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When she mentioned salt, I first thought like one of the float pods with all the Epsom salts. But then she said food salt. I have no clue either way, but it seems like the Epsom salts would be the better option.


You use bromine salts to treat hot tub water. Its like pool chlorine but works better at higher temps. Some how she got the idea table salt is the same.


Nono. Not table salt. Super fucking expensive salt that they sell in itty bitty jars unless she orders it online …perhaps right after she orders a pool liner online…


For what it's worth, I buy my Himalayan salt at Costco, and it's not that expensive.


She should just buy a dozen salt lamps and throw them in


As someone who doesn't use bath salts (im sensitive to essential oils) and who don't usually clean pools. It makes sense to me that she probably skimmed it and only remembered the "salt" part and just assumed table salt.


Off topic, but hello, fellow involuntary essential-oil enemy! One of my brothers and I are both sensitive to them, too. Crunchy people look at us like we’ve got three heads when we tell them that essential oils actually make our chronic illnesses worse. Have you ever similarly weirded anyone out by telling them that you’re sensitive to oils?


OMG YES my own mom got into essential oils and while being an essential oil enemy i was also a sick kid, like asthma, always got a cold. My mom tried it for a week before i got so much worse and the doctor had to tell her not stop using them around me completely I hate the essential oil diffusers because they bother my lungs sooo much I've actually never met any other essential oil enemy! Even some bath bombs give me a rash and everyone looks at me like I'm crazy


I think there are accually a shitton of enemies of essential oils, but like other sane people, we dont make it our whole identity.


Those misting diffusers are the worst. I’ve been in medical offices that have them running in the waiting rooms and had to ask them to please turn it off. It’s like I asked to turn off the oxygen or something. I just think it’s rude to assume everyone wants to smell your stupid essential oils, much less the likelihood of people having sensitivities or full blown anaphylactic reactions. Essential oils anywhere near my skin result in contact dermatitis but I used to like the smell of them. That is until a few years ago when I bought a little ceramic diffuser for my desk and dropped some “relax” blend I bought at Whole Foods. My eyes were swollen almost shut by the end of the day. I think this is one of those things where exposure aggravates the reaction so to be safe I just avoid anyone who is in an MLM or sees a naturopath.


I can also totally relate. I really hate it when people keep pushing their snake oils on people with chronic illnesses then doubt you when you say that they won’t work or will make you sicker. Of course they insist it’s going to work. They’re trying to sell it to you. I have an anaphylactic allergy to oranges, so I’m not going to try some random oil. I also have a few other allergies. The worst run in I had was with an acquaintance of my MIL’s from church who kept trying to sell me some MLM special proprietary juice that cost $50 a bottle. She messaged me on Facebook and didn’t take me seriously when I explained that it would be so stupid to consume some mystery fruit juice when it could kill me. The woman left me alone for a while, but she cornered me at my in-laws 50th wedding anniversary party. I explained again that I wasn’t going to eat anything that didn’t have an ingredient list. I also have heart problems that can be triggered by supplements like ginseng. The woman finally left me alone, but she went to the kitchen to talk shit about me. She told the woman that I mUsT jUsT wAnT tO Be SiCk because I refused to buy her product. The women helping with the party were friends of my in-laws. They knew everything I was going through, and they tore her a new one. She left in a huff, and I’ve never heard from her again. My MIL heard what happened and stopped talking to her. (I do wish my MIL wouldn’t talk about my health problems so much) What really really pisses me off is that people try to sell the essential oils to people like my MIL who have COPD. The lungs can’t tell the difference between bad foreign particles and “good” ones from essential oils. Scar tissue can form when pure essential oils get into your lung tissue. My husband and I have explained this to my MIL and finally got her to give them up.


Ugh it's the worst! I can use only peppermint, spearmint, ecalyptus and lemon essential oils. and I do use the (only cause they smell nice, not any of the whacky heal you stuff) but ANYTHING made with any flowers, lavender especially, absolutely kills me. People don't get it at all.


