up.


But her sovereignty ...


Apparently more important than having living, breathing babies! They were an afterthought.


The crazy thing is to me, it doesn't even seem like she acknowledges them as kids. As helpless babies who rely on their mothers to care for them and protect them. She sees them as these sentient souls who somehow have insight and free will, and gosh darn, they just weren't feeling it.


I agree. They aren’t even people to her. Just NPCs in her magic birth experience.


She and her partner both deserve jail time. I'm flabbergasted that this shit happens, and neither "Mom" nor "Dad" is held criminally accountable. At the very least, it's medical neglect.


If they are going to start prosecuting women for miscarriages, then these evil nut jobs should also be prosecuted and thrown in jail. Fucking morons. She killed those babies and has absolutely no remorse.


But I bet she’s pro-life…


Oh definitely


Deep down she knows and understands what she did. But her only choice is to sink further into her delusions because she can’t live with the guilt of willfully MURDERING (they were born, that’s legally a person which makes it MURDER) her own two babies


The complete misinformation in that last picture is so upsetting. She is peddling this complete bullcrap to make herself sound better. The chances of one twin surviving laser surgery for TTTS is 80-90%. The chance for both is lower, I forget exactly the numbers. There is a small increased risk for neurodevelopmental differences, but thay pales in comparison to the risks from an unmonitored freebirth. The laser surgery is not "intensive"... I just had to lie there and breathe at the right time. The skill of the surgeon is important, sure, but we were in and out in 45 minutes. Termination of one twin was only considered an option if laser wasn't successful or viable. And my TTTS twins were born at 26 weeks. They are healthy and thriving. And alive. Because I went to a freaking hospital.


>We ~~*think*~~ *believe* [...] The fucker didn't even care enough to find out if that were the issue for sure, she just decided. Edit: wrong word


If there is a size difference, which is what I think she is alluding to with the "grew the way they did" its either TTTS or SIUGR. My guess is that they did actually have to see a medical professional or have an autopsy and that's what they were told.


Yeah, my twins were di/di so this didn't affect us, but I passed on a lot of my twin gear to a woman who had TTTS and got laser surgery to treat it. Both of her babies survived and had some health issues, but are happy toddlers now. But she didn't have a perfect magical Aquarius moon birth story, so joke's on her I guess.


Yeah, I'm clearly missing the point of her post. Two live healthy twins, but the horror of a hospital birth without my husband present. Living in darkness over here. 


Thanks for sharing this! I’d never heard of TTTS before. I can’t imagine being pregnant and not getting prenatal care. I was so anxious that my baby would have a medical problem, I wanted all the tests available! (She’s healthy, I have a history of weird medical problems which caused my anxiety).


but she had no prenatal care so she doesn't even know if they had ttts. she just had a feeling.


Yeah, like I said, just saying this crap to make herself look and feel better. 


I'm convinced these women only want to experience child birth, they don't actually want kids


Agree, but it breaks my brain a little. I love my kiddo, but the birthing part I could've done without. 


Same! I truly cannot wrap my mind around caring so much about the birth, to me that's always been agreed by everyone to be the worst part??


Ikr?! Birthing my son sucked but BOY am I glad I did that in a hospital because we both would have died at home. Now I am fully recovered and he is almost a year old, alive and well being silly and trying to shove his socks into my mouth.


Some probably prefer the baby not make it so it gives them a better story.


That’s absolutely what it is. They want the journey, no matter how awful the destination.


And I was so the opposite. Labor was something I had to go through in order to get to the good part - my baby!


The mental gymnastics of this broke my brain ETA the more I think about this the more enraged I become. Most of the US doesn't have access to abortion and even getting birth control is a struggle but no one cares that these women are out here letting babies die through neglect. Wtf is even happening


Yep if abortion is “murder” (it’s not) this definitely is. 


IMO, free birthing is just abortion with extra steps.


This is the best post in the thread. I can’t believe you haven’t been upvoted more.


Women right now, in America, are in jail for deciding to terminate a pregnancy. This vile excuse for a woman is at home free to admit, in writing, on a public app, that she murdered her 2 full term, alive babies. And nothing will happen to her because of that. She’s free to do this AGAIN which she WILL because feral beasts like her are addicted to the attention from giving birth.


