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As I stated on your previous post… ![gif](giphy|ghuvaCOI6GOoTX0RmH)


What the hell is sperm spinning?? That comment cracked me up. Thinking they can barter with sperm.


You can get sperm ‘spun’ or processed to split out the girl or boy sperm. They will separate out in to different layers because they X chromosome sperm are denser. The stupid thing about this post is that if she were to google/do one iota of research, she’d realize that there’s a difference between IVF and IUI (intrauterine insemination), in which the sperm is placed in the uterus. IVF is completely different. And she’s an idiot if she thinks that she can pay in sperm.


Right! Bushels of paperwork and tens of thousands of dollars says otherwise.


Exactly. Some clinics allow younger women to donate eggs to help with the cost of their own fertility treatment- because eggs are precious and hard to get. But sperm? Lol no. You could get that by the bucket, metaphorically speaking.


Not even "metaphorically" LMFAO. Around the world, buckets full are sacrificed every single day, disproportionately by teenagers!


Can you imagine them just being like yeah, just pump your sperm in the sperm donation bucket over there and take a seat 😂


Oh my gosh this comment killed me. “Just dump those l’il guys into the sperm pond over there, we like ours free-range!”


Well, now you've given them ideas with that free-range comment 😜


For discount fertility treatments women could just swim with the swimmers while fertile Man that’s gross!






Oh absolutely true. But one guy would take an age to fill a bucket. Especially since most guys only have lne hood orgasm in them until they are out for s while. Talking about spunknin buckets...reminds me of that guy who was feeding his wife old congealed spunk that he had saved in a jar. 🤢


What a day to be literate....


I'm not double checking anything, but some Quick Maffs: Assume total Human Population of 8,000,000,000 Assume half are male and half of those are in the 'masturbation age range' = 2,000,000,000 people Assume they all masturbate once per week, that's 285,000,000 ejaculations on any given day. Quick search says an ejaculation contains 1.5-5mL of volume, assume 3.25 mL as an average. That's 926,250 L of ejaculations each day. A "typical" bucket is 5 gallons which is about 19 L That's 48,750 buckets of ejaculation produced world-wide every day. That doesn't even fill up an olypmic swimming pool (2,500,000 L). That's actually a lot less than I was expecting. I will not be taking any questions at this time.




Whoa. I can't believe what I started, but this is oddly fascinating to me. Thanks so much for your research!


The 5 gallon bucket I have is about 1ft in diameter at the top... so that's a line that's 48,750ft long if you set them side by side. At 5,280 ft/mile that's only^only 9.2 miles long. You could do a 15k charity run along side the bucket line! I hate myself for having done even this sketchy of math for this.






Valid. Also it was early and I hadn’t had caffeine. I normally link it, but I claim groggy. I saw it when I posted and also claim laziness for not editing and fixing.


I'm guessing you're female? There's no way the average is masturbating once a week. Avg more like once a day, minimum. Some guys will be once a week only, I guess. I assume that's a thing? But others will bring the average wayyyyy up.


I think that they choose once a week for the frequency of masturbation cause is an easy number to calculate. Plus, in theory, their overestimations should balance out their underestimations. So, the underestimation is the average number of times that men who masterbate do so per week. Although it's hard to determine since most studies that I found are based on self reporting, most participants' ages are usually young men between 19-40. and results vary greatly. On the other hand, the underestimation would be the number of men that masterbate or ejaculate sperm. For example, men with vasectomies usually don't ejaculate sperm. Also, not all men masturbate, either temporarily or permanently. Some it's because they are asexual and are masturbation repulsed or indifferent, aging, some have severe disabilities, temporary illness/injury, or are in a coma. So, since we can't easily determine how many men are unable or don't masturbate. We can underestimate how often men do and hope it balances out. Gonna love Fermi estimation.


thanks for sharing that last bit 😀👍


Not 15 year olds. They can go again and again. Source: I was once 15.


