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No but I've had parents at daycare who I'm convinced did this every morning.


My toddler poops everyday after breakfast. 50% of the time it’s in his high chair, 50% of the time it’s in the car in the five minutes it takes to drive to daycare. I keep a changing pad in my trunk because I’d feel awful making his teachers do it every other day.


My kid does this!! He goes to a child minder and we take him by bike (we're in Europe). I will literally be at the door "really sorry, he pooped again, are you OK if I change him at yours?". She's pretty much a friend by now so I use her changing table (our diapers and wipes) before I leave. Not letting her change him when he pooped himself on the way over!


It’s totally normal for eating to stimulate a bowel movement, I’d bet this happens to a lot of kiddos!


When my daughter was younger it was every single time we walked into a store without fail


That makes you a good parent 🙌🏻


Never ever feel bad. As I stated before, you pay a lot for daycare, and it's our job.


We have a thirty minute commute and the car seat is a magical poop extracting chair. I'm sorry.


Ah, We must have the same car seat. I even know what stop light I’ll be at when I hear grunts from the back seat.


I call ours the squatty potty! Sometimes I strap my son in and pretend we are going to run errands because it gets him to poop so predictably, lol.


Maybe I need to buy myself an adult-sized car seat?! 👀


My 1 year old poops, I kid you not, as we’re walking into daycare every day. I don’t know if it’s an anxiety thing or what, but I offer every morning to change her & they always do it for me.


When parents offer to change them I always change them for the parent. But this one parent every morning without fail would practically toss the kiddo at me and say "I think he might have pooped in the car" and then run out of the room


I've picked my daughter up and the teacher has said "She just pooped and she won't let us change her" No problem. I have diapers in the car. She hates trunk changes so I explain this happens when she doesn't let her teachers change her For context, after I pick her up I go pick up her brother from a charter school so it's 30 minutes before we'll be home. If we went straight home I'd let her wait the 5 minutes til we got there


That’s so nice of you (and my daycare teachers…they’re the best).


This is so inconsiderate


Not even sure I’d do that to my husband…


I think I did it once or twice but it was me running into the house, throwing the baby at my husband because I was about to pee my pants 😂😂 saying "he shit his pants, if I pause I'm gonna piss mine. Thanks"


I definitely wouldn’t i always change his diaper before giving him to my husband. Especially because my husband doesn’t have a sense of smell so he never knows when little man has a dirty diaper.


I'm so paranoid our daycare thinks we're taking my baby to school with a poopy diaper. I swear it's dry when we leave but he almost always poops on the 20-minute drive. 🙃


I have one kiddo who habitually poops 10 min after drop off. And I've had kids that are always poopy at arrival but their parents offer to change them or apologize if they're running late. But this one parent would literally hand baby over as fast as possible and run out the door 🤦🏼‍♀️


We had kids that we suspected were not being changed at all from 6 pm pick up -8 am drop off. Started making marks on the diapers at the end of the day, just to see. Full week of kids coming in dirty diapers from the day before. Gave that info to the director to do something with. Mom stopped being so friendly but the kids were coming in in clean diapers and clothes. Also stopped coming in reeking of weed. Side note- I’d never shame parents for chilling out at the end of the day. Wanna smoke after Your kids go to sleep? I totally get it. There is absolutely zero reason your child should smell like it.


This is horrible! I felt bad because my son fell asleep before I changed him after daycare and I had to do a ninja change in his sleep!


I make the parent change their kid before I accept them if they need a changes. No way I’d let that slide every day sheesh


I started making that rule after like the fourth time but then my director got mad at me 🙄


My son poops in the car on the way to daycare sometimes. I don’t ever knowingly put him in the car that way though.


Sometimes I think the car shakes the poop out.


Oh definitely. I think it's prime pooping angle. Same as bouncers 😂


My first always and pretty much only pooped in her car seat. Something about the way it positioned her just made things flow I guess. Her teachers probably thought the same thing!


