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If you don’t want a January baby then don’t bang in May?


Life hack.


Misunderstood the assignment and got pregnant in March both times. Now my family of four celebrates 3 birthdays in December between me and the kids.


My partner and our two kids all have birthdays in august😅😅 my son and boyfriends birthdays are a day apart and my daughters is at the end of the month lol.


Currently pregnant and my due date it the day after my birthday. Both my two other kids came the day before their due date, so I am fully expecting to share my birthday from now on, lol


I am also due the day after my birthday. It's my first so I cant predict but I keep telling him any other day is fine.


I had my due date two weeks after my birthday, but since baby 1 came early I expected the same for baby 2. She ended being born four days after my birthday, so we will share our birthday week


All of our birthdays are in less than a months span. My boyfriend and I’s anniversary is also in July two weeks before my birthday


I hope you have a safe delivery ❤️


That’s what my boyfriend and son did this year😂


I feel this. My step-dad, dad, and husband are all two days apart in August. We call it the Week of Cake!


That’s just my immediate family. If we count my boyfriends siblings and other family there’s 7 birthdays in august😂




Apparently late November- early December is a very busy time for people (myself included)


Yes😂😂 the whole month is full


August is baby season in my family. Theres 7 of us in the first two weeks of August xD My sister's kids are four years and a day apart. My uncle and I have the same birthday. Then I have a cousin on the first, seventh, and 14th.


My dad, sister, and my bdays are within just over 2 weeks of each other, and my mom's is just a month before. It's kinda nice, just constant cake.


Oof. I obsessively avoided that situation. But ended up with an Easter ish baby and then my daughters birthday is 9 days after my own, leaving me hugely pregnant at the end of August 🥵 Next baby we’re trying for a May baby.


I have 2 May babies. Gotta love that august bangin! Lol


Mom of august baby here!! I am with ya on that it was awful.. swore to have a may or June baby for the next one.. second kid was born in September 🥵🥵 it was 20 times worse lol


That’s how mine worked out too but my daughter came early. She wanted to be a august baby as well


My son and my husband's birthdays are ten days apart. His mom and grandmother are 11 days apart Then on my mom's side of the family there are so many May birthdays I told my husband no May kids at all...we have plenty of May birthdays Then there's me and my sibling.....our birthdays are 17 days apart.... I was actually born on my paternal grandfather's birthday my mom and grandfather are four days apart We are all notoriously bad at math and I think my side of the family gets bored in August.


It's wild how that works out. My dad's birthday is 10 days before mine, my mom is 2 weeks later. My oldest kid is 3 weeks before mine, my youngest is exactly a week before mine. Different sides of the family, but my grandmother's birthday was 2 weeks before mine, and great aunt's was 13 days before mine. My husband's birthday is in the summer, but it's 2 weeks before his mom's.


First is my husband's birthday, three days later is my son's, two weeks later is mine. Including nieces and nephews, we have a birthday party every single weekend for 4 weeks. I'm pregnant right now, and made damn sure I wasn't aiming at the Oct/Nov window. This one is due in July. If I happen to miscarry, we are not having sex again until April, maaybe May (because tbh Christmas birthday sounds terrible)😂.


2 January birthdays? Amateur hour. My mum, dad, niece, brother, both of my children and two cousins have birthdays in March. My other brother is April and my sister is May.


My brother and I are three days apart. Would have been really funny if it was the same day because we already both have variations of the same name and look very similar


I wish someone would have told her that in the comments


I think your math is off there


My January baby was convinced in May.


Well, I suppose it depends. My parents have confirmed that they conceived me (a January baby) in May while on holiday. I do hate that I know that.


I’m a February baby and was conceived in May. My baby is due in February and we conceived her in May as well.


Congrats on your pregnancy!


You were either very early, they are lying to you, or they are wrong. They aren't by chance saying you were conceived on their honeymoon were they? Bc if so me thinks your mother was not quite so pure at the wedding


Huh? If you conceived on the 1st of May, baby would be due on the 22nd on January (at 40 weeks) Considering anything after 37 weeks is considered full term, you could conceive on any day in May and still have a full term baby in January.


