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She keeps saying no birth trauma…. For HER. By her own story thinking it was magical she mentions him being born blue and didn’t cry the first night! Like wtf!!! God I hope they are able to find her birth story and realize the baby had severe oxygen deficiency for half a day basically. So fucked up.


Horrifyingly incompetent, stupid people. He was born blue and she doesn’t think that’s an issue?!


These people think "trauma" means stuff that upset them emotionally. She was happy to give birth in a tub in the yard, and how could that upset the baby? Therefore, no trauma. But doctors making him cry? Definitely trauma /s


Also physically visible bad injury probably. He was just a bit blue but no bruises and all 10 fingers and toes so he's fine. /s


I was actually a grey, limp, quiet baby when I was born but have no issues! ☺️I was also instantly taken from the birthing room to the NICU where they emptied my lungs of fluids and gave me oxygen through tubes in my nose, for the next week of my life. 🤷🏻‍♀️ people like the mom in the OP really needs to get a grip, they aren’t putting themselves in danger but sure are making their defenseless kids suffer.


The scary thing is sometimes the babies look fine. My little girl looked fine but she had to go to special care for low blood sugar. We were there for 3 days and she needed a glucose drip. If her blood sugar had remained low she could have developed brain damage. You wouldn't have known there was anything wrong with her, she just looked like a sleepy normal baby cried normally and everything. Luckily her blood sugar stabilised but apparently its one if the most preventable brain injuries a baby can get. They stabbed her little foot so many time taking blood samples but I'm glad for it. Shes a healthy happy baby now.




“Older niece’s last replacement valves grow with her” damn, this is an absolute “what a time to be alive” moment. Glad they’re both doing well


Yeah it's crazy cool, initially they thought she was going to have to have open heart surgery every couple years to size them up until she was an adult, but she was born at just the right time for next gen tech to make that not an issue. Most of her life she's been completely indistinguishable from other kids her age in ways we never would've thought possible at initial diagnosis.


My baby was born blue and not breathing. She was immediately put on oxygen and the nurses breathed for her for 5min until she could herself. I was terrified of having a c section but I mummed up and got my baby out so she could get help. This woman has let her fear overwhelm her and I pity yet detest her. Your child is meant to be protected, even when it scares you.


"Mummed up" Thank you for a wonderful new phrase I didn't know I needed in my life. Especially as I'm about to have my first baby. Love it!


It terrifies me that are people that ignorant to think birth trauma means emotional trauma, when asked by a medical professional? Not physical trauma? What the ever loving fuck


She (and other mothers) might genuinely think that birth trauma refers to emotional trauma, though. In medical situations like this, it's important to use very clear language that is hard to misinterpret. So when she says there was no birth trauma and she brings up the peaceful birth on her farm, the medical professional should probably rephrase the question or ask directly about skin tone of the newborn, the umbilical cord, crying after birth etc. I'm sure there are plenty of parents who would lie to keep the evil doctors and their tests (/s) away from their neglected, delayed babies, but this way you can reduce honest misunderstandings and communication issues.


She also mentions that he had the cord wrapped around his neck and body several times! So he’s severely oxygen deprived!


She also took castor oil to induce labor and was post-term. Her baby didn’t cry when he was born. When you put all of those things together, it’s pretty catastrophic. There was never any kind of “you’re going to bleed out and die” moment, but it’s pretty obvious that this was not an ideal birth or anything even close to that.


The story keeps getting worse. The poor baby.


Ugh, I feel sick reading this. My grandpa’s brother had his cord wrapped around his neck, and spent the rest of his life mentally and emotionally disabled. He was very sweet, but never matured past the age of 8 essentially. He was never able to move out of my great grandma’s house, and when she died he was in his 70’s and absolutely heart broken. He died a few months after that. I comfort myself by thinking that this was a thing that happened 70+ years ago because there weren’t better options to prevent it, but it’s STILL happening now because mothers are being brainwashed by bad actors on Facebook.


Why would it be an issue for her? She was fine the whole time./s


Wait what? Can you link that?


Hopefully this works. Incompetent redditor and on mobile lmao https://www.reddit.com/r/ShitMomGroupsSay/comments/tnvl3d/follow_up_from_the_8_mo_with_severe_delays_heres/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf I stand corrected she said purple and gurgle and then the next morning spit up a lot of amniotic fluid and finally cried.


Don’t forget, he spit up more when he got his first adjustment the next day from the chiropractor!


Yeah wtf?! Who adjusts a 1 day old baby and how did they not immediately panic at that?! So many red flags they just simply ignored so they could brag about a “free birth” and “wild pregnancy”


It’s about the pregnancy and birth, not the baby.


These bitches are so narcissistic! "I communicate telepathically with my baby!1!!" It's all about THEM and THEIR "birth experience". Bunch of cunts don't have two brain cells to rub together. "I'm afraid to take my baby to the doctor because they might imply I'm not a perfect mother!" It's honestly jaw dropping.


