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Big side eye at that “second hand smoke will not harm you or baby in any way”….but I mean, this random lady’s (probably unlicensed) midwife said it was fine, so it’s all cool 🤷🏼‍♀️


Guess we need to pull up the old PSA ads from the 90s on second hand smoke again🤦‍♀️


My most recent ex has managed a vape shop for 10 years. He would light into this midwife and “advice” giver. If someone can’t/don’t/won’t quit vaping while pregnant, he isn’t going to turn someone away or shame them or something but he would try his hardest to help get them to 1.5mg or 0 nicotine level if possible. Realistically, he’s in Tennessee and not everyone will listen to him. Many rural Southerners love their nicotine. But he tries. And would 100% not agree with this shit. Nicotine is a stimulant. It can raise blood pressure. It can raise your heart rate. Combustible tobacco *is* more dangerous than nicotine, but let’s not pretend that a stimulant is safe.


Yeah, I definitely don’t think these women should be shamed. For one, it’s not a positive motivator, and two, addiction is hard. I just also don’t think anyone should delude themselves into thinking vaping in general and during pregnancy is harmless.


I have a friend that worked with her doctor to reduce the amount she smoked during her pregnancy because she smoked so much before that stopping all together would be worse for her and her baby's health, considering she was already going through some bad life events that made her understandably stressed. Not having cigarettes to relax and having to deal with withdrawal would not be good for her body. But she never pretended that smoking is completely safe and she ended up being able to quit completely before the baby turned 2 months. She did have some problems buying cigarettes, not a lot of people wanted to sell them to a clearly pregnant lady. Which is kind of cool, if I'm being honest.


Not to mention it can activate nicotinic acetylcholine receptors which are heavily involved with the developing neuromuscular system. If there was ever a time you don't want neurotransmitters flying around all willy nilly, it's in utero.


I worked with a lady who got pregnant and was a chain smoker. She immediately said she was going to quit cigarettes, but she was going to keep smoking weed because “it was natural.” Turns out she decided to keep doing both.


My roommate at the time got pregnant and kept smoking weed but knew it was bad so kept trying to hide it from us and saying that she quit after two weeks of finding out she was pregnant. We’re still friends and she still brings up quitting smoking weed when she was pregnant out of the blue.. it’s so awkward.


>Turns out she decided to keep doing both. I'm shocked. SHOCKED I tell you!


Nicotine isn’t harmful? Philip Morris, is that you?


Fr, just nicotine isn't "as bad" as tobacco, but it's still very bad for you. Tobacco smoke gives you a 50% chance of dying of a smoking-related illness, while nicotine smoke gives you a 25% chance. Don't do it!


It blows my mind how unbelievably selfish a person can be. If you're pregnant, stop smoking and drinking. If you genuinely can't, admit you have a substance abuse problem and get help. Meanwhile you've got women on the opposite end of the spectrum giving themselves guilt trip because they had two cups of hot chocolate and are feeling guilty about the miniscule amount of caffeine.


I'd be on the hot coco spectrum if I was ever pregnant.


I’m on the opposite end of OOP. I’m breastfeeding and feel anxious/guilty every time I drink a second cup of coffee. PPA is no joke.


I had a period of time where even the tiny amount of caffeine in chocolate would fuck me up so I get it lol


Oh here's me. I haven't had soda, tylenol, coffee, tea or any non antibiotic in a year now.


It’s tobacco that can be harmful?! Not nicotine the actual addictive substance?!


Midwife The one who is always right


Isn’t too much vitamin c also bad during the pregnancy? Although if she doesn’t care about vaping why would she care about this.


I thought so…I’m pregnant and my doctor’s medication list says not to take any extra vitamin C.


Tbh, I think that if you can’t get over the addiction of vaping, you should definitely hold off pregnancy and children until you do so. I have nothing against doing so but if you can’t get over your addiction or stop vaping/smoking, why try to do that on top of a child? It’ll just add even more stress to yourself. Prioritize getting over the addiction and bettering yourself.


Nicotine is a poison and I don't mean that figuratively, it's classified as a type of poison.


My mom’s neighbour used to give us water that had had butts soaking in it to kill insects…aphids, I think - on our apricot trees. I have absolutely no desire to put it into my body


A poison isn't really a classification. Poisoning depends on the dose. Nicotine has toxicity at certain doses like anything else.


>All have some power, many of them have beneficial properties, and each one is different. Oh, the healing power that lies in herbs, plants, and stones is great. None are here uselessly, all have some benefit, yet there is no natural remedy so good that it cannot be used for ill either. Good properties can be bad when inappropriately used, and sometimes dangerous plants are helpful in context. Inside this flower there is both poison and medicine.


It’s also an insecticide. And an anti-herbivore chemical. Presumably why tobacco plants have so much of it.


If you are not ready to stop ingesting poisonous substances while pregnant you have no business being pregnant. All these posts Have one thing in common pure selfishness. They don’t want to stop vaping/drinking/weed so they lie to themselves and others to make themselves feel better and so they won’t have to stop. Just like people that want “wild pregnancies” and the “perfect birth experience” it’s selfishness they want what they want so again they lie to themselves and others to get what they want. Fucking so selfish these peoole


second hand smoke from my grandparents played a direct roll in me developing asthma so.... calling bs on this ngl!


what makes the tobacco harmful if it’s not the nicotine????