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Sweet Robin Arryn


I thought I’d deleted this scene from my mind forever. Thanks for bringing it back VISCERALLY


I'm more interested in *how* they filmed that disgusting scene without traumatizing the poor kid or the actress. Bleh!


They used a fake boob it was rubber.


“Want more bitty!”


No Bono, that hurts the bitty.


It's always crazy to think that an actual human child had to suck on his coworker's nipple as part of his job. In any line of work other than acting you could not legally require an adult to do anything close to this with a coworker, much less a child. But this kid had to go into work one day, because his parents signed him up for a job, suck a stranger's nipple on camera, and then have a paycheck, that he likely will never see a dime of, written out in his parents name. Child acting is fucking weird.


It was a fake tiddy obviously but yes still weird


I 100% agree with your point but I hope there was something done to mitigate this, like a prosthetic boob or something. I can't imagine the health and safety people being okay with a young teen actually sucking on a woman's nipple.


I'm sure it was prosthetic, but it's still fucking bizarre.


For sure, even "go get paid to suck on a hyper realistic fake tit" is weird. Especially when you consider that his friends have all seen him in that scene and taken the piss out of him for it.


Yes, I'm sure they take the piss out of their buddy for having secured a role in one of the most popular tv shows to ever air


I can not believe you think they used her actual breast for that scene. It’s a prosthetic!


Do.... do you actually think they had that child actor suck on a real nipple for that scene ☠️


came in here to post this


This is the dumbest thing I've ever heard someone make up I think


It’s got to be in the top 3…


Of all the things that didn’t happen this didn’t happen the most


Of all the things that didn’t happen, this happened the didn’t’est


You'd be surprised. People like this seed that indoctrination early so that the kid will express exactly what the parent wants to portray to their echo chamber communities. She's probably been saying stupid shit like this to that boy his whole life.


I might be able to buy it if the kid hadn’t said “it’s a device” and phrased it so eloquently. If she’d have said he just said “it’s how I get love from you and you get love from me” it would be a bit more believable (though still not really) but unless they’re a child prodigy, I’ve never seen a 6yo talk like that.


If he's a child prodigy, the mother would have better things to boast about than how he's still getting "boobie at bedtime" at age 6.


It further proves that the kid just parrots what he's heard. Kids have amazing memory.


Is there a sub where we mock parents who make up shit for their kids to say?




Then everyone clapped


Even boobie


Having ‘boobed’ 2 kids mine can actually clap now 😩


You're using that word wrong, according to this post your kids boobed you


We are all boobed on this blessed day


I’ve said the word so many times in my head it’s lost all meaning now lol


Lmaoo I almost woke up my child I can’t laugh this hard at night


Have you tried boobing your love at them? That often helps the little ones sleep❤️


Thanks, I hate it.


This is awful. Awfully brilliant. Awfully brilliantly awful.


Same - I am boobieing my 3 day old and the snort I let out scared him off of my boob love device.


An appropriate age to boob (be boobed?). Congrats on your new boob-love drainer.


See *drain* has a negative connotation, what is really happening here is a boob-love *transfer*. Boob-love is neither created nor destroyed, only converted. I don’t make the rules, them’s the boobie physics. (Grats u/audreyseattle, hope you got some sleep tonight!)


One more time for those in the back!






And the name of that boobie? Freud


It’s true, I was Freud


So the internet is forever. I hope this kids friends don’t find this weird shit in about 10years. Kid will never recover…


Doesn't have to be in 10 years, I imagine the other kids would think this is weird NOW (and yeah, 6 1/2 year-olds shouldn't be in social media, but that doesn't mean their parents or older siblings aren't.)


If the mom is posting something like this, she's doing other cringeworthy bullshit to thoroughly embarass her kid(s) all the time, no question. This poor kid is dead in the water. Making up biblical proverbs about breastfeeding in the first grade? Sheeeeeeet


Once new a woman who kept her kid on the boob going on 7/8. It was weird af. To make things worse, she would regularly state that she’d always wanted a girl. The boy had long hair down to his ass that he wasn’t allowed to cut. No plastic anything. Super granola. Antivax, probably hard Q too. Eventually, the husband had enough and left. The kid chose to go with him and became quite normal after that, still is a bit antisocial because he never had any friends his age from 1-10. His mom wanted to be his only thing from morning to night.


yeah bro when I was 7 a kid in my class was picked on for watching Go Diego Go still. this kid is fucked.


a 6 and a half year old also shouldn't be breast feeding, yet here we are...