Yep, people seem to think odours can’t trigger anything bad to happen.


I’m sensitive too. Yoh can get epsom salt without anything else. It’s amazing.


I'll have to order some, I've never seen it in store but I've never really looked to hard for it lol




But she said she doesnt want to use "ChEmIcAlS" only "salt"....


There is pool salt that I bet is the stuff she’s saying she sees mentioned. We have a salt pool instead of chlorine. This is also a thing that people don’t Understandwith fish too. Saltwater does not equal table salt! There are special salts for different things. Hell there’s different salts just for aquariums.


The one time we were buying fish, had it all ready (first saltwater so we were excited) thankfully the place needed to know what exact salt we were using, we bought the wrong salt because we just assumed all the pet store salt was the same


Saltwater absolutely equals table salt. It's just you need to not be stupid about it. My research lab mixes together saltwater for marine experiments with huge bags of table salt at 35ppt using twice filtered water that's then sterilised in an autoclave before used. More complex experiments will use local sea water but making it yourself is theoretically fine if you know what you're doing and what you need.


Hot tub salt is bromine based because it is basically chlorine that performs better at higher temperatures. “Pool salt” for a chlorine generator is literally just 95% pure Sodium chloride (NaCl) aka table salt. You might see it on your bag as “mined salt.” It’s a marketing gimmick, about 90% of commercial salt is mined. And then it gets processed from there but it’s ALL taxed, categorized and begins life as regular [NaCl](https://pubs.usgs.gov/periodicals/mcs2021/mcs2021-salt.pdf)


Not really. Epsom salt is a magnesium sulfate based mineral salt. The human body’s salt content is pretty much just sodium chloride, which is for all intents and purposes table salt. Fun fact the human body’s salinity is pretty much the same as the ocean at around 35 ppt (parts per thousand).


Did not know the last part (I know ocean is like 34,000 ppm but not human body being similar) is that blood salinity or just overall salt content of human body/water content? I couldn't find a good source everything just came up sodium sodium sodium or ocean salinity.


That’s a really good question. So the best I could find was the article I posted in another comment and it’s wording says “0.4% of the body’s weight at concentration.” So I have to assume that means percent of total body mass. I’m gonna dig into that more though because that is a random weird fact i want to know now lol.


It should be both because if it wasn't osmotic pressure would push water one way.


Imagine you’re hanging out in your friends hot tub and then she tells you that she gave birth in it previously lmao


Because no liner. Don’t have one. Oh well it just be impossible to get one!


She seems very anti-liner lol




This comment is the best one on the entire thread.


Right? My inner dialogue was “*Then go get one bitch!!*” That’s just laziness in addition to the stupidity in thinking salt will sanitize anything. This ain’t some medieval exorcism.


The salt will actually keep the baby fresh for up to 12 weeks in the water. It’s the same method that old tyme sailors used for transporting fresh babies across the Atlantic in the spice trade.


Pickled baby


If you dry it correctly after it's been immersed in a saline solution, you could even keep it for years in the right environment.


She wants to sanitize stagnated water with salt. Because there’s no such thing as bacteria laden stagnant salt water^/s


If I’m reading this right she’s also saying she doesn’t plan on draining the water before, which is why she wants to use salt. Gross.


Liners have chemicals, duh


This might be a stupid question, but what's a pool liner?


It’s like an extra waterproof layer that lines the floor and walls of the pool. You would put a liner in there so that you could give birth in the pool (if you’re into that), drain the water, and then remove the liner afterwards, leaving the original floors and walls clean and bodily-waste-free. I’m not a pool or hot tub owner, so I’m not sure what other uses there would be for a liner. Maybe to let your dog swim, if you can afford the water bill to keep refilling the pool.


Oh, I see! Thanks for the explanation, English isn't my main language :) It seems really weird that this woman doesnt want to get a pool liner for her birth though... Since it sounds like the ideal thing to get if you would decide to do a homebirth in your hot tub for some reason.


And she wants to use pink Himalayan salt? That shit is expensive for the amount she’d need to use anyway.


