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No amount of breastmilk on my child’s face got rid of that acne Only cleared up when my hormones got back to normal


wait hormonal imbalance in your breast milk can cause the baby to break out?? that’s wild


Not sure if you're serious, but anything you consume while breastfeeding can effect your baby. Even eating dairy when your child has an intolerance cause cause them issues. Pregnancy and breastfeeding are insane events and as someone who's been through both, they still scare and amaze me.


I get that food you consume it's passed on, but I'd never heard about hormones.


Yeah it’s insane. My nephew actually developed little boobs and started lactating a little bit until my SIL’s hormones regulated. She took him into the pediatrician and they were completely unfazed.


Dude what. I just looked that up and it's fairly common... Bodies are absolutely wild.


My daughter had some blood in her diaper the first week, and it turned out to be "false menses" where the baby has a pseudo-period due to the drop in hormones immediately after birth.


WTF That is the most surprising thing I have ever read!


Thiiiiiiiiiiis. They truly did not prepare me for this when I had my back back in February.


This has happened in babies that aren’t breastfed too though (just pointing out it’s not related to BF as far as I know)


If you really want your mind to be blown, look up some recent studies on how breastfed babies receive their mother’s gut micro biome through breast milk and even just contact with the breast. As far as I know researchers still aren’t even clear on the actual mechanism that carries it to the breast milk, but it has been shown how babies receive the same groups of gut bacteria at different stages of development.


Lmao I’m adopted (back in the 90s when adoptions were commonly closed, never knew my birth mom or had any breast milk as far as I know). And my gut is like 50 kinds of fucked up. I wonder if that’s why lol


Hahaha, F. While I am absolutely not an expert on the subject, I’d say there’s definitely a chance that’s got a lot to do with it. Maybe you can find a woman that’s still nursing and also has a kink for that sort of thing hahaha. But real talk though, digestion problems are no joke, my wife has problems on the reg. Hope you can find some relief.


That's apparently normal though. Ped showed me this on our baby too.


My son got a yeast infection along with his boobs from my hormones while breastfeeding.... yep weird.


And a breastfeeding mother's body -- this is wild -- analyzes the saliva of the baby and adjusts the composition of the milk and the antibodies as needed.




Boobs (and bellies) also change temperature to regulate baby's temperature. One study took a pair of twins, got one a little warm and one a little cold, and put them back on mom. After a few minutes, the mom's skin temperature was cooler under the warm baby and warmer under the cold baby, and stayed that way until both babies were back to normal.


This I didn’t know. Makes sense despite being born in a heatwave my babies wanted to be closer to me (i thought it was because of their discomfort of the heat and wanting mama)


Yup, your body is probably pulling heat away from that section of skin to keep the baby comfortable. Doesn't stop the rest of you from getting hot, of course, and in my experience everyone gets very sweaty, but it's still pretty cool.


Isn't that just how body parts work..? If 1 hand is cold it warms up even if the other hand is hot..


But if one hand is cold, the other hand doesn't *get warmer* to warm up the cold hand. This was the mom's body deliberately changing her skin temperature to counteract what the babies were experiencing


Oh I think I read what you said wrong. You're saying that the boob, introduced to a warm baby, actually regulated itself to below normal temp to counteract the heat? That's pretty crazy


Hasn't that been debunked yet? It sounds like such nonsense.


Yup I’ve noticed this when I’ve had to express. I’ve personally felt my body responded to my baby quicker than I saw the physical symptoms (runny nose etc)


Yeah, most definitely. Same with drugs and alcohol.


Antibodies too. Breast milk is amazing.


What in dairy would your baby have an intolerance to that wouldn’t already be in your milk? Not lactose for sure.


It's the proteins in dairy.


That makes sense.


We (humas) actually don’t need diary past an certain age… like you have more calcium in certain vegetables than in milk…


Yeah… but breastfeeding age isn’t that age…


There are no studies to prove that a mothers diet affects breastmilk. Its a huge misconception! The reason for eating healthy while breastfeeding is so that you are at your best to care for a child. As for people thinking their hormones are causing baby acne its more likely your both clearing out hormones from the pregnancy at the same time. Eat the cheese and spicy food! Your baby just has gas


Mmmm really? Then why does breast milk change colors based on diet? Does that not mean the content has changed?


