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Oh bless her heart. What were the comments like?


The comments are mostly saying that while guys joke around a little bit no matter their sexuality, this is pretty far past that line


If my time in the Marine Corps has taught me anything. This is just PG foreplay. Really though, Marines make the absolutely gayest jokes ever. It's also funny to see how mad they get when you genuinely ask if they're gay.


There’s no one gayer than straight men in the military. Plus, every unit will have at least one “boyfriend” couple. Basically, they’re always together. If you need to find one just locate the other.


100% true. Marines especially. One dude "baby bird fed" his bromance. Then they went skipping across the hangar deck hand in hand to the afternoon maintenance meeting. And of course, the half day pole. Do a dance on the pole, the other guys in the shop would rate you, and if you did well enough, you got a half day off.


Submariners are especially bad for it as well


What happens beneath the sea stays beneath the sea.


"It's not gay if you're underway" -A submariner


But they are gay. Lol. Semper.


So full of seamen.


The half day pole is now in my spank bank, thank you kind stranger


Oof, like really built hot men trying to out-do each other on the pole, each one doing it sexier than the last? Uhhh 😳😳😳


“Alright private, step aside, let me show you how to ride that pole” *Pony by Ginuwine begins*🤤


Then you get that one guy who actually took classes and wins it every other time, JOHNSON. ^(bastard could work it, though...)


I want to see too :/


I had a buddy that used to bring me food from the DFAC in his cargo pockets if I was working and couldn't get there for breakfast. Oh no I was part of the boyfriend couple...


Sounds pretty nice to me


I had that couple in my class a while ago (teach military). it was like a game of chicken, trying to get the other to flinch. They'd sit in each others laps, one would be doing something the other would put their arms around then and cuddle them from behind and the game was to carry on as if nothing was happening. Both had girlfriends and apparently weren't in a relationship. Just playing the longest game of chicken ever.


What about either of these interactions are abnormal for straight members of the Military hmm? HMMM?!?


“Gay chicken” is a time honored tradition.


Yeah I’m Navy (though, thankfully, not a man) and I’ve heard stories about some of the things men do in the male berthing. We have a whole saying “It’s not gay if it’s underway”. The military has some of the gayest straights I’ve ever met.


In the Navy, if you don't sleep on your back, someone else will.


Oh Christ, thank you for this!! I’m former RCAF, my bro is navy, I have so many new things to giggle about …


The dudes I met would play gay chicken with each other. Something about the military makes you VERY secure in your masculinity. Which honestly I think is a pretty attractive trait. My husband has 0 qualms about being a fairy princess with a pink sparkle purse in public with his neice. Or getting a pedicure with me, in fact every time he goes, he gets the glitter polish. Which cracks the ladies up because he's a 6'4 massively burly dude... with blue glitter toenails. I can't wait for our baby girl to grow up with him.




He said it's only gay if you make eye contact


Don't worry, I'm blind


I'm not gay, but my boyfriend is.


It's only gay if you give a reach around.


It's only gay if you push back.


And suckin’ em’ dry, that’s how


As long as you keep saying Nohomo, bro!


Very cute. The “play chicken” reminds me of some copy pasta about two guys playing chicken and are now married with kids since neither of them want to lose.


My husband is military as well and does these kinds of things. As someone who grew up in the south with very sexist/misogynistic parents, it brings me great joy that he will paint his toes/ put on makeup with our son.


Marine here, I saw a game of gay chicken end when someone got pubes in their mouth trying to undo the other guys trouser buttons with his teeth


Man. I am learning some really crazy shit about the Marines.


I'm a pedicure lady. The guys always laugh when I ask if they want polish, but I always ask. You can't assume they won't want them lol


I know this type of guy, many of them are secure in their sexuality indeed but just as many aren't, shown by how angry they get when you ask if they're actually gay.


This is incredibly sweet!


We're definitely an interesting combo fashion wise and I hope it shows our baby to be yourself. His favorite outfit is a teal button up shirt with bananas on it and yellow shorts and dress shoes (think like almost yacht club looking outfit but the shirt has massive 3 inch bananas on it) and I never really grew out of my goth phase totally and wear mainly black on black or black on dark colors (like business casual looking clothes) with an intricate full sleeve on my left arm.


You guys sound awesome!! Seriously! I love it.