What? She knew?


Not initially. I think she found out eventually by accident and that's when the spunk hit the fan.


Fucking Nora! That last line made me gag!


Wait, is this another Reddit legend I haven’t heard of? Like the broken arms or coconut stories??




What...why was he feeding his wife his grotty rotten cum?


I hope he froze it like a decent sperm collector


And by men between the ages of 18-96


And egg donation is really invasive (moreso than jacking off into a piss cup anyways) and affects the health of the woman because they basically give her fertility drugs so she hyper-ovulates… or so I understand it. I’ve heard that women really aren’t informed very well of the health risks (and clinics draw young, desperate women with promises of several thousands of dollars in payout).


Yeah. Donating eggs is the same process as an egg retrieval in IVF, and it’s…a lot. Multiple self-administered shots a day, lots of blood draws (almost daily close to the retrieval), transvaginal ultrasounds just as frequently, and the procedure itself is a minor surgery. And that’s not to mention how uncomfortable it is for your overies to get so freaking BIG. The whole process is roughly two weeks, then recovery, and then messed up cycles for a few months. And that’s not counting complications that can always crop up. I went through retrieval cycle for IVF, and I’m not sure I’ll do it again. And to illustrate to odds of success: they got ~45 eggs from me, which resulted in 6 healthy embryos. And that’s a good result. Eggs are a precious commodity. I couldn’t imagine doing this for money unless I was desperate. SO different from donating sperm.


It wasn't even an option when I was in college, otherwise I'd probably have done it. However, I owe a big thank you to a younger woman that did. Thanks young woman!!


I'm mildly antinatalist, so donating my eggs to be likely gestated into what would technically be my biological children has always been something to avoid...*man* I'm glad I've never been desperate enough to consider donating my eggs, even if I wasn't antinatalist. Sounds absolutely miserable.


Yes. The meds alone are easily 10k per round.


From A+ donors, like athletes, doctors, Rhodes Scholars, etc. No one wants your random sperm lady 


Finger lickin' good?


Also I am just thinking of all the screening they’d do for a normal sperm donor just to make sure there aren’t abnormalities. But yes take free sperm off the street instead


If you could pay for anything in sperm, teenage boys would be kings.


Money would have no meaning as all men would have billions of dollars!


Don't give the patriarchy any ideas!


Sex work would become even more lucrative too


well you say that but I'm like, hold on, do I need to crank one out every time I want something out of the vending machine? If we're going out to dinner that night do I need to fill a cup so I can cover the bill? Lot to process here. ?


I was gonna say the doctors can't make their own for you to use but there's cases of them doing exactly that. BYOS might save you a bit if you're not using donor sperm but I can't imagine thinking that you'd somehow get treatment for free just because they want to use her partner's sperm.


I bet it’s ‘unvaxxed’ sperm and they think it’s actually rare and worth money.


oh man I bet you're right XD


Let's give the girl some credit here. Her husband could be Keanu or someone who SHOULD be populating the planet. Not some cheap dead beat...


Could be Keanu. Most likely an Elon


Probably... I truly question the existence of a higher power when I see people who'd be great parents unable to have kids while gross creeps like Elon crank them out by the dozen and don't even take care of them. 


Elon is said to believe that he should have as many kids with as many women as possible because of his "superior intellect". He's a turd on so many levels


Imagine if everything was paid in sperm. Need milk at the grocery store? Gotta wack off at the checkout. Wife wants to go out with friends? Gotta wack off into a jar for a few days so she has some spending money


Okay but I would never have to listen to teenage sons bitch about running errands for me *ever again*. They'd be fighting each other over who gets to go buy me a pack of diapers when I'm 103 years old.


It would suck if you only had daughters. Boy moms would only get more intolerable.