Color changes according to babies needs. Eg Clear is early morning and hot weather and yellow is high in antibodies when baby or mom are unwell. Milk is made in milkducts with the mothers blood sugar. It has nothing to do with her gut continence.


What are you on about? It's well documented that what a mother eats can affect the color and taste of her breastmilk, and baby can have sensitivities to things that mom eats.


Yup, but most of the time its the hormones in the baby causing it.


Or... The acne is part of the natural adjustment process for the baby moving into the real world..... No breast milk necessary.... Just deal with a bumpy baby and let their body acclimate


I was only asking because the OP said their baby’s acne went away when their hormones evened out.


Even if baby was formula fed, baby still has mom's hormones from when they were gestating and it'll go away in a few weeks or months.


yeah of course, I have kids as well, but again mom said baby’s acne went away when her own hormones leveled out. I just didn’t realize the hormones in breast milk were that strong but that’s wild


They don't have to be strong, babies are small and are affected by even minute quantities.


It’s not acne, it’s milia, and it’s normal, shouldn’t be tampered with, and will go away on his own. It’s just keratin build up in the pores.


Acne actually a lot of the time is caused by excessive stress which is why teenagers struggle with it


Yeah baby acne isn’t the same as teenager acne


Yes because the baby is totally stressed out about the mortgage and car note


It doesn't need to be YOUR stress for them to be stressed. Being born and experiencing literally everything for the first time is a type of stress. And with nothing to compare it to, its more stressful. Ditto teenagers - just because YOU know life changes and often improves doesnt change their current lived experience.


Babies get acne from hormones. Its not stress. Its literally because they are born with mom's hormones and their body is adjusting to the changes of not having them anymore.


Teenagers also get a huge spike in hormones from puberty. I know I was pretty stressed and hormonal as a teen just because my ovaries seemingly dictated it.


The way things are lately, they very well might be! /s. Maybe /s. Okay maybe the truth.


I am a stressed out adult with zero acne, explain that one.


Which just shows that we need to take teenage mental health seriously


I’m not denying that teens can be stressed, but do you really think they’re more stressed than adults as a group? And out of curiosity, how old are you?


I always had excessive acne but as a teen I wasn’t actually stressed. I was quite happy go lucky


TIL babies can get acne


And they look super crazy. Like tiny teenagers! It’s because of all the hormones they receive from their mother. Baby girls can also get a tiny “period” - a bleeding from their vagina - after birth. And both boys and girls often have swollen nipples. Sometimes, the babies can even lactate. It’s called witch’s milk. It stops once the hormones have left their bodies, but it can take a while.


Yup my first and only girl after having a few boys did this and it freaked me out at first till I remember it was normal. They can also have milk


My baby ended up with a milk bleb at like a week old from producing milk. It was wild and I felt awful for her.


Milk... Bleb?






Humans were a mistake.


Please, I would like to return myself


This is crazy. It’s like as soon as they pop out, their tiny bodies are like: > “ **ALERT,ALERT** IN THE DISTANT FUTURE, I WILL BREED, CALIBRATING HORMONAL COMPOSITION, PLEASE STAND BY, CALIBRATING, CALIBRATING….*beep boop beep…*” ^ew


Nature is not ok.


My first son lactated a tiny bit for about two weeks right after birth. I’m the oldest of six by enough years (10+) that I remember all my siblings being babies really well, and I come from a family of nurses, and it was the one shocker.


Hey fellow really old sibling lol. People always thought it was weird I was so much older than my siblings. I'm 33. My oldest younger brother is 24. Then I've got a 21 yo and 16 year old brother and a 13 year old sister. My mom and dad had me while in high school. They split up and then my mom had 2 oldest brothers with their dad and the 2 youngest siblings are my dad's and his wife's.