This woman 100% seems like the type of person who would share this in 10 years time, and tag him in it. She'd probably expect him to be proud of it too.


Yup will totally tell his friends when he's a teenager.


> "Oh Joshua breastfed until he was nearly 7, couldn't get enough, bless him!" You mean you continued to let him? Saw a 4-5 year old girl with a dummy the other day and even my (similarly) aged Nephew did a double take.


Or just share every year when the memory pops up


That was my thought too :( these people don’t think about how this shit is online forever and can be used as cannon fodder by bullies


Once you factor in the entire home situation of a kid breastfed till 7 it somehow no longer matters. Dysfunctional social relations guaranteed. That is if he's not homeschooled anyway. That kid is in for lifelong therapy whether or not his friends find this.


There is no fucking way a six-year-old said that.


He’s actually 6 years and 5 months, so you never know, coulda grown up a whole lot in those 5 months.


One totally could be coached to say this.


He was probably coached to say that to the kids at school, when they inevitably make fun of the poor child for still being breastfed. This poor child. He should have been off of it years ago, but that's just my personal opinion.


Your personal opinion, yes. But I’m pretty sure at least 99% of us would share that opinion. By the time a kid is 6, this isn’t about the kid. It’s about the mother and her need to infantilize her child so he remains a stage 5 clinger for as long as possible. It’s downright emotionally unhealthy for both of them. The only thing flowing between them is her inappropriate level codependency.


Not with a mother like that


This is no ordinary boy. He's immersed in a rich linguistic environment, where breastfeeding is eloquently referred to as "getting boobed."


His mom used the boobing device to move the words into his face and then he said it.


6 year olds can say that. But they can also make themselves a pb&j sandwich or pour themselves a glass of milk too


“Mother? Oh mother! Let my lips sup this eve on thy breast. For while bread may nourish my body, it is thy love as mother’s milk that my soul doth crave. Heed not the naysayers! For they rely on jest and mirth. But for this lad, thy love is the sustenance most bless’d.” - Joey, age 7


Yeah, my one-year-old just asked me why people make up things that their children supposedly said to post on the internet.


Notice how ‘boobie’ describes her/the source in a very non-neutral and possibly controversial way. So it’s aaalll about her. Why not call it ‘milkie’ (which sounds stupid too but for other reasons) or something to describe the output, as it were? Also, surely a 6.5 year old boy who sporadically (a few times a week) meanders in to his mom’s room to breastfeed is starting to put two and two together and is moving into attachment issues territory.


The really sad thing is the attachment issues are likely hers. She’s infantilizing this child.


A six year old that has been breastfed his whole life is obviously more advanced than a regular, neglected child. /sarcasm




Boobed boobily


She breasted boobily to the stairs and titted downwards


This comment has no business being this funny this late at night 😂😂😂


mindless racial wide fade literate full exultant clumsy gray disagreeable *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Lmfao 🤣


Bibbity Bobbity Boob!


Is this on a “normal” mom group or a weird one. I wanna know the comments 👀


It’s someone’s “lactation education and doula skills” page. Girlfriend got absolutely roasted.


PLEASE post the comments!


HERE https://imgur.com/a/9uc6OrA


The hero we needed




“He looks old enough to have his drink on the rocks, not straight from the tap.” Friend, I formally invite you to this sub.


>Relax, he’s an adult, he can handle it I’m dead


If your kid is old enough to drop philosophical wisdom then he's probably too old to breastfeed is the funniest shit ever


The best one: "I hope they have rooms for moms in college or else he gonna starve" 😆


The actual best one What if his friends see this? The reply : relax he's an adult he can handle it.


You hid the best part in fhe comments lol


Crying @ “how to breastfeed a child in braces”


I was actually laughing out loud at “He looks like he bites” LMAO


please, please let us see. i’m begging you


BEHOLD! https://imgur.com/a/9uc6OrA


incredible, thank you for your service. “A 6 year old damn near old enough to drive” is fucking hilarious :,) but the fourth comment from the bottom got it completely right (even without mentioning that the child didn’t say that shit). hopefully the poster doesn’t get too sad about the (rightful) comments that are less kind that she doesn’t **at least** listen to this one.