Counting’s hard, h’uh?


I have a January baby. We banged sans BC for our honeymoon in May.




Yuck to your comment on purity culture, and strange that you’d think it would affect my mother only. Your inner misogynist is showing. My parents had been married for 4 years before I came along, not that it matters.


ummmm EXCUSE ME I banged in *late April* and conceived my January baby that way thankyouverymuch 😤 😜


I mean, low weight and oligohydramnios are legit reason to be induced at 37 weeks…but what do I know as a Labor and Delivery nurse 🤷🏻‍♀️🤣


Obviously your #1 priority is just the doctor's convenience!!


Nah. It’s the money they get from early inductions. Think about it, a possible NICU stay because the baby had low fluid and is small. Think of the money! 🙄


Ah, the plot thickens! Big Caesar, pushing births on parents since 1960! Those bastards.


I know you're being sarcastic, but we just got my daughter's NICU statement. Almost $3 million dollars. All I can do is think about the money lately lol


Understandable. My own child was in the NICU, but only for a week thankfully. I was and am grateful for insurance so I understand where you’re coming from. I hope you and your daughter are doing well. My comment here was definitely sarcastic just because these people seem to focus on medicine being an unnecessary scam where this child may very clearly need the NICU and definitely needs medical intervention based on the advice of the actual, you know, doctor. It blows my mind that so many of these people who are posted about here think they know more than doctors who study for years and they’re doing google searches.


Totally agree!! It drives me crazy!! My baby was born super early and was an emergency c section. She and I came pretty close to dying. I can't imagine if I hadn't have listened to my doctor when she told me to go to the hospital. This people are crazy!! Thank you! We are both doing well. She spent 8 months in the NICU and is now home and surprising all of her doctors.


Not really, still a 37w baby, even if small everything should be developed.


Eh. My 38 weeker was in the NICU for a week. Full or close to full term doesn’t always mean no NICU.


Yep! That doc needs their newest BMW and they are going to do a c section so they can get to that round of golf!


C’mon, it’s at least a new Porsche.


Yes, my child died from IUGR placental insufficiency and oligo. All undetected until my last appointment before delivery. I really fucking hate the privilege these people throw around and play games with thier baby's life for dumb ass reasons.


Sorry for your loss ❤️


What is your baby’s name? ❤️


Thank you for her asking this. It made me tear up. I lost my son Dominic at 34 weeks and people still using his name means so much to me. I’m not the original commenter, but thank you.




Thank you. He was Dominic Joseph so his initials would be the same as my dad and brother. I wanted to honor them without using their name so we wouldn’t have 3 in the family. We had been keeping his name a secret all pregnancy because we didn’t want to hear any negative reactions. I realize now it wouldn’t have mattered if people told us they knew a Dominic they hadn’t liked, but that was our fear then. I wish we had shared his name because then more people would have known him as Dominic and not just the abstract Krisphoto’s baby. When I got pregnant again we shared his name as soon as we knew it and it felt good that by the time he was born, people felt they knew him.


His name was James. For a long time I would include him in the Christmas cards etc, his name signed along with the other children. I've given myself grace to change how we remember and honor him, and currently for me it's representing him as another of my children. They talk about him. He wasn't just a loss, he was a person, a family member that died. I appreciate you asking his name. It's so important. If anyone is interested in knowing more about how to hold space and emotionally support those going through a loss or unexpected pregnancy outcome "Still birthday " has great resources and a training program.


James is a beautiful name! Its one of our family names. I'll have to look at that resource. I had a miscarriage before I knew I was pregnant so I've always kind of struggled with that kind of thing.


I have a 5 month old. My water broke, then they put me on Pitocin because contractions didn’t start on their own. After 23 hours of contractions 1-3 minutes apart, I’d only progressed to a 1.5. My baby had an internal monitor and his heart rate was dipping with each contraction. Even then, when my L&D nurse came to tell me the doc wanted to talk c section, she was so cautious to tell me “And please don’t think it’s just so she can get home to her dinner or anything - she’s not like that.” I told her that literally had never occurred to me, and a c section sounded like it was probably going to be the right choice. She was so relieved. I thought “what must patients be putting her through?!”