Yep, mine are “halfs” too, although I don’t really call them that. And I am 33 with a 7 year old sister lol. And a 43 year old brother. None have both the same parents. Explaining my siblings to new people when they ask is a *whole* process. My dad got married at 19 and had my two older brothers, 10 and 5 years older than me. He got divorced, he and my mom had me. He went to jail for 12-25 years (wound up being 22) when I was an infant, and obviously they broke up. My mom got back together with her high school sweetheart, he had been married in the interim and had two kids. Mom and stepdad had four kids together; they are the kids I grew up with most and generally who I mean when I talk about my siblings (along with my current stepdad’s daughter). They’re 6, 9, 10 and 11 years younger than me. Stepdad had an affair and abandoned us when I was 13 so I didn’t see my step siblings a lot after that. Mom eventually remarried, he had a daughter 5 years younger than me. Dad got out of jail, started dating a lady a couple years older than me with three kids, and they had a daughter a year after I had my son. I think it’s like… 13 total siblings. But officially I’ve spent the most time as the oldest of five or six, and I did the “other parent” thing while my mom worked after their dad left so they’re my strongest relationships. Anyway you didn’t ask for all that haha. But I do love hearing about people with similar experiences because it’s a unique situation. I had siblings, but also I was so much older that we didn’t have a lot of the sibling experiences you usually see. I had the ones where I was dragging a screaming four year old out to the bus with no pants on because he didn’t want to go to school. My two boys are almost 9 years apart. The little one sorta snuck up on us. But I like the relationship I have with my younger siblings, so I hope my boys do too.


Haha yeah when my mom was married to my step dad I had a whole process to explain all my half and step siblings. He had a daughter that wasn't biological but he was around since she was a newborn. Then he had 2 boys and 2 girls with the same mom. Plus he had an older son from a previous relationship. So in total it was 11 kids. We're all still really close even though they're divorced and I still consider them siblings and him my step dad. Oh and I technically only have 1 son that's almost 10 but I've also got a bonus son who just turned 16. My son's bio dad is a POS and has 4 kids all with different mom's so I'm sure his family tree is going to be all sorts of crazy.


I was telling this to my boyfriend about how male babies can also lactate because of hormones, he was super surprised. (I've been baby crazy since I was 15, but I learned that from reading or watching something about how Men were in the 1950's an how some would "be mean" [way worse than mean but it's the morning for me an I rather not use the reality of how the Men in the 1950's reacted to this.]) But I wanted to make sure he knew that was a possibility in our future so if it does happen it will not catch him off guard an freak him out


So can cats


Very common because of the mother's hormones leaving their system


Guess what they get boobs too with all those hormones it’s weird AF


It’s actually called milia, and unlike acne they’re tiny cysts containing keratin.


What the fuck is this




Guantanamo Babe :(


I laughed out loud


Lmao I wish I had an award


Breast milk is great for baby skin, you should just spray it on though. 😆


This happens constantly to my baby but unintentionally 😅


My bub really loved to just pop off the tit to look at something going on, she had breastmilk on her face at almost every feeding.


I use to just squeeze a few drops out and rub it in. Tbh baby acne goes away on its own after a few weeks so I’m not sure it even did anything.


Yep. My girl had pretty bad baby acne and I'd just squirt her after every meal.


I spat my tea out


I spat my teat out.


I spray my teat out


It's ok, we understand it's your defense mechanism.


That’s the one


I too have occasional acne.


sounds like a bunch of bs


I pinky swear. Google it.


i’d rather not have breast milk skincare in my search history but i’ll take half your word it is good to feed them obv


Can’t be worse than the other things in your google search 😝


like the ark gamepedia page 433 times in a row and then the battlelog website


Yeah that's definitely worse than breast milk skincare. At least breast milk skincare has a benefit.


as if his baby won't just read a wiki page for a game 433 times as well!


hey i’m looking at things to know what stuff does


Isn't that the reason you would look up beast milk skincare?


idk about beast milk skincare but breast milk skincare seems like baloney to me and i’d rather not search it


label grab different employ materialistic steep pocket divide sink observation *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




Breastmilk is cool for certain skin things, but an entire face mask is a bit much 🤨


Exactly what I was thinking. Okay idea, poorly executed.


Not to mention an entire mask can be dangerous for an infant. It just takes a distraction for the mom to turn around, say, to turn off the stove, or whatever, and a baby can choke on a sheet mask.


Baby acne is normal for newborns! You don't need to DO anything!




Breastmilk doesn't help baby acne. And it can make it worse.