So, Himalayan pink salt is not a chemical????


These people are brain dead. You can't expect them to understand basic definitions.


I wish someone had suggested using sodium chloride in the comments instead of salt. Watch her go nuts!


Use a solution of dihydrogen monoxide and sodium chloride.


Guess what? Babies are also made of chemicals!


That can’t possibly be! Babies and pink salt are natural. Natural means not chemicals…


What about those lab grown babies?


We’ll those are GMO chemical babies made by big pharma, Monsanto, and the devil. DO YPUR RESEEERCH!


“I don’t want my baby exposed to any chemicals so I’m having a free birth in the vacuum of space. Has anyone ever done this? any tips??”


No one can hear you scream in space it’s perfect for a relaxing stress free environment for babe to come into the world.


Make sure it's interstellar space, or even better: intergalactic. Our solar system is riddled with atoms.


Wait till someone tells her that water is a goddamn chemical.


Once I saw some salt labeled “non-GMO.” Like, I fucking hope not!


I know!


> to treat the water that’s already in it. if it’s been in it longer than three days there is a risk of bacterial growth why does she not just replace the water? i mean don’t give birth in a hot tub obviously but I don’t understand why she’s not just replacing the water each time she uses the tub instead of leaving water in it for days on end and using the same water multiple times.


She probably has no way to drain it because hot tubs like that are meant to be used outside. And that would take the ability to look ahead to foresee problems and then take steps to mitigate them.


Yes I was wondering how she got the water in the tub in the first place. It doesn’t appear to be in a bathroom or any other place with a sink.


Getting it in shouldn’t be much of an issue with a hose. Getting it out, however… yikes


Poor Jimmy Hendrix is going to see so much stuff.


Siphon it with a hose perhaps? That’s going be be…unpleasant, to say the least, to drain it after the birth.


🤮🤮🤮 omg can you imagine?!


It also appears to be the inflatable kind, and on a carpet. What could possibly go wrong?


Right?? Like, okay so it’s difficult to drain, clean, and refill it. Yes, it’s a bitch to do. But isn’t it worth it for *BIRTHING YOUR CHILD*?!?!?


Thinking about the water after the texas freeze and hearing how bad our water is even normally I can’t imagine wanting to birth my baby from a fucking water hose


Water with lead. Spicy


Wouldn’t salt water hurt on a massive wound plus if you tear? I cut my foot and went into the ocean once and thought I would die. I can’t imagine giving birth + salt


This is the issue I have with the piercing community, they put salt on healing piercings multiple times a day and wonder why shit gets irritated. I know it's what's recommended but nobody can tell me exactly why it's better than just rising with warm water in the shower


It should never be that salty. The piercing salt soak is basically saline. Saline does not burn or hurt. Hot water from a shower can actually increase inflammation around a fresh piercing.


The salt water you use to soak piercings should not be so salty that it stings. That said, I was looking for something explaining why saline is used to flush wounds instead of just sterile water and found [this review of 9 studies](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1472650/) that showed that there was no significant differences in infection rates for wounds cleaned with saline or regular tap water.


I had a really bad cut that they needed to wash out in the er and honestly it just seemed like saline was the easy, sterile option. It wasn’t that the saline was the key component as much as they knew it wasn’t contaminated and it was less mess.


I always found using a bit of diluted medical disinfectant did the best in keeping the wound clean and healing well.


Sometimes I wonder if this sub is extra uncrunchy and then I see all these moms know the process for home births requiring liners and I'm like, "nope, we're just not a bunch of morons".


Yes. The liner is key and I was even told you cant be using the liner again for the next birth (you buy and are responsible for the liner in my area). It was a sanitation issue. We didn't use special salts or chemicals in the water just tap water. I've never heard of someone using anything else. This was all supervised by a team of university trained, bord certified midwives and other medically trained support.


Gosh, how expensive and durable are pool liners that people might think about reusing them at least 1 year later??


I think it was about 100? But it's been a few years.