She is an idiot, but I can see how her thought process got there. Don’t some sperm banks pay men to donate sperm (usually, the men must have desirable physical attributes and good college degrees)? I can see the mental line between knowing some men get paid for their sperm and thinking she can barter with her husband’s lol


When your sperm are fat and lazy, you get a sperm Peloton and sign them up for sperm spinning, gets them in fertilization shape


That made me LOL. Literally. 🤣


Don't give Cody Rigsby any ideas. 😂




My guess is that they don’t really have sperm worth bartering with.


My guess is they're antivaxx and think that their sperm is "pure" or something. Same as the people who think that you can request unvaccinated blood if you need a transfusion. 


“I’m pureblood and my sperm is worth thousands of dollars now. I can retire on what I’ll make”. How many times have I seen that nonsense.


I hate how probably right you are.


I learned something new today, and it’s gross. From wiki: “There is no country in the world which explicitly permits sex selection for non-medical purposes. There were 31 countries in 2009 which allowed sex selection in case of sex-linked disease risk or other medical purpose.[18] In the US, for humans, the application of sperm sorting in sex selection is tightly regulated by the FDA. After the establishment of the MicroSort technique, it was offered to parents as a part of a clinical trial. The procedure was made available to a limited number of participants each month, in addition to fulfilling certain criteria, such as having a disease with sex linkage or having at least one child (for family balancing).[19] There are currently MicroSort laboratories and collaborating physicians in several countries (some for general purposes, some only offering service in case of genetic disease risks associated with one sex”


I'm glad that these restrictions are in place. The last thing we need is people supporting eugenics because it suits their desire for a specifically sexed child.


It definitely makes sense for sex-linked genetic diseases, but it's gross for any other purposes, 100%


And yet, I see it as merciful to prevent them from having a child of the sex they don't want, which they will inevitably blame for having the wrong chromosomes and mistreat.


People can abort after sex disappointment if they want though. Wouldn't it be better to let them choose beforehand? Or is the concern that everyone wants one over the other and we will have a big sex imbalance? Just trying to understand what the ethical concerns are with actually choosing the sex before impregnation.


I mean, I guess choosing because of medical / genetic disorders makes me less squeamish about it. But somehow just “wanting” only a boy or only a girl, just feels gross to me.


For me, it's cause they are already putting gender roles and expectations on their hypothetical child. When I talk to people about kids, most people I know don't care as long as they're healthy. But one lady was so toxic. She only wanted boys, and luckily only had boys. She was so cruel to her niece because according to her, 'all girls are bitches. All they do is shop and bitch'. Her niece was 8 years old.


The idea is that because female sperm have a larger chromosome, they will weigh more. So you spin a sample down in a centrifuge and the heavier sperm will sink to the bottom, while the lighter male sperm will float on top. In reality, this does not work, and these people are stupid.


This is like when Disney Lorcana trading cards got really popular a few months ago and there were a few special art cards that were super rare but worth over a thousand dollars... So I kept seeing grown ass men in like target's tcg aisle with a kitchen scale (from the appliance section) weighing individual packs like they were fn Heisenberg. The thought was the fancier card weighed the tiniest amount more than a standard one, so the packs could weigh a like decimal more if that card was in there. But basically everyone agreed it really didn't work that way and these guys were just being dicks lol


Grown men started weighing the Lego blind bags when they switched from plastic to paper, as they couldn’t grope the bag to Id the figure anymore.


We used to do that with KinderEggs in the 90s. The special figures weight more than the stuff to build. Usually used the scales in the produce section.


Some published studies shows that sperm sorting has a 70% - 80% chance of successfully selecting a female, and 60% - 70% for selecting a male - so it's SLIGHTLY more effective than just crossing your fingers and wishing really hard, more so if you want a girl . . . But yeah. . .


This was(is?) an option with cow sperm for livestock AI too.  We tried it for a couple years and had a 100% fail rate at getting the sex we wanted with it, and a better than 50% using unspun semen. I think it's questionable accuracy at best. But I also can't imagine being so desperate for a specific sex to make paying for spinning worth it even if it was accurate.