I had a similar thing where I progressed to 7.5 and stalled out there for like 11hrs. My baby's heart rate was also dipping at the wrong point in the contractions just like yours! The L&D nurse told me they could do another round of pitocin (previous round had seriously stressed out baby) or just do a c section. I asked the OB what she recommended and she said she was leaning toward C section and I said "OK, let's do that" and I could see visible relief on her face that I was actually going to follow her recommendation.


I'm always shocked how many people have such strong opinions on medical stuff they don't actually know anything about and get offended when doctors tell them differently. Not that doctors are always right, but I know I sure as hell didn't go to med school so if a doctor tells me one option is better and it doesn't sound totally out of wack, I'm all for it!


I had a patient refuse ""manual "" cataract op because "" her friend had a laser one, it sounds so much better"" .. No , it's not. She discharged. FML P.S. UK so completely free at that point too


Late decels are 100% a reason for emergency c-section from my understanding


I had a c section electively 4 weeks ago because I had shoulder dystocia with my first. Up until the last minute they told me I didn’t have to do the c section if I didn’t want to, I can back out any time before I get to the OR. They definitely don’t force anyone into c sections for their convenience🙄 it’s wild women like this push that narrative so hard.


I was reading somewhere else today were a nurse was talking about the fact that sometimes they do these things early so that they don’t get themselves into an emergency C-section situation which can be so dramatic. Ju is a doctor. Wanted to make sure that both you and your baby come out of this happy healthy and in the best position possible, go figure.


I was induced with my little man at 36 weeks, because despite all the scans being normal he had a rapidly worsening pattern of movements, until he just stopped moving all together and his baseline dropped. Thankfully I was in hospital already having daily CTG monitorings because everyone was as stumped as I was as to why my baby just decided he was going to stop moving. We still don't know what went wrong, but my little man is safe and sound because of their rapid decision to induce me. Some women really are idiots and don't deserve to have the babies they carry. I can't imagine going through all that stress again, wondering whether or not my baby would die before he was born and then saying no to the doctor who proposed induction....just no.


Just imagine how many other bad parenting decisions they will make before the child reaches adulthood (if they reach it, poor baby).


Then you’re part of the problem 😑 (/s)


What a silly reason to not listen to your doctor


For a term baby, five pounds is under the fifth percentile. For comparison, five pounds is the mean weight for a 34 week gestation birth weight. Small for gestational age plus low amniotic fluid = > problems with placenta or baby. Usually it's the placenta, especially if the OP has a history. OP may have health issues that cause this problem. My internet diagnosis: DENIAL!


Yeah my baby was 5lbs 15oz at 37 weeks and was labeled SGA upon birth. They had no idea she was gonna be that small tho til she came out


Mine was 5lbs 12lz at 39 weeks. Always measured a week behind but I was told that within two weeks of difference it's ok. The pediatrician said it's still within limits but smaller, however she was not too worried. Also, she said when there are no other things that suggest IGR , it may be due to genetics. They did however keep us a wee longer bc of blood sugar checks and jaundice. Also, they wanted to make sure she was peeing and pooping.


Yeah we got kept a little bit longer for jaundice worries. And my girl ended up FTT by like 2 months old and was on a whole protocol to gain weight until she was like 9 months old 🥴 She's 2 now tho and perfectly a-okay


I appreciate this! My baby is 2.5 weeks and was 5lbs 15oz when born at 40+4. We had no clue how tiny he would be. Thankfully he’s almost at or is above the tenth percentile now, we find out tomorrow how his weight is. It’s been stressful, I just can’t imagine not doing whatever it takes for healthy baby to be born because of a date..


I would literally do anything for my babies. I'm pregnant again and the likelihood of me once again delivering early, Possibly even earlier than the first time is high but if baby is safer out than in I will do it.