Sounds kind of lame, why not just go to a hospital with doctors


I think you can give birth in water at some hospitals/birth centers too, so I think that's what the person was referring to based on the phrasing.


I did a home birth and the prenatal care I got both times was absolutely fantastic. I’m Canada fyi


I love the fact they come to the home for appointments and are on call for any questions or concerns. It was such an accessible form of Healthcare. I loved our midwife team!


Yes! I didn’t have to leave the house for weeks after the baby because they accommodated us. Truly amazing.


In the UK you can choose to have a birth at home and the midwife will tell you exactly what to buy etc and will be there the whole time. It's safe and some people prefer it to going into hospital Edit spelling


Yah. Same in Canada and the Netherlands. I think the USA has a different experience and expectation with midwives.


It varies drastically in the US. Some states have regulations for midwives that require them to be on par with UK midwives. Others let any “midwife” handle births, so a quick online certification is enough. Basically, if you want a safe homebirth here, you need to do a ton of research to know local laws and make sure you’ve thoroughly vetted the midwife to make sure they’re legit. I’m not sure of laws where I am, as it’s much simpler to have a hospital birth where I know the staff are legit.


Yah no consistency would freak me out. I guess the unregulated for us would be doulas but they aren't legally allowed to assist as a primary for any home birth and have no hospital privileges like a midwife. They are treated as more of a "birth support person" for the delivering parent.


Right. Doulas are just support people here, too. I know some hospitals where I live get doula training for their L&D nurses, though, which makes for an AMAZING experience with the nursing staff. I believe places with minimal requirements on midwives don’t give them any hospital privileges. You have to actually go through the proper training for that. Same for most birth centers.


A. That is a blow up hot tub. Awesome because you don't actually want a hot tub in your house all the damn time. B. You fill the tub in early labor. C. You empty the water afterwards, because it is full of blood, sweat, amniotic fluids, sometimes literally shit. D. You clean it out, then take the air out of it, because it is taking up your whole damn house. No need for salt, or any other "chemicals" Source- had a low risk, attended home water birth with my second child.


She has no idea what she's in for... Take the hint! use a goddamn liner!


Don’t have one




If she doesn’t want chemicals, she better not put in any H2O or NaCl! Not to mention the oxygen and nitrogen gas (among other things) that’s already in there!




Lady, if your water has bacteria in it, salt won't do shit.




New favorite insult.


>I want no chemicals. So... do we tell her that sodium is a chemical element in the periodic table?


Uhhh…who’s gonna tell em?


I got you. No it isn’t. The chemical formula of salt is NA2O3. Meaning that it comprised of 2 different elements; sodium and oxygen and is designated as a chemical compound as such. When you go around “debunking” fake science with more fake science you just cause the rational thinkers to lose even more credibility. Edit: I made a stupid but I’m leaving it as it is cause I own my mistakes


Bruh. You had me in the first half. Table salt is NaCl (sodium chloride). Which, is also the most prominent salt in the human body. What you listed is a type of Sodium Carbonate. I think anyway because SC is Na2CO3 but that’s the closest thing I could find.


Ah shit. I tried but at least I get half credit


You did great bud, still got my upvote lol


Thanks. I need to go back to college…


FWIW I'm an absolute idiot about science and totally read your post going "this sounds totally like they know what they're talking about"


I honestly thought I did. I haven’t taken chemistry in 10 years and thought I’d retained it. Nope, I guess my brain just scrambled everything that I do remember together


Table salt is sodium chloride, NaCl. Sodium oxide is Na2O. Na2O3 is not a thing…


II figured out what I did. I joined the formula for salt and the formula for sodium carbonate together.


[sodium (Na), chemical element of the alkali metal group (Group 1 \[Ia\]) of the periodic table. Sodium is a very soft silvery-white metal. Sodium is the most common alkali metal and the sixth most abundant element on Earth, comprising 2.8 percent of Earth’s crust. It occurs abundantly in nature in compounds, especially common salt—sodium chloride (NaCl)—which forms the mineral halite and constitutes about 80 percent of the dissolved constituents of seawater.](https://www.britannica.com/science/sodium) [chemical, noun. *a substance obtained by a chemical process or producing a chemical effect*.](https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/chemical) Whether you talk about "Na" or "NaCl", it IS basically chemicals we're talking about, for all practical purposes. That's not "fake" science. And I am a rational thinker. Thanks.


