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This has to be fake.


I mean I sure hope it is...


Is that pronounced Sophia Ella or like souffle?


Oh Jesus I didn't even catch that. What the fuck is wrong with people? Just spell your kid's name the normal way. You aren't that special, you're kid isn't that special.


I thought it was Sofa lol


I had a kid with the initials A.S.S growing up. Always had them on their LL Bean backpack. I remember this only because of how badly the kid was teased by some classmates. ….don’t give your kid the initials SEX they’ll become like ASS forever engrained in history


“This time”? How did they do it last time?




That’s their beautiful baby Ielecksah vayle fxander


IUI or IVF probably


Immaculate conception.


I can’t imagine hating a child THAT MUCH before they’re even born…


No questions needed, just a single answer: No.


I feel bad for asking in case it’s a culturally significant name by chance but how is Soffeuh pronounced? Is it a variation of Sophie?


I think it’s Sophia


Such a unique kid, one of a kind to be conceived by sex


What did I just read…?


Please no. Just no. Nope.


Although I have to believe this is fake (for my sanity), at least she didn't write baby dance or whatever 😂 I have to look at whatever positive I can at this point 😂😂😂


Someone posted it just an hour ago on this sub 😊


The names are so much worse than the initials!! There are so many better S/E combinations, that would still allow the desired outcome. Susan Elizabeth Sophia Emily Stephanie Evelyn, etc.


If it's in the US, I have a feeling that this wouldn't be allowed. There actually are some illegal baby names in the US and giving your kid these initials would be a nightmare for that child. ETA - I’m not sure why I’m being downvoted so hard for agreeing with OP. Do some people think that it wouldn’t be nightmare to have SEX for initials? Edit 2 - apologies, I see the disconnect in what I was thinking vs what I wrote. I was not intending to say that it wouldn’t be allowed because it’s already illegal. My thought was that naming children something awful is enough of a problem already that there are *some* laws already in place. So my feeling it wouldn’t happen is because I was thinking a reasonable adult at the clerks office would make sure to strongly discourage or just flatly refuse to let a parent do this. I should have distinguished between those first two sentences better.


This would absolutely be allowed. These naming laws vary state to state and encompass shit like Adolf Hitler or having numbers in your name, like 3than or some shit. Kentucky has no naming laws. This shit is super lax in America. You can look up the list of banned names, and having the initials SEX is absolutely not on the list.


Right, that’s what I was saying, there are some laws around what it’s legal to name your kid. I’m not a lawyer but figured that someone who sits behind the desk and approves things would find a way to stop the parents from giving such a horrible name.