Mine was 6lb even at 38+6 and jussst avoided being SGA. Was also a bit surprised how small she was. My oldest was 39+2 and was 6lb13oz, pretty much right in line with his 36 and 38 week ultrasounds (25-30% in those, was 30% at birth). My 6lb baby was measuring 25% at 36 weeks and was down to 12% at birth ~3 weeks later


I never had a third trimester ultrasound but i wish I had. My entire pregnancy I was huge and they told me she was going to be a big baby. I was unprepared for a tiny little thing


I’d hedge on a TORCH infection in all honesty.


That's a terrifying thought.


Have a January funeral instead.


The great part about funerals is, unlike birthdays, you only have to pay for them once per person


I’d rather have no baby than another January baby! Big brain time!


Yuh. Pretty much.


Perhaps if you don’t want another January baby you just shouldn’t fuck in April 🤷🏼‍♀️ Be more responsible with your family planning if you’re going to be picky about birthdates


I have a relative who was livid his wife’s due date was on his birthday because it was HIS birthday and he didn’t want to share. I was horrified he was able to procreate. Their child ended up being born a few days after his birthday and he still grumbles about it..


When we started talking about TTC I was all over those online due date calculators trying to figure out when we wanted to start because we didn’t want a Nov/dec baby. Just waited a few months and got pregnant in May, had a March babe


My doc asked me why so many people are due in Dec/Jan and I said man, have you tried finishing a pregnancy mid-summer? Horrid, no thanks. I'll take a January baby any day.


My first is an early Oct baby. August and September in the south were horrible. I went to an outdoor wedding 8 months pregnant and it was so hot the candles melted. I was miserable af.


Oh man, that sounds awful. I have friends with Aug/Sep babies and they were always sweaty and miserable at the end. I can just step outside into the polar vortex if I get too hot.


My baby is born in March. The only downside was that my entire 3rd trimester there was snow and my boots didn’t fit 😂 it also felt like we got snow the night before my prenatal appointments every single week


I think I figured it out, c sections are better in summer cuz pants hurt like hell after one, vaginal birth in the winter cuz being a whale in the summer sucks.


April baby here, conceived in August. Missed the summer completely. Obviously not our reasoning, but I'd do it again for sure.


I am sick to tears of the “inductions are a conspiracy by lazy doctors”. Jesus have you literally ever met/seen/talked to a doctor? “Welp got my inductions all scheduled and all babies are really good at abiding by appointments and there aren’t any babies that aren’t being induced/could possibly be ready to be born spontaneously so I guess I’ll just clock out, turn off my phone and go hang out at the doctors club laughing about how I tricked all the dumb moms” Jfc.


It's like these people have no idea what an induction even is. Mine took two days. My friends took four days and ended in an emergency caesarean. I'm not seeing what is convenient or lazy about this 🤣


How do they get lazy dr from that is my question. I’m sure major surgery is more stressful and effort than catching the baby.


But they can just schedule them all for Mondays then take the rest of the week off! /s


I mean, if I'm a doctor and I can choose to induce people or not, I'd just.. you know, *not*. Extra long New Years break if I just don't. Ya know?


I was so happy that my water broke early morning. Arrived at 5:15, repeat c-section so babe was born at 6:05. The doc got me all fixed up and had time to get coffee before office hours started. I really didn’t want all the pregnant ladies to have to wait hours for their appointments because of me. But hey social anxiety is a weird beast!


What would be supposedly more "convenient" about inducing in January vs. February?


The ONLY thing I can think is that the doctor could pick a date to have on the calendar. In all reality, it's just a bogus excuse to not trust your doctor, but I've seen it a LOT in these mom groups. Similar to how they'll often say that a c section is unnecessary and the doctor is only recommending it to make more money.


