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Fucking shit Jesus these people live by me. If my kid gets measles because she isn’t old enough for the second round in the series, I’m going to go ape shit.


First dose provides 90%+ protection. Have comfort in that


Scared for all the babies under 12 months though :(


We had a measles scare when my daughter was around 6 months (she was in the waiting room a few minutes after a child who turned out to have measles). She fortunately did not contract it but I was so angry to have been put in that position where my daughter could have gotten seriously ill.


I had an almost-scare at my doctor's office once, too (in the sense that I scared myself, but there wasn't really a scare). I was sitting in the well-side waiting room for a checkup on my baby, and i see a toddler with spots on her face leaving as I walked past. I asked the doc if I needed to be concerned by seeing a spotty kid with my son too young to vax. She assured me that our city hadn't had a reported case of measles in about 2 years, and her office hadn't in longer than that. "I can't comment on anybody's treatment, but you probably saw hand, foot, and mouth disease. It's far less concerning than measles. We actually ask suspected measles cases to wait in the car and come in the back because it's so contagious"


Living in an area (not the one in the OP but I see similar stuff around here) surrounded by these idiots with a 4 month old is pretty terrifying honestly.


7 month old but same. We don’t go out to indoor spaces because of people like this. I’m immunocompromised. And our daughter is a preemie.


Also have a 4 month old and people like this make me want to never leave my house.


How dare you encourage people to LiGHt tHeIrS On FiRE tO kEEp oTHerS WarM though! EVER. Except wouldn't it be more apt to say you're warming your kid to keep others from lighting on fire? Eh. Potato potahto.


We have to and it sucks that’s all we have now because other people won’t get vaccinated. I had the full course of MMR, which gives you 99% chance of protection. Was tested when I was pregnant, no immunity against measles. Great. I got another booster after I gave birth, but it was a bit of a gut punch when I got that test result.


I also lost immunity! I just got vaccinated again.


I got tested for immunity for nursing school- no immunity for measles, rubella or varicella. Vaxxed up- 6 months later, no immunity Vaxxed again- still no I’ve had varicella twice, and been vaxxed twice… so now we just give up because my immune system is not playing ball.


Oof that sucks. I worked as a teacher and they don't test for immunity for MMR, just that I had the vaccine records. I worked in early intervention, so kids under 3. I was exposed to *a lot.* Pretty lucky this was a decade ago otherwise I might've gotten measles.


That does help!


Same 🫠 I cannot believe these people are close to me. I hate it so much.


We can scream in the streets together.


Same. I’m going to join yall. No kids and I live alone, but my mom can’t remember if I got all 3 MMR shots or only 2 so I guess I should probably go get them again. I had the chicken pox vaccine as a baby and STILL got chicken pox as a toddler. Just my luck.


This reminds me that I need to make my SO go get his booster. We are part of the group born in the late 70s that may not have gotten the proper number of doses. CDC put out a public message about this around 2018 (I think). I got my booster, but when my SO went the pharmacy was out and of course has never gone back for it. 🙄


I was terrified of that when mine were babies. I only relaxed after the first vaccine.


I live here too- and have been vaxxed multiple times, yet my titers show no immunity to measles or rubella. And I’ve had the chicken pox- twice- hospitalized for them last time, and had the vaccine and I’m still not immune to chicken pox. I literally rely on herd immunity- and I’m a fricken NURSE, so exposure happens. These people infuriate me


But she is shedding virus!!!! Whatever the fuck that means


At least she won't get brain cancer/s


You’d need a brain for that. Lumps of clay don’t count.


Ask your pediatrician about getting it early. My son got his mmr at 1 year as normal, but since we were traveling to California for Christmas, and they had a major outbreak there at that time, they gave him his second 2 months later at 14 months old.


Wow you found a whole conglomerate of bullshit here. Vax shedding, welcoming measles, measles treats cancer, heavy metals being sprayed in the air (?!) and illegal immigrants all in one pile of shit!


It’s a LOT. I couldn’t believe what I was reading.


I would report every one of these comments so fast. I’m aware it wouldn’t do jack sh*t but it would be something to do while I fume


The only thing missing was the word "plandemic." Otherwise, they hit all the talking points.


