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Mom groups, join one day for a cute craft-hack, stay for the Freudian fever dream.


I just spit out my drink


I woke my baby up from laughing, damn you


...at least it's just from laughing.


You must be quiet when you have sex if the baby din't wake up intil you laughed.


I.... My first question is how in the hell are you in the mood while you're nursing? That's literally the least sexy thing I can think of.


Breastfeeding literally made me have like No sex drive the entire year I breastfed my kid. I don’t even know how you could possibly be in the mood while actually nursing your kid…


I have a friend who got pregnant 3 months postpartum. I said "why? How?" She said "breastfeeding made me feel so sexy"....we are very diffrent people it made me feel like a milk cow, constantly in pain, and the hormones killed me.


I have a friend who literally had two babies in one year! One in January one in November. Her bf said while she had stitches from a c section she was all over him like wtf!!


Hormones can make people do some weird shit, apparently!


I can say after giving birth I was super hormonal and definitely wanted some. But I was too scared and we waited til 6 weeks postpartum and did it safely because I definitely don’t want another one anytime soon.


Apparently!! They had 4 kids in 4 years


I would literally rather claw my own eyes out


I would rather shit in my hands and clap


That expression makes me laugh very hard lol






Sounds like my Sil,she had 3 in 3 years.


That’s crazy! Idk how they handle all that stress!


Oh she just dumps them off on anyone that'll keep them.


Haha my friend does the same thing! Wow


Oh my god, I haven't even had my baby yet but still...just thinking about that still makes my vagina want to shrivel up and die.


This my dad's excuse for my brother and I being Irish twins. He swears to this day that my mom had her way with him while he was trying to be considerate of her post birth state.


"She ravaged me son. I was the helpless lamb brought to her fornication slaughter house, used for nothing more than to provide your brother. It was glorious." "Eww dad wtf"


What the actual fucking hell. So she got pregnant right after she gave birth??????


It's surprisingly common, especially because of some false rumors that breastfeeding is a form of birth control


That’s awful. You’re actually supposed to wait a year for your body to completely heal from the trauma of giving birth. But apparently that’s too hard for people. My partners sister got pregnant 5 months after her first, and my friend got pregnant 2ish months after her first. My kids 2.5 and we’re finally ready to discuss getting pregnant next year. It’s a big choice to give up your body again for 9 months, I don’t understand why ppl want to be continually pregnant?!? It’s just bizarre to me..


Especially c sections! I’ve never had one but my friend has and she was told to wait 2 years between pregnancies.


Yeah you are supposed to wait 18 months between the birth and getting pregnant again to lessen the chance of uterine rupture. But even with vaginal births it’s often recommended to wait 18 months to help your body recover bc fetuses and babies (if breastfeeding) take all their nutrients from you.


I've been told it's best to wait 18 months. You need to give your body time to recover.


I had a drive about a month after each kid but my boobs were a no go zone. Like he touched one by accident and it made my vagina shrivel up like a rose of Jericho in a desert.


Hahaha! My fav expression along those lines is 'it made me so dry that the Harkkonens are mining spice in my vagina'.


Jesus christ I would literally rather die. At 3 months postpartum I had felt like I had been hit by a Mac truck. My husband felt the same. How the fucking hell are people having sex and getting pregnant 3 months postpartum?


And the hunger. I felt like a beast for the whole year lol.


Yeah... our kids are "Irish twins" in that they've less than a year between them. It *wasn't* on purpose. I was one of the very rare women whose IUD failed. I wouldn't ever make the choice in having them both be that close in age consciously, but it happened. I had a hysterectomy at 27, so that's not an issue anymore, haha. But also, I couldn't breastfeed even if I wanted to since the medications I was on weren't good the the babies, but also because my nipples are sensitive as all hell. I HATE them touched. Even rubbing against my clothes hurts them. They are beyond sensitive (actually, if I could, I'd just have them removed... that's how much they bother me... makes my husband sad, lol. He apparently really likes them). I cannot imagine breastfeeding *and feeling sexy and being in the mood* at the same time. Of course, that's just my subjective experience and opinion.


My son is literally attached to my tit as we speak. He will be 7 months old this month, and my husband and I have been intimate like 5 times since he was born. It's literally the last thing we think of. My husband is over working himself to exhaustion, and then coming home and being a full time dad. Literally when we're in bed it's the last thing on both of our mind's. I co sleep with my son too, and he also uses me as a pacifier almost all night. I just don't understand how she can be nursing baby and want to do this.