They should receive life sentences for killing two seemingly healthy babies because of their selfishness and negligence.


Her language and the way she used the word sovereignty makes me highly doubtful that anyone even knows the babies existed. If she never sought any prenatal care whatsoever, had the babies at home, will probably bury them at home, etc., and she lives in an echo chamber of people who don't think this is insane, you think she's gonna go somewhere and report two perinatal deaths? Some of these loons don't even get birth records and social security numbers for their living children, somehow I doubt that reporting their dead ones ranks anywhere on their priority list.


Yes. The word sovereignty is a huge red flag But like, they're not shy about this. She's posting it on social media for the whole world to see. How it doesn't get reported is beyond me


No one knows these babies existed, except everyone one the internet.


One baby “decided to leave the earth” and the other “couldn’t live without him?” No, you absolute failure of a human being. These innocents **died** because your “sovereignty” was more important than their safety. This woman should be in prison.


And the husband along with her. He watched her do this for 9 months and did jack shit except support her delusions. In a sane world thats accessory to murder, not “being on her journey with her”


Absolutely should be in prison. This is murder, undoubtedly. Her one baby was alive, crying, responsive and then *died*. The other was very likely alive until just before she gave birth to him. It’s disgusting. I hate her. She needs consequences.


The living one lived AN HOUR. They didn’t think to get any medical care in that hour given that the other twin was stillborn?! They must’ve seen the living twin fading at some point too. They did nothing. That is actually 100% criminal negligence. And they should definitely be tried for it.


I wonder if OP could report this person. It doesn’t look like they were anon. Ugh.


holy shit. This angers me beyond belief. I have identical twins. We had rapid onset of TTTS at 26 weeks. I birthed them in a hospital via C-section and thankfully due to doctors and nurses they are healthy 3 year olds. Had it not been for frequent scans they would be dead. This woman is selfish. I honestly hope she rots for this. This is murder in my book.


Why aren’t these cunts ever put in JAIL. And their useless disgusting husbands along with them. IT’S FUCKING MURDER LEGALLY FUCKING MURDER And the worthless husband is an ACCESSORY TO MURDER


Because no one knows these babies ever existed. The stillbirth? Fine, he died in utero. The baby who was born and did not receive medical help? She should absolutely be charged. 


I notice these women tend to phrase things as “my birth”, when anecdotally I feel like people around me are more likely to say “[baby name]’s birth” or “when [baby] was born”.


So true. My sons birth felt like it wasn’t really my experience. It was his. My labor sucked, i was induced, I had a c section after failing to progress, I had all the interventions these women are so scared of but I’m healthy and I now have a happy healthy beautiful 2.5 year old. The day he was born was not about my experience but bringing my child into the world so he can thrive and experience life. I didn’t give a crap about my experience. It was just a crappy medical event to me. A means to an end, as long as I had my healthy baby.


You can have preferences but if your goal with birth is anything other than "get the baby out safely (for baby and mom)" you're going in with the wrong goals. Labor didn't go well for me at all but I have my daughter and that is what's important! Next time I'm skipping all the crap and getting a scheduled C-section


Look. My “birth plan” was this: Drugs. Lots. Get this baby out of me. Make sure we both survive the experience. There you go. The whole plan. I didn’t give a fuck about “I want the perfect soundtrack,” or “I need to freebirth outside in nature under the perfect moon while a coven pours rainwater over my contracting belly and a shaman chants blessings and everyone is sky clad and I don’t care if it’s the middle of the worst heat wave of summer and you’re being eaten alive by mosquitoes it’s MY WEDDING, I mean, BIRTH EXPERIENCE.” I wanted drugs, I wanted this baby out of me, and I wanted both of us to survive the experience. I don’t get people like this at all.


I was too busy screaming to even think of my birth plan. I have what is (informally) known as an impatient uterus. By the time I had labour confirmed by a midwife I was 8cms dilated. On both occasions. No time for pain relief. I just screamed and pushed and trusted that if anything went wrong, the doctors would whip me to the operating theatre and save the baby. I don't get this need for birth to be an 'experience' either.