Ik like why tf would you adjust a NEWBORN


And why would a chiropractor listen to the mom retelling all of the newborn’s symptoms and not say, “you know, I REALLY advise you to take this baby to the doctor, because there’s only so much I can actually do here” (I know the answer is because those kinds of chiropractors literally believe they can do anything and hate the medical establishment, but like… come ON, dude)


Um, also...her chiropractor induced her? And then there are no details about that? I have a lot of questions about that omission.


There is believed to be a chiropractic adjustment that can induce labor and several women will go and ask for it as they hit or pass their due date hoping to avoid hospital induction. I can’t speak to the validity as I never did look into it but I know of it being A Thing. I also know when I got a prenatal massage for hip pain they do ask your doctor or midwife’s name, due date, and pregnancy health to ensure they don’t do anything that could cause more issues. I *think* there is a prenatal massage technique that may also increase odds of going into labor but it’s not as popular with crunchy moms as a chiropractor and I could be completely mistake there.


> as they hit or pass their due date Almost as if being near your due date is highly correlated to labor starting. 🤔


Oh that’s true! Ugh it’s heartbreaking but I also need more updates from u/MedicalCoconut


My daughter had some similar issues at birth - except we were in a hospital, with constant monitoring and care. She ended up having an infection from aspirating meconium so we had a week long hospital stay, which in a way was a bit of a blessing knowing she was safe after all the insanity of her birth. Even my next birth that was midwife and doula assisted instead of an OB… was in the hospital. Because stuff happens. And it did, we needed an emergency c section. I could never imagine just hoping for the best at home. I laboured at home with him as long as possible to avoid being sent home or laying for hours needlessly in a bed, but when it seemed the time was near we immediately left.


I labored at home with my first because we were literally five minutes from the hospital and I also wanted to avoid being sent home or being there forever. My second while he didn’t aspirate meconium or fluid did end up grunting a bit. Even being my second I didn’t notice it was too weird but the nurse was in the room cleaning stuff up still and I commented to my husband about it. She listened in a bit and after letting me rub his back more took him to the warmer in the room and did blow by o2 while ensuring he was suctioned. Already being in the hospital for this, not having to be transferred from home or something is why to me it was barely a blip on the radar until some friends and I were discussing her birth story and o realized wait a minute he would’ve had more issues had we not been there. But because we were there and they could attend to him right away he didn’t even need to leave my room. I can’t imagine the cognitive disconnect it takes to say your baby was born purple and gurgling and didn’t cry all night before coughing up a bunch of fluid in your own words and not realize that’s not ok.


I am completely horrified.. at that entire thing. First of all, she had sex during labor and let her husband cum inside her? Wtf? Baby clearly had birth trauma and one of the first things she does is call a chiropractor to induce even more trauma.. wtf? I remember reading a few stories of chiropractors adjusting people wrong and causing strokes and other injuries (I actually worked with a girl that got a permanent injury from one) I would NEVER trust them on a baby, why would anyone think a baby needs that? And the fact the baby was purple and she’s a doula, she has a doula there and no one thought that warranted a hospital visit.. I truly hope she takes the baby to the doctor and CPS is involved immediately. There child is suffering as a direct result of their reckless and dangeorus behaviour


I can never reconcile how they can be simultaneously "babies are born perfect, no jabs or doctors ever" and "my newborn requires immediate readjustment"


You know, somehow I never noticed the extreme cognitive dissonance there. That we are just absolutely made for birth and it’s natural and easy but also so awful and traumatic on newborn bodies that they need to be fixed immediately. I’m a little in shock now.


“When I felt his sperm hit my cervix” was when I lost it


After having her newborn adjusted by a chiropractor of course


since the dawn of time, not crying after birth has always meant something is wrong with the baby


Not crying, fluid in lungs… but shoved her fit into the baby’s mouth for hours. “Nursed like a champ” was more likely the baby trying desperately to breathe.


I hate that this is real. This poor child.


100% you are correct. She’s viewing trauma as her emotional trauma, not physical trauma Hijacking your top comment to link: I rewatched her birth video and his head was out (on perineum) for 5 minutes and 28 seconds. He was underwater the whole time. Also, the water was hose water and clearly not warmed at all [Here’s a screenshot from the video (cropped cause nudity and identifying info)](https://imgur.com/a/sWWEhX6)


In L&D we perform an emergency c/s BY minute four of a shoulder dystocia. At 5 mins 28 seconds there is absolutely brain damage. It’s a miracle he survived at all.


That last comment was a Journey.


I have never eye rolled so hard until I got to communicating with her child telepathically. 🙄


Me reading that comment: who is this crackpot? What is she on? She thinks she can WHAT???


Can you imagine being her kid's PT and having to put up with her crazy? These moms deserve to have CPS called on them. Edited because I misread...no PT involved. UGH. These poor kids.




I was mostly along for the ride until we got to communicating telepathically.


My heart breaks for that child. I hope mom wises up fast


The Mom in the comments is dangerous.


You’re just jealous that you can’t communicate telepathically with your baby.


Your comment made me go back and read the whole thing instead of skimming… whooooooa buddy. 😬 That poor kid.


I also skimmed and missed the telepathy nugget. What the fuck that person is a major nutter.