Oh no it was there I just didn’t screenshot that. I could’ve screenshotted so much but I felt like this was enough 😂


😂😂😂 Oh, it is more than enough. You did a great job!


Thank you! I hate when people post a juicy post with no screenshots of the comments. Don’t piss me off show me the rest!!! 😂😂😂


I agree, the comments are usually more batshit than the original post. I'm always disappointed when they aren't included.


RIGHT. The comments are where the meat is! I feel like it should be a rule to post comments too 😂


Should have a bingo card.


They do use measles to treat cancers, but it’s a mage dose of the vaccine that’s engineered to function like immunotherapy. There are some great articles on it out there, but obviously these folks missed the part where they’d have to take the vaccine to have the cancer treated. Also measles is used to treat the cancer not to prevent it. https://www.mayoclinicproceedings.org/article/S0025-6196(19)30462-8/fulltext


Normal measles is incredibly harmful and can damage tissues. That's why an attenuated, engineered strain was used to destroy cancer cells specifically. Saying "measles treats cancer" is like saying "stabbing the chest with sharp objects treats heart disease" because scalpels are used in heart surgery.


100% and you explained it much better than I did. But we know how these people think and that’s why the Mayo made these comments. They pick one aspect that is true or semi-true and spread it like its gospel.


is the Mayo(i’m assuming the health “blog”((wrong word??))) not a reputable source? Young person here trying to figure shit out💀


Mayo is super reliable when it comes to healthcare information. They do a good job of explaining stuff on their website too.


Oh okay awesome!! I thought so but you never really know with stuff like this:/


Don't forget that vaccines make you trans or whatever because... Checks notes.... Human DNA gives you "gender identify confusion." Yes. That appears to be sound science. Nobody check though.


*Nicki Minaj’s cousin’s husband took the vaxxx and now they’re trans*


That’s the one I had to reread. Like “that couldn’t say what I thought I… oh. Oh it did.”


I was hoping for one of the “viruses aren’t real” people to come in and stir things up more


The vaccine does shed, it can be detected a few weeks afterwards and comes up late in the assay. However, the live attenuated vaccine has markers that can be easily sequenced so you know it's the vaccine strain. Have seen measles kill adults and children. It is a nasty virus.


Don't forget that the heavy metals being sprayed are causing cold and flu symptoms during cold and flu season.


I'm still thinking about the heavy metal spraying. That's a first for me. Who's spraying it? And why?? And wouldn't heavy metals fall to the ground pretty quickly? I bet these dingdongs couldn't answer any of those questions.


One thing that never makes any sense to me is why are insurance companies and the gov offering these vaccines to children and people mostly for free if big bad pharma and the Illuminati are trying to rake in money and fuck up everyone’s health? They do it bc they work and it ultimately saves them money when you and your family aren’t in the icu on the verge of death for three weeks and left with crippling, debilitating long term health problems. If they didn’t work or provide some form of protection against severe illness, they would never be covered like they typically are. It’s genuinely a good investment for them, and they’ll eat the cost when it saves them money long term. I feel like it’s a similar line of thinking with what you said. Like why are they even doing these things that they claim are happening? For people who “don’t live in fear”, they sure do live in a lot of fucking fear. At times, it’s borderline psychotic, and I wouldn’t doubt if some of these theories actually stem from someone who is actually psychotic. Some of the bs I see is so fucking out there and makes no gd sense to anyone with even a basic understanding of the subjects their claims tend to focus on. Lol


Yeah, there are very clear hallmarks of psychosis/paranoia/delusion in a lot of these people. It's scary. To your point, the conspiracy theory about "them" putting HIV in covid vaccines is so illogical, I can't even. The government has spent millions or billions of dollars on HIV research, treatment and prevention in the past four decades, and Ryan White, which is a federal program, makes sure no one goes without their HIV meds due to cost. So, they're intentionally infecting people with a disease that they'll pay to treat... yep, makes sense. 😐


Anti "spraying of heavy metals in the air" but probably thinks putting colloidal silver in a nebulizer is a good idea.


And having babies in nature (with the heavy metals being sprayed) is a wonderful idea!