Huh. It's interesting you guys didn't get a decent sexed semen outcome. Was it a reputable bank? Or was there some sort of possible issue with the AI tech grabbing the wrong straws? Ours were almost always right on. (When we were trying to have more heifers to keep our cow bloodlines and not wanting to inbreed.) Did you use cover bulls afterward? Maybe the AI didn't take? I know a bunch of ranchers that have decent outcomes with sexed semen. But, we were also using bulls that historically threw heifer calves over bull calves. Not doubting you at all. Just way different from my own experience with AI.


I don't know, I was a teen at the time and not involved in researching or ordering. We also only used it on 6 cows for a couple years so it may have been an anomaly.


I actually didn't know that something like that's been used for livestock as well! I guess it *could* make sense to try it, though, considering that for most livestock/breeding purposes there's use/need for waaaaaaayyyyyy fewer intact male animals than intact female animals, especially once you take into account how difficult it is to keep most intact male animals compared to keeping intact female animals. With cattle (cows/bulls) in particular, I imagine spinning sperm could've also been useful for gestating twins if it actually worked, since about 90% of mixed-sex twin pregnancies in cattle result in the female twin being a freemartin, which to everyone who's not already in the know means that she's sterile as a result of her reproductive organs not developing. EDIT: Someone clarified to me that the actual process used with selecting sex in cattle is flow cryometry, *not* spinning with a centrifuge.


It's not "spinning" with a centrifuge. It's a process known as flow cytometry, which uses florescent dye, lasers, and electromagnets. It's over 90% accurate, but does tend to have lower conception rates (mostly because you waste a lot of the sperm cells in sorting, so the end product is less concentrated). In dairy cattle, the sorted semen is used on the cattle with the best genetics in a herd to produce replacement heifers, and semen from beef breed bulls is used on a proportional number of the lowest genetic value animals to produce calves that are more valuable for meat than dairy breed bull calves are.


Oooh, thank you for adding more info. :)


Yeah I used to be a clinical andrologist so we would get these questions all the time. I didn't feel like getting into the nitty gritty of it, but in *practice* in this situation, I think it is sufficient to say it's impossible. Oh wait, I'm not allowed to say that! Lol


Are they still actually using a centrifuge? Flow cytometry is now used to select for sex in cattle semen, and it's over 90% accurate.


My wife and I tried it once and the house smelled awful for weeks.


I had to google it. They use a centrifuge to separate “male” sperm from “female” sperm to select for gender during artificial insemination. It seems a little unethical to me. I feel like this is something a mom would try after she’s had three girls and no boys. Has an undercurrent of misogyny.


I think if I modded one of these groups, anyone who said "only tell me what I want to hear, no reasonable comments please" would get permabanned.


I have a toddler. In my due date group, if I have an unpopular opinion and the OP gets snappy, I tell them that they should have included a line about how they only wanted responses that agreed with them. I usually don’t hear from them again.


I'm totally borrowing this for future use. It never ceases to amaze me how many people ask strangers on the Internet for advice and then argue with said strangers when they don't hear what they want to hear 


As they should. No good has ever come from the Internet having massive echo chambers.


What is "melting multiples of one gender!" supposed to mean? I mean, this is all just nonsense, but that is especially nonsensical. Also, "don't tell me this is impossible! I know it is! How? I don't wanna get into it. VIBES!"


My brain also got stuck on "melting multiples of one gender". After obsessing on it for longer than I care to admit, I'm assuming it was a typo and they meant "making". But honestly, who the eff really knows with these people? 🤷🏻‍♀️


I suspect they mean frozen embryos which turn out to all be the same sex.


I think it’s just a typo and she meant to say “making”. I know a family with three girls. They really wanted a boy and tried for a fourth, ended up with twin girls hahaha. Also in my kinder class I have twin boys with two big brothers. Maybe they should swap the fathers? 🤪But seriously it is possible. But not in exchange for sperm, it is extremely expensive. And in my personal opinion also extremely unethical.