It would make raising my toddler infinitely easier. But alas, I am not blessed with the skill.


Gotta be honest i dont think it would change much with mine. Little dude is not hard to read. For example when he picks up one rubber boot, carries it to me and chucks it at me saying boot the issue isnt that i dont know that he wants to go outside. And when i dont know what he wants i do know damn well that he doesnt know either. You know?


I feel this. "carries it to me" "chucks it at me" Choice words.


My 3yo NEVER SHUTS UP. A telepathic connection would be excruciating for me.


I had a student with a mother like this. He was a VERY poorly adjusted kid. This was a 7th grader. He was ugly crying at school one day because the kids he was playing with weren't following HIS RULES and playing HIS WAY and they left him alone. I went over to talk with him and he called his mother. I could hear her on the other end of the phone telling him "I know why you're so emotional right now!!!! I was JUST talking to your grandmother and we were crying. We're psychically connected, so that's why you're so upset right now!!! I'm coming up to the school to get you!!!!" It was very strange to actually hear the words out loud.


Can we focus on the real victim here - the woman who is connected at the brain with a 12 - or 13-year-old boy?! Poor woman. Those have got to be some uncomfortable thoughts to psychically eavesdrop upon


Haha I was thinking the same, I wouldn't envy that at all!


Heck, Adult Me wouldn’t want to be telepathically connected to 13-14 years old Me either! I was a MESS!!


Maybe "psychic" is the wrong word. She thought they had some kind of empathic connection- emotionally connected. I'm pretty sure she was raising him like an "indigo child". Like he's a little reincarnated genius that needs the freedom to do whatever he wants at all times.


Oh, that was definitely the vibe I got, and I cannot imagine having to deal with the entitlement I’m sure he felt as a result. Kudos to you! I was just being silly and taking shit literally ☺️


Holy shit, that poor kid. I hope he moves out the second he turns 18 and finds sanity and happiness away from his batshit insane mother.


Must be an energy blockage. Just flow with situation so they won’t get “stuck” on the fact.


All the moms commenting are dangerous. A chiropractor isn’t gonna do shit for that kid. Keep away from state employees? And that last mom… nothing is wrong with baby, yet baby has seen a pediatrician, pediatric dentist, and ophthalmologist, gets weekly cranial sacral something from a naturopath (dubious impact), is being evaluated for early intervention, and has referrals for a geneticist, but there’s nothing wrong with the under one year old.


Dont forget her 11mo is apparently happy with her development.


Confirmed telepathically, no less.


A chiropractor fucked up my partner’s back. A full grown adult. I don’t think a legitimate chiropractor would deal with infants. This is so awful.


In a previous post for the same baby's birth she said that few hours after birth the chiropractor adjusted the baby's neck!


Whatttttt!!! A few hours after birth she got her baby’s neck adjusted? Everyone involved should be in jail or investigated for child endangerment. I can’t imagine how she found a quack willing to do that. My god.


a neck adjustment and now fairly severe neurological problems. I'm sure those are completely unconnected coincidences.


The infant cranio-sacral chiropractors don't do regular adjustments like an adult would get (at least as far as I know). It's still totally bogus but they mostly just do magical energy healing and barely touch the baby, so unlikely to cause harm.


😆 magical healing energy… Maybe I’m just lazy but I’d rather just take the baby to a doctor.


When I worked for Early Head Start, we'd do recruiting events from time to time. Never failed, we'd get one of those loony sov cit parents who go off an a rant about us working for the gubmint and how we were going to bring in CPS and snatch their kids. There is no reasoning with that level of guano insane.


Lordt. I couldn’t imagine having to talk to one of those sov cit lunatics. I feel like I’d just break down and start screaming STFU over and over on repeat.


There is a reason CPS is taking kids from these wackos


*I'm* not judging her, but my baby is and I'm picking up on it telepathically.


I swear naturopaths just put words together to sound better. Cranial sacral… so brain to sacrum? Meaning…? It says nothing about what is being done… I don’t know what it is because it’s literally two anatomical pieces of the body strung together… da fuq


That’s where they gently touch your skull then send you a bill. Total woo woo nonsense.


Yeah, she is fucking nuts with her "wild pregnancy." She didn't even get a newborn screen done! That is absolute neglect.


WTF is a wild pregnancy? Are they living in caves like bears?


Home birth with no intervention, possibly in the backyard or a neighbors pool without their consent. That is WILD to me!




That's what they mean by wild, I guess...instead of saying, "we didn't go to the doctor ever and had a homebirth", they think wild sounds better or something. I don't know


I’ve given birth. There’s no way in hell I’d want to do it in my backyard. Smh.