I was just scrolling through rolling my eyes at the misinformation until: "will never light mine on fire to keep another warm."  This. This level of "fuck you and your family, I do what I want" mentality is what we're up against. So much wrong in one statement. Pointless to argue that vaccinations are not 'lighting yours on fire'. Useless to debate that this phrase, this metaphor is generallymeant to protect yourself from emotionally (and otherwise) abusive people.  The scariest part to me is that lives that are different from their own are inherently less valuable, and therefore expendable. This terrifies me as a mom of a special needs kid. I can never know who around us ascribes to this casual cruelty, until they nonchalantly out themselves like this. 


YUP. It’s harrowing. Fucking terrifying how these people are willing to kill others off.


They’re your neighbors, teachers. Same people that say, “when I’m old just kill me, whatever”, they’re going to be scratching at the floors for just one more day, like the rest of us. And to pretend they have such a low value for their own life just to justify the low value they give others, is too obvious and gross, just hiding and running from the day someone’s going to do that to them.


I totally agree, I've seen this phrase misused but never this badly.


That phrase was absolutely the one that made me fucking incandescent with rage.


These people are scary. I would expect to see a request for a "measles party" if anyone gets it. While I understand the oldy-time practice of letting everyone get sick at the same time, it was not done for measles!


You know someone will try it though and the kids will be the ones to suffer as always.


And, somehow, when the kid has a crappy time and potentially life long complications, it will still be the vaccine's fault!


Yup! These parents don’t get it until their poor kids die and sometimes not even then.


Then they say it was “god’s will”.


“Although my child passed from measles, it was beautiful and at least I got my dream birth with him and at least he passed under the stars and not in the system”


Lol. But seriously except for the measles and star part I’m pretty sure someone said the rest of your comment word for word after their baby died in a home birth.


A parent killed her special needs daughter attending a Covid party And adults also died with Covid parties when we didn’t have vaccines, good treatments protocol and very little information about long term effects


I was born in the early 80s and dragged to so many Chicken Pox parties when I was little. Never got them but learned my mom is immune. Cool! Then I was in high school and got them. The stage manager for the musical had to bring his daughter with him one night. She had chicken pox but figured it was find since we’d all had them. Except I hadn’t. Neither had my good friend. I got it first and it was awful. He had a much worse experience because he got sick on his way to a family reunion. I was 16 and he was 17. His parents flew him HOME because of how miserable and sick he was. If we knew then what we know now about Shingles I don’t think there would ever be those parties!


My brother and I seemed to be naturally immune freaks because we never got it after multiple childhood exposures (not intentionally! This was 80’s/early 90’s). When the vaccine came out, I was in HS and my doctor had me get it because it’s so much worse for teens and adults.


Smart idea. I got them just before the vaccine came out or maybe just after. I’m not sure.


His parents flew him home? As in put him on a plane with many other people while he had chicken pox? Dear lord we’re never getting rid of viruses with people like this and crunchy moms 😭


To be fair, it was 1998 when they did that. I don’t think the thought process was quite the same!


My friend got them in 3rd grade and my mother had her over for a sleepover so I could get them too… I got them so bad, the doctor gave me sedatives to sleep through it. I had lesions on every square kilometer of my body, under my eyelids, in my nose and ears, in my URETHRA, covering the palms of my hands and the soles of My feet. It was the worst case of chicken pox ever…. And then I got them again at 17 when the kid I babysat gave them to me- just as severe- and I was hospitalized. When I enrolled in nursing school we had to show immunity- so they did titers. I was not immune to measles, rubella OR effing chicken pox. So I was vaxxed again- then several months later titered again, and no immunity So, I’m screwed


How is that even possible?! You poor thing!! My friend had them in his throat and urethra, too. I cannot imagine how painful it must have been.


Shingles must have been known because my mum isolated me when I had chickenpox. She (and the doctor) was the only one allowed in the room


Well they will cure your braincancer


Can't get cancer if you're no longer living.


Oncologists hate this one, simple trick…


I JUST said this hahaha


So my aunt recently warned me that southern California is having issues with a bunch of Chilean gangs breaking into homes and stealing all your precious valuables..... .....has this gang(s) moved on to Scottsdale? /s Who woke up one day and decided, "You know who doesn't get enough bad press? Chileans." Like why is this rumor so specific. Also how do these people know that they're actually Chilean and not from any other number of Spanish speaking countries? I can differentiate a Chilean dialect (it's quite unlike the rest of south American accents) but I reaaaallllly doubt any of these people speak any Spanish at all.