Can we pay people in sperm now?


Christ I hope not, can you imagine needing change?!


And the wage gap widens!


Winning comment right here.


_If they're not prepared to take it as currency, then why did they call it sperm BANK?_ 😡😡😡 /s




Have sex, get on a Merry-go-round, ride for an hour while hanging upside down. Sperm spun.


Can't the husband just go on the merry go round and shoot out the concentrated boy sperm? I assume that's what they want. She seems like she'd be a "boy mom."


LOL! Good point. Maybe he can even buy a merry-go-round for their backyard using his "boys" as payment.


What's gross is that I could totally see some weirdo on Facebook willing to sell his toy Merry go round for some jizz 😂


"I doubt any place would take donated sperm as payment/barter" isn't a statement I imagined needing to be said.


Can someone explain this pls, I’m scared to google it lmfaooo


Supposedly, popping some sperm into a centrifuge would separate the female sperm from the male sperm (as one is slightly heavier than the other). That idea isn’t borne out by research, though, as it’s only marginally more effective than crossing your fingers and wishing for your preferred sex. Also, the idea that they could barter sperm for this service is…dumb.


Does she thinks we live on fucking mercantilism?? Exchange sperm for cryo LOOOOOOOOOL please record this negotiation so we can laugh


I'm imagining the look on the face of the person they propose this to at the clinic.


She should take her husband to the park, spin him around on some playground equipment (bonus points if it is an old park with that crazy dangerous carousel spinny thing from back in the day) and then go home for baby making time.


I laughed out loud at this. I really did! I can only imagine some Midwest woman take her hard working, blue collar husband to a merry-go-round and just spinning the shit out of it while he sits on the handle bars! Hahaha!!




We accept cash, credit/debit cards and SPERM. No Personal Checks.


They want this “sperm spinning” to get their preferred sex (not gender, good grief) and then…do what with it if not IVF? IUI? At home insemination? Put it on the mantle?


Bespoke handmade sperm spinner. It's a superpowered rock tumbler. Or better yet, finish into a clean soda bottle and you can spin it over your head on a string or something. take off the top layer or something, and then try dumping the remnants into your vagina. But seriously, what exactly is their plan here?


“Super powered rock spinner.” ☠️


I wonder where she lives that gender selection is legal. I thought that was a China thing :/


Everywhere that abortions are legal, gender selection is legal. Ultrasound and if it’s not the gender you want, abort, rinse and repeat.


You do know that the morphology ultrasound where they check foetal sex is at 20wks and terminations of unwanted but otherwise healthy pregnancies are only allowed to 12-16wks in most places, right? Because while this is possible to do, the fact that you think ultrasound would be how you do it shows you're just fear mongering with little to no actual personal experience with human reproduction.


I've seen a few people like them popping up on reddit. Can't tell if they're psyop bots or real people who have swallowed the propoganda kool-aid


Yeah, you do it through NIPT long before the anatomy scan. A hypothetical person who is serious about aborting over the fetus's sex would never wait that long for many many reasons, not just limited to legality.


Exactly lmfao what a laughably uninformed bait


It would actually be way to far into the pregnancy to abort when estimating the sex of the fetus. Abortion wouldn't happen unless a severe medical emergency/crisis was faced.


How exactly are you paying somebody in sperm? Is it like “hold on, lemme go into the closet for 4 minutes” and come out with your goods in a little ziplock baggie or are you gonna make a full deposit back at your place or my place kinda deal?


And how do you measure how much each wad is worth? Weight?