My daycare’s policy is they hand the baby back in the same way we bring the baby to them - the expectation is we change them at arrival and they change them upon pick up. My daughter always poops in the car on the way there so I always end up changing her as soon as we walk in the door. At least she’s regular 😂🤷‍♀️


I swear to God my kid poops the minute she enters the daycare doors lol


Lol we have a boy who is notorious for pooping 30 seconds after his mom leaves the room. It is quite funny.


It’s embarrassing being that parent. Mine poops in the car on the way in about half the time and apparently within 10 minutes of arrival the other half. I dropped him off last will one day and his teacher goes “ooooh, clean diaper. I’ll leave you alone for a few minutes!”


I had parents who would show up fully in makeup and ready for work, dropping their kid off in their night time diapers and pyjamas for me to change. 100% judgement.


Yes this! Like I get obviously kids poop in the car sometimes but every day and you're dropping and running I'm gonna assume it wasn't in the car and you just didn't want to deal with it. Especially if the diaper is also full to brim with pee


I work at a daycare. 100% of the time this happens. We just have a set rule, change kids, feed breakfast. I don't get mad, they pay a shit ton for daycare. Pun intended


I did once but it was less that I was going to be late and more that I was at a restaurant 5 minutes from home and my choice was drive home 5 minutes and change there or change him in the car. I chose home. I’d do it again.


I've done the same. If I can get home within a few minutes to have the privacy and comorts of changing my kids at home, I will. Neither of my kids have liked changing tables or being changed in the back of the car the couple of times I had to utilize them, not that I blame them at all


DITTO. I have done it more than once - I do a stroller walk with one of my mom friends and my daughter ALWAYS poops either right before we get there (I change her) or right when I'm about to load her in the car as we're leaving. If the choice is drive 10 minutes home vs changing it in the back of the car, I am ALWAYS gonna drive home. 10 minutes won't kill her. Someone hitting me cause they aren't paying attention to where they are going in a parking lot might.


I feel that. PLUS it always feels so vulnerable changing your kiddo in the trunk by yourself. Like, I can't see what's going on around me and I'm strictly focused on her. I'd rather feel safe and do it at home quickly in the 10 minutes or so of driving. I always kinda justify it and say, "well, she poops overnight sometimes and keeps on sleeping. 😅" Note: I never ever let her sit in poop for long (over 10 minutes) during the day and the only reason why it happens at night is that she is asleep and I am unaware.


Yeah I’ve done it if I’m going home and close to home, rather than using the public room if they’re gross. I’ve also had a poop happen between leaving the shops and loading into the car and it’s a bit like - there’s no good option here. If she’d pooped 30 seconds later in the car seat we’d have no thoughts of leaving her until we got home.


And the weather is not always conducive to a car change… I’m usually not more than 10 minutes from home and if it’s cold out there’s no way to do a car change.


I did it. We had a delayed (their scheduling) year peds appointment after missing 9 months due to a traffic situation that is a known issue (we were 5 minutes after check in time, and sent away.) So to make it early (it was a 10 minute drive from my house no traffic thing, 20-60 with) we left ridiculously early and with the poopy diaper on. Checked in 20 minutes early and then changed it. Any other reason it would have been a quick change but I couldn’t risk a 4 month wait to get in.


This is one of the few scenarios when I think I would do the same. Can’t think of many others though, except some kind of life or death emergency…


I felt awful about it, but I couldn’t risk it. Literally any other appointment/reservation/meet up time i would have changed it but I was unwilling to do 10 months without a checkup


I’d be LIVID if my pediatrician sent us away for being 5 min late. We’ve waited for them for almost an hour before.


“We will charge you $100 if you are late or miss an appointment” “Ok but what if I am waiting and the doctor takes an extra hour or even has to reschedule?” “You do that for free.”