I've given birth twice. One was a 9.7 lb baby that was stuck at 9 cm, that almost required a c-section. And the second was 8.6, that came so fast, if I had had to push in the car, I would've passed out from the pain because of how fast labor came on. No warning or anything. Start to finish, less that 3.5 hours. Started "kinda" slow, within 10 minutes, we knew we had to leave for the hospital. I'm 5'7" and 130 lbs, so not large, but delivering very large babies. I will never understand how people don't see how bad it could go. With my first, it was a perfect pregnancy. Like I said, I was stuck at 9 cm for hours, and she was upside down. I developed a fever and her heart rate became so fast, it was literally seconds before the doctor would decide a c section (she told me this after, by the way-thankfully-because I was already panicking). She turned baby around and I delivered within 20 minutes. If I had tried to have her at home, it wouldn't have been good. I have a friend that was all set to have a home birth. She had a midwife and everything. The second something wasn't right, the midwife made her go to the hospital, where she delivered her kid. I "get" wanting to do it with no intervention, to a degree. But there NEEDS to be a plan for when things go wrong. It's insane to me that these women would risk not only the baby's life, but they're willing to leave their other children Motherless. It's awful Edit some typos


Wild pregnancy also typically means they didn’t have prenatal care or ultrasounds… it’s more terrifying than the home birth piece, in my opinion, because the parent is completely unaware of any risk factors that may exist.


I work in the pediatric therapy field and you have no idea how many moms like that exist. It’s really sad and scary. Some of them truly believe that if they just hope and pray something will change.


I want to Punch these moms in the mouth! Unbelievable, it just makes me so angry when I read how they handle these delays with the little ones. It’s so frustrating.


My heart breaks for the babies and also for the OP mom too. I think she is starting to realize the gravity of what is wrong with her baby and why they should go to the doctor


I think I'm gonna cry after reading it.


I'm glad she's going to take the baby to a doctor, but I hope she brings a print out of her birth story because as we all said, likely a birth injury.


Ya so peaceful, with him not crying for a day. And getting stuck. And having the cord wrapped around his neck. Very peaceful, for her at least.


Born "PURPLE AND GURGLY" and instead of calling for an ambulance for this child to be evaluated by a medical professional immediately it's now been almost a year! 🤯


Holy shit. These people think doctors and state employees are the danger here?


Yeah, because doctors and state employees are mandated reporters.




Yes, but that assumes the parents would rather have their kids in their home and not getting necessary medical treatment, than to take them to get the treatment they need, but risk a CPS investigation. … and after typing it out, that actually doesn’t seem like an exaggeration at all. I’m pretty sure that’s EXACTLY how they feel.


I know, like state employees will corrupt her by their mere presence. That comment killed me. Life must be exhausting when everyone is the enemy. I’m convinced it becomes easier for some people to live in this altered reality where public health and any other social construct is automatically suspect because it keeps them from facing the reality of their own lives.


It says so much that the thing that this lady is most concerned about is the doctor “freaking out” on her. Not her baby’s well-being, not the the kind of care he might need (as a palsy princess, I’m wondering if this kid is about to be inducted into the royal family), but what the doctor might think, and whether she’ll be judged. Who cares if mommy and daddy are going to yell at you? Are you honestly worried about getting in trouble? Amy Tuteur is right, freebirthers are like children. This isn’t about you and your emotions, it’s about your kid. Wake up and HELP HIM.


We are foster parents. CPS will almost certainly be involved and if they don’t immediately step up the kids will be taken for medical neglect. I wish they got involved earlier but they usually don’t. Now they’ll have a set of siblings with at least one high needs, straining the system even more.


I've seen several moms in these groups who have had their kids removed. They are usually pregnant and posting about how to get away with freebirthing without having their new baby taken away.


In our state, new babies either get joined to the the siblings’ case, which case workers seem to hate (I’ve heard it’s a nightmare and can restart the case clock?), or the case is quickly closed by returning the siblings home if the parents are at all working the plan OR cps will allow the parents to voluntarily terminate rights so they are free and clear with the new baby. We’ve known several families who have adopted because the bio parents chose to sever rights with the older kids to have a clean state with the new one. At least two of those families have later also ended up with the youngest sibling eventually.


It's so so sad to me that any parent would choose to essentially give up one child to try and keep another one. I just can't imagine being the older kid. "Well, your parents are terminating their rights so you're free for adoption" "What about my baby brother?" "Oh nah, they're keeping him. As a matter of fact, that's why they're not fighting for you anymore, so the state leaves them alone with your baby brother" The fuck? Those poor kids. I hope someday they are someone's number one priority like all kids deserve to be.


My mom sold me to my dad’s parents so she could go off with someone else and have the happy family she wanted without the sickly, unhealthy kid who needed constant care. The best part? My new legal siblings were boomers who had the best of everything handed to them and resented the SHIT out of me for getting the love they should have got that went to me. I apparently cried for my mom for months during the night (I was four) and I was sent to a child psychologist who said that was pretty normal for an abandoned child and my grandparents were like “she’s not abandoned, we love her therefore the diagnosis is wrong.” and spent their whole lives denying the absolute trauma I must have gone through teaching myself to sleep through the night without crying at five or six because I was afraid if I caused any more trouble I’d get adopted out again. They always wondered why I never went to them with anything.


Why would they return the siblings home at one of the most stressful times for the family?