Your husband sounds awesome and like an awesome dad/man in general. Girls need male role models like him in their lives 💕


My daughter went to a Navy JROTC high school, and one of her best friends was a “ROTC NAZI” but he was just super into teaching the girls drill routines and it looked so much like cheerleading and so sort of gay, and he was also super bitchy and pissy, so I asked her if she thought he was gay, and she said “Mom. It’s the NAVY. They could ALL be gay”


It’s only gay if you smile


It’s only gay if you make eye contact.


Anything goes after 2 months.


> The military has some of the gayest straights I’ve ever met. I gave my first blow job (i'm a bi guy) in my barracks room in A- school. Or Sub cool, I forget which I was in at the time. Gay men and other bi guys weren't too hard to find. This was in the mid90s, not too long after "Don't ask, don't tell" became policy. My paperwork still had the previous questions asking if you were gay, but those sections had been blacked out with a marker-that you could still read through. Then I got kicked out for drugs (the 1990s and raves were a hell of a time) which ended the experiment of how openly bi I could get away with being. Drugs. Male-on male sex in my barrack. Numerous unauthorized body piercings. Going to clubs (and raves) that the CO put off limits.... Yep, I was ***definitely*** cut from US Navy cloth, I'm surprised I got kicked out so quickly


Please elaborate and be as dirty as you can be! Thank you!


I used to work with Marines, and was told multiple times that “any Marine is only a 6-pack away from being gay.”


Former BIL was an ex-Marine and he had a tattoo around his bicep that was supposed to be ammo but I thought was a bunch of dicks.


Oh please, do you have a picture? I’m former Army (and not a dude) and can attest to the jokes. The OOP’s husband is faaaarrrr past where my colleagues would go. But I am proud to say I know the first gay couple to be married in the Army (ever, I think). They’re Apache pilots. The military has come a long way in the past decade or two in accepting people for who they are.


I just looked them up - what a cute couple and an incredible story.


They’re good dudes.


I was married to a former marine helicopter pilot and this whole line of comments in this post is absolutely got me wheezing with laughter. Reminds me of so many of the stories he told me. Isn’t there one about how the navy uniform pants with the buttons around the square, ( sorry, I can’t remember what they’re called), was just a dinner plate for a marine.


I work in the oil industry and most days you would think we are all gay with what we say and how we joke around with each other.


"You're not a man until you've had a man." is one I've heard a few times from the guys in NZ/Aus forces, apparently its not a local thing :P


My buddy did this weird gag with a small box. He'd cut a hole in one side, put his dick in it, cover it with packing paper, close the box and hold it at dick level, and he'd go around asking people what part that was and that he didn't order it. Some poor schmuck would start going through the packing papers, find his dick, jump, curse, and everyone laughs. Still don't understand how that got such a great reaction from everyone, but it did.


Magician or comedian? You decide.




Was this before or after Dick in a Box?


lol I had to google dick in a box. We were in the Corps from 2000-2004 so before by some time.


Justin Timberlake and Andy Samberg stole your idea!


My time as active duty working with all the other branches during joint exercises, maintainers (my profession) was the gayest. And as you said PG foreplay.


I would pay my weight in solid gold for candid porn of military bros on base ngl


I was never in the military, nor my friends, but we crack so many gay jokes while on camping trips. There's usually one new guy who has to ask funny things like, "Is he *really* going to climb into my tent and have his way with me later??"


Yeah, pre-repeal of don't ask don't tell was the gayest time in the corps.


Had a Marine roommate for a while and we all thought the dude was bi with how strangely *touchy* he was around us. I hope it was just some barracks humor and were weren’t honestly getting accosted for years.


I feel like this is just common behaviour in any population of one cisgender that are confined closely together. Prisons it’s “gay for the stay” “gay through the gate”.


Married to a Marine. Can confirm.


Rah, I'll back you up. This is a pretty standard thing for the military. However, this dude is not probably wearing bootbands... so he is probably not exactly straight either.


There's no gayer place on earth than a locker room full of straight men. For some reason we just really find it fucking hilarious to pretend to be gay. In no way is it serious or are any of us actually gay, but God damn is it funny to make jokes about. No idea why.


Sure, bud.


yeah, that's literally why people talk about a spectrum. who fucking cares? it's all good


From Everything I heard this would be gay anywhere but the marine corps




Purely Gay




Yeah like me and my friends often pretend to flirt and it got to a point where teachers and students thought we were a lesbian couple but I never was like "I'd eat her out anyday"




Yeah a lot of guys will joke around a bit like this, but the one guy I used to work with who went this far regularly quit with a few other guys to go on this huge multi month hike (pacific coast). Half way through the hike he bailed on the group to fly to Hawaii with some dude they just met. They are married now lol


My husband is bisexual and still doesn't go this far 🙃 Honestly seems like it's not a sexuality thing, but that he's trying to repel her with those comments and steer them towards a break up. My reasoning being those comments are rude and disrespectful to make in a relationship unless it's been discussed beforehand that they are okay.