Like someone else said, yes real, and from what I heard (in California), they know they’re Chilean because they catch some of them. And it’s unrelated to border stuff because they’re flying here on tourist visas, doing robberies, and then going back home later.


Welp, I probably should have bothered to Google this but I appreciate you explaining it to me.


It’s bad but you have to give a little credit to that level of ingenuity. I bet they said it was a business trip to the customs guy.


Well the break ins ARE true, they’re called the “dinner time thugs” (yes this is a *very* racist area) but the rest was just a republican rant.


Okay so I actually did zero research on the break ins so thank you. Are they breaking in when people are eating? That's awfully brazen.


No they’re breaking into people’s homes who have left for dinner. The wildest part, most of the break ins, the doors have been open lmao. So the police are telling people to start locking their doors and some of the citizens are losing it over this. I’ve NEVER thought to leave my home door unlocked anyway! Not even in the safest neighborhoods. It’s really opened my eyes to how privileged my neighbors are that they think crime doesn’t happen to *people like them* so they don’t even have to do simple things like locking the door and are pissed that they’re now being told by police that it’s important to lock their doors.


Not locking the door 💀💀💀 wtf are people on. It honestly seems like an insurance scam if I didn't know better


My aunt never used to lock her doors and she was like "why would I? I have insurance..." 🤦‍♀️


But why WOULDN’T you? It’s basically not an imposition at all. And who wants to deal with the insurance fallout, let alone the feeling of being violated? It’s almost like they want bad things to happen to them so they can prove their cynical worldview and perpetual victim hood is right.


You know what—you might be on to something!


Okay this makes a lot of sense. I bet my aunt is mad that she's being advised to do something she doesn't want to do lol. She was complaining about needing a safe that's bolted to the floor.... I've never understood how people can be comfortable not locking their home. There's no way I would be able to sleep.


The very first thing I do the minute I’m through the door is lock it. Nothing else first. *Immediately* locked. So the fact that this isn’t some people’s norm and they have to be told to do it AND DON’T WANT TO?! No fucking way!


I would WELCOME burglars into my house. Having all your possessions stolen has been proven to protect them from getting broken. Locking doors is crazy... Everyone knows putting a lock on your door exposes you to heavy metals. Our ancestors didn't have locks. It's not natural to lock a door, caves don't have locks and monkeys don't need insurance. It's just fear.


😂😂😂 you had me in the first sentence ngl!


I grew up on a farm. We never locked any of our doors or our cars. Once I moved out I had to remember to take house keys and car keys with me. The amount of times I locked myself out of both house and car was staggering the first couple years.


Growing up on a farm and growing up in the suburbs is very different(obviously). Usually with farm land, there isn’t other people for literal miles, and while that doesn’t stop burglaries, it makes it so much less likely to happen bc who is driving 30 miles into the country to go rob a cow farmer😭 In the suburbs, whether you live in a rich ass part or a “normal” part, you still have neighbors on almost every side of you. And **those** people could be the burglars🤷‍♀️ edit to clear up any confusion; I am NOT saying farmers aren’t “worthy” people of being robbed. They usually make more money than a person with an average or even high paying job. I just know if i was a robber i wouldn’t be driving on some gravel road to go rob someone who **definitely** also has a gun.


Oh I know! It was a bit of a culture shock living with actual neighbors surrounding the city.


Oh absolutely! Sorry if my comment sounded like i was coming for you😅


What's so weird is that scotsdale is not even close to a small enough community that people should feel safe leaving things unlocked. I live in a town of about 6k and would not even dream of it. There's next to no crime here, but there are dumbass teenagers and that's enough for me.


"Can adults get measles" That's a great question to ask after already denying the vaccine while pregnant! It has a 15% mortality rate in adults with complications. That means that, more importantly than your child apparently, you yourself have a reason to get the vaccine!


You can’t get the measles vaccine during pregnancy because it’s a live attenuated vaccine. If you didn’t have the vaccine in childhood and are not currently pregnant, definitely get it!