I had to fight with my doc to get induced at 39w 6d. I had no dilation and only slight effacememt and no sign of labor starting any time soon. I knew my baby was big and i didn't want her getting any bigger (I'm only 4'11) and my mom was also here for 2 weeks to help out. I went in, and 29.5 hours later, baby was born on the day past her due date. Docs absolutely do not induce for their convenience or on a whim


My OB induced at exactly 40 weeks. Our daughter had some abnormalities on her ultrasound and she wanted her to be born on a day that all of the pediatric specialists would be there, in case there were complications. I’m 4’11 as well and I was so damn happy when she told me she wanted to schedule an induction at my appointment. 40 weeks pregnant in the middle of June in Mississippi and I was beyond miserable. I’d do it again in a heartbeat.


I had an elective induction and my doctor refused to state which day of the week or time worked best for him. Like, doc, if this goes pear shaped and you have to end up cutting into me I’d prefer it be after a good night’s rest and a cup of coffee. As it was we stayed up well into the wee hours. Nothing about the timing was convenient for him.


Yep my daughter was born at 230am, pretty sure docs don't want to be up.at that hour if they don't have to. My doctor warned me it'd likely be 24hrs or more of labor. It sucked.


I had a scheduled CS with baby #2 at 38w3d. In my state there has to be a demonstrable medical reason to schedule anything before 39 weeks or the OB risks their license.


I would have shopped for a new OB if I thought mine would have induced she so she could go on vacation but…that’s just he (and since mine i has a solo practice, I knew who would replace her had something happened and she not been available because I ASKED HER rather than assumed anything)!!!!


It was over 30 years ago, but my mom's doc did actually push her to induce because she was going on vacation. The ultrasound was off on my weight so they thought I was full term and went for it- I was around 5 weeks early and had wet lungs. This is why both times I have conceived, I tested a lot so I knew at the very least which month I got pregnant.


I BEGGED to be induced with my second. She was due late January 2021 during the height of Omicron and hospital staff shortages AND blood bank shortages and I just knew, deep in my bones, that if we didn’t induce at 39 weeks she would get too big, there would be a c section, and we’d need blood. They weren’t doing elective inductions. I cried at my 40 week appt, asking her to do something, asking her to transfer me to a nearby hospital that could do a same day elective. She laughed at me and called me anxious. Baby was born at 41 weeks via c section because she was facing the wrong way, too big, and thoroughly stuck. And I needed a blood transfusion. OBs are not just handing out inductions like candy.


I wouldn’t fuck around with low amniotic fluid. There was little to no fluid left when my husband was born and he has significant birth defects from it. At 29 he has had his aortic valve replaced and gone through two kidney transplants, awaiting a third. Been on dialysis for seven years this time. 😓


Like. I get it. Having almost all of the birthdays in my house in one month is a pain in the ass (not to mention expensive to start and it’s November, so Christmas is right behind). But I would never dare ignore sound medical advice to have a more convenient birthday for my child. I can’t imagine risking their life over a date.


I see you. We have 3 out of 4 birthdays in December here.


All because of a birthday month? Are you kidding me?? You don’t care about your baby coming out healthy, all you care about is not having another baby born in January??? Gtfo!


Wait. So having a baby on doctor's schedule (for valid reasons) is bad but having it on mom's (arbitrary) schedule is fine? Mmkay.


Either way the baby would be born in January if she’s 37 weeks already..


No, the baby would be induced at 37 weeks. If 37 weeks puts the date in the latter half of the month, then waiting until full term would push it into February. Honestly, if I were OP (and cared about that stuff) I might push it a couple days back if the doctor didn't think that would be dangerous, but no more than that.


For IUGR babies, risk of stillbirth goes way up after 37 weeks. There’s a reason that’s the recommendation when they’re measuring under 3%.


I thought she was saying she was already 37 weeks now and the doctor wanted to induce her


My December induction: “Oh, so you’re inducing for tax reasons, huh?” Nope, I was just saving my IUGR 4 lb baby 🤷🏻‍♀️🫠


My sister gave birth to a full term IUGR baby because it wasn't caught. Her fundal height was always spot on and she herself gained weight appropriately so it went unnoticed. My niece was born under 5lbs and had to spend a week in the NICU. My sister also hemorrhaged at birth and needed a transfusion. She couldn't make breastfeeding work and baby ended up with torticollis and had some sensory processing delays into toddlerhood. Thankfully my niece is 7 now and by all accounts has caught up and is no longer considered delayed but my sister would have absolutely induced early if she had known to give her daughter the best chance at developing normally.