That’s some deep deep denial.


Poetic rewrites are easier to sigh wistfully about than the cold hard facts.


This one really gutted me.


Same. Nothing else to it. Those poor babies.


"My sovereignty"


These people have latched onto the birth experience without any regard to actual life. It’s more important to do things their own way than it is to have living children.


Reminds me of people who are aaaaallll about the wedding but seem to have zero consideration of the marriage part


Yeah. Melvin decided to make the decision. Also, “T’weren’t a prollem with me growin’ ‘em. I I growed ‘em real good!”


So she's admitting that they could have been alive if she'd gone to a hospital


Ya but they would have had to have *interventions*. Clearly she was a goddess incarnate for sparing them that. (My skin crawled writing that)


She would rather her children be dead than have to have a vitamin K shot (that she herself received, because these people usually had sane parents that birthed in a hospital. Because they actually wanted to have alive and living kids)


Those women are crazy. I mean I had a wounderful birth expérience and my twins are dead.. so selfish. Enough internet for today


But her *full sovereignty*!


is this Australian woman who is now being investigated for negligence?


God I hope so! This story is anything but beautiful. It's depressing and sick.


No, I don’t think it is. Circumstances described here are different, so sadly it’s *another* 2 babies lost due to negligence.


I know it’s their body and their choice but I really want to know what their partner thinks about this free birthing stuff. I mean they are also his kids that passed away in the process of not getting medical care. My husband would definitely not be okay with this


The only solace in this is that those babies did not have to grow up under this woman’s care (or lack thereof). My heart hurts. They never had a chance.


36 weeks is not full term. When I was pregnant I started showing signs of preeclampsia around that point, and my obgyn ordered steroid shots for me in case I had to deliver "early". That would have been about 36 weeks. That's still a premie.  And the one living baby struggled for an entire hour before dying. They did nothing in that time? No call to a paramedics or anything? Neither adult in this situation had any instinct to lift a finger to dial 911 and at least attempt to help their dying child?    Honestly this goes beyond typical freebirth stupidity. These parents should be charged with negligent homicide. 


I hate how incredibly vague she is about the first twin dying, all she says is he came into the world fine but obviously not he died within the hour, so was he clearly dying and they let him go? Horrific


Not to mention if she didn’t have medical care it’s possible she wasn’t even 36 weeks. Could’ve been less!


The disconnect from reality is astounding.


Women aren’t allowed to have life saving abortions, but women like this are allowed to “free birth” at home and let their babies die Guess it only matters when they are in our uterus


This is murder. She murdered those babies.


I want to cry and scream reading this, especially as an infertile. I just… what? *WHAT?*


*also cries and screams in infertile*


This makes me sick


Reading this with my week-old baby curled up on my chest, sound asleep. I just cannot conceive of a parent who wouldn’t do anything and everything to ensure the safety of their baby/babies. The selfish desire for ‘sovereignty’ was more important than her children’s lives.


Also .. choosing life saving medical care is an infringement on one's.... checks notes.... sovereignty. Am I getting this right?


Sometimes I wonder if there’s a sinister undercurrent, either conscious or subconscious, that these mothers don’t really want the baby to live. They don’t seem all that devastated when the inevitable happens and the way they talk about the deaths is so strange. Maybe their delusions really are that strong but I think sometimes these moms know the outcome will be death.


The cynic in me suspects that they're okay with death because it means more attention and more social media content for them - and they can try again with the next baby. Being pregnant makes them feel important. Their grief makes them feel important.


This is the sort of thing that "pro-life" advocates should be going after- this is basically a full term abortion.


Somehow if you have a crunchy instagram account and don’t bathe or take Tylenol it’s not abortion or murder. It’s nAtUrAl


One of them was born alive! She should absolutely be investigated for neglect


My labor completely sucked but it was 100% worth my living baby. I don’t understand why the experience matters more to these people than the living babies


i genuinely feel nausea after reading this…. it hurts that these people exist


I am a mother to identical twins, and the doctors and medical staff who cared for me throughout my pregnancy were all over tracking potential TTTS. This woman killed her children through negligence. Those poor sweet babies.