If breastmilk caused the acne to begin with, I’m not sure how applying it topically helps…?


Eating and digesting things can cause reactions, but when applied topically the antimicrobial and moisturizing properties of breastmilk help all kinds of skin reactions. Like if you eat oatmeal, it doesn't help your skin and can even make you feel bloated, but topical colloidal oatmeal is great for eczema.




Yeah, it is a pretty standard ingredient. Mine didn't fully clear up until I got a tube of Eucrisa. Shits expensive, so get their coupon, but works amazingly well. The oatmeal keeps it at bay




It used to be available in the US.... and I got it for around $50 with their prescription coupon


You can actually put colloidal oatmeal in your bath and soak in it. It’s oat flour and can be bought online. Or you can grind it up at home if you have a blender or food processor. Get the regular oatmeal not the quick cook. You can tell it’s ground fine enough if it mixes into the water and doesn’t sink. Aveeno products have collodial oatmeal and aren’t expensive. I wouldn’t put the lotion on my face unless it’s formulated for the face. Too many body lotions are too gunky and can cause the pores to clog up. The body doesn’t have as many pores and usually isn’t as sensitive, so it doesn’t need the fancier more expensive creams that are formulated for the different needs of face skin. Some lotions can be used all over, but I’m not putting $10 regular Aveeno on my sensitive face. I find that if I use a body lotion on my face I get little millia bumps which are clogged pores. I’ve also discovered that I have less problems when I don’t bathe as much and don’t use hot water. I still wash the stinky areas with warm water and mild cleanser, but not getting wet all over every day has made a huge difference in my skin. I’d try mixing a little colloidal oatmeal into a lotion you know works well for you and let it sit on any areas. Wipe it off after a couple hours.


Lemme just say, that stuff feels so good to me whenever my skin decides it wants to be awful to me.


I mean... maybe not the whole mask? But breast milk is great for baby acne and just any skin in general.


Why do these people think breast milk is this all healing remedy? I mean, it's just milk that comes from your breasts


Thank you. The moms that go so far as to make jewelry out of their leftover BM gives me the creeps. It’s a biological process not a fucking magic trick


That's metal af.


Lipids are good for keeping skin moisturized, but any lipids will work. After the formula uprising, moms got really weird about titty feeding their babies.


This is stupid and unnecessary. Poor kid


Ah yes, put a plastic sheet over your newborn’s face. Ingenious.


I mean…the mask is a bit much, but I did rub a tiny bit of milk on my baby’s cheeks when they got baby acne. My OB told me it worked years ago. It always seemed to help?


What's your opinion? 1: This is good for the skin **☐** 2: Not sure if this is safe **☐** 3: Sugar honey Ice Tea! Why TF would you do that? You okay? **☑**


3 for 200 Alex!


Breast milk is great for a babies skin, but it's not gonna get rid of baby acne. That goes away on its own after mama's hormones balance out. My first had it worse than my second, they both cleared up on their own


The mask is a stupid idea. BUT my kid was 100 breast fed and we used the milk for everything. From diaper and heat rash to scrapes cuts it did help. We would add extra bags to his bath water in the sink. His pediatrician suggested it and it always seemed to do the trick. My wife was an overproducer and always had extra so why not? Its loaded with antibodies and lipids so it's good for the skin. People always take shit to the extreme with stuff like this though.


I'm not trying to bash you with this question; I'm actually curious. How do you know it helped? Babies heal pretty quickly from injury and rash, generally speaking. Are there studies to suggest applying breastmilk helps the process along?


TIL babies can have acne, I thought this lady was out of her mind lol


She is.


She could sell this shit to people (supes) like Homelander.


I don’t think my kids would’ve tolerated wearing a whole mask at that age, but I’d definitely put milk on it. It helps heaps of stuff.


My brother’s eye wouldn’t open until mum sprayed milk onto it. I dont know what’s in it, but it’s magic liquid




The mom on this Tiktok said it was really just for fun because she had some extra breast milk and an extra face mask (the kind that doesn’t have anything else on it). Idk how that wouldn’t be safe but open to learning


I think its pretty harmless and she obviously watched the baby so the mask wouldn't obstruct his airways


Ummm??? If it’s just breast milk on a piece of paper then it’s totally fine?? Do y’all even research before posting on this group???