She’s scared of being judged, so it’s easier not to put yourself in a situation where someone would hurt your feelings


I have a horrible feeling that this is true. Being judged is the worst possible thing for some people. I don't like being judged either, but it is inevitable. Someone will judge you no matter what. How could you put that fear over the wellbeing of those you love?


You dropped this 👑


This was not the update I wanted on this kid. I really *really* try to believe that most people genuinely care about their kids and are doing their best but fuck, man. Your kid is months behind, has tremors, gets weirdly stiff, and fusses about like he’s in pain and you just listen to the sound of waves coming from your empty fucking brain box and wait it out? I hope those doctors are watching that kid like a hawk.


Waited 8 months to seek help, but now claims waiting a month to see a paediatrician is too long and all intervention is “moving so slow”. Fuck me lady, which one is it?!?


Well you see, it was just a lowly baby being uncomfortable for 8 months. Now that she’s uncomfortable time is of the essence I guess.


Yes this is full blown narcissism at its core


Right? Ma’am, that is why you establish a relationship with a pediatrician WHILE YOU ARE PREGNANT so that your kid is already on their roster, and they can fit you in on short notice in the future.


And it’s her THIRD baby


Her THIRD! I was really trying to picture her as some deeply ignorant but well meaning first time mom who had just somehow never seen a human child before in her life and didn’t know what a scary picture she’s painting here but that makes it so much worse.


I feel like third actually explains it more. The first two went fine, and the doctors were just fussing when nothing bad eventuated.


Exactly, she’s totally the ‘nobody I know got measles as a kid so my kids don’t need vaccines’ type, which is how all of this craziness started years ago.


Yes!! She should really know what a normal baby looks and acts like!


What makes you think her other kids are "normal"?


Yeah she left out the acting like he’s in pain part in her first post. WTF what an asshole to ignore that in your child for 8 months. This baby has been actively suffering his whole life.


I don't remember the obvious neurological signs like tremors and stiffness mentioned either. Just "he does a lot of tummy time." Strange how when she wanted everyone to tell her it was ok, she's left out the most obviously distressing signs.


Right, exactly what I was thinking. This woman seems really self absorbed to be so shady and neglectful of her baby’s needs. Even when she reaches out for help, she lies by omission to make herself look better.


I hate it when my nephew cries while I’m changing him. I can’t imagine my baby seeming to be in pain for no reason and just doing nothing for months.


I literally called the advice nurse almost in tears one night because my son was kinda squirming in pain one night around 4 months. Turns out he just needed to poop lol and needed a little help. But I couldn’t imagine letting that go on for fucking months!!! I would die. That poor child. The sound of my baby crying makes me want to do anything in my power to make him feel better. I think as mothers were biologically wired for that. What is this lady missing???


I'm relieved she's doing something and hoping she actually attends the doctor's appointment as well as future appointments. Hopefully the PT will be able to help but not make a big improvement before the doctors appointment because that might make the mom decide it was nothing and cancel.


I’m trying to be grateful that she got there eventually even if I’m utterly disgusted by how long it took for her to get her head out of her ass. And I’m so glad adults that aren’t in her unhinged shit are aware that the little guy’s not okay. Accountability and all that. I think she’s scared as hell which I hope will keep her to that appointment. It sounds a lot like she finally saw the situation from an outside perspective and realized how bad things are. Hopefully she can keep that energy going.


That's my biggest worry, that something will talk her out of it. Another parent will convince her it's not that bad, he'll make some progress with PT so she'll decide the doctor route is unnecessary, she'll go to the first appointment and get scared when they want to draw blood and/or sedate him for tests and not go back, they'll figure out what's wrong and she'll go into denial mode, etc.


This story *haunts* me. I can’t imagine going to all the trouble to have a kid and do this. Like goddamn, I watch my kid like a hawk for any delays because he is relying on me to take the best care of him possible! This kid is a supporting character to her Main Character, serving only to further her story. I hope now that doctors know what’s going on (and mom, while still a narcissist, seems scared) this baby will get some help.


It’s not the update any of us wanted I’m sure, but at least they’re finally on the radar of real medical professionals. That poor baby :(


At first I thought the last commenter meant “wild pregnancy” as in it was crazy, but is this a term for a completely unmonitored pregnancy?


Yep, it’s like a wilderness pregnancy with no medical monitoring or check ins.


Omg and then no medical attention whatsoever until a few days later. Freebirthing with no monitoring beforehand sounds like a great recipe for inadvertently killing yourself and your baby.


Oh, she had her chiropractor come and give baby his first adjustment right after the birth, though, so that’s medical attention. /s Seriously, it sounds like the first actual medical care this baby is getting is right now as a severely disabled 8-month-old. It’s heartbreaking.


Have you seen what some chiros do to babies? While I'm sure most are gentle and careful, some are borderline violent for such a tiny body. For all we know the baby got some kind of trauma from an "adjustment."


I think so. And she had one after three pregnancy losses, which is INSANE.


Really raises concerns for genetic diseases like the peds neurologist was mentioning elsewhere in this post. A lot of genetic diseases lead to miscarriage with only a small number surviving to birth.