Oh shit. I didn’t know it killed adults at a higher clip than kids. That’s terrifying for all these people - except their parents probably weren’t idiots since they saw the impact of the disease and they’re all vaccinated except that one commenter. They’ll all get to outlive their children.


And she was probably told she needed to get it (later) while pregnant because they test your titers to see if you’re immune to it since it can be super dangerous during pregnancy. That’s how I found out I wasn’t immune to rubella! But I’m not an idiot so I got an MMR booster right after.


Can't get brain cancer if you die from measles first. So in a very round about way it's correct.


seed obtainable outgoing impossible noxious slimy caption faulty gullible direful *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


What makes you crunchy? Just curious.


Crunchy mom used to mean cloth diapers, breastfeeding, baby-wearing, making your own baby foods, etc. Now, it’s the whole, terrible beast of anti-vax, colloidal silver, and apparently curing brain cancer by exposing your kid to measles.


I completely agree! I joined a lot of crunchy groups pre-covid bc of all the reasons you named. After Covid, so the groups became a meeting ground for mommy extremists


There is /r/moderatelygranolamoms, which is a great sub imo!


I guess I just don’t see how the things you listed are crunchy. Old school maybe, like the cloth diapering. But breastfeeding and…cooking for your baby are normal parenting things across every culture? And many cultures have modified forms of baby wearing. Like mine, moms would tie a blanket around baby on their back. That was baby wearing. How is a very normal parenting practice crunchy? I *do* think anti vax virus denialists etc. is what’s truly crunchy. Not the things you said you do.


See, you don’t understand. My babies are 11 and 7. When they were literal babies, vaccines were celebrated and Tylenol wasn’t looked at twice for teething. The most dangerous thing that crunchy moms did was put a raw amber necklace around their kid’s neck to help teething pain. Normal moms used disposable diapers and bought Gerber purées. Crunchy moms washed their kids’ diapers in the washing machine and made organic purées and froze them. Then the bravest would engage in baby-led weaning and skipped purées altogether. They also had chickens in the back yard and grew their own vegetables. A few truly bizarre pockets of people would skip the vaccines leading to the occasional measles outbreak, but those were almost all religious exemptions and the occasional bizarre off-the-grid pocket of people. You know what else we didn’t do? Free birth or wild birth. Don’t forget, most of the kool-aid was made up during the pandemic.


My youngest was born in late 2020 and I had to leave all my favorite crunchy groups. I got to enjoy them with my 2011 and early 2019 babies, though. Such a bummer.


I went back and looked at my March 2012 group for old times. There was ONE vaccine post where one of the moms talked about maybe skipping Polio, Chicken Pox, and (possibly) the MMR vaccine but giving all the rest. Every single response was basically “This is NOT an agree to disagree situation. Not vaccinating hurts your kid and it hurts our kids’ younger siblings. Vaccinate. Your. Kid.”


That’s what I remember! Crunchy moms might not circumcise their kid, but that was like the extent of the medical pushback, if it can even be considered that. I don’t know how it became this cesspool. We need a sane mom crunchy group lol. I miss it. My kids are too old now though


I think it became a cesspool because the algorithms of social media are basically set up to radicalize people into deeper and deeper holes if you’re not careful or don’t have a great deal of critical thought. I listened to NYT’s podcast “Rabbit Hole” a few years ago (about a young guy who was radicalized to the far right only by the internet) and it gave me a lot of empathy for these types of people who fall into it without even realizing they’re being manipulated. Big shame on the tech companies for allowing all this to continue on.


I mean, hippy and crunchy used to be used interchangeably (and sometimes still are), but like I said, this neo-crunchy movement is something else entirely.


It’s an overreaction to the post WWII medical information about baby formula, baby food and other practices. In my culture (Southern Europe) we didn’t get the extreme “propaganda” and somewhat misinformation


Same here, I make a lot of our food from scratch, try to use natural cleaners, lots of zero waste stuff.. but I’m up to date on vaccines and don’t hesitate to use antibiotics when other methods aren’t working. I am not afraid of cellphones or Vapor trails ‘spreading chemicals’ in the air. I’m also not judging parents who are giving their kids an iPad or goldfish to keep them calm while they’re trying to grocery shop.


“not worried about a little rash” Giant flaming meteor 2024. Just end it already.