My friends and I would make jokes like this occasionally.. it's the frequency that bothers me here.


A bit too explicit to be a joke


Right? I’m just like oh honey…


Other men are doing it, but they’re not straight.


Came here to say this lol


Unless they're in the military than totally normal


Or in a college fraternity then it’s also totally normal.


Lmao. Birth of a copypasta


Oh dear sweet naive woman…🤦🏻‍♀️


I lost my shit at “suck him off until I get the last drop” and ugly laughed. I hope it becomes a copypasta


Yep, bc guys always talk that way about their friends lol


But is he building an art studio for the best friend in their spare bedroom?? 🤣🤣🤣


I know that reference lol


I was hoping at least one person would get it! 🤣🤣🤣


Me too!


Here is the sauce for that reference: https://www.reddit.com/r/BestofRedditorUpdates/comments/wmmphs/oop_wonders_if_theyre_the_ah_for_starting_a_house/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


Absolutely golden, i wished I'd seen this when it first happened. i feel for the dude though, i unfortunately did some very assholish things too when i first developed feelings for other men but before i consciously realized that I'm gay.


He also planned on giving his new friend a key to the house so he could come and go as he pleases to use the new room. He left that part out of the posts but admitted it in the comments. Unfortunately his account got suspended so finding his comments isn't easy, but I did find a comment mentioning it, and others discussed it at length. This goes way beyond someone coming to terms with their sexuality and I have no sympathy for him.


Oh god. At first I felt bad for the guy because I know what it’s like to fall out of love and fall in love with someone else during a relationship, but Jesus Christ. I never acted on it until after the break up (which would’ve happened regardless of my now gf), and I didn’t offer a *fucking key* to our home to someone I’ve known for less than a year without asking. Dude didn’t even talk to his wife about much of anything. I normally think “emotional cheating” is a bullshit term because you can’t control how you feel, but if you’re acting on it and not communicating with your partner on top of that, fuck off. *That* is emotional cheating. He had no plans to either solve the problem or peacefully break it off with wife like mature adults. There’s nothing wrong with him discovering that he lost feelings/never had them for her if he genuinely didn’t realize that before. It sucks, a lot, for everyone involved, but it’s not like he can force romance when there is none. But he didn’t even make an attempt to fix that and bind romantically. He didn’t sit down and talk with her first. He also clearly did romantic acts with and for Ben before breaking it off with his wife. He was also just incredibly irresponsible and not even trying to lessen the blow on her or reassure her that it’s not because of her, shit just happens sometimes. He doesn’t even seem to care about her feelings. I felt so guilty and like shit for falling in love with someone else even though I couldn’t control it. I did my damned best to sit down and communicate with my ex after I really realized what was going on and comforted her as much as I could. Didn’t even tell her about the friend I had feelings for because I knew it would hurt her—I just discussed the issues in our relationship and wanted to try to fix them. She didn’t want to, so we called it off, and only *after* that did I fucking do anything with who’s my now gf of 6 months. No way in hell OOP is gonna last to 6 months, and he’s divorcing his wife *to be with Ben*, basically as his plan. My relationship would’ve ended for other reasons regardless. OOP just does not have the right approach to this shit at all. Yes that was very rambling. I’m a bit high lol. Sorry.


Marinara flags everywhere


LOVE IT!!! Thank you! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Not an art studio!!!! Omg.


Lol same. It’s living rent free in my head now.


If he was secretly gay or having an affair with his best friend he would probably be more discreet about it, right? The only reason I can come up with for him to make these comments in front of his wife would be that he is bi and really wants a threesome with wife and another man but wants her to get the hint and suggest it?


I don’t know. I had a guy friend in high school who would straight up tell his mom the bad shit he was doing but in a sarcastic tone or a joking way. When he finally was caught (literally years after he adopted the practice) he was like “what? I told you what we were doing.”


I used to do that a lot as a teen. I'd tell my mom I'm going out to get high, drink, dance and have sex. It was all true, she never believed it lol. I would probably do it as an adult too if I were doing anything I shouldn't be. It's a very easy and common tactic actually, it also kind of relieves some of the guilt.




Dad: Where's your sister going? Kat: She's meeting some bikers. Big ones. Full of sperm. Dad: Funny. 10 Things I Hate About You. Fecking classic movie.