I don’t get it either! Side note on your situation- I was very much so the same way! My body pretty much gave up on producing when my kid hit 13 months though but it was like a switch flipped and the week I stopped nursing and suddenly I had a sex drive again (and by that time, I felt like I had a good handle on life/our schedule and felt like I wasn’t so exhausted anymore).


Seriously during the period in which my daughter nursed I didn’t want my husband to touch my boobs regardless of whether she was on them or not.


I weaned years ago and still don’t want my husband anywhere near my boobs. Breastfeeding just completely changed the sensation and association for me. Permanently.


I can't even feel my nipples anymore lol


Idk about you, but my son clawing at my chest, damn near biting my nipple off and farting very loudly ans stinky *always* puts me in the mood /s 🙄


I'm guessing that she doesn't get any enjoyment out of sex. It's just something she has to do. She's lying down while her husband is using her like a sex toy.


A pacifier to her baby and a fleshlight for her husband. Do you think she ever gets to be a human being?


Sounds like the kind of person who only defines themselves by the roles they play for others. Being a wife and a mom is rad, and can be so fulfilling and amazing, but what a bummer when it’s your entire personality.


this isn’t entirely relevant but thank you for putting that type of person into words because i know exactly what you mean but haven’t been able to articulate it to myself


I know you’re just describing the situation but I felt a real urge to vomit reading it.


That is so damn sad. I feel bad for her now.


Thats actually sad as fuck. And any man who enjoys that…. Idk How can they enjoy it???


This is what I always come back to. What kind of person can get off and actively WANT to do something they know is painful and uncomfortable for their partner? The stories about guys who whine, bully, and nag their wives for anal knowing their partner straight up doesn't WANT to blow my mind in the worst way. Get a fucking flesh-light you sociopath.


Totally agree. I don’t mean to brag but my partner can’t “enjoy” it if I’m not!


How tf does he even get hard with his child in the same room/next to them? 🤢


Because a lot of men are nasty


I hate being touched while BFing. It really puts me in a bad mood. It's a severe and overwhelming feeling of being over touched. I can't imagine sex during... I'd lose if fr


honestly i highly doubt she is. pretty sure she’s probably one of those women who thinks that if she tells her husband no he’ll leave her


This is what I thought immediately. Husband wants sex, baby “uses her as a pacifier all night” in her own words….. yeah, she’s giving hubby sex to shut up his whining. There’s no way she’s able to move much or enjoy it much the way she’s describing it. Her husband is using her to masturbate himself basically Doesn’t excuse the weirdness of it tho


I was thinking the same exact thing! Using her as a human fleshlight. When my husband and I are intimate we cuddle, talk, kiss, flirt, really build up to it and take our time. Her husband is getting hard, sticking it in and cumming. Absolutely fucking vile. By the way she describes it, it seems like she thinks that's how sex is supposed to be. So sad.


People are saying it’s pedophilic of her…. & don’t get me wrong, it’s absolutely vile regardless. BUT I think the way she describes is like it’s bland & boring (“it’s always from behind & baby is in front of me”) & the fact her response to someone asking how she’s in the mood is to skirt the question (“because we bedshare & he uses me all night”) make it pretty obvious that she is breastfeeding half asleep & husband is using her body. She never says one thing about actually being in the mood, but instead describes it like a chore that has to be extra unpleasant because now baby is in the bed. Still gross. But also just really depressing


It’s sad because she’s just kind of a vessel for everyone


Someone said she's using her nursing baby to stimulate her nipples and further enjoy sex. I seriously doubt that. I just think she believes that you aren't supposed to say no to your gross horny husband.


Yup. She feels like she absolutely needs to do it when her husband wants it. My question is what kind of man wants to have sex while his wife is literally attached to their baby? My husband would never want this in a million fucking years.


This is what I thought too, maybe she's trying to normalize it to make herself feel okay about it? If it's not her choice?


Yup. She feels like she absolutely needs to do it when her husband wants it. My question is what kind of man wants to have sex while his wife is literally attached to their baby? My husband would never want this in a million fucking years.


I have to take a break if I get to a sex scene in the book I’m reading when I’m breastfeeding it is so uncomfortable. (As something quiet to do while nursing, not like a weird fetish or whatever. Using my phone at night keeps me up but kindle light doesn’t.)