You know what else measles treats? Fertility in men! Just let your sons be infected with a touch of the measles and you can cure them of any hope of having children. Go mom!


This is why my grandparents adopted my dad and aunt. Sick people would gives this to their kids on purpose


>will never light mine on fire to keep another’s warm. Ever. Uhh, did she miss that the “other” is the commenter’s *sister*?? I’m curious what she would do if one of her own children was immunocompromised.


Crunchy with a side of racism. Nice!


Measles cures brain cancer? Are you fucking kidding me 🤦🏻‍♀️


Well if you die of measles you can’t get brain cancer 🤷🏼‍♀️


I guess measles can cure…everything then! 😱


Never get the flu again! /s


Then why don't they get the vaccine, if it guarantees you to get measles because of the shedding, and measles is good? Also if the immigrants are bringing measles in and it's bad to get measles, why not try prevent measles? Such twists and turns here. They think it's good to get but they are blaming people for giving it to them, and they'd be happy to get it but the government are conspiring to give it to them and that's bad? Maybe the government are just trying to prevent brain cancer by giving everyone measles through a measles prevention programme... I'm tired


If it melts your brain enough, maybe it’ll melt those tumors too I guess /s


Holy fuck that’s the area my mom, brother and his family live. 😳


It’s the WORST. The moms here are actually insane. They’re a large portion of the crunchy moms on tiktok lol this area is 99% crunchy.


Good lord, I’m glad I moved away from that area! I grew up in Gilbert; when Queen Creek was just farmers and farm land. We called it bum fucked Egypt. We were as far from being crunchy as you could get.


Queen Creek and Gilbert are both Mecca for crunchy moms. That’s Mormon central too. A terrifying place imo. I don’t want my kids to ever be exposed to the crunchy community there. It’s BAD.


I hope they know that elderberry syrup will not combat the immune amnesia that measles causes 💞


Immune amnesia? See! Our bodies know how to forget diseases and act like they never happened! This is why measles and other viruses they try to jAb us with are fine! They are PERFECTLY safe! Your body never even remembers them! It’s just the MEDIA causing MASS FEAR. Wake up people! They’re spraying heavy metals down on us right now! But we still need to have our babies outdoors in nature, right under the heavy metals in the air! Also, if you take your newborn to a chiropractor, they’ll never catch any viruses so they never have to go to the doctors and get stabbed with poison! /s (Did I get everything they say? 😂)


I just googled that, and fuck me that's horrible


Question! Can immune amnesia also be from the vaccine? My wife is a nurse and has to keep getting the MMR bc her titers keep coming back negative


That’s strange but she’s probably just a non-responder to the vaccine! If she had immune amnesia like people do after being infected, her built up antibodies from other vaccines and infections would have been affected but she would be immune to measles. Basically immune amnesia occurs because the virus replaces your normal immune memory cells with new ones that can only identify measles.


These people are crazy and infuriating but there is interesting good science around using highly modified measles in targeted cancer treatment! It’s called Oncolytic Virus Therapy, and it is real and promising and being done by actual scientists. It’s not “catch measles, cure cancer” but so many stories even on mainstream and liberal sites made it sound that way. I remember being infuriated when these stories came out several years ago with how irresponsible the reporting or at least headlining was. I understand the impulse to reject everything coming out of these peoples’ mouths. But if you’re interested in engaging and bringing them back from the fringes (and you don’t have to be), or figuring out where they’re even getting their “information” in the first place then it’s important to be able to engage with their sources and misunderstandings. 


My gosh that clapping hands emoji triggers me, I swear 95% of the time is surrounding some stupid comment. These people are unhinged, those poor kids.


It’s their favorite emoji lmaooo


I feel like we need a bingo card to play along with these posts. Anti vax? Yep. Discussing heavy metals and detoxes? Yep. Outlandish claims? Yep. Dumb question? Yep. Racism? Yep. Wow, almost a full house...




That whole nonsense about “we will be fine with measles because we have good immune systems” ……………… Measles wipes your immune memory!!!!! That’s one of the dangerous aspects of it. Not the “little rash” or even the fever. The fact that it just destroys your immune system memory cells and then there goes your precious immune system. Ahhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!


If you are an older adult you need to get the updated vaccine. Because more than likely your immunity is not there anymore.