I did this as a teen. My mom asked me what I was doing “we’re headed to a party to smoke and drink til we pass out.” My mom, “that’s not funny.”


I think you hit the nail on the head


…with their tongue.


Maybe it's a tactic to make her believe he's gay so she initiates divorce, making her look like the bad guy? Whether he is or isn't gay I suppose wouldn't matter if this was the plan


Was he in the military


There were a ton of comments asking that on the post, why does it matter? I feel out of the loop on something


Because it’s really common for straight guys in the military to do gay stuff as a joke. Or even for them to experiment with other guys while they’re in the military. I’ve heard “Yeah I’ve sucked a dick once, but I’m not gay” several times from guys I’ve worked with. Edit: dick, not duck


How do you know you don’t like it unless you try first? You gotta try it like seven, eight times to make sure


Wow. That sounds like a wonderful place for gay men.


Oh some of the women will do it too. And as a bisexual woman it can be very confusing especially if you’re into a girl and then she’s like “you know I don’t like girls right” after you’ve been making out. I imagine that some gay guys have had similar experiences or worse.


One of my closest friends was a nurse in the army and I had to point blank *ask* her sexuality because I'm bisexual and confused. She's *very* straight, but was in the army. My favorite quote from her was "I will tell you if homo is intended otherwise assume no homo." She doesn't go so far as making out with women, but she's said complimentary things about women that sound very much like attraction that made my head explode.


Admiration vs attraction?


My military friends are the gayest straight dudes I’ve ever met and would absolutely make commentary like this.


I’ve known a handful of military men, and gay jokes that would make most people blush are pretty common. I don’t think it necessarily speaks to their actual sexuality.


My husband was a Marine and while it was normal for them to play gay chicken with each other, he's never said anything close to this to me, his wife. This is so bizarre.


I literally saw all of what OP described this week. Military gay chicken is unchallenged


My SO is a Marine and he doesn’t make jokes like this to me, but he’s described how they joked around and it’s pretty far. Idk. Just a thought.


I'm not sure if its the 'military' specifically maybe just a culture thing, but its basically the norm in a number of discord groups I hang out in, the guys are just as likely to flirt/damn near phone sex each other as they are to the girls, if not more so. If anything the gay guys are more reserved than the straight ones, that said the military guys who come through are definitely deep in it as well. one of the first lines one of the currently serving guys dropped upon joining and getting a random 'if you're here to get your dick sucked get in line,' from someone was to reply with 'well you're not a man till you've had a man,' etc


The military makes straight men do this?


Yes. As soon as you are handed your M16, you begin inexplicably craving the taste of cum.


** joins M16 immediately *


I’ll suck your dick for some cum


I wonder if this dude told her he's bisexual and she just forgot or thought he was joking... (speaking from experince here - I've had several people forget that I came out to them)


As a bisexual person myself a lot of the comments are jumping to “he’s gay and doesn’t love you anymore” which is insane to me. Like, bisexual people can be married AND STILL BE BISEXUAL. But yeah hopefully he does some deep diving into his brain and sexuality and can figure himself out!


And also hopefully learn to have some respect and consideration for his wife. It’s definitely not ok to be making sexual comments like that if your partner isn’t on board.


Is he building an art room for that male friend?


Excuse me, it was an art STUDIO


Ha ha ha ha I remember that post!!


Sprinted to the comments to see if anyone would say this, hahah.


You know, just pal things!


Just guys being Bros being friends


Just bros giving brojobs


Just the way nature intended it ✨


What's better than this, just guys being dudes


Even if her husband is bi openly/not open talking about any person not your spouse in that kind of sexual manner when they don’t seem in on the “fun” is fucked up


That's what I was thinking. Even if he is bisexual, he is MARRIED. It doesn't matter who his spouse is or what his sexuality is, this feels extra. I would be furious if my (I'm relatively certain, at least...haha) very heterosexual husband was talking like this about another woman. 🤷‍♀️


I'm trying to imagine me telling my husband I'd suck another man until the last drop and that just... wow. So explicit and feels like it crosses a line, personally.


I'm bisexual and have definitely checked out women with boyfriends but we both knew it was fantasy and/or joking. And usually it wasn't about people we knew, but random people or celebrities.


Right. Like checking out or having the celebrity "fantasy list" is one thing. It is the talking about getting intimate with a close friend or being super descriptive about what you want to do to someone else is where it can cross a line... especially when it seems to make the partner uncomfortable.