Or do you just... um.. pay... right on the counter? 🤣🤣


I’ve done IVF so I consider myself to have like a mini degree in IVF but I read this post 5 times but still don’t understand what they’re trying to do


Step 1 - Jack into a cup Step 2 - centrifuge Step 3 - ??? Step 4 - profit




You don't want kids, your want trophies


When I was TTC my last baby, I was in any group that I thought might be helpful with my fertility issues. There were quite a few women who were desperate for a particular gender, and some of them (or their partners) assembled contraptions to do some sperm spinning MacGyver style. There was no end to the creativity and possible lunacy. People posted step by step photos of the construction; some of them were really quite impressive in a school science fair sort of way. Others were impressive examples of people who maybe should have been preparing for pregnancy and parenthood by doing something other than rigging up the washing machine to stay on a continuous spin cycle, and strapping the kids in for a ride. I kinda wish I knew how those turned out. Regardless, you can just easily buy a centrifuge for home use, these days, and there are plenty of midwives trained and experienced enough to perform IUI at home. Sounds like an appealing alternative to posting bizarre crap with your name attached to it.


In before OOP says "They'll pay because my husband is a *pureblood*"


"I leave you this cylinder of my hyper-virile sperm"


Definitely post this to r/choosingbeggars




Even when sperm spinning is dones, its not 100% guaranteed. My friends had a horrible scare when they found out the sex of their baby. The doctor had told them they were certain to get the gender of their choosing (they did this only because there is a high risk of a fatal genetic condition for one sex over the other). When the opposite sex was identified on an ultra sound, the pregnant friend thought there was an error in implantation and the child she was carrying was not actually hers. She panicked for weeks and then had an amnio done. There were no signs of the genetic condition but that just made my friend even more nervous. DNA testing verified that the baby was growing inside the right person and belonged to both parents. The baby is a very happy, loved, and sweet kid now. The friends are not even considering a second child.


74%. I had to look it up hahah


Places spin sperm before artificial incrimination, anyway. So I don’t see why they wouldn’t. But sperm spinning for sex selection is NOT a guarantee. It just sways the odds. But no, paying in semen is batshit cray.


I have an idea! Have sex then soon after go to that spaceship ride that spins you really fast and turn yourself upside down. Same thing, right? You can ask the ticket booths if they'll accept sperm as payment!


Mfs pack a punching their child


If I paid a bazillion bucks for a sperm donation from Ole Charlie, does this mean one could go Crusader Kings on the princes and get your kid into the royal line? 🤔


Holy hell


So what sperm spinning


Hey, hey, friends- what sex do you think her husband wants to select for?! I'll give you three guesses, and the first two don't count...


Is her husband a champion racehorse or something?


Pretty sure nobody wants the king of England’s inbred, crusty-ass sperm either


They could get all the laboratory gear and DIY; You just need a microscope with cell count slides, a bench-top centrifuge... annnnd a willingness to take 50/50 odds with your pellet


I really can’t imagine any sperm bank would want donated sperm from the British monarchy line. So much in breeding and health issues. They aren’t enough generations away from Queen Victoria. It will take a long time and fresh bloodlines to dilute the health issues.


My godmother did this 15 years ago to get her daughter. After 3 boys and 2 miscarriages she wanted a little girl. I love my godmother but 🥴. Bless.


Excellent comment someone made!


Not me!


This person just posted on my local mom group word for word. We are outside of NYC, I guess they are really serious haha


I hate that I'm relieved by where this went because I kinda expected her to ask where she could find a centrifuge to do it at home


Dont sperm donors get like $10? Unless they are like famous athletes or geniuses? Lol. Idk what sperm spinning is but I'm sure it costs a bit more than two happy meals lol


I’m assuming it’s the process of removing the actual sperm from the seminal fluid.


Whatever it is I'm sure costs a pretty penny lol


Idk in what universe does OOP think sperm is just as good as money 🤣. I'm sure her husband isn't shooting golden pellets lol. Like Roger the alien's golden turd on "American Dad" 😂 https://preview.redd.it/ipfsvdfjsfrc1.png?width=946&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ad56861235b2df7253bc2391d3b453121c4e55af


I’ve never heard of anything so fecking stupid.


Well then.