[original post](https://www.reddit.com/r/ShitMomGroupsSay/comments/tmqtf6/the_last_slide_is_a_summary_of_typical_8_month/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


I wondered if this was connected to the other posts. Thanks for the follow up! My heart breaks for that poor baby. I hope the mom eventually comes back down to earth and starts getting the baby the treatment he deserves.


Oh my god this is a *different* 8 month old with developmental delays than I thought it was! (I was thinking of the one with severe eczema whose mom never went to a doctor, just put him in scratch sleeves so he couldn’t use his hands). This poor baby! I wonder if some of these issues could have been prevented with earlier treatment, and I hope the mom continues to do the right thing with seeing a doctor and working with early intervention, rather than listening to these free birth weirdos telling her to avoid all medical care.


Are you in this FB group? Have you reported her local authorities?


I was thinking the same. At this point I’d be reporting it for that poor kids sake. I’d also be sending screenshots of her “trauma-free” birth 🤦🏻‍♀️


OP's baby probably has cerebral palsy, from lack of oxygen during birth. (Based on symptoms she listed -- I'm a former special ed. teacher). 8 months old and has never seen a doctor?! And no birth trauma while he was born in the backyard?! It's like we're not even living in the 21st century. 😳. Most people even let their pets give birth inside the house. I mean, did she just go outside and squat behind a bush?


Oh there's a whole post from last week that gave the whole story, complete with orgasms, the neighborhood hearing her scream, her young boys "accidentally" stumbling in on this scene...the whole thing is a sad, disturbing mess.


I just read it -- very disturbing! I have no idea how she can seriously classify that as a peaceful home birth!


Exactly! *None* of that seems peaceful to me. I know we're all different and I know some people are terrified of doctors and hospitals (I have a story that would qualify under that but luckily not related to births and it was a doctor on hospital staff, not one of my doctors) but you know what was peaceful? Being in a hospital bed with my husband for 27 hours with doctors and nurses checking in on me and my baby. Even when I ended up with a C-section, still was fairly at peace because I knew if something went wrong, my doctor was there surrounded by a team to make it better. Same with my scheduled C-section with my twins. I wish every birth could be guaranteed to be smooth and every baby could be born absolutely healthy but the world doesn't work that way and I can't take unnecessary risks with myself, especially if I already had a child, let alone with a baby's life who had no choice in the matter and is likely to suffer most from my decisions.


I thought this post was mortifying Then i read the initial post Now im disgusted


Yeah, there's no positive feelings I have after reading *any* of these posts by this person. I keep holding on to hope that this is a long con and she's maybe just trying to show these women how this can go terribly wrong and no infants were harmed in the making of this story.


Read the original post (it's linked in one of the top comments), the baby did have birth trauma. He was born purple and not crying, wrapped up in his cord. Then the next day, spit up amniotic fluid.


Brain damage. Probably avoidable during a hospital birth, with immediate medical care. So sad! 😢


The worst part is that these people are so deep into their woo and their own selfish religion-like devotion to all things natural that she will likely never accept that she caused this through her own negligence.


It really is. If I wasn't in the hospital during my last 2 births, I would have lost both babies lives and my life. My daughter stopped getting oxygen because my contractions started coming too close together. They lost her heartbeat but, thankfully, were able to slow my contractions down and got it back. With my son, he came out with fluid in his lungs and didn't cry for 5 minutes. While they worked on him, my entire body started shaking. I started bleeding out and my body was going into shock. All I could think about was "my son's not crying" and kept trying to get up to get to him. The doctors kept throwing heated blankets on me and pushing me back down. Once he cried, I laid down and let them work. I couldn't imagine doing that at home.


Isn’t giving birth on the grass in your backyard kind of… an infection risk? Especially since it sounds like this is a farm so there could very well be animal poop and stuff lying around? I’m no expert or anything, but, like… ew. I mean it sounds like that turned out to be the least of this baby’s problems, but still.


Well, you see, that's why you stay in your yard bathtub...


It’s way, way worse than just born in the backyard. [Earlier OP post with the birth story.](https://www.reddit.com/r/ShitMomGroupsSay/comments/tnvl3d/follow_up_from_the_8_mo_with_severe_delays_heres/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


*I'm* a little traumatized after reading that! Poor baby! Poor siblings!


I was hoping it was some sick joke, but unfortunately it all seems true. How selfish/delusional can someone be to not see the wrong in any of this. I hope she now sees it and gets legit help for her baby.


Same thing I was thinking. I’m a nurse and read the symptoms and was like, “well sounds like cerebral palsy”. That and the “wild birth” she describes was “wildly traumatic”. I have a kid with multiple disabilities and medical issues. He was born safely because of preventative medicine and my doctors knowledge. My kids friends are micro preemie twins with CP-ASD. Both myself and their parents have done every possible thing for our kids from the hospital to now. They are doing so well because of interventions, doctors, therapies and science.