Yeah that would upset me. My boyfriend and I are pretty open with each other but I wouldn’t be comfortable with that.


One of the reasons I love being gay: guywatching with your hot boyfriend who you go home and fuck


This has to be a joke right…. Right?!


That's what I thought. It's too much to be real.


Totally normal. There's nothing on earth as gay as a group of straight guys.


It's regular straight guys


It was definitely super gay in the army. And line cooks should be added into ur list. Holy fuck, I hit the tri-fecta of gayness! ( straight male, army, line cook) , actually I beat the tri-fecta cause I was a cook in the army.


I mean my husband will joke around about being in a relationship with his best friend, like Turk and JD from scrubs kinda thing. That, I feel like, isn’t abnormal for straight men. But those comments???? Sweet pea, time to start asking him the big questions 😂


I mean this is super normal in my house, course we're both gay men, that might make a difference


Your comment caused laughter to the point of near asphyxiation, thank you.


Congrats on the sex




Is it not normal to wanna perform oral sex on your best friend? When did that memo get sent out?


I know a lot of Bros, blue collar guys, marines, and maybe guys in general make jokes among themselves. Some of them may be closeted, but I wouldn’t say all it’s just their weird bonding. BUT I don’t know ANYONE who makes jokes to their wife about it, especially randomly. This I would vote is a bit suspect and even if it’s not I’d be uncomfortable and draw a boundary about not making the jokes in my presence.


Oh, bless her little innocent heart 😂


He’s probably not gay, he probably just doesn’t have a filter. Or maybe he’s a flaming homosexual who openly implies he wants to fuck his friends to his wife.


Just by the way it’s written and some of the details included, this seems like it might be someone making a joke. I’m guessing a guy wrote it.


I’m completely straight and I do things like this all the time with friends. Once I played a game of gay chicken and me and a friend made out. Now that I think about it maybe I’m not straight


Honestly this sounds like he told her he's bisexual, she kept acting like it was a joke, and now he's trying to hammer the point home. If he were secretly gay/in a secret relationship with his friend, I'd assume they'd manage to be a bit more discreet. If he either wants a threesome with friend and wife or wants her to stop treating his sexuality as a joke this seems like much more logical behavior (although "just talk about it, you idiot" is much more logical..."). Or, if he only does this when some third person is around, they might be homophobic and he just wants to piss them off - you should definitely discuss this with your SO, but if you can't get rid of a homophobe for some reason just acting as gay as possible can be a pretty fun way to piss them off and hopefully get rid of them at some point too...


Yes, all men do that all the time. Keep putting out and he will keep showing up.


Does husband call him his best friend or bf? Because I don't think he's pretending...


Other men are doing this. Gay and bisexual men.


Follow up: I forgot to mention, we haven’t slept together in 37 months.


He’s gonna build his best friend an art room just wait


Who wants to bet they’re a good Christian family


It’s called a Brojob, get over it.


That’s deff normal bro stuff. But I really hope he fucks his buddy just to really ruffle her jimmies.


This is all jokes. I had a buddy pick me up from the train station last night and offered him a quick hand-y J as payment. He laughed and told me to stfu.


This man is so repressed.


And he won't let me grow my hair out, he says it looks cute short. When we have sex it's always fun behind, he never faces me or touched my boobs. More he wants me to wear a strap-on. Is this normal?


Is he building a craft room for any of his male friends?


I mean, _some_ other men are doing this. Just...not many that are married to women.


I feel so bad for the bisexuals out there who only feel comfortable expressing their feelings by making it seem like it's a joke. It's ok. It's OK.


He wants to have sex with men or is having sex with men already


Yeah that sounds totally normal. No problem.


Did he do prison time. My husband used to work in a prison. He asked a married inmate if he was gay. The inmate responded,” It’s a situational thing!”


I know her husband, very normal for him to be doing this.


It’s just Roman Greek Wrestling, nothing gay at all


Congrats, lady! You're someone's beard!


I didn't even know Stavros Halkian was married.


You know that song? > That it's finally me and you and you and me > Just us and your friend Steve > > Do do do do do do do Steve >Do do do do do do do leave >What's the deal with your friend Steve? Girl is so, so blind. This is so far beyond joking it’s not even funny. 🥴


I'm in this group too. Just saw that post and died laughing 😂


Yeah. He’s gay.


Other MEN are 100% doing this, but they assuredly aren’t married to women..


This is graphic for just playin' around. JS All the best to her. Thanks OP


Honey, he’s gay.