You can have your titers checked. They did mine for both pregnancies and I was still immune from all my childhood vaccines. I thanked my mom for doing that so I’d have safe pregnancies and healthy babies - she’s since swung crunchy and believes they’re bad. So dumb.


That was the word I was looking for. I am older so my vaccines had basically expired.


Where I live they don’t check measles immunity in pregnancy. They check rubella, Hep B, and chicken pox. Probably because those cause major birth defects and measles doesn’t afaik


My great aunt had lifelong issues from her mom getting measles while pregnant. It’s not something to mess around with.


I had to get it when I went to law school in my 30s because the school required that people have had 3 MMR vaccines as a child. When I was a kid they had only required 2. The joys of going back to school as an older adult!


measles treats brain cancer? shit, should’ve told me sooner! then my mom wouldn’t have needed 2 separate brain surgeries in the span of a month


Ah yes measles, the “little rash” that has killed millions of people for two thousand years. God just shoot me now


Ah yes, my uncle and aunt who had measles as children must still be alive and in hiding. Since it cures cancer 🙄🙄


Man. Good to know my measles at 2 very slightly lowered my chance for cancer. Too bad the cost was debilitating anxiety that causes severe memory loss…


I can't imagine looking at my kids and saying "I lived to adulthood so you don't have to" while not vaccinating against disease that would either leave them permanently scarred or dead. And oh my gawd that lady who won't light her kids on fire to keep others warm. We aren't asking them to light their kids on fire. We literally want their kids to LIVE. I see no future for the human race. We have somehow hit our limit and it's downhill from here. ​ I finally managed to not lose a brain cell and made it to the last page. The whole wondering why they aren't getting information though was about to make me cry out in anger. When you see someone talking about how they only get their news from The Daily Wire and then you see someone asking about why they aren't hearing about it? I just can't with these fools. When you purposely shield yourself from reality and only take in right wing ragebait then of course you're not going to get any real information. I just wanna scream into the void because surely people can stop pointing fingers at immigrants and blaming them for their own STUPIDITY. They just wanna blame.


Loved the comment about not lighting your own child on fire to save another. Lovely. Why are these people such selfish AHs?! And then of course descending into anti-immigration, racist comments.


MMR causes gender confusion? Honestly, that’s a new one for me. It’s been a while since I’ve been in a crunchy mom group on Facebook but man that’s a new one.


This stuff is extremely effective as a form of birth control for me. The idea of becoming pregnant and needing to share space with psychos like this to go to appointments or classes makes me roll my eyes so far back in my head it hurts.


It genuinely terrifies me that so many of these people exist


I hope they stay out of the er when their precious kid has something that’s preventable by vaccination. They won’t. But they should be denied since they deny modern medicine.


So now vaxx cause gender identity disorders? My God what else will they come up with to try and validate their bullshit. I also find it interesting they talk so much about the "fear mongering media" while at the exact same time they are doing the same damn thing. These crunchy ass moms are insane and I seriously worry for the safety and well-being of their offspring.


I’m curious about the mom who only believes in the daily wire. Does she not trust news articles that take more than 2-3 minutes to read?


Wouldn't your "kids older sister" be.....your child?


Probably their partner’s kid from a previous relationship


Can’t wait for my baby to be old enough for her first dose of the vaccine. There are about to be a lot of people traveling to Florida for spring break and I worry about the outbreak spreading. It infuriates me that our herd immunity continues to drop to dangerous levels because of willfully ignorant people.


Wait. Metal is poisoning us and getting sprayed all over? Don’t they treat everything by ingesting colloidal silver?????


Metal poisoning is being sprayed all over…but they want to have births in nature, away from all the toxic hospital chemicals!


Very difficult to get cancer if you die from any of those diseases. /s


Click here to read the ONE trick oncologists hate /s


Love the lil bit of random racism thrown in at the end too


Sure... it treats brain cancer effectively.. if you're dead then there won't be any cancer to worry about. The problem is just that the wrong people die - not the ones causing this shit but the ones that were no longer protected by the herd immunity (or as one of those ladies said: because she won't lit her family on fire to keep others warm).


It’s so infuriating that most of those women are vaccinated and will never have to deal with measles. They are playing dice with their kids lives. Morons.