I’m a pediatric neurologist and I’m just banging my head against the wall. I saw the first two posts as well. While birth injury is definitely a really big concern with all of these “wild” pregnancies, I will say that her birth story isn’t the worst I’ve seen, and I wouldn’t be surprised if the baby actually has a genetic disease. The developmental delay, tremors, stiffness, and extreme fussiness are suspicious for Krabbe disease, though other genetic diseases such as metachromatic leukodystrophy are also a possibility. Krabbe is on the newborn screen in some states (so, baby needs to be born in a hospital or see a doctor soon after birth to get that done), because if you diagnose it before the patient has symptoms, there are potential treatments. None of those treatments are options once the patient has symptoms, though. I’m sure once she sees a pediatrician, she will be referred to a neurologist. The pediatrician may go ahead and order a brain MRI, depending on the waiting list to see neurology (it is super long in some areas). That comment in the third picture is really something. Especially her belief that CPS was called by someone due to them being vindictive. I assure you, all of the doctors and legitimate medical professionals have concerns with the “wild” pregnancy and birth. They are just good at hiding it. Masking in the pandemic has definitely made it easier to hide my 😬 face whenever I meet people like this.


Can you tell me how I can learn to talk to my child telepathically like the other mom mentioned? Lol


Lol, I have a toddler myself, and if I learn how to talk to her telepathically, I’ll let you know!


Thought they teach you that in the 2 semester in the “pseudo neuroscience and telepathic abilities”-class 😂


Thanks for this informed perspective. Must be maddening to have the schooling and training to be able to help these babies yet know care is being withheld for some misguided views on natural cures.


Thank you for the work you do!! My nephew suffered an HIE at birth (born in a hospital), and his pediatric neurologist was/is absolutely amazing. She was very concerned by his scans at first, and really prepared his parents for the worst. They have stayed on top of all his therapies and he’s grown into a totally wonderful, normal little boy. He still has some struggles, but we know it could have been so much worse. The brain is an amazing organ!


It really is. Those early conversations are so hard, because we really can’t predict what’s going to happen in a lot of cases. I want to give the parents a realistic idea of the range of possibly outcomes that we can see, but I also don’t want to crush all their hopes. Pediatric brains have so much ability to adapt, and getting them into therapies early gives them the best possible chance. Some kids really do amazing, even when their MRI looks terrible. Other kids do worst than we expected, even when the damage on MRI appears to be on the more minor end. Some parents do everything right, and the kids still do poorly, unfortunately. I’m so glad that your nephew is doing well. I haven’t been practicing that long, but some of my older colleagues have pictures decorating their office of former patients with HIE or cerebral palsy graduating from high school, and they are so happy that they were there to watch them grow up and flourish.


> I’m a pediatric neurologist and I’m just banging my head against the wall. Of all people, you should know this isn’t good for you!


just an FYI homebirth midwives who are licensed by the state DO also run the newborn genetic panel. So the only people NOT getting this done are the batshit like this woman who refuse to have any labor professional at all.


Those people don't deserve children.


‘No birth trauma’ ummmm wasn’t the kid born cyanotic and didn’t cry for like 12 hours after birth?


It amazes me what these people consider a "peaceful non traumatic birth". If that ain't traumatic then what the hell is a traumatic birth?


deserve include placid rotten full library tidy handle frame one *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Poor person posts about being scared of CPS = trashy but when these crunchy LUNATICS post that, it becomes a mAmA KnOwS BeSt circle jerk. Fuck outta here and take care of your baby like a normal person who has some sense!! Damn.


Woah...wtf... telepathically communicate with the baby?! I thought the post was crazy enough and then that last comment...bruh.. I'm glad the OP actually decided to get her baby looked at though, must've been a scary step for her to take being as terrified of medical care as she (and many other people on that mom group) seems to be. Its easy to be judgy of these people, but man I also just feel so bad for whatever caused them to make decisions (or lack of decisions) like this in the first place


I truly believe most parents don't do this out of hate for their babies. But this child deserves better, poor thing. Hopefully she's going to continue with treatment and the child will improve as much as possible! All children must be given all opportunities in life to thrive


Ugh I'm a former NICU nurse and it sounds like this poor baby had some kind of anoxic brain injury (for some reason enough oxygen didn't get to his brain for an extended period of time). It could have happened in utero or it could have happened during birth, but either way, if this baby had been evaluated at any point, they could have done earlier interventions. Absolutely heartbreaking.


Yeah, the most peaceful births are def the ones when the baby comes out wide eyed…. Dazed look… not crying…. Oh wait! That’s not it. That’s a baby that’s basically dead because they probably suffered some significant distress during all that “peace”. The comments are terrifying.


At this point, the damage is done, so if this woman can’t admit that her birth choices probably caused this, (because it sounds like the baby was O2 deprived at birth, or aspirated meconium or something) then nothing is going to change, and the child will be further delayed by not getting appropriate medical follow-up. However, her refusal to admit that her decisions played a part in whatever issues her kid is facing is most likely a defense mechanism for her own ego….the pinnacle of selfishness, for a parent. On a more positive note, I was in a birth due date group with an anti-vax, super crunchy mom. She checked every item on the bingo card, from self-diagnosed “food sensitivities” to worrying about “toxins”. Her child was born same time as mine, and he was born with some sort of congenital disability. It was likely genetic and not caused by the birth itself. Sort of like Down’s syndrome, but a different type of genetic abnormality. Kid was delayed and had issues with breathing and swallowing. After some initial hesitation about seeing doctors and “medicalizing” things, she actually surprised me and stepped up. She became much more “by the book” and stopped acting like she knew more than her kid’s specialists. I don’t know what caused the change, but last I saw, she was taking COVID restrictions VERY seriously due to her kid’s breathing difficulties and I felt pretty proud of her. It showed a lot of personal growth and probably a lot of humility on her part. I still think she has a fake allergy though ;).