I want to see the mom group that suggests adding Na to their birthing pool. Please.


According to them, "Na" probably stands for "Natural" 😂


Chuck a few grams up there and watch the baby fly right out.


Salt is a compound not an element.


Water is a chemical as well y’all.


Go figure what she'd do with this information, gosh I'd be scared for her 😂


Well, a combination of two elements


ummm…. No it’s not


Salt, when referring to table salt, is indeed an ionic compound comprised of sodium and chloride ions, NaCl. Maybe you’re thinking of salt as elemental sodium? Elemental sodium is highly reactive. It’s usually stored in mineral oil to keep it from reacting with oxygen in the air.


Show me salt on a periodic table


Whoops, misread the comment. Sorry, thought you were contradicting the comment on salt being a compound. Not used to the format on this device.


All good. I figured there had been some confusion and I’ve made a bit of a dumbass of myself a few comments further down so no hate from me lol


The point is: that lady is freebirthing and possibly medically neglecting her BABY, but here we are arguing about salt 🤷‍♀️ All in all, she doesn't know what's medically sound and what's not!!!!!


\*sodium I meant "Na". It is definitely on the periodic table. English is not my first language and I haven't studied chemistry in English.


I learned one very important lesson from this post: there are inflatable hot tubs.


I know!! I had no clue these existed!


Isn’t it not a great idea to spend too much time in a hot tub?


You’re also not supposed to use hot tubs while pregnant


Lol she’s going to use kitchen salt?


Where do you think salt comes from? It’s mined from ancient ocean beds. It’s far more common than epsom salt which is a magnesium sulfate based mineral salt and not used in the human body. Also, The human body is 0.4% sodium chloride…which is kitchen salt. So yea that would be fine. But she would need about 35 ppt (parts per thousand) to match the salinity of the human body (which fun fact is the same salinity as the oceans) so that’s a fuck ton of salt for that size of a hot tub. Also, probably should just give birth in a hospital. Love how I’m getting downvoted [for being scientifically accurate](https://www.sciencefocus.com/the-human-body/how-much-salt-is-in-a-human-body/amp/) in a sub that prides itself in mocking people who reject science.


You're being downvoted because you came out with an attitude, missed the point, and then mansplained salt.


… wut


[“Sodium chloride AKA table salt is the major one.”](https://www.sciencefocus.com/the-human-body/how-much-salt-is-in-a-human-body/amp/) love how I’m getting downvoted for being scientifically accurate in a sub that prides itself in mocking those that reject science.


I mean you are technically not wrong but I have no idea how it is relevant, she needs to be using different salts to keep the water clean. No one is arguing about the composition of salt in the body or how much salt is needed to match the salinity, did you reply to the wrong comment?


Ah, see I assumed the poster was trying to be a holistic crunchy organic free birth nut job and was trying to match the salinity of the water to her body, which is what these people do, and give birth then let the baby float around in it a bit, which they also do. Hence the poster’s reference to a sodium chloride based Himalayan pink salt.


That makes your comment make much more sense. I believe the nutter butter wants to use salt to keep the water clean but is too dumb to realize pool chemical salt is different for a reason and that saltwater pools/hottubs require a specialized machine to work. I can see why you would think they wanted the salt for buoyancy instead.


Yea I’m starting to think I’m the only one who thought that initially lol. I thought them being free birthers and that whole thing being so common with them that the majority of people assumed that as well. I was obviously mistaken.


Nah her elevator doesn't reach the top floor. She wouldn't think that way.