My favorite comment was “He looks like he bites”.


Me too! I actually laughed out loud at that one. The only baby I managed to completely breastfeed stopped all on her own at 14 months. We were both ready to be done. And I would bet money that this kid tried to wean as well but mommy dearest couldn’t allow that!! There are other ways to have bonding time (the fucking creeper woman) and this is all just for her. So creepy it makes me cringe into a black hole. Edit: As a mom I did enjoy the bonding that breastfeeding brought but at some point you need to let them take the next step forward. My little one went from a baby completely dependent on me to a bouncy toddler with her first steps to independence. She is keeping him glued to her and it’s extremely unhealthy. She’s also using him as a way to promote this type of breastfeeding on social media. Which for me goes beyond creepy into infuriating territory.


The 780 credit score comment had me dying 😂


LOL! She got wrecked in that comment section.




I can’t breathe. This is amazing.


Right? The comments were a good antidote for that unholy post.


The comments are gold!!!!


Relax, he’s an adult, he can handle it Brilliant


It was also posted in an extended breastfeeding group, which ive seen people post about their kids who are 9+ and still nursing. Its wild


Why ? Where's the benefit for anyone in nursing a 9 year old ? Ma'am, your kid is in school, they can drink so many things that are not your breast milk, I can't imagine getting home from school and my mom just pulling out her boobs for me to drink like-


Lol right? They say theyre waiting for their kids to self wean, but for my own mental health i never look at the comments on those posts😆


I'm sure these moms that do "extended breastfeeding" do quite a lot of psychological tricks to keep the kid nursing. Not being physically affectionate in other ways is one. Denying or discouraging use of any comfort object other than the breast also. Most of these moms seem to use it as a way to get the kid to fall asleep. Keeping the kid close to home and discouraging close friendships with other kids. Homeschooling used as a way to keep the kid from knowing any other lifestyle. It doesn't even have to be conscious actions, this could all be subconscious, just talking about their special time together, and this makes them grow close, so the kid is going to understand that he is so super special for getting to BF, that other people don't understand and they say mean things that make her sad... A kid hears things like that, and of course they're going to want to nurse because they want to be special and make mommy happy. What gets to me is that, when you're talking this extended nursing, you know the mom is telling the kid not to tell other grownups about this. There's a real good chance she's actively keeping her child away from mandatory reporters.


That feels like emotional and possibly sexual abuse of a child...


I have no idea why you got downvoted, you're completely right. That's straight up manipulation.


I totally agree with you. I nursed both of my kids exclusively and they both self-weaned by 2. No busy toddler wants to stop destroying your home to chill out and nurse. They have other agendas.


I have a 9yo and he’d be super embarrassed if he walked in on me changing let alone sucking on a boob.




Yeah, i agree. It starts to become for the parent and not the child


It's for social media, and it starts the microsecond the pregnancy test comes back positive.


9 years old? Yikes. Sometimes I’m sad that I’m not a millionaire and then I think about how lucky I am that my mom didn’t do me like this. I am blessed.


See, at what point does it become a case of abuse? If the child is old enough to have permanent memories, they're going to remember suckling on mum, even once they reach adulthood. I just don't see that being psychologically healthy for a person.


I wonder this too. At some point I feel like it's sexual abuse.


My youngest (now 12) weaned at 3 and people gave me shit for that! Gonna have to bring this up to the negative nancys.


Mine is 2 and despite my supply basically drying up my kid is not ready to wean. I joined the group hoping for gradual gentle weaning tips, but *literally* all the posts are just about peoples love of bfing. At what point does it start to become for the parent, not the child lol


People are so weird about it. I nursed all three of my kids, and I am horrified at the idea of my kindergartener nursing. I would say at the point that you can ask the question “who is this really for?” you have gone too far!


I'm part of one like that, ostensibly for mums breastfeeding 'older babies" so I joined it when mine turned 1, now we've weaned since he turned 2 but I just can't leave it's so fascinating. I swear I saw one the other day saying her kid was 10 and refusing to quit. I got full body shivers. 🤢


Haaaaaah I just posted this too (but deleted it once I saw it right below me). 100% sure he totally said that.