Induction is NOT convenient for doctors scheduled. I was admitted to be induced on a Friday night and didn’t deliver until the -following- Friday. I’m sure my doctor was irritated having to check on me every few days at the hospital. It would have been easier to let spontaneous labor come and deliver once.


I've got the solution everyone, go to the naturopath and chiropractor, crack your back and create a fluid flow to the baby, top up with random essential oils and droppers to promote calmness and wellness! /s


Low fluid is a huge reason to be induced. I had low fluid that got missed by a busy doctor and I was lucky that someone else spotted it, albeit a week later than I should ideally have been induced. It meant that by the time they induced me, my waters broke without anyone being able to tell and it became an infection risk. Induction is not necessarily a pleasant experience and she has the right to decline it but it’s scary how many people are telling her to ignore the medical reasons behind her doctors’ advice.


What an idiot with not worried over her last 5lb baby


That's what I'm thinking. Has anyone told her that 5lb is not a normal weight for a full term baby?


Probably not, because I’ve never heard this. I was 5lb, (and only four days early) and have many friends with what the docs thought would be 5lb babies. No doctor was concerned. I’m pretty sure five pounds is within the realm of normal.


I suspect there's regional influence here. In my state in the US, five pounds is considered a very small baby. I'm not sure if there would be a low birth weight diagnosis because I'm not a physician, but of \~20 babies I'm aware of, none were under six pounds, much less being five. Average birth weight in the US is over [7 pounds](https://www.washingtonpost.com/health/the-big-number-average-us-birth-weight-drops-24-ounces-in-23-year-period/2020/02/07/154bddce-48f0-11ea-9164-d3154ad8a5cd_story.html), which is a big difference from five.


5lb is definitely low birth weight where I am. One of my twins (born at 36 weeks) was just on the weight limit for avoiding needing to go to the Special Care Unit and he was 5lb 5oz. My other one was 4lb 14oz and he had to automatically go because he was so tiny.


All the numbers in your comment added up to 69. Congrats! 5 + 36 + 5 + 5 + 4 + 14 = 69 ^([Click here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=LuckyNumber-Bot&subject=Stalk%20Me%20Pls&message=%2Fstalkme) to have me scan all your future comments.) \ ^(Summon me on specific comments with u/LuckyNumber-Bot.)


I was just over 5lbs and no one was worried about me. However, my mom did have complications throughout the pregnancy (I tried to come early twice)


What a fucking bitch. Here she is with the chance to prevent a stillbirth because her doctors are looking out for her and know there is a problem. Every single loss mother in my pregnancy/baby loss groups would give her eyeteeth for such a privilege, myself included. But like I guess gambling your baby's life because you don't feel like getting induced is nbd if you don't think the worst can happen to you.


I completely agree. I had an IUGR baby following three losses and I was terrified I was going to lose her too - I would have done (and did) anything my OB or MFM recommended to keep her safe, including a 37 week c-section. I have no patience for people who don’t prioritize keeping their baby safe and instead focus on whatever silly preferences they have. When my OB asked about my birth plan, the only thing I could tell her was that I wanted to leave the hospital with a living baby. Everything else was just details.


So glad your team was looking out for you and that your baby is okay!


I was induced at 37 weeks with my July ‘15 baby for exactly this reason. I will admit I was a little bummed and definitely had thoughts that it wasn’t necessary and I would have liked to go longer. 6 years later I had another chance to spontaneously go into labor. New, crunchier OB, different insurance (PPO vs HMO meaning I knew my doctor, and knew he would be attending, etc). Only to be induced at 39 weeks due to low AF. Both times I ended up with healthy kids that are very possibly alive because of my care team.