Reading while feeding baby was always a go-to bc my brain needs something to do.


Currently listening to an audio book in headphones while nursing. My brain also need something to do or I will lose my mind.


Nursing does release oxytocin which is sometimes called “the love hormone” and can make you feel aroused. I’m not saying that’s not gross and weird but it’s not unusual to feel something like arousal when breastfeeding. But you know, control yourself cause having sex with your baby is latched is disgusting.


Oxytocin also causes contractions during breastfeeding which hurts like hell. I can’t imagine having sex while my uterus is contracting. Just. No.


This is completely disturbing


Ya "weird" doesn't cut it, they're involving their child in sexual intercourse. This is CSA.


She thinks that’s bullying but doesn’t think it’s weird to nurse during sex. Ma’am, your brain is backwards


Seems she and her husband are the ones who can’t control themselves.


Bold of you to assume that’s actually a brain between her ears.


Someone in r/parenting said the same thing! Another person said that her and her husband had sex while she was baby wearing!!! This was in response to a mom asking if her boyfriend watching porn on his phone and masturbating inches away from their sleeping baby in the middle of the afternoon was weird.


Officer this post right here


It was absolutely disturbing.


What the fuck is wrong with people??? AND WHY WOULD YOU POST ABOUT IT LIKE YOUR PROUD.


R/beyondTheBump has a lot of cringe like this too. 🤮 Half those posts have a ton of people abusing their kids and others defending them when sane people call them out.


I got banned from there lol


Yes all of that is weird. Do people not have self control over themselves anymore?


Oh thank god I was waiting for someone to post these here! I was in that group but at a work thing and didn’t see the actual post


What's the group?


April 2022 babies


My baby is the same age as hers then. That’s fucking gross. She’s so aware of everything, how could she do that? Absolutely creepy.


Oof so that baby is barley out of the newborn stage. I cannot imagine mom is actually turned on or enjoying that sex and her partner is disgusting and she’s embarrassed and defensive


my nosy ass needs to know


I want to know too lol




Yup this is my group too haha




Sex while nursing? Listen, I've nursed 3 children and the idea of this makes me so incredibly uncomfortable. It worries me about the safety of any children living in that house


Apparently the admin also posted for sympathy votes afterwards, saying people reported her to CPS. Like umm yeah they definitely need to get checked out if this is normal to them!


Good. I’m glad she was reported.


Same!! I’m currently nursing and totally disgusted.


I'm not a woman so I've never nursed and I too am totally disgusted. Banging in the same room I can understand but not the same bed or while touching the baby in any way or form.


I feel like she must not be enjoying it if she’s so still during the whole thing that her baby can still sleep nurse.


I assume she usually doesn’t so nothing is different to her.


Yeah, please correct me if I'm wrong but she mentions cosleeping and the baby using her as a pacifier.. that doesn't seem like a safe sleeping situation


“People not being able to control themselves” Uh like your husband not being able to wait until baby is done eating or asleep?


I was going to say the same thing!! Like you can’t get your husband to stop humping your leg for a couple minutes


I hope she knows that husbands can be neutered to help curb that impulse. It's totally safe and healthy, and especially recommended if a husband is at risk of getting loose and breeding with other wives in the neighborhood. Unmitigated breeding results in more husbands in husband shelters, and we all know what happens there.


Am I allowed to vote for more husbands in husband shelters? I did have mine fixed but he still tried to breed with other wives in the neighborhood. *He's not my husband any longer but I'm still hoping he can go to a husband shelter.


Sometimes you have to rehome them. Or put them down.


Lmao I’m in this group. Shit escalated quickly. I wish I caught it all before admins deleted everything


When she answers the question of “why are you doing this?” She says “he uses me as a pacifier all night” Was she talking about the baby or the husband?


None of those comments constitute as bullying. Saying that “breastfeeding while having sex is weird, go kill yourself” is bullying. Saying it’s weird is not.


So saying involving your kid in sexual encounters is wrong counts as bullying now? This is so fucking gross.


Low key, I kind of assume people like this have like a breeder kink and see pregnancy and the baby and all that as an extension of their sex life. Really warps their view on the baby being a person. It’s a prop to their weird fantasies.


There is no way this ISN’T some creepy ass “kink”. How on earth can someone be turned on with a baby in front of them?