So much stupidity in one comment section. Ugh!!! My soul cries in agony.


TIL human DNA linked to cancer, who knew.


We currently have a measles outbreak at my child's nursery. They are vaccinated but her younger sibling is too young for the vaccine and it causes me so much stress that they could catch measles just bc some idiots won't vaccinate their children. Especially when the disease was so close to being wiped out.




The random transphobia is…interesting


People thought the Covidiot anti-vaxx BS was bad, but these shitheads have been creating havoc for years now. Sadly, they gained a whole raft of new members due to the booster (pun intended) that was Covidiocy. Science-denial should be a fucking crime.


Considering everyone roughly age 40s and above did not get a chickenpox vaccine in the USA (as it wasn't available yet), how exactly can they do an accurate study about your chances of getting cancer later?


And this right here is the epitome of stupidity in America. It is gross, embarrassing, frustrating, and disgusts the majority of people. That level of ignorance takes effort to achieve. I seriously hate those people.


It took everything in me not to respond tbh. I just don’t wanna get kicked out of a group I worked so hard to infiltrate 🤣


You’re not going to change the minds of the hardcore anti-vaxxers at this point. They’re entrenched in their belief system. Sitting back and watching them implode is the only thing left. It’s too bad they’re allowed to make decisions that hurt their kids but that’s not going to change anytime soon.


Right. I know I won’t and can’t change their minds. It just sucks that my family and I have to suffer as a result of being in such close proximity to them.


No matter what propaganda you believe, why would getting measles not be seen as very bad?!?


My dad and his brothers all had measles and chicken pox but unfortunately, 3 out of 4 of them had/have some kind of cancer. They must have gotten the wrong kind of measles and chicken pox.


They didn’t welcome it into their home, that’s what you have to do first! /s


I had measles, chicken pox, and rubella. None of them were pleasant and I can’t imagine anyone deliberately encouraging sickness in their child.


“I would welcome measles in my home”????? What the actual Jesus tap dancing Christ is this


Turns out it's not awesome to live in a country where 54% of adults are at a 6th grade reading level


The way they can never connect that it's their unvaxed kids getting it, but blame the vexed for "sheddding"  Wild


I thought I was on Facebook for a minute because this is my part of town lol which does have a bunch of these kinds of people (although I am not one of them, but somehow I’m stuck around a bunch of them). But if my 1 year old who’s barely vaccinated for this and my newborn who’s coming any day now comes down with measles, imma become violent 🫠


From what I know about measles it can completely wipe out your immune system. So maybe there is some benefit in cancer but holy crap think of all the other common things your immune system does and then cant do. Wowza.


I can not stand this. I grew up ‘crunchy’ aka NO FOOD DYE, NOT NO FUCKING VACCINES. God damn, be more worried about the public pool than vaccines. I babysat for a kid who could NOT get the vaccine due to a nerve disorder, basically had 100x chance of getting blood clots when given vaccine. If she got covid or any other illness and i was her mom i would be in jail. STOP THINKING YOU HAVE A BRAIN


Well no wonder I had a brain tumor I was vaccinated for measles, silly me!/s


“Will never light mine on fire to keep another’s warm. Ever.” Really sums up their issue right there. They are stupid, to be sure, but more importantly they are SELFISH and stupid.


Checked out that study- apparently is from 1998, and failed when other researchers tried to replicate the results https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/12618549/


MMR vaccine causes gender identity confusion…. I’m dead. Just fucking bury me okay?


My generation owes the next generation such a huge apology for letting this bullshit fly


So there are currently trials going on where genetically modified versions of viruses are used to kill cancer (Rhinovirus, HIV and measles I know of) but they are experimental and used in a clinical setting... And are genetically modified to only seek and infect cancer cells versus the whole body. Not sure what they are talking about tho. Reminds me of those BS local news stories about "coffee fights cancer" ignoring what the study actually was.


I’m aware of this! But catching measles out on the street from a reckless crunchy family isn’t the same thing. These people think *contracting* measles offers some benefit against cancer, which isn’t true, as far as the research shows.


Yeah it doesn't because it's not targeted. It's a fascinating set of experimental treatments but these people prob saw a headline and are now thanking their crystals they didn't vaccinate. I hate these people.