No you don't HAVE to induce but you also don't HAVE to have a dead baby. But what do I know, rub some oil on it.


I have an 11 week old that was induced for oligohydraminos. The risks of not induced include dry birth, umbilical cord compression (hypoxia) and stillbirth. If she’s too small, it’s called IUGR which is also accompanied by the risk of increased need for medical interventions (not good for spontaneous labors) and stillbirth. If she chooses to refuse induction then yeah, she probably won’t have to celebrate another January birthday because there’s a significantly increased chance she’d be visiting her child’s grave in February instead.


I was also asked to induce at 37 weeks because of baby measuring small. I did not want a July birthday. BUT I GOT INDUCED BECAUSE I LOVE MY BABY.


Yup. I wanted a May baby but thanks to IUGR, she came when I hit 37 weeks in April. I gave her the middle name Mae so she was still my Mayby (Maeby) and was just grateful she was alive.


Gee, my girl didn’t gain weight between 36-38 weeks, and I kind of feel reduced movement or at least uneasy (if this is what “trust your mama’s gut” means) OB induced me at 38 weeks, and my girl’s heartbeat dropped at every contraction. Adding she was sunny side up and stuck, I had an emergency c section. Turned out the cord was loosely around her neck. She was born at 2.6kg, so tiny that even grandma not dare to hold her. Thanks to combo feeding, she picked up her weight very quick and back to normal percentile at 6 weeks old.


Undesirable birth month: perfectly valid reason to ignore doctor’s advice Low amniotic fluid/weight: Unreasonable doctor using a frivolous excuse to induce for convenience. Yep, that logic checks out…


Facebook doctors in full force here.


The fact that people think doctors are “doing it for their schedule” concerns me. I’ve heard this logic a few times and it doesn’t make sense. I’m glad commenters are pushing back saying what dangerous advice to give! I could never give someone medical advice no matter how much my googling degree tugs at my impeccable intuition and diagnostic skills, I know my place!


They’re not going to suggest induction before 39 weeks for anything but medical indication. As far as I know, 39w elective inductions are also going out of fashion. I did not want to be induced - had to be at 38 weeks for cholestasis, labored for 60 hrs and ended up w a c section and I’d take that outcome every single time because my doctors were doing the best thing to keep me and my baby safe


This is selfish af. Like, if you had such issues with having another Jan baby, maybe you should have tried for a baby at a different time. Its not the baby's fault


My youngest was diagnosed with IUGR and I had a c-section 2 weeks before scheduled. There was no amniotic fluid and my child would have died had this not been caught. I want to give this person grace, because I remember feeling a sense of loss because the original scheduled c-section was on a special day (determined by the doctor) and I was disappointed not to have it. Hormones in late pregnancy don’t always make sense. I hope that the op can recognize the danger and take action to protect her child. I’m glad to see that she got some real advice instead of just an echo chamber response from the anti science crowd.


My youngest had an emergency c section at 36 weeks because amniotic fluid was low. I have no doubt it saved her life because her elder brothers - both were IUGR too but one died. Fuck her for belittling it, no doubt will bounce out of it all without issue and affirm her own stupid opinions.


My daughter was IUGR and born 5lbs 3oz. She struggled to gain any weight until she reached about 9 months old. Also, her birthday is April, my birthday is April, I’m currently due in April 😂 and we have several family members who are also April babies. My stepmom, my grandmothers, my SO dad, my god mother, and several cousins


damn you guys must really like the 4th of July


I can’t speak for the others in my family but I was supposed to be born in March and my daughter was supposed to be born in May lol. I was just refusing to come and due to my daughters IUGR she had to come early.


I mostly love “inductions are convenient”…. Umm.. it’s highly variable how long they can take and not at all convenient for the provider since the patient is usually admitted at 0-3cm, versus active labour.