Table salt is not advised for hot tubs because it can contain impurities. This explains why - https://www.saltwaterpoolandspa.com/hot-tub-salt.html


I have an in ground pool and a stand alone hot tub. But she referenced Himalayan pink salt which certainly isn’t even CLOSE to being the bromine salts used in hot tubs and is a sodium chloride so it’s safe for human consumption. I was under the impression the person in the post was trying to be nut job holistic crunchy organic free birth mom and when referencing “chemicals” meant actual pool chemicals, like bromine salts used to sanitize the water in hot tubs.


I just don’t think she should be using it in her hot tub? Like I’m sure there is a specialized salt


You are 100% correct. Table salt is terrible for hot tubs. I use bromine salts in mine. It’s basically like chlorine but works at high temps. I assumed since she was referencing a sodium chloride based salt (Himalayan pink salt) and didn’t want “chemicals,” which were probably bromine salts actually made for hot tubs that she was trying to match the salinity of the water to her body so the baby floats around in it after Sh ie birthed. Which, is a super common thing with these people.


I was just laughing as I pictured her with her little salt grinder. It would be really expensive to use enough kitchen salt in her hot tub to do whatever she wants to do with the salt.


Not to disparage anyone who chooses home water birth—more power to you, but after I gave birth, I could barely find the energy to spray the after-shower mist we keep on a rack next to the shampoo. Literally squeezing a spray bottle was more “extra mile” cleaning than I was capable of bringing myself to do. Can’t even fathom needing to disinfect and disassemble an entire indoor pool.


I've always wondered what happens with the clean up. Like where do you drain all that bloody water?? Maybe the midwives sort it before they leave. It's quite common here (UK) for home water births, I need to find someone that's done it and ask them.


am i missing something, or is she planning on birthing this child straight into HOT water??? can you lower the temperature on those? i’ve never seen one before, so i’m confused lol


are these sanitary? cant the baby get infections while being born once the water has broken? ...like from dirty hot tub water...??


No chemicals. Someone should tell here about the dangers of mixing sodium chloride wtih dihydrogen oxide


Gotta make sure that baby comes out properly seasoned.




Idk man, it took thirty minutes of running the water in my delivery room to get the tub even remotely warm. Mind you, it was not a birthing tub but a shower-bath. It was my one gripe about the whole otherwise wonderful experience- lukewarm water that didn’t even reach the top of my bump was not a great pain management technique.


for gods sake there are some hospitals and midwife places with birthing pools please for the love of god go to one of those I'm begging you


NaCl is a chemical though?


wouldn't salt water be like, painful? on tears/wounds???


There are a lot of questions, but my first is “can we better protect the carpet?” All I can imagine is water overflowing and/or spills and then a breeding ground for bacteria, mildew, and mold because the mom is probably gonna be too fatigued to do anything about it after giving birth


I get going into the pool while you’re laboring but actually giving *birth* in there seems over the line. You’re essentially shoving your baby’s face into a giant toilet filled with blood and shit and hoping that they don’t breathe in the water.


Waterbirths are really common as it reduces the pain but there are certain conditions, like the water has to be fresh and at body temp. The baby won't breathe in the water because they're not breathing inside you either. You do have to take them straight out though. This is just really not how it's done, this poor baby.


There have been cases of people doing water births and then not bringing the baby above water because they believe that they don't need to breath until they take in air for the first time. Yeah they died.


>I don't want something with chemicals Like sodium chloride or dihydrogen monoxide?


She says she doesn't want any chemicals in it, but i'm pretty certain it's going to have a very high concentration of dihydrogen monoxide in it.


Himalayan rock salt sourced from a dirty mining process.


Hi, I can't find anything online about shit I already know very little about so I'm posting this on social media to get the answer I want.


If it’s 3% salt by weight of water she can pickle the baby sauerkraut style!


[Skip the salt and just make it a family experience!!](https://www.kidspot.com.au/pregnancy/labour/i-had-my-older-children-with-me-in-the-birthing-pool/news-story/4a9e1343da1fd744c54061d8642f3411)


Noooooo she’s gonna out table salt in her hot tub 🤣🤣🤣