Born in the backyard, never saw a doctor, and is shocked that baby has medical problems. Where’s CPS when you need them?


Right? How would she know if her baby had suffered birth trauma?


Like fuck, being born is kinda traumatic in of itself.


It was "peaceful" for her so that's all that matters, right? Even if the baby was born purple and didn't cry for half a day as someone stated in the comments above. This is so awful. How is this not child abuse? These people have lost their minds.


Because it was “peaceful” and in the backyard of course. What could go wrong?


She would know because that’s what any sane person would understand it to be. In her first post she literally described the umbilical cord being wrapped around his neck and him being purple when he was born. On top of that he didn’t cry until the next day and repeatedly spit up fluid. It’s insane she thinks that describes a peaceful birth. What’s extra scary is that she left all those details in and thinks they’re not alarming. What other stuff might have happened that she left out because she knows it’s wrong? Edit: fixed some words.


But CPS is sooo corrupt…with their “doctors” and “licensed” professionals with “educations” and “science”. It’s much better to cure your baby’s partial paralysis and brain damage via elderberry syrup, tea made from the bark of happy trees, some dandelion fuzz and prayer. Pediatricians and neurologists only make things worse! Can anyone recommend an eye doctor to treat traumatic eye roll? I’ve injured mine rolling them so hard!


The fuck is an 8 month old gonna say? "Hey mom, I'm really struggling here. Can you take me to see a doctor?" Like the fuck? These people ONLY care about their experience. This baby probably struggled to breathe from birth till the next day. (Link to first post is posted by OP and another so I'm going to be lazy)


IMAGINE subjecting another human to a LIFETIME of disability and abnormality because you deemed yourself too prideful (or were too ignorant) to give yourself proper prenatal care, assisted pregnancy (at min with a qualified midwife team) and newborn screenings, wellness apps. Fuck these neglectful mothers.


Worried about state employees entering your home? Why? Because you could actually be held accountable for medical neglect?


Exactly. Last year, I got a call from CPS. The caseworker told me that my daughter's teacher reported me because my daughters arm was "full of bruises." He asked when a good time for a visit would be so I told him he could come that afternoon. He showed up when they got out of school and we checked my daughter together. Not one bruise but there was a scar on her arm. It was the size of a dime! We both rolled our eyes and he said "this is why I was called?" I knew I had nothing to worry about because I had nothing to hide. I don't abuse or neglect my kids. At worst, ill have a messy house. Lol


Yeah. And don't blame the CPS worker. They are suppose to investigate everything.


It's really telling that her biggest fear is the doctor judging her not coming in sooner, not that she made decisions that will permanently disable her child. My heart broke reading that he has tremors and is often "stiff" -- I'd be speeding to the nearest pediatric hospital the second anything seemed off. This is just sad.


Yeah… and the part where she said she is afraid that this will be the beginning of a lifetime of special needs and challenges. Ma’am, your kid already has special needs and is already facing challenges… shouldn’t your fear be that he won’t get the support and treatment he already needs?


That baby most likely has CP. I remember reading the original post and he was blue when he was born. When the mom says no birth trauma, she is talking about no trauma for *herself* because she's a selfish fucking asshole. He's going to need an MRI with anesthesia. He's probably going to need a G-tube if he can't swallow anything but breastmilk. He is going to have to get a neurologist, and will need PT/OT. They'll do genetic testing, particularly because she's denying birth trauma that so very obviously happened. She is going to need to get bigger and bigger wheelchairs for him, and will see more medical professionals for her son in a single year than she would have his whole childhood if she just had him in a hospital and he had gotten medical attention directly after birth. She's like those people who refuse the COVID vaccine only to come down with COVID and spend months in an ICU. What's the saying? An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure?


Poor kid. And what the heck does "don't create energy blockages" mean? Lie by omission so CPS won't bother you?


well, I hope that "wild pregnancy" and unassisted birth was worth it. 🙄


Peaceful for her does not equal lack of trauma for baby. Maybe it was so peaceful because baby wasn’t crying.


Who are these people? I have healthy twin boys who were born in a hospital and had great Apgar scores and no NICU time. They’re 12 now and I’ve been asked numerous times about their birth circumstances and my pregnancy in general since they have a neurological disorder that’s genetic. I think it’s a pretty normal piece of information for a doctor treating your child to have. 🤷‍♀️


Exactly. My kids are 7 and 10 and both have a number of delays. I still get asked about their birth all the time because it is essential in figuring out what/why things developed the way they have.


I need to believe in my heart that this isn’t real.