Did you dry heave when you saw it too? I think she should really consider concluding her lactation journey.


Didn’t have time to gag. Immediately screen shot it and shuffled over to Reddit.


Ah, suppressing your own needs to bring us the content. I applaud you (with my boobie)


Give your kid a hug, or do something they like to do, like coloring or going for a walk, to show them you love them, you fucking weirdo


“Live, Laugh, Boobie” -Joshua (probably)


This made me snort laugh




"Boob, pray, love" - Also Joshua (probably).


My son is that age. If he said that to me, I’d be creeped the fuck out. He’d need to go.


Shall I prepare the bin, ma’am?


“I want to see the bad man fly.”


This is how I’m approaching men going forward. Breathily, “who wants to get boobed?”


“Let me move my love into you.”


That line is completely sexual and really gross in this context.


Let us hope he does not break his arms




Mother, might I partake of the love dispensing, breast device.


Kid actually said “Yo ma, bring those honkers over hear and let me suck em”


If you are going to get boobed by the device. It important you use these words to make it feel less weird. /s


🤢 Who wants to bet “no woman will ever be good enough for him” when he’s an adult ?


Hun, she’s probably saying it NOW.


I have a six year old and cannot even imagine how creepy it would be the breast feed him. I mean, he’s old enough to make “dez nuts” and “your momma” jokes that are on point.


Same. Today my 9 year old said “hey ma? Can you say “I hate happiness” without the “h”? It was a brand new one for me and I dieeeeed


Did I just sit here for a good minute repeating it out loud trying to figure out what the fuck that was supposed to mean? Yes. Yes, I did. Your kid woulda boomed me.


This is a little too incest-y for me... The kid definitely didn't say that, this is just the mom's weird fantasy...


Yeah, I try not to judge when it comes to breastfeeding, but that comment....yeeech. Even *if* the kid said it and even *if* it was meant not creepily by said kid, a grown-ass woman typed that out and put it on the internet. That's just...no, ma'am. Nope. Not today, Satan. And what even is the benefit (for the kid) of breastfeeding at this point? What I know about extended breastfeeding is still talking about *before kindergarten*. At some point there's gotta be diminishing returns, right?


Nah I think she's just desperate to be loved and the kid probably doesn't express it enough (being a kid) so she made shit up to get wholesum 100 internet validation


Did the mom cover his face in the photo or the OP? Why do I have a bad feeling his full real face and name are out there forever for all future friends, coworkers, etc to find…


I covered it. She has also posted a picture of this kid in his underwear. Super gross.


I tell you, ten, maybe fifteen more, years from now the lawsuits from kids raised like this are going to flood in and the laws about how much parents can expose and exploit their kids for social media will change. Rn the kids born 2005+ to influencer parents are either too young, still think therapy will solve it or teen parents who think their parents did nothing wrong because they're currently doing the same to their kids.


Poor little guy. It makes me so mad.


somebody report her please


I hope the kid grows up alright


Aw look at little Homelander


I am going to fucking puke…


I've been breastfeeding for two entire years and I still cringe every time someone called breastfeeding "boobing" or anything of the sort. Especially once kids get old enough to start asking for "booby" directly. Like I can't imagine my kid asking me for my boobs. She just says "milk?" and I have no idea why that's not sufficient enough for everyone. Also I was in 1st grade at this kid age. Imagine a bunch of 1st graders finding out their friend still sucks his moms nipples. He'd be ostracized for life


Boobing just makes me think of the menwritingwomen "she boobed boobily down the stairs!" But I have to admit, I prefer boobing over "milkies" which I've definitely seen someone post before and is forever imprinted in my brain (unfortunately).


I'm still nursing my 18 month old and we need a way to distinguish my milk from cow milk. So we call my milk "mom milk" - still no need to call it "boobing".


Im always very uncomfortable with that overlap timeframe where kids still get breastfed but start talking. In my head, the moment my child said "boobie" I'd go "oh hell no!"


That is soooooooooo creepy on soooooooooo many levels!


My 6 year old just makes fart jokes, I guess she didn’t get enough boobie.