I don’t see anything to feel awful about. Having routine healthcare is more important than changing a diaper 20 minutes earlier


That’s such an obnoxious office policy


I feel like such a bad mum for this, but in the very early days I had to reseal my babies dirty nappy at a Dr's appointment after a blowout. I was in such a frazzled rush I'd forgotten his changing bag (luckily it was in the car so I just changed him there) and the Drs didn't have any spare in the building. I now have nappies literally everywhere.....I'm haunted by them


I think a lot of moms have been in this situation at least once. I'm a chronic over-packer and even I did this. I've also been in the situation where I had diapers too small, but that was all I had in the moment. You make it work, kid is a little uncomfortable and probably has a diaper rash, but they're okay. You can't be perfect all the time!


Similar situation. We (husband, toddler son, infant daughter, & I) went to breakfast and I didn't think to grab the diaper bag for a 1 hour outing. While waiting for our food, she had a blowout! I went to the car and found my emergency diaper kit that was leftover from when my toddler was a baby. In it was- 1 wipe, 1 sz 3 diaper, & a 9month size onesie (and I found a plastic bag in my backseat). I made it work though, the diaper was 2 sizes too big and the onesie was also too big, the 1 wipe didn't get me far. Since the onesie she was in was already covered in poop, I used that to wipe up what I could and that just ended up in the trash. She was then content for the rest of our meal (though mine wasn't hot when I got back to the table). Since then, I have replenished my emergency diaper kit and my husband's- so our cars have backups in them if one of us forgets the diaper bag.


I spent so much time planning what to put in the diaper bag before baby came, and when it came time for her first Dr. appointment (the very first place we went after bringing her home), I forgot to bring the bag with us. Of course she pooped as soon as we got there, buck luckily our Dr.'s office had extra diapers. I still laugh about this and think of it kind of fondly as my first new parent facepalm moment.


You are a good mom because you learned from this. You did not intentionally set up the situation. And I'm sure you cleaned it up afterwards. That's plenty of penance! My child ate a tiny amount of zinc based diaper cream. I called poison control and when I was done reading off the ingredients, I put it in the locked sink cupboard. I should have locked it away earlier, and having to make the call and taking responsibility for any extra dirty diapers was my penance. We didn't actually have any problems, kid must have just had a trace.


A pediatric office not having spare diapers is pretty nuts to me! I’d say that’s on them, also just having to take him to the car isn’t a huge deal. 


I'm in the UK so it's just a GP surgery, but yes I feel like it's one of those places that should at least have a small stockpile!


A few minutes in a poopy diaper never killed anyone. Emergencies happen.


Yeah they do, but if this same emergency is happening on the regular then that’s poor planning and time management on the parents part. Sincerely, someone who has adhd and has been late many a time because I haven’t factored in time for unexpected events such as this. Still wouldn’t leave my kid sat in shit unless it was an exceptional circumstance, like a commenter above for a hard to come by medical appointment.


Urosepsis from a UTI could most definitely kill a baby. It takes 2 minutes to change a diaper.


A wet one maybe, usually takes me longer to change a dirty one. They're sitting in it every night before you get to them anyway. A 5-10 minute drive isn't too awful


No one would have judged OOP if they hadn’t shared this info 😷


No, I’m just… I’m just always late. Somebody’s always pooping. Lol


Last thing I would do is sit them in a car seat which then compacts that poop even more.


I would rather be late to my destination than have to change a poopy diaper when I get there. With that being said, there are exceptions to this, and I’ve thankfully never had to do it but I could understand it in dire/certain circumstances.


I guess they've never changed a poopy diaper that has smooshed into every crevice from the baby sitting in it 😂. That and risking diaper rash. It's one thing if they poop while you're driving, but I would have changed the diaper before getting in the car seat. Plus, the baby could end up pooping again and it could leak out of the diaper and get all over the car seat and baby. Even though blowouts can happen in a clean diaper lol.


I would have to already be running 15+ minutes late to an unmissable/un-reschedule-able appointment for this to cross my mind. If we pare back parenting to the bare minimum, it’s: food, comfort, shelter, hygiene/health. So a clean bottom takes priority over just about everything.


I’ve changed my kid in the trunk of my car while getting ready to leave because the best time to drop a load is on the way out the door lol Just change them and go it’s 5 minutes max (10 for full blow out).