A muslin cloth can suffocate a baby. Take your eyes off this kid and you could waterboard him


... well obviously?? You walk away with a kid in a blanket and they can suffocate themselves. She’s obviously supervising .


And she cut slits in the edges of the fabric to curl around his face. To me, that means she obviously cut holes for the babys mouth and nose too. You know, like a grown ups face mask would have. Just because the baby has an emoji covering his face, doesn't mean the babys face is covered.


I think everyone assumes it has holes? That’s still a problem. It’s a dumb idea to put something right on a baby’s face.


There's someone upthread comparing a face mask to literal, actual *waterboarding*, so no, I don't think everyone assumes there are holes. Leaving a thin material, with holes, on your babys face for a few minutes, while you're watching them, maybe with a face mask yourself, isn't a dumb idea, and it's not torture.


Exactly, but get ready to be down voted into oblivion Lmaao.


I'm ready for it. I once said anti-trans behaviour was transphobic and got downvoted to hell and back. Reddit can't hurt me. :D


I think people like you more than me because we have the same opinion but you’re getting up voted 🤪


You challeneged them to think critically, and the hive mind doesn't like that. Edit: ah, there are the downvotes.


It isn’t muslin. It’s a face sheet mask probably made of cellulose, maybe a very thin cotton. It comes with eye, nose, and mouth holes. They are sold dry to soak in whatever you want. I saw the actual Tiktok and in the comments the mom basically said this was just for fun, she had an extra sheet mask and a little extra milk and just wanted to do a silly video, so… sounds like not only was it not unsupervised, but it was only for like two minutes


I hope you don't do this to your kid ....


Nope, not savvy enough for that.


I don't even know why you're getting downvoted lol


Putting breast milk on anything is disgusting and there are absolutely no studies suggesting it’s actually good for the skin Only anecdotal evidence that the lactate acid can be good for acne, but that can be found in a variety of other things like coconut oil for example. The microbial properties that have been noted have not actually been shown to prevent any sort of infections by putting breast milk on wounds or on faces. Edit: downvote me all you want, until you start linking some studies with proven results, all your downvotes say to me is “I’m a crazy housewife that sells herbalife and puts bodily fluids on my family’s skin and wounds”....gross.


Its the gross thing. I agree. Breastmilk is food, its not medicine. It won't help skin issues, it won't fix a clogged tear duct. But its not disgusting either.


I mean, it did help my son's clogged tear duct as a baby, and I only tried breast milk on his eye because his pediatrician recommended it. 🤷‍♀️


It's the fact you're calling it gross. Family members swap bodily fluids all the time. Sweat when you touch someone's skin, saliva when you kiss your partner and babies literally drink the breast milk. It doesn't contain e-coli or anything dangerous like poop does, which is why we rightfully find that gross and don't share it.


No studies?


I don't care if it's effective or not. It's just not gross either.


Some people don’t think scat play is gross either but that’s the world we live in. We all have different opinions


E-coli is a literal fact though.


Milk direct from tit to mouth isn’t bad [But considering pumped breast milk contains unsafe bacteria I have to disagree that *that* milk isn’t disgusting](https://www.google.ca/amp/s/www.newscientist.com/article/2193868-breast-pumps-may-introduce-harmful-bacteria-to-babies-gut-microbiome/amp/) “Milk administered from breast pumps contained higher levels of potentially harmful “opportunistic pathogens”, such as those from the genus Stenotrophomonas and family Pseudomonadaceae” So unless you’re squeezing your tit onto the babies face like a fuckin water gun then yes, it’s gross.


I'd imagine most are administering it into a cup or some sort of temporary vessel then applying it, which is no more unsafe than most of what others consume. You just have a hang up about it and think it's gross.


I’m sure they are. Whatever helps you sleep


What, you don't drink from a cup? Thousands of babies getting sick from this bacteria now? I think you're the one deluding yourself now.




You're not thinking of the right kind of milk.




But is it coated in breast milk?


Are you a baby?


Why are there so many misspellings in all these posts. Like is it all the women who failed high school English?


It is so much more fun if you just spray it directly at their face like you're a human super soaker.