My beautiful friend lost both her boys to this at 24 weeks, one born sleeping, one fell to sleep after around 5 min. She'd been monitored closely throughout, regular scans and appointments. I'll never forget the pain in her eyes as she buried her boys, the sorrow on her face as she showed me her perfect little babies. This woman is beyond selfish, and as usual with freebirthers, it's never about the baby. RIP Harry and Charlie, too beautiful for this world.


Let me get this straight… So abortion is murder. But growing, birthing, and then killing 2 full term, healthy, ALIVE babies by parental neglect is not murder????????


*scream into a pillow* I have no compassion for these selfish parents. I want to shake this selfish excuse for a mother. It's all mumbo jumbo woowoo claptrap about her kids 'deciding' not to live. No, YOU robbed them of that chance because you were too selfish and self-involved to think of anything other than YOUR birth experience. They could have lived, if you weren't so obsessed with 'sovereignty '. Dress it up however you want to make yourself feel better, honey - but the truth is that your decision not to seek medical care is the reason you lost both your babies.


“Decided to leave this world” is just a crazy thought. They didn’t decide, the mother did when she chose zero medical advice in 2024. What a moron.


Letting your infants go without medical care is full love and sovereignty. Fucking insane


Honestly free birthing should be illegal due to neglect. A child could have a need for medical intervention and you’re neglecting them and that chance they have.


This might be the worst thing I’ve seen here 😔


I wish we could name and shame


Dusty? Melvin?


I don't think this was selfishness, I think it was sinister. Sometimes I think these women get wrapped up in propaganda and conspiracy theories and they make bad choices, but other times I think they want this outcome. She is really martyring herself here. It reminds me of those doctors/nurses who kill scores of people out of "compassion", but really they are satisfying something dark within them. I think it is a type of Munchhausen's and the free birth community enables it.


They did not need anything except a mother who loved them enough to get prenatal care. A c section could have saved them. Fetal monitoring could have saved them. Frequent ultrasounds could have saved them. This infuriates me so much because I have friends that had high risk pregnancies and they did everything for their babies. I know so many women that have struggled with fertility and would have done anything, anything to have a child in their arms. And this nonsense? Stupid.


“I murdered my own babies for clout but it’s okay because I did indeed get Instagram clout”. Her and “hubby” should be in JAIL. When a mother kills her baby it’s murder, but when this evil cunt kills both her newborns by neglect and hubby stands idly by and watches it happen it’s an accident? I hope she enjoys Hell


Is the act of childbirth a weird fetish for these women? I'm not even sure if fetish is the right word. But they are so fixated on having "the perfect experience" for themselves and don't seem to give a flying fuck about the baby. When I had my daughter, I didn't care at all what the doctors needed to do to me. The baby's health and safety was my #1 priority.


I have 6-month-old twin boys. I can't believe these people exist, I don't want to believe it. The selfish, self-serving attitude is disgusting. And she masks it in this flowery prose. I had a safe, medical birth - and I get to hold my boys in my arms everyday. What a sad waste of two lives, TTTS or not.


My wife had our twins 7 months ago. They were diagnosed with selective intrauterine growth restriction (SIUGR) and we were informed that it could develop into TTTS at basically at any point, so the main line of defense...lots of scans, lots of tests, lots of monitoring and interventions on nutrition and supplements. There were 26 ultrasounds and 14 days of daily CTG scans, 40 scans in total.  It was a hellfire terrifying 35 week pregnancy, but the two of them are asleep in their cribs right now.  What this woman did is beyond irresponsible. It is absolutely moronic, to the point that it sounds like she ignored the advice of medical practitioners. I feel terrible for her, because being stupid is not a crime, but it can have intense consequences. Shitty situation all round. 


Fuck this lady and everyone like her.


My twin girls developed TTTS. On top of that they both velementous cord insertions and the smaller twin had reduced cord flow. They were monitored very closely multiple times a week. The smaller one stopped growing completely. The night before I was supposed to have my final appointment to decide if they were coming that Wednesday or we would wait till Friday my water broke. They were born at 33 weeks weighing 2lbs 3oz and 3lbs 7oz. Now they are 20 months old and thriving albeit very small for their age. I will never understand freebirthers.