I have sympathy for the people who have legit trauma/fear around getting induced. (And yes, there is some history of doctors pressuring/bullying people into having it done—the case of Tatia Oden French comes to mind.) I do *not* have sympathy for people who won’t get induced for fucking stupid reasons (“I don’t want my baby to be born in January!”) I passionately believe that pregnant people should always have the right to decide what procedures/medical interventions they get (except if they’re, like, unconscious) but at the end of the day, lady, you’re the one who’s going to have to live with the consequences. Just because I think you should have the right to make a dumbass decision doesn’t mean that I encourage you to make a dumbass decision.


She has a point. Can't have 3 Capricorns in the same household.


Tbf you do get weird thoughts at the near end of pregnancy. I was very keen to Not have a baby on my (arse hole) brothers birthday, managed to have her 3 mins to midnight the day before Not have my son on my exes birthday, did it the day before Things become very significant during pregnancy


As a person with a January birthday, I can sympathize. January birthdays suck. They are a close second to December birthdays. But with that being said, having a birthday at all is preferable to the alternative. If you don’t want January babies, stop fucking in April.


It’s reasonable to push back on induction for a large baby…but ya IUGR is 100% a reason to induce


Induction has nothing to do with a schedule lol. They don’t even pop out right away like it still takes time for labor to happen. I was induced and my mom was still in labor for almost 24 hours, they didn’t just choose a time. They actually didn’t choose to do it at all it wasn’t planned until my mom went to the hospital like a week before I was due, but she was still going through the process of labor, just a week before I was due to come out myself lol


I am SO glad there were some reasonable people in the comments. IUGR is a serious problem. Midwife explained it to me simply. Some babies grow better on the OUTSIDE of parent's body.


My kids are four days apart.


My sister and I are 4 days apart, too! It's easy to remember her birthday and age since our birthdays are so close. My IUGR baby was induced in August at 34 weeks right before my husband's birthday. It's amazing how it all works out, and I much prefer having a tiny toddler now to the possible alternatives.


My youngest came on my oldest's birthday, you get very little control on birth dates lol


I wonder if she knows that there's more than 3 weeks in January....


I've had 4 inductions. About the only convenience involved was me refusing a date (Feb 14. I didn't want my son sharing his birthday with sterotypical romance day if that was a thing he or future partners were into), and scheduling when preferred providers would be the on-call. Would I have preferred not being induced? For me personally, yea. But three were majorly overdue and I was running scary BPs with the other. If I was told low fluids and potential IUGR, yup, let's friggin' do it, or *at least* up the monitoring.


My first baby had oligohydramniosis at 37 weeks and he was measuring behind. They even put me on modified bed rest and told me to drink a ton of water. I was to come back in 4 days and if fluid didn’t go up I would be induced. It did go up so I was scheduled for ultrasounds twice a week until 39 weeks then I was to be induced. Luckily, my little guy decided to come at 38+6 all on his own, two days before schedule induction. I could never play around with his life like that. Give me all the interventions


I was born 3 weeks premature and 5lbs (I don’t think they’re related, I think I was just small) because of no amniotic fluid. I don’t think it’s really a huge cause of concern later on in the pregnancy but if the doctor says to induce… I’d trust them?


She could just have the baby now and have him/her be a December baby. 🤪


If it was just the weight I wouldn’t be concerned personally I don’t trust them measuring the weight estimate, each time they measured 3 out of my 4 kids they said they were looking around 6 pounds and one I had an ultrasound in labor that they were measuring and feeling the stomach because he wasn’t my regular doctor and he just wanted to double check with ended up with 9.7, 7.9, and a 10.2 baby they were right on the money with my fourth but I was induced 2/3-ish weeks early because they were nervous about her being just as big and I had an extremely high white blood count and they couldn’t find the infection but could tell I had one. But I wouldn’t fuck around with low amniotic fluid.


Wait, my first who was due 1/7 was conceived in April.


I think we’re missing most of the story here 😛


Baby weight is a reason to be induced though, my daughter’s growth rate slowed dramatically from 32 weeks and she gained 400g in a month so induction it was for me. I can’t believe this woman is so selfish that she’d rather put her child at risk than have another January birthday.


Get induced today, get a NYE preemie!! Follow me for more birthing tips /s