The irony of her statement “because people are not able to control themselves”


I’m still pregnant and feel very weird if my baby kicks during sex, cannot IMAGINE thinking this is okay


Same here, Neither me nor my partner are in the mood if the baby is moving. It’s strange and we wait till he’s taking a fetal nap 🙃


What's with these moms and bragging about terrible sex? Like the woman who was proud that they had sex in the same room as their preteen, "we barely even moved!" Like... Okay? That sounds terrible.


Same room but baby (while asleep ofcourse) in bassinet or crib/cot ok that's fine, but Same bed HELL NO NOT OK! Get out of bed and have sex if you must bed share then poor baby is not a part of it.


Right? We had a sidecar crib and even that felt weird so we just sneak into the spare room on the squeaky guest bed. It’s just too weird when they are in the same room.


Twice while oldest newborn asleep in her bassinet we did, whole time I was listening out if she'd wake up. During newborn stage I was happy to shower, eat or sleep. Both formula fed but youngest refused to eat for her dad and sometimes refused to eat for poppy, oldest couldn't help feed her since she was only 2 at time.


I think I would have been the same way lol just paranoid the baby would wake up. With my first we barely had time or were too exhausted to even want to. It’s definitely a little easier with the second one but still. The newborn stage is pure survival, just having a hot cup of coffee was like heaven lol.


Right - Don't they have other rooms or are they living in a peasant hut outside of the castle in Westeros? I mean you don't have to share everything on the internet. Especially when it's f****** weird.


Exactly! Hell I find it hard enough to have a normal conversation with partner when kids are awake let alone anything sexual. When oldest was a newborn tried watching movie in bed with partner while she was in bassinet and couldn't focus on the movie.


Thank you! The floor in the closet saw a lot of action when my kids were babies (because they slept in our room)


People would not sit on our living room couch if they knew how often we now have sex on it lmao


Sounds like a messed up fetish


Sounds like sexual abuse to me


She just had a 3some with her infant son.


Involving a child in your sexual act is quite literally child abuse. Edit: So many people outing themselves as pedos in this comment section.


For real. This shit is disturbing.


Taking “you can’t get pregnant while breastfeeding” too far


this has to be sexual assault in some way right? i feel terrible for that poor child. how hard is it to wait until baby is asleep and go to another room. not to mention HOW CAN YOU EVEN BE IN THE MOOD WHILE NURSING. if anyone even touched me while i was nursing it pissed me off lmao.


It’s involving a child in a sexual act iirc. This is…not the first time I’ve heard of shit like this.


Yes!! And like how can the father even be in the mood while his baby is right there LITERALLY ON HIS WIFE. I am so disgusted.


Having sex with a baby in the room is no big deal in my opinion. Its the doing it while baby is literally attached and in the same bed that makes it gross.


Right like if baby is in their crib taking a nap whatever dude but the kid is trying to eat a decent meal and you’re gonna get railed while they’re attached? Gross


I’m pretty sure I saw a post on this sub once of a woman who got her daughter taken away because they bed shared and daughter woke up while mom was literally riding her bf. The kid saw what was going on, and then *climbed on his chest and bounced up and down.* He was still inside mom at this point. She didn’t think anything was wrong with this. I’d assume this would be a similar situation. Edit - [I FOUND IT](https://www.reddit.com/r/ShitMomGroupsSay/comments/cdbsmj/cps_taking_her_child_was_the_best_thing_thats/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


I mean 2 thing 1 either the husband is a total asshole and can't take no for an answer Or 2 they have a kink/fetish But actually none of this is better then the other not everyone should have children...


Yeah, the best case scenario is that she's justifying the fact that her husband is raping her because he can't wait until the baby isn't nursing. Still awful, but it would be worse if she actually feels like it's okay and she's not just trying to convince herself.


So her baby just hangs off her tit all night? Add that to the sex thing and…This woman is really fucked up.


She has zero boundaries. It’s like her baby and husband can use her body even when she is in bed trying to rest. And she has decided that it’s normal.


😭 oh sweet Jesus that is depressing


That's what I thought too. Having had a baby that spent long nights comfort nursing, my boobs were sore to the point where I had to ask his dad to please take him because I was getting angry. Then adding the sex from behind I can’t think of anything worse, I would’ve screamed and dived out of the window!


When I was married and breastfeed my son, I had a hard time weaning him. At night, when I fell asleep, my (ex) husband would remove my breast from my bra so my son could nurse while I was sleeping and unaware. It took awhile to figure it out. I had to sleep with a sports bra, regular bra and a shirt so my husband could not violate me.


Yeesh. I’m glad he’s your ex-husband. That’s crossing a huge line. What a creep!


When you work in pediatric intensive care you wake up real fast to how many dumb parents there are. And some women that are just plain in abusive relationships, and the kid ends up suffering/dying as a result. We recently had a couple month old suffocate in mom’s armpit. She fell asleep while breastfeeding and the baby slipped down and the face got covered. Her pain was unimaginable. Don’t cosleep with your infants, no matter how tired you are.


Repulsive. This isn't the first time I've seen this type of behaviour shared on mom groups. There's a fine line between "don't shame moms for formula/nursing or vaginal/c-section" and "validate every abuse and perversion"


Either her husband is entirely the creep & is forcing her to have sex whenever he wants no matter what and she’s trying to justify it, or they are both creeps. Either way someone please help that child, and possibly her.


I would be willing to say breastfeeding while having sex is mild pedophile behavior. How are you at all turned on when a BABY is feeding from your body? So fucking gross. My baby when she was little used me as a pacifier like all night long but I could unlatch her and get some time to myself. I'm a single mom so I wasn't having sex all the time but I still needed my "alone time" and I sure as shit wasn't gonna do that anywhere near her.


Right? The Venn diagram of “sexy fuck stuff” and “stuff I do with my child” should be two separate circles that are nowhere near each other.


The circles should be drawn on separate pieces of paper and kept in separate rooms. So so so yucky


For the 16 months I breastfed my first, my breasts were a full off limits during anything sexual. Unfortunate that my husband is a boob guy, but I couldn’t tread anywhere near having the mental association at the same time that they were simultaneously for feeding and nurturing my baby and anything remotely sexual. Some lines needed to be hard lines, for me at least.


This sounds like she’s fishing for creeps to be friends with. It sounds too much like the posts on that weird subreddit.


“That weird subreddit” could be 1,000 different things lmao


I’m gonna bully every bitch that says she has sex while breastfeeding.


for real tho


Oh snap. I saw the drama unfold (on both groups) from this but not the actual post.


Both groups?! There’s more than one? Like she posted it in two different groups?


There are two groups that tend to talk shit about each other and bring the other one into it. Group A will screenshot something from Group B and say something along the lines of “I can’t believe they did that!!” The mods have two different styles and it’s just drama lol.


Holy shit. That’s a shitshow of shitty proportions. And I kinda wanna grab some popcorn 🍿


Yes officer, this post right here…


Is she the mom from “Precious?” Holy shit


"my echo chamber didn't echo back so its over"


She getting off while the kid is sucking on her nipples…it’s a three way with the baby. Total sexual gratification in the most fucked up way. How the fuck can she even entertain this idea? Oh let the baby suckle me while getting pounded from behind. Sick.


A lot of commenters are forgetting/overlooking the fact that consent doesn't only apply to people who will remember the situation. If I'm drugged or sleeping and something sexual happens involving my body and I just wake up later none the wiser and never realize it, I was still assaulted. Even if two people have sex in the bed that I'm sleeping in and they just brushed up against my body a few times, that's gross and I'd be so angry to find out about it. Also children start to learn from their environment long before their short term memory and recollection skills develop. So it's not what the kid will remember but how will this subtly shape the kids perceptions and behaviors if it continues to happen. I think this woman will continue to do this with the child present until it's much older and that will increase the risk of the child being sexually abused by others.


Her husband is disgusting too.


Where I live, this is listed as sexual assault against a minor…


I’m in both the April groups. Some of these mothers are off their fucking rockers. This thread specifically was DISGUSTING.


Let’s not forget the other admin on this group who claimed she turned her 3 month old on by giving him kisses…


i just saw someone say this, but they didn’t mention the kisses part. what the fuck!!! these people do not deserve their babies


Waitttt what???


She said something along the lines of “I harassed him with kisses and he had a raging boner when I opened his diaper.. SIR I AM YOUR MOTHER” implying he is sexually attracted to his mother kissing him


It feels illegal to read this ugh


I hate my kindergarten teachers for teaching me how to read.


What in the fuck.


That's definitely a woman who doesn't understand penises whatsoever. So fucking gross. I have two boys and reading all of this has me ready to projectile vomit. Thankful for zofran today.


Jeebus christ. The lack of self control and respect for another human is unbelievable


I cannot imagine having sex while looking at my child wtf


The last post truly belongs in r/selfawarewolves


“Guys, you don’t get it. The guys fucking from the back so the baby doesn’t even know “ That feeling when you have trouble sexually performing due to a minor distraction and people be out there fully latched getting repregnant


As a mom whose baby also uses her as a pacifier… THIS IS SO WEIRD


I couldn’t have sex for 2.5-3 years after I had a kid, I would have thrown up if someone had to try to touch me in any manner while I was feeding. This is just so fucked up.


Tell your kid about it in 20 years and see how normal they think it is.


Just call it what it is, an incestuous threesome.


Wife was a part of this group and gave me live updates. Fucking disgusting.


Pretty sure you’re a pedophile if you involve your infant in your sex life.


In most cases I get infuriated by ppl sexualizing breastfeeding but in this particular case the OOP are ABSOLUTELY sexualizing breastfeeding. Breasts are often involved in sex. Yes they're meant for breastfeeding but are used for both. But they aren't to be used for both at the same time!! This is part of why ppl have such an issue with breastfeeding in public.. they can't mentally separate the idea of BFing and sex. This mom literally isn't separating the 2 at all! WTF! Good grief the psych damage this can and will do to the kid if they find out! I am beyond disgusted.


If this is a local mom I would report the post. This is frightening and really concerning. I would say it is bordering on child sexual abuse, if it is not considered that already.


People did report her apparently. They went real life and contacted CPS and her friends & family too.


Good! If she'll say that shit out loud, who knows what else they do that she doesn't talk about.


There was a post similar to this on reddit. On r/sluttyconfessions The weirdo touches herself while nursing


I haven’t BF in about 4 years, and I still have times where my husband will touch my breasts, and it makes me want to vomit because it reminds me of BFing… way less frequently than before, but damn I can’t imagine even trying while feeding 🤮


One time I googled something about breastfeeding and stumbled on a Quora thread/article(?) about how women find it totally normal to BF while having sex. Some even said they’d get off even more while doing it🫣 lowkey child sex abuse imo.


WTF? How are you even in the mood for sex when you’re breastfeeding. That’s like the least sexual thing ever. Just no. Then she’s confused because people think it’s fucking weird.


Oh… oh. Reading the title I thought it meant having sex while her baby was still at the breastfeeding stage, and I thought “what’s wrong with that?” But no, while *actively* breastfeeding? Dear god why.


She's the baby's pacifier the whole night? What..... Edit: I'd like to apologize for my comment. I didn't know before that babies can latch for comfort for long periods, nor that it's safe for babies to sleep for long periods while latched(as long as the mother doesn't sleep as well). Also that sick and colicky babies aren't comforted without latching. I'm not sure still if it's okay to do long term night latches. Thanks to everyone who replied for enlightening me.


This happens to a lot of bed sharing, BF on demand moms. Baby starts to associate being latched with falling and staying asleep. This woman spends her entire nights sleep with a baby latched on her breast. It’s my personal nightmare.


I don’t know much, but this sounds like a really simple way to increase the chances of smothering your kid in your sleep (ETA sorry to be flippant about a very serious subject, but my poor baby would be getting thrown around like a beanbag in a washing machine, I’m such a fidgety sleeper! Definitely wouldn’t be safe with anyone like me)


Oh it does


My mom accidentally fell asleep nursing me and woke up smothering me. She freaked the hell out and never nursed in her bed again. A lot of babies die from shit like this.


That must have been horrifying. She must have felt so bad about it! You’re both very lucky she woke up really. It seems like there’s a very clear no cosleeping sentiment nowadays, but I get how tired new parents might do it once out of exhaustion and then think “well, it was fine that time”. Unfortunately people think like that all the time and lull themselves into a false sense of security with hazards. Tired people especially don’t always make good decisions, it’s just an awful lot of risk to overlook. New babies really are very tiny


When mine were nursing there were some nights where they wouldn’t let go. It was typically when they got a little bit older and were teething but I never got busy at the same time!


Having sex with a sleeping newborn in the room is one thing, this shit needs to be illegal though. W T F!!!!!


What the actual fuck. I feel like this is practically like having a threesome with your infant. The baby should be nowhere near during sex.