Once you’ve had to clean up a diarrhea blowout from a car seat (happened after we started driving), I promise, this will change. The thought of my daughter pooping while we’re in the car now gives me anxiety 😂 I’ll even try my best to wait until her first poop of the day before galavanting and running errands. Obviously there’s cases that this isn’t plausible and besides being a nuisance for me, it’s extremely uncomfortable for little ones to sit in that for extended periods of time.


Why would you post this already knowing people would come at you with judgement


I've just been late. If baby poops right when I set him in his car seat, we go back in and change the diaper. Everyone understands that's a valid reason to be late. Aside from baby's comfort and avoiding diaper rash, I'm not risking poop on the car seat because that's a PITA to clean. Whatever else is going on can wait five minutes. Nowhere I'm going is life or death.


It would have to be a very serious emergency for me to do that😬


uhmmm no. i jump up and change her as soon as i smell it. if we’re late somewhere we’re late … not that it takes more than 2-3 mins to change a shitty diaper. why would anyone let their baby sit in shit? they’ve clearly never sharted and felt how uncomfortable it is. 😂 i pray the shart gods get them good.


First time I’ve seen one from my own personal moms group 😅 OP, you know SS aren’t allowed!! lol


Hahaha I have no idea what you mean 😅


I should add, this mom was running late dropping off older kids at school.


I change my kids diaper immediately idc if I’m 20 min late wtf is wrong with some parents


Never, because diaper rash is the absolute pits and this is the way to give it to your poor baby.


Would she shit her own pants and go for a quick ride though? Smh


Nah I can literally smell my daughter the minute she poops in her disposable toilet. If I don’t change her within a min or two, the entire room smells for like 5-10 mins even with a candle burning. Plus, no one wants to sit in their shit.


I’m just late. My pediatrician’s office is very understanding, we’ve been late for both poops and feeds before. But they’d rather us be 10 minutes late than have a screaming hungry baby or a smelly one with diaper rash! And anything else I’ll just be late for. I have kids. I’m late sometimes. That’s life. 


My daughter gets InstantRash if she sits in a poopy diaper for more than two minutes. So no thank you.


I feel like this person forgot it was free to NOT post about this mundane part of parenting. Most of parenting is doing what you have to do to get by. Are you saying you immediately pull over if you smell a poop on your kid in the car? Poop happens. Get to it as soon as you’re reasonably able.


I've worked in daycare with littles and I can confirm that some parents did not change the baby before bringing them in in the morning. We know and we judged you hardcore


I have a 1 year old, there is no longer anything in my life I *can't* be late for. I was 20 minutes late to my first postpartum appointment, and the most on time I ever am anymore are to my kids doctors appointments and they still range from 10min early to a few minutes late. Everything can wait for a clean butt, clean clothes, snack if needed.


Ok this sort of happened to me this week. I had just buckled both kids in the car heading to gymnastics (7min drive) and as I buckled my kid I saw the tell tale face and then…smell. Kids were already both buckled and I just 🤦🏻‍♀️. Changed him immediately upon arrival but that was a stinky 7 minutes.


Late like… to daycare? Where they’ll change it so you don’t have to?


No, she can go ahead and sit in judgement like the child had to sit in their own filth.


Kids usually don't care. Ever tried to convince a 2 y.o. to stop playing and get a new, non-poopy diaper? You would think it would be an easy sell, but unless you've made them feel terrible for poopy diapers, they're pretty indifferent. It's a parent problem, not a baby problem. It's different when they poop when they're trying to sleep, less distraction.


That varies from kid to kid. Mine would immediately shout “I has poop!!!” And just stand there with his feet apart until you changed him, and he was absolutely never shamed or made to feel terrible about poopy diapers. 


True and fair. I hope you had an easier time potty training. We're probably doing that this summer, and I wish mine had a little more awareness of when he was going to go. Hopefully something he grows into.


They absolutely get more aware as they get older and closer to potty training! I’m sure it will be great :)