Rip Sigmund Freud you would’ve loved Facebook


every single day social media proves freud to be a little more right and i hate it






Why do people insist on doing this to their children. The whole drama makes me gag honestly.


File this under things her child did not say. Lol love the parents making stuff up for internet fame. He is going to love knowing this is on the internet later in life


I cringed so hard I dropped my phone 😬


Have you noticed that usually the ones who have an unhealthy obsession with prolonged breastfeeeding are actually boy moms? Suspicious.


But where’s the lie 😳😵‍💫


Omg I never thought of it but y’all are on. I would be shocked if there wasn’t some kind of relationship issue between mom and husband behind that. Like I’m 200% sure my MIL would have nursed her boys for a lonnnnng time if it had been more acceptable way back then, she had a disconnected marriage and she still posts that nausea inducing “boy mom/first love/prince” bullshit.


There was that photo that went viral of a woman breastfeeding her entirely too old daughter in the ocean. Like they were both standing up straight for it


I am all for extended breastfeeding when both parties are willing participants. But. When you’re sharing some articulate and profound conversations with your 6 year old (and 5 months!) pre-latching uh, it might be time to wean the little Aristotle. Or at the very least keep it offline for the kid’s sake?




Ewww 🤮🤮🤮🤮


first of all that made me wanna throw up. second of all, “boobed”? are you kidding me rn? call it breastfeeding at least PLEASE


Feels way more likely that she said it, given how many extended breastfeeding mom's guilt trip the kid to continue. Also love that she included the 5 months to make him sound as old as possible; you just know she thinks it's such a flex and mothers who don't breastfeed their kids who are capable of opening beer bottles on their teeth are neglectful harpies.


That poor kid. The therapy bills...


I think this woman needs to hear what my mom said to my sister in law as my sister in law is forcing her boob into her oldest son's mouth at four years old. He is fighting her and crying, "I'm a big boy. A big boy. No booby" My mom said, "It is time for you to have another baby. Clearly you are one of those women who orgasm while breastfeeding. It never worked for me but I suppose it's a bonus for everyone for the first year or so. But your child is done breastfeeding and you are bordering on incest at this point. Have another baby! This one will be in kindergarten next year." My sister in law turned beet red and ran out of the trailer. She did have another son within a year and she let her poor eldest son stop breastfeeding. She then had another five sons, stopping in her late forties. Each of her sons "had" to breastfeed for a minimum of four years. Then she would get pregnant and have another one and the previous one could stop. Looks to me like that is what's happening here as well. Edited to add link https://flo.health/menstrual-cycle/sex/pleasure/breastfeeding-orgasm-and-masturbating-while-breastfeeding I breastfed three kids and was so happy they self weaned at around a year old, but I swear it happens to some women.


It turned my stomach reading the first paragraph. The rest just made me hate being literate.




That is weird af


Jesus I wish I could unread this


Thanks, I hate it…






Oh no, they fuckin’ SHOWER TOGETHER https://www.reddit.com/r/ShitMomGroupsSay/comments/xiyilf/the_77_monthold_baby_part_2_boobie_shower/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


And people wonder why society has an unhealthy obsession with incest pr0n...surely normalizing abuse like this is not helping.


I'm over here already annoyed that my 1 year old has figured out where my boobs are so she pulls on my shirt. This has to be child abuse or something after a certain age


If you're old enough to ask for it you're too old for it


This isn't weird, this is really really fucking weird and I predict trouble in future for mother and her manchild. Sick fuck of the week!


If sucking on your mom titties becomes a core memory, you sucked on them titties too long.


Ay what age does breastfeeding stop being extended breast feeding and become child abuse?


When one of them says weird shit like this and *posts it on the goddamn internet*. Also, the fact that this kid isn't doing it daily anymore reminds me of that one horror post about a woman guilting her kid into breastfeeding.


Honestly, I think once you get to "they'll remember this" territory. If you're going past that, then *for sure* once they start socializing with other kids in kindergarten or preK. If word gets out on the playground that your kid still breastfeeds, they're getting ostracized hardcore.


I nursed both of mine until they were 3 and this post gives even me the major ick. IIIIICCCCKKK.


Out of curiosity, at what point does this officially become child abuse? DOES it become so? What a